
Defines functions occ_count

Documented in occ_count

#' Get number of occurrence records.
#' @export
#' @param ... parameters passed to `occ_search()`.
#' @param occurrenceStatus (character) Default is "PRESENT". Specify whether 
#' search should return "PRESENT" or "ABSENT" data.
#' @param curlopts (list) curl options. 
#' @details
#' `occ_count()` is a short convenience wrapper for 
#' `occ_search(limit=0)$meta$count`. 
#' The current version (since rgbif 3.7.6) of `occ_count()` uses a different 
#' GBIF API endpoint from previous versions. This change greatly improves 
#' the usability of `occ_count()`. Legacy parameters `georeferenced`, `type`, 
#' `date`, `to`, `from` are no longer supported and not guaranteed to work 
#' correctly. 
#' Multiple values of the type `c("a","b")` will give an error, 
#' but `"a;b"` will work. 
#' @return
#' The occurrence count of the `occ_search()` query.
#' @seealso [occ_count_year()], [occ_count_country()], [occ_count_pub_country()], 
#' [occ_count_basis_of_record()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # total occurrences mediated by GBIF
#' occ_count() # should be > 2 billion! 
#' # number of plant occurrences
#' occ_count(kingdomKey=name_backbone("Plantea")$usageKey) 
#' occ_count(scientificName = 'Ursus americanus')
#' occ_count(country="DK") # found in Denmark 
#' occ_count(country="DK;US") # found in Denmark and United States
#' occ_count(publishingCountry="US") # published by the United States
#' # number of repatriated eBird records in India
#' occ_count(repatriated = TRUE,country="IN") 
#' occ_count(taxonKey=212) # number of bird occurrences
#' # between years 1800-1900
#' occ_count(basisOfRecord="PRESERVED_SPECIMEN", year="1800,1900") 
#' occ_count(recordedBy="John Waller") # recorded by John Waller
#' occ_count(decimalLatitude=0, decimalLongitude=0) # exactly on 0,0
#' # close to a known iso2 centroid
#' occ_count(distanceFromCentroidInMeters="0,2000") 
#' # close to a known iso2 centroid in Sweden
#' occ_count(distanceFromCentroidInMeters="0,2000",country="SE") 
#' occ_count(hasCoordinate=TRUE) # with coordinates
#' occ_count(protocol = "DIGIR") # published using DIGIR format
#' occ_count(mediaType = 'StillImage') # with images
#' # number of occurrences iucn status "critically endangered"
#' occ_count(iucnRedListCategory="CR") 
#' occ_count(verbatimScientificName="Calopteryx splendens;Calopteryx virgo")
#' occ_count(
#' geometry="POLYGON((24.70938 48.9221,24.71056 48.92175,24.71107
#'  48.92296,24.71002 48.92318,24.70938 48.9221))")
#' # getting a table of counts using the facets interface
#' # occurrence counts by year
#' occ_count(facet="year")
#' occ_count(facet="year",facetLimit=400)
#' # top scientificNames from Japan
#' occ_count(facet="scientificName",country="JP")
#' # top countries publishing specimen bird records between 1850 and 1880
#' occ_count(facet="scientificName",taxonKey=212,basisOfRecord="PRESERVED_SPECIMEN"
#' ,year="1850,1880")
#' # Number of present or absence records of Elephants
#' occ_count(facet="occurrenceStatus",scientificName="Elephantidae")
#' # top 100 datasets publshing occurrences to GBIF
#' occ_count(facet="datasetKey",facetLimit=100)
#' # top datasets publishing country centroids on GBIF
#' occ_count(facet="datasetKey",distanceFromCentroidInMeters="0")
#' # common values for coordinateUncertaintyInMeters for museum specimens
#' occ_count(facet="coordinateUncertaintyInMeters",basisOfRecord="PRESERVED_SPECIMEN")
#' # number of iucn listed bird and insect occurrences in Mexico
#' occ_count(facet="iucnRedListCategory",taxonKey="212;216",country="MX")
#' # most common latitude values mediated by GBIF
#' occ_count(facet="decimalLatitude")
#' # top iNaturalist users publishing research-grade obs to GBIF
#' occ_count(facet="recordedBy",datasetKey="50c9509d-22c7-4a22-a47d-8c48425ef4a7")
#' # top 100 iNaturalist users from Ukraine
#' occ_count(facet="recordedBy",datasetKey="50c9509d-22c7-4a22-a47d-8c48425ef4a7"
#' ,country="UA",facetLimit=100)
#' # top institutions publishing specimen occurrences to GBIF
#' occ_count(facet="institutionCode",basisOfRecord="PRESERVED_SPECIMEN")
#' }
occ_count <- function(...,occurrenceStatus="PRESENT", curlopts = list()) {
  args <- list(...)
