
Defines functions occ_download_queue

Documented in occ_download_queue

#' Download requests in a queue
#' @export
#' @param ... any number of [occ_download()] requests
#' @param .list any number of [occ_download_prep()] requests
#' @param status_ping (integer) seconds between pings checking status of
#' the download request. generally larger numbers for larger requests.
#' default: 10 (i.e., 10 seconds). must be 10 or greater
#' @return a list of `occ_download` class objects, see [occ_download_get()]
#' to fetch data
#' @details This function is a convenience wrapper around [occ_download()],
#' allowing the user to kick off any number of requests, while abiding by
#' GBIF rules of 3 concurrent requests per user.
#' @note see [downloads] for an overview of GBIF downloads methods
#' @family downloads
#' @section How it works:
#' It works by using lazy evaluation to collect your requests into a queue
#' (but does not use lazy evaluation if use the `.list` parameter).
#' Then it kicks of the first 3 requests. Then in a while loop, we check
#' status of those requests, and when any request finishes (see 
#' `When is a job done?` below), we kick off the
#' next, and so on. So in theory, there may not always strictly be 3 running
#' concurrently, but the function will usually provide for 3 running
#' concurrently.
#' @section When is a job done?:
#' We mark a job as done by checking the `/occurrence/download/` API route
#' with our [occ_download_meta()] function. If the status of the job is 
#' any of "succeeded", "killed", or "cancelled", then we mark the job as done
#' and move on to other jobs in the queue.
#' @section Beware:
#' This function is still in development. There's a lot of complexity
#' to this problem. We'll be rolling out fixes and improvements in future
#' versions of the package, so expect to have to adjust your code
#' with new versions.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) { # dont run in automated example runs, too costly
#' # passing occ_download() requests via ...
#' out <- occ_download_queue(
#'   occ_download(pred('taxonKey', 3119195), pred("year", 1976)),
#'   occ_download(pred('taxonKey', 3119195), pred("year", 2001)),
#'   occ_download(pred('taxonKey', 3119195), pred("year", 2001),
#'     pred_lte("month", 8)),
#'   occ_download(pred('taxonKey', 5229208), pred("year", 2011)),
#'   occ_download(pred('taxonKey', 2480946), pred("year", 2015)),
#'   occ_download(pred("country", "NZ"), pred("year", 1999),
#'     pred("month", 3)),
#'   occ_download(pred("catalogNumber", "Bird.27847588"),
#'     pred("year", 1998), pred("month", 2))
#' )
#' # supports <= 3 requests too
#' out <- occ_download_queue(
#'   occ_download(pred("country", "NZ"), pred("year", 1999), pred("month", 3)),
#'   occ_download(pred("catalogNumber", "Bird.27847588"), pred("year", 1998),
#'     pred("month", 2))
#' )
#' # using pre-prepared requests via .list
#' keys <- c(7905507, 5384395, 8911082)
#' queries <- list()
#' for (i in seq_along(keys)) {
#'   queries[[i]] <- occ_download_prep(
#'     pred("taxonKey", keys[i]),
#'     pred_in("basisOfRecord", c("HUMAN_OBSERVATION","OBSERVATION")),
#'     pred("hasCoordinate", TRUE),
#'     pred("hasGeospatialIssue", FALSE),
#'     pred("year", 1993)
#'   )
#' }
#' out <- occ_download_queue(.list = queries)
#' out
#' # another pre-prepared example
#' yrs <- 1930:1934
#' queries <- list()
#' for (i in seq_along(yrs)) {
#'   queries[[i]] <- occ_download_prep(
#'     pred("taxonKey", 2877951),
#'     pred_in("basisOfRecord", c("HUMAN_OBSERVATION","OBSERVATION")),
#'     pred("hasCoordinate", TRUE),
#'     pred("hasGeospatialIssue", FALSE),
#'     pred("year", yrs[i])
#'   )
#' }
#' out <- occ_download_queue(.list = queries)
#' out
#' }}
occ_download_queue <- function(..., .list = list(), status_ping = 10) {
  # number of max concurrent requests
  # hard-coded due to GBIF limits
  max_concurrent <- 3

  # status must be 10 sec or greater
  assert(status_ping, c('integer', 'numeric'))
  stopifnot(status_ping >= 10)

  # collect requests
  que <- GbifQueue$new(..., .list = .list)

  # stop if no requests submitted
  if (length(que$reqs) == 0) stop("no requests submitted")

  # initialize bucket to collect data
  results <- list()

  # add all jobs to the queue

  # start the 1st `max_concurrent` jobs
  kickoff <- if (length(que$reqs) > 3) 3 else length(que$reqs)
  reqend <- if (kickoff > 1) "s" else ""
  message(sprintf("kicking off first %s request%s", kickoff, reqend))
  res <- invisible(lapply(
    rgbif_compact(que$queue[seq_len(max_concurrent)]), function(x) {
    # remove from queue
    # run job
  # credentials check
  if (any(
    vapply(res, function(x) is.character(x) && !inherits(x, "occ_download"),
  ) {
    if (is.character(res[[1]])) stop(res[[1]], call. = FALSE)
  # get only occ_download objects
  res <- Filter(function(x) inherits(x, "occ_download"), res)

  # handle if 3 requests or less
  if (que$jobs() == 0) {
    message(sprintf("<= %s request%s, waiting for completion", kickoff, reqend))
    still_running <- TRUE
    while (still_running) {
      metas <- lapply(res, occ_download_meta)
      status <- vapply(metas, "[[", "", "status", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      still_running <- !all(tolower(status) %in% c('succeeded', 'killed', 'cancelled'))
    results <- res
  } else {
    message("> 3 requests, waiting for completion")
    # cycle through until all jobs run and complete
    while (que$jobs() > 0 || length(res) > 0) {
      metas <- lapply(rgbif_compact(res), occ_download_meta)
      status <- vapply(metas, "[[", "", "status", USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      statusbool <- tolower(status) %in% c('succeeded', 'killed', 'cancelled')

      if (any(statusbool)) {
          lapply(metas[statusbool], function(w) {
            sprintf("  %s: %s", w$key, tolower(w$status))
          collapse = "\n"

        # stash result
        results <- c(results, res[statusbool