#' Generate counts
#' Use FARS or GES/CRSS data to generate commonly requested counts.
#' @export
#' @param df The input data object (must be of class 'FARS' or 'GESCRSS' as is produced by get_fars() and get_gescrss()).
#' @param what What to count: crashes (the default), fatalities, injuries, or people involved.
#' @param interval The interval in which to count: months or years (the default).
#' @param where Where to count. Must be a list with any of the elements:
#' states (can be 'all', full or abbreviated state names, or FIPS codes),
#' region ('all', 'ne', 'mw', 's', or 'w'; short for northeast, midwest, south, and west),
#' urb ('all', 'rural', or 'urban'). Any un-specified elements are set to 'all' by default.
#' @param who The type of person to count: 'all' (default) 'drivers', 'passengers', 'pedestrians', or 'bicyclists'.
#' @param involved Factors involved with the crash. Can be any of: 'distracted
#' driver', 'police pursuit', 'motorcycle', 'pedalcyclist',
#' 'bicyclist', 'pedestrian', 'pedbike', 'young driver', 'older driver', 'speeding',
#' 'alcohol', 'drugs', 'hit and run', 'roadway departure', 'rollover', or 'large
#' trucks'. NULL by default.
#' @param filterOnly Logical, whether to only filter data or reduce to counts (FALSE by default).
#' @return Either a filtered tibble (filterOnly=TRUE) or a tibble of counts
#' (filterOnly=FALSE). If filterOnly=TRUE, the tibble that is returned is
#' the 'flat' tibble from the input FARS object, filtered according to other
#' parameters.
#' If `df` is a GESCRSS object, the counts returned are the sum of the appropriate weights.
#' @import lubridate
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' counts(get_fars(years = 2019), where = list(states="Virginia", urb="rural"))
#' }
counts <- function(df,
what=c("crashes", "fatalities", "injuries", "people")[1],
interval=c("year", "month")[1],
region = c("all", "ne", "mw", "s", "w")[1],
urb=c("all", "rural", "urban")[1]),
who=c("all", "drivers", "passengers", "bicyclists", "pedestrians")[1],
if(!(any(class(df) %in% c("FARS", "GESCRSS")))){
stop("Input data must be of type FARS or GESCRSS. Use the results of get_fars() or get_gescrss().")
flat <- df$flat
# Resolve unspecified parameters ----
if(!("states" %in% names(where))) where[["states"]] <- "all"
if(!("region" %in% names(where))) where[["region"]] <- "all"
if(!("urb" %in% names(where))) where[["urb"]] <- "all"
# What ----
# (also determines how counts are done)
if(what == "fatalities") flat <- flat %>% filter(.data$inj_sev == "Fatal Injury (K)")
if(what == "injuries") flat <- flat %>% filter(.data$inj_sev %in% c("Incapacitating Injury (A)",
"Suspected Serious Injury (A)",
"Suspected Serious Injury(A)",
"Non-incapacitating Evident Injury (B)",
"Suspected Minor Injury (B)",
"Suspected Minor Injury(B)",
"Possible Injury (C)",
"Injured, Severity Unknown"
# Interval ----
if("month" %in% interval){
flat$date = lubridate::make_date(flat$year, match(flat$month,
} else{
flat$date = lubridate::make_date(flat$year, 1, 1)
interval <- c(interval, "date")
flat <- flat %>% group_by(across(all_of(interval)), .add=FALSE)
# Where ----
if(where$states != "all"){
mystates <- rfars::geo_relations %>% filter(.data$state_name_abbr %in% where$states |
.data$state_name_full %in% where$states |
.data$fips_state %in% where$states) %>%
pull("state_name_full") %>% unique()
if("FARS" %in% class(df)){
flat <- flat %>% filter(.data$state %in% mystates)
if("GESCRSS" %in% class(df)) stop("Cannot subset GESCRSS by state. Use region instead.")