  args <- rgbif_compact(c(args,occurrenceStatus=occurrenceStatus))
  arg_names <- names(args)
  # check if arg is acceptable
  formal_args <- names(formals(occ_search))
  facet_args <- c("facetLimit","facet","facetMincount","facetMultiselect")
  legacy_args <- c("georeferenced","date","to","from","type")
  # acceptable arguments or ignored arguments
  ign_args <- c("limit","start","fields","return","skip_validate","geom_big","geom_size","geom_n","...")
  acc_args <- c(formal_args,facet_args,legacy_args)
  bad_args <- (arg_names[(!arg_names %in% acc_args) | (arg_names %in% ign_args)])
  if(length(bad_args) > 0) warning(paste(bad_args,collapse=",")," not acceptable args for occ_count() and will be ignored.")

  # check for multiple values 
  if(any(!sapply(args,length) == 1)) stop("Multiple values of the form c('a','b') are not supported. Use 'a;b' instead. Multiple values are not supported for facets.")
  # handle legacy parameters 
  if("georeferenced" %in% arg_names) {
    .Deprecated(msg="arg 'georeferenced' is deprecated since rgbif 3.7.6, use 'hasCoordinate' and 'hasGeospatialIssue' instead.")
    if(args$georeferenced) {
      args$hasCoordinate <- TRUE
      args$hasGeospatialIssue <- FALSE
    if(is.null(args$georeferenced)) {
      args$hasCoordinate <- NULL
      args$hasGeospatialIssue <- NULL
    } else {
      args$hasCoordinate <- FALSE
      args$hasGeospatialIssue <- FALSE
  if("date" %in% arg_names) {
    .Deprecated(msg="arg 'date' is deprecated since rgbif 3.7.6")
    args$eventDate <- args$date
  if(any(c("to","from") %in% arg_names)) {
    .Deprecated(msg="args 'to' and 'from' are deprecated since rgbif 3.7.6, use 'year' instead.")
    args$year <- paste(args$from,args$to,sep=",")
  if("type" %in% arg_names) {
    .Deprecated(msg="arg 'type' is deprecated since rgbif 3.7.6, use 'occ_counts_*' functions instead.")
  res <- occ_search(
             taxonKey = args$taxonKey,
             scientificName = args$scientificName,
             country = args$country,
             publishingCountry = args$publishingCountry, 
             hasCoordinate = args$hasCoordinate, 
             typeStatus = args$typeStatus,
             recordNumber = args$recordNumber,
             lastInterpreted = args$lastInterpreted,
             continent = args$continent,
             geometry = args$geometry,
             recordedBy = args$recordedBy,
             recordedByID = args$recordedByID,
             identifiedByID = args$identifiedByID,
             basisOfRecord = args$basisOfRecord,
             datasetKey = args$datasetKey,
             eventDate = args$eventDate,
             catalogNumber = args$catalogNumber,
             year = args$year,
             month = args$month,
             decimalLatitude = args$decimalLatitude,
             decimalLongitude = args$decimalLongitude,
             elevation = args$elevation,
             depth = args$depth,
             institutionCode = args$institutionCode,
             collectionCode = args$collectionCode,
             hasGeospatialIssue = args$hasGeospatialIssue,
             issue = args$issue,
             search = args$search,
             mediaType = args$mediaType,
             subgenusKey = args$subgenusKey,
             repatriated = args$repatriated,
             phylumKey = args$phylumKey,
             kingdomKey = args$kingdomKey,
             classKey = args$classKey,
             orderKey = args$orderKey,
             familyKey = args$familyKey,
             genusKey = args$genusKey,
             speciesKey = args$speciesKey,
             establishmentMeans = args$establishmentMeans,
             degreeOfEstablishment = args$degreeOfEstablishment,
             protocol = args$protocol,
             license = args$license,
             organismId = args$organismId,
             publishingOrg = args$publishingOrg,
             stateProvince = args$stateProvince,
             waterBody = args$waterBody,
             locality = args$locality,
             occurrenceStatus = args$occurrenceStatus,
             gadmGid = args$gadmGid,
             coordinateUncertaintyInMeters = args$coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,
             verbatimScientificName = args$verbatimScientificName,
             eventId = args$identifiedBy,
