#' Get FARS data
#' Bring FARS data into the current environment, whether by downloading it anew
#' or by using pre-existing files.
#' @export
#' @param years Years to be downloaded, in yyyy (character or numeric formats),
#' currently limited to 2011-2021 (the default).
#' @param states States to keep. Leave as NULL (the default) to keep
#' all states. Can be specified as full state name (e.g. "Virginia"),
#' abbreviation ("VA"), or FIPS code (51).
#' @param dir Directory in which to search for or save a 'FARS data' folder. If
#' NULL (the default), files are downloaded and unzipped to temporary
#' directories and prepared in memory.
#' @param proceed Logical, whether or not to proceed with downloading files without
#' asking for user permission (defaults to FALSE, thus asking permission)
#' @param cache The name of an RDS file to save or use. If the specified file (e.g., 'myFARS.rds')
#' exists in 'dir' it will be returned; if not, an RDS file of this name will be
#' saved in 'dir' for quick use in subsequent calls.
#' @return A FARS data object (list of six tibbles: flat, multi_acc,
#' multi_veh, multi_per, events, and codebook), described below.
#' @details This function downloads raw data from \href{}{NHTSA}.
#' If no directory (dir) is specified, SAS files are downloaded into a
#' tempdir(), where they are also prepared, combined, and then brought into
#' the current environment. If you specify a directory (dir), the function will
#' look there for a 'FARS data' folder. If not found, it will be created and
#' populated with raw and prepared SAS and RDS files. If the directory is found, the
#' function makes sure all requested years are present and asks permission
#' to download any missing years.
#' The object returned is a list with class 'FARS'. It contains six tibbles:
#' flat, multi_acc, multi_veh, multi_per, events, and codebook.
#' Flat files are wide-formatted and presented at the person level.
#' All \emph{crashes} involve at least one motor \emph{vehicle}, each of
#' which may contain one or multiple \emph{people}. These are the three
#' entities of crash data. The flat files therefore repeat some data elements
#' across multiple rows. Please conduct your analysis with your entity in mind.
#' Some data elements can include multiple values for any data level
#' (e.g., multiple weather conditions corresponding to the crash, or multiple
#' crash factors related to vehicle or person). These elements have been
#' collected in the yyyy_multi_[acc/veh/per].rds files in long format.
#' These files contain crash, vehicle, and person identifiers, and two
#' variables labelled \code{name} and \code{value}. These correspond to
#' variable names from the raw data files and the corresponding values,
#' respectively.
#' The events tibble provides a sequence of events for all vehicles involved
#' in the crash. See Crash Sequences vignette for an example.
#' Finally, the codebook tibble serves as a searchable codebook for all files of any given year.
#' Please review the \href{}{FARS Analytical User's Manual}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myFARS <- get_fars(years = 2021, states = "VA")
#' }
get_fars <- function(years = 2011:2022,
states = NULL,
dir = NULL,
proceed = FALSE,
cache = NULL
# Check for cached RDS file in dir
if(cache %in% list.files(dir)){
message("Note: you specified years and a cache file. If the cache file exists, 'years' is ignored.")
return(readRDS( gsub("//", "/", paste0(dir, "/", cache))))
# Check years ----
ymax <- max(as.numeric(years), na.rm = TRUE)
ymin <- min(as.numeric(years), na.rm = TRUE)
if(ymin < 2011) stop("Data not yet available prior to 2011.")
if(ymax > 2022) stop("Data not yet available beyond 2022.")
# Check states ----
# Download data without saving or checking hard drive ----
dest_files <-
tempdir() %>%
stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::fixed("\\"), "/") %>%
stringr::str_c("/FARS data")
dest_raw <- paste0(dest_files, "/raw")
dest_prepd <- paste0(dest_files, "/prepd")
dir.create(dest_files, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(dest_raw, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(dest_prepd, showWarnings = FALSE)
years = years,
dest_raw = dest_raw,
dest_prepd = dest_prepd,
dir = dir,
prepared_dir = dest_prepd,
cache = cache
# Look for pre-existing data ----
my_dir <-
data.frame(path=list.dirs(dir)) %>%
mutate(folder = stringr::word(.data$path, start = -1, end = -1, sep = "/")) %>%
filter(.data$folder == "FARS data")
dest_files <- paste0(dir, "/FARS data")
dest_raw <- paste0(dir, "/FARS data/raw")
dest_prepd <- paste0(dir, "/FARS data/prepd")
if(nrow(my_dir)==0){ ## No data found ----
x <- readline("We will now download several files from \nProceed? (Y/N) \n")
if(!(x %in% c("y", "Y"))) stop(message("Download cancelled.\n"))
dir.create(dest_files, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(dest_raw, showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(dest_prepd, showWarnings = FALSE)
download_fars(years = years, dest_raw = dest_raw, dest_prepd = dest_prepd, states = states)
return(use_fars(dir = dir, prepared_dir = dest_prepd, cache = cache))
if(nrow(my_dir)==1){ # Some data found ----
check_dir <- paste0(my_dir$path, "/prepd")
# Check years
files_found <- list.files(check_dir, pattern = "_flat.rds")
years_found <- stringr::word(files_found, sep = "_")
years_needed <- setdiff(years, years_found)
if(length(years_needed) > 0){
x <-
paste(years_needed, collapse = ", "),
" not found in ", dir,
"\nEnter '1' to download them or any other key to skip") %>%
if(x == "1"){
download_fars(years = years_needed, dest_raw = dest_raw, dest_prepd = dest_prepd, states=states)
} else{
stop("Download cancelled.\n")
} else{
message(paste0("Downloading years ", paste(years_needed, collapse = ", ")))
download_fars(years = years_needed, dest_raw = dest_raw, dest_prepd = dest_prepd, states=states)
return(use_fars(dir = dir, prepared_dir = dest_prepd, cache = cache))
if(nrow(my_dir)>1){ #Ambiguous
stop("Multiple 'FARS data' folders found. Please re-specify the 'dir' parameter.")
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