
Defines functions namerows nulldefault funstofun colsplit.character colsplit.factor colsplit nested.by updatelist round_any rename uniquedefault untable sort_df expand.grid.df merge_recurse merge_all guess_value

Documented in colsplit colsplit.character colsplit.factor expand.grid.df funstofun guess_value merge_all merge_recurse namerows nested.by nulldefault rename round_any sort_df uniquedefault untable updatelist

# Guess value
# Guess name of value column
# Strategy:
# \enumerate{
#   \item Is value or (all) column present? If so, use that
#   \item Otherwise, guess that last column is the value column
# }
# @arguments Data frame to guess value column from
# @keyword internal
guess_value <- function(df) {
  if ("value" %in% names(df)) return("value")
  if ("(all)" %in% names(df)) return("(all)")
  last <- names(df)[ncol(df)]
  message("Using ", last, " as value column.  Use the value argument to cast to override this choice")

# Merge all
# Merge together a series of data.frames
# Order of data frames should be from most complete to least complete 
# @arguments list of data frames to merge
# @seealso \code{\link{merge_recurse}}
# @keyword manip
merge_all <- function(dfs, ...) {
  if (length(dfs)==1) return(dfs[[1]])
  df <- merge_recurse(dfs, ...)
  df <- df[, match(names(dfs[[1]]), names(df))]
  df[do.call("order", df[, -ncol(df), drop=FALSE]), ,drop=FALSE]

# Merge recursively
# Recursively merge data frames
# @arguments list of data frames to merge
# @seealso \code{\link{merge_all}}
# @keyword internal
merge_recurse <- function(dfs, ...) {
  if (length(dfs) == 2) {
    merge(dfs[[1]], dfs[[2]], all=TRUE, sort=FALSE, ...)
  } else {
    merge(dfs[[1]], Recall(dfs[-1]), all=TRUE, sort=FALSE, ...)

# Expand grid
# Expand grid of data frames
# Creates new data frame containing all combination of rows from
# data.frames in \code{...}
# @arguments list of data frames (first varies fastest)
# @arguments only use unique rows?
# @keyword manip
#X expand.grid.df(data.frame(a=1,b=1:2))
#X expand.grid.df(data.frame(a=1,b=1:2), data.frame())
#X expand.grid.df(data.frame(a=1,b=1:2), data.frame(c=1:2, d=1:2))
#X expand.grid.df(data.frame(a=1,b=1:2), data.frame(c=1:2, d=1:2), data.frame(e=c("a","b")))
expand.grid.df <- function(..., unique=TRUE) {
  dfs <- list(...)
  notempty <- sapply(dfs, ncol) != 0
  if (sum(notempty) == 1) return(dfs[notempty][[1]])
  if (unique) dfs <- lapply(dfs, unique)
  indexes <- lapply(dfs, function(x) 1:nrow(x))
  grid <- do.call(expand.grid, indexes)
  df <- do.call(data.frame, mapply(function(df, index) df[index, ,drop=FALSE], dfs, grid))
  colnames(df) <- unlist(lapply(dfs, colnames))
  rownames(df) <- 1:nrow(df)

# Sort data frame
# Convenience method for sorting a data frame using the given variables.
# Simple wrapper around order
# @arguments data frame to sort
# @arguments variables to use for sorting
# @returns sorted data frame
# @keyword manip 
sort_df <- function(data, vars=names(data)) {
  if (length(vars) == 0 || is.null(vars)) return(data)
  data[do.call("order", data[,vars, drop=FALSE]), ,drop=FALSE]

# Untable a dataset
# Inverse of table
# Given a tabulated dataset (or matrix) this will untabulate it
# by repeating each row by the number of times it was repeated
# @arguments matrix or data.frame to untable
# @arguments vector of counts (of same length as \code{df})
# @keyword manip 
untable <- function(df, num) {
  df[rep(1:nrow(df), num), ]

# Unique default
# Convenience function for setting default if not unique
# Used by ggplot2
# @arguments vector of values
# @arguments default to use if values not uniquez
# @keyword manip 
uniquedefault <- function(values, default) {
  unq <- unique(values)
  if (length(unq) == 1) unq[1] else "black"