if(where$region != "all"){
if("GESCRSS" %in% class(df)){
myregions <- filter(rfars::geo_relations, .data$region_abbr %in% where$region) %>% pull("region") %>% unique()
flat <- filter(flat, .data$region %in% myregions)
if("FARS" %in% class(df)){
myregionstates <- filter(rfars::geo_relations, .data$region_abbr %in% where$region) %>% pull("state_name_full") %>% unique()
flat <- filter(flat, .data$state %in% myregionstates)
if(where$urb != "all"){
if("GESCRSS" %in% class(df)){
myurb <- paste0(where$urb, " area")
flat <- filter(flat, tolower(.data$urbanicity) == myurb)
if("FARS" %in% class(df)){
flat <- filter(flat, tolower(.data$rur_urb) == tolower(where$urb))
# Involved ----
if("distracted driver" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, distracted_driver(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("police pursuit" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, police_pursuit(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("motorcycle" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, motorcycle(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("pedalcyclist" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, pedalcyclist(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("pedestrian" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, pedestrian(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("bicyclist" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, bicyclist(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("pedbike" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, pedbike(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("young driver" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, driver_age(df, 15, 20), by = c("year", "id"))
if("older driver" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, driver_age(df, 65, 100), by = c("year", "id"))
if("speeding" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, speeding(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("alcohol" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, alcohol(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("drugs" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, drugs(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("large trucks" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, large_trucks(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("hit and run" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, hit_and_run(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("roadway departure" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, road_depart(df), by = c("year", "id"))
if("rollover" %in% involved) flat <- inner_join(flat, rollover(df), by = c("year", "id"))
# Who ----
if(all(who != "all")){
who_convert <- data.frame(
simple = c("bicyclists", "pedestrians", "drivers", "passengers"),
indata = c("Bicyclist", "Pedestrian",
"Driver of a Motor Vehicle In-Transport",
"Passenger of a Motor Vehicle In-Transport")
flat <- filter(flat, .data$per_typ %in% who_convert$indata[who_convert$simple %in% who])
# Count ----
} else{
if("GESCRSS" %in% class(df)){
if(what == "crashes"){
#flat <- flat %>% select(all_of(c("id", interval, "region", "weight"))) %>% distinct() %>% group_by_at(c(interval, "region")) %>% summarize(n=sum(.data$weight, na.rm = T))
flat <- flat %>% select(all_of(c("id", interval, "weight"))) %>% distinct() %>% group_by_at(c(interval)) %>% summarize(n=sum(.data$weight, na.rm = T))
if(what %in% c("fatalities", "people", "injuries")) {
#flat <- flat %>% select(all_of(c("id", "veh_no", "per_no", interval, "region", "weight"))) %>% distinct() %>% group_by_at(c(interval, "region")) %>% summarize(n=sum(.data$weight, na.rm = T))
flat <- flat %>% select(all_of(c("id", "veh_no", "per_no", interval, "weight"))) %>% distinct() %>% group_by_at(c(interval)) %>% summarize(n=sum(.data$weight, na.rm = T))
if("FARS" %in% class(df)){
if(what == "crashes") flat <- flat %>% summarize(n=n_distinct(.data$id))
if(what %in% c("fatalities", "people", "injuries")) {
flat <- flat %>% summarize(n=n_distinct(.data$id, .data$veh_no, .data$per_no))
# Pad
# if("year" %in% interval & "month" %in% interval){
# flat <-
# flat %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# mutate(date = lubridate::make_date(.data$year, match(.data$month, %>%
# timetk::pad_by_time(.date_var = .data$date, .by = "month", .pad_value = 0) %>%
# mutate(month = lubridate::month(.data$date, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE),
# year = lubridate::year(.data$date))
# }
# if(length(interval)==1){
# if(interval == "year"){
# flat <-
# flat %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# mutate(date = lubridate::make_date(.data$year, month = 1, day = 1)) %>%
# timetk::pad_by_time(.date_var = .data$date, .by = "year", .pad_value = 0) %>%
# mutate(year = lubridate::year(.data$date))
# }
# if(interval == "month"){
# flat <-
# data.frame(month = %>%
# left_join(ungroup(flat)) %>%
# mutate(n = ifelse($n), 0, .data$n))
# }
# }
# }
# return ----
flat %>%
states= ifelse(is.null(where$states), "all", where$states),
involved=involved) %>%
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