             identifiedBy = args$identifiedBy,
             networkKey = args$networkKey,
             verbatimTaxonId = args$verbatimTaxonId,
             occurrenceId = args$occurrenceId,
             organismQuantity = args$organismQuantity,
             organismQuantityType = args$organismQuantityType,
             relativeOrganismQuantity = args$relativeOrganismQuantity,
             iucnRedListCategory = args$iucnRedListCategory,
             lifeStage = args$lifeStage,
             isInCluster = args$isInCluster,
             distanceFromCentroidInMeters = args$distanceFromCentroidInMeters,
             geoDistance = args$geoDistance,
             sex = args$sex,
             dwcaExtension = args$dwcaExtension,
             gbifId = args$gbifId,
             gbifRegion = args$gbifRegion,
             projectId = args$projectId,
             programme = args$programme,
             preparations = args$preparations,
             datasetId = args$datsetId,
             datasetName = args$datasetName,
             publishedByGbifRegion = args$publishedByGbifRegion,
             island = args$island,
             islandGroup = args$islandGroup,
             taxonId = args$taxonId,
             taxonConceptId = args$taxonConceptId,
             taxonomicStatus = args$taxonomicStatus,
             acceptedTaxonKey = args$acceptedTaxonKey,
             collectionKey = args$collectionsKey,
             institutionKey = args$institutionKey,
             otherCatalogNumbers = args$otherCatalogNumbers,
             georeferencedBy = args$georeferencedBy,
             installationKey = args$installationKey,
             hostingOrganizationKey = args$hostingOrganizationKey,
             crawlId = args$crawlId,
             modified = args$modified,
             higherGeography = args$higherGeography,
             fieldNumber = args$fieldNumber,
             parentEventId = args$parentEventId,
             samplingProtocol = args$samplingProtocol,
             sampleSizeUnit = args$sampleSizeUnit,
             pathway = args$pathway,
             gadmLevel0Gid = args$gadmLevel0Gid,
             gadmLevel1Gid = args$gadmLevel1Gid,
             gadmLevel2Gid = args$gadmLevel2Gid,
             gadmLevel3Gid = args$gadmLevel3Gid,
             earliestEonOrLowestEonothem = args$earliestEonOrLowestEonothem,
             latestEonOrHighestEonothem = args$latestEonOrHighestEonothem,
             earliestEraOrLowestErathem = args$earliestEraOrLowestErathem,
             latestEraOrHighestErathem = args$latestEraOrHighestErathem,
             earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem = args$earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem,
             latestPeriodOrHighestSystem = args$latestPeriodOrHighestSystem,
             earliestEpochOrLowestSeries = args$earliestEpochOrLowestSeries,
             latestEpochOrHighestSeries = args$latestEpochOrHighestSeries,
             earliestAgeOrLowestStage = args$earliestAgeOrLowestStage,
             latestAgeOrHighestStage = args$latestAgeOrHighestStage,
             lowestBiostratigraphicZone = args$lowestBiostratigraphicZone,
             highestBiostratigraphicZone = args$highestBiostratigraphicZone,
             group = args$group,
             formation = args$formation,
             member = args$member,
             bed = args$bed,
             associatedSequences = args$aassociatedSequences,
             isSequenced = args$isSequenced,
             startDayOfYear = args$startDayOfYear,
             endDayOfYear = args$endDayOfYear,
             fields = 'all',
             facet = args$facet,
             facetMincount = args$facetMincount,
             facetMultiselect = args$facetMultiselect,
             skip_validate = TRUE,
             curlopts = curlopts, 
             facetLimit = args$facetLimit)
 if("facet" %in% arg_names) {
      not_facet_arg <- c("skip_validate",
      acc_facet_arg <- formal_args[!formal_args %in% not_facet_arg]
   if(!args$facet %in% acc_facet_arg) stop("Bad facet arg.")
   count <- stats::setNames(res$facet[[1]],c(args$facet,"count"))
 } else {
   count <- as.numeric(res$meta$count)

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rgbif documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:22 a.m.