
## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

vmu = rep(1.1/sqrt(d),d)
vsd = c(rep(1.1, d/5), rep(1, d-d/5))
num1 = 100
num2 = 100
s1 = matrix(0,num1,d)               # sample 1
s2 = matrix(0,num2,d)               # sample 2

for (i in 1:num1) {
  s1[i,] = rnorm(d)
for (i in 1:(num2)) {
  s2[i,] = rnorm(d, mean = vmu, sd = vsd)

num1 = nrow(s1)                     # number of observations in sample 1
num2 = nrow(s2)                     # number of observations in sample 2

## ---- fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8-------------------------------------------
plot_dat = cbind([,1:5], s2[,1:5])), label = rep(c('sample 1', 'sample 2'), each = 100))
my_cols = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800")  
pairs(plot_dat[, 1:5], col = my_cols[as.factor(plot_dat$label)])

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
res1 = rg.test(data.X = s1, data.Y = s2, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, = weiMax, perm.num = 1000, progress_bar = F)

## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
type = c('robust generalized(asymptotic)', 'robust max-type(asymptotic)', 
         'robust generalized(permutation)', 'robust max-type(permutation)')
test.statistic = c(res1$asy.gen.statistic, res1$asy.max.statistic, NA, NA)
p.value = c(res1$asy.gen.pval, res1$asy.max.pval, res1$perm.gen.pval, res1$perm.max.pval)
res_tbl =, test.statistic, p.value))
knitr::kable(res_tbl, col.names = gsub("[.]", " ", names(res_tbl)))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
data = rbind(s1, s2)
dist = dist(as.matrix(data))
res2 = rg.test(dis = dist, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, k = 5, = weiMax, perm.num = 1000)

## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
type = c('robust generalized(asymptotic)', 'robust max-type(asymptotic)', 
         'robust generalized(permutation)', 'robust max-type(permutation)')
test.statistic = c(res2$asy.gen.statistic, res2$asy.max.statistic, NA, NA)
p.value = c(res2$asy.gen.pval, res2$asy.max.pval, res2$perm.gen.pval, res2$perm.max.pval)
res_tbl =, test.statistic, p.value))
knitr::kable(res_tbl, col.names = gsub("[.]", " ", names(res_tbl)))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
E = kmst(dis=dist, k=5)
res3 = rg.test(E = E, n1 = num1, n2 = num2, = weiMax, perm.num = 1000)

## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
type = c('robust generalized(asymptotic)', 'robust max-type(asymptotic)', 
         'robust generalized(permutation)', 'robust max-type(permutation)')
test.statistic = c(res3$asy.gen.statistic, res3$asy.max.statistic, NA, NA)
p.value = c(res3$asy.gen.pval, res3$asy.max.pval, res3$perm.gen.pval, res3$perm.max.pval)
res_tbl =, test.statistic, p.value))
knitr::kable(res_tbl, col.names = gsub("[.]", " ", names(res_tbl)))

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rgTest documentation built on Aug. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.