# Rename
# Rename an object
# The rename function provide an easy way to rename the columns of a
# data.frame or the items in a list.
# @arguments object to be renamed
# @arguments named vector specifying new names
# @keyword manip
#X rename(mtcars, c(wt = "weight", cyl = "cylinders"))
#X a <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
#X rename(a, c(b = "a", c = "b", a="c")) 
#X # Example supplied by Timothy Bates
#X names <- c("john", "tim", "andy")
#X ages <- c(50, 46, 25)
#X mydata <- data.frame(names,ages)
#X names(mydata) #-> "name",  "ages"
#X # lets change "ages" to singular.
#X # nb: The operation is not done in place, so you need to set your 
#X # data to that returned from rename
#X mydata <- rename(mydata, c(ages="age"))
#X names(mydata) #-> "name",  "age"
rename <- function(x, replace) {
  replacement <-  replace[names(x)]
  names(x)[!is.na(replacement)] <- replacement[!is.na(replacement)]

# Round any
# Round to multiple of any number
# Useful when you want to round a number to arbitrary precision
# @arguments numeric vector to round
# @arguments number to round to
# @arguments function to use for round (eg. \code{\link{floor}})
# @keyword internal 
#X round_any(135, 10)
#X round_any(135, 100)
#X round_any(135, 25)
#X round_any(135, 10, floor)
#X round_any(135, 100, floor)
#X round_any(135, 25, floor)
#X round_any(135, 10, ceiling)
#X round_any(135, 100, ceiling)
#X round_any(135, 25, ceiling)
round_any <- function(x, accuracy, f=round) {
  f(x / accuracy) * accuracy

# Update list
# Update a list, but don't create new entries
# Don't know what this is used for!
# @arguments list to be updated
# @arguments list with updated values
# @keyword internal 
updatelist <- function(x, y)  {
  common <- intersect(names(x),names(y))
  x[common] <- y[common]

# Nested.by function
# Nest series of by statements returning nested list
# Work horse for producing cast lists.
# @keyword internal
nested.by <- function(data, INDICES, FUN, ...) {
  if (length(compact(INDICES)) == 0 || is.null(INDICES)) return(FUN(data, ...))
  FUNx <- function(x) FUN(data[x, ], ...)
  nd <- nrow(data)

  if (length(INDICES) == 1) {
    return(with(data, tapply(1:nd, INDICES[[1]], FUNx)))

  tapply(1:nd, INDICES[[length(INDICES)]], function(x) {
    nested.by(data[x, ], lapply(INDICES[-length(INDICES)],"[", x), FUN, ...)
  }, simplify=FALSE)

# Split a vector into multiple columns
# This function can be used to split up a column that has been pasted together.
# @arguments character vector or factor to split up
# @arguments regular expression to split on
# @arguments names for output columns
# @keyword manip
# @alias colsplit.factor
# @alias colsplit.character
colsplit <- function(x, split="", names) UseMethod("colsplit", x)
colsplit.factor <- function(x, split="", names) colsplit(as.character(x), split, names)
colsplit.character <- function(x, split="", names) {
  vars <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, strsplit(x, split)))
  names(vars) <- names
  as.data.frame(lapply(vars, function(x) type.convert(as.character(x))))

# Aggregate multiple functions into a single function
# Combine multiple functions to a single function returning a named vector of outputs
# Each function should produce a single number as output
# @arguments functions to combine
# @keyword manip
#X funstofun(min, max)(1:10)
#X funstofun(length, mean, var)(rnorm(100))
funstofun <- function(...) {
  fnames <- sapply(match.call()[-1], deparse)
  fs <- list(...)
  n <- length(fs)
  function(x, ...) {
    results <- vector("numeric", length=n)
    for(i in seq_len(n)) results[[i]] <- fs[[i]](x, ...)
    names(results) <- fnames

# Null default
# Use default value when null
# Handy method when argument defaults aren't good enough.
# @keyword internal
nulldefault <- function(x, default) {
  if (is.null(x)) default else x

# Name rows
# Add variable to data frame containing rownames
# This is useful when the thing that you want to melt by is the rownames
# of the data frame, not an explicit variable
# @arguments data frame
# @arguments name of new column containing rownames
# @keyword manip
namerows <- function(df, col.name = "id") {
  df[[col.name]] = rownames(df)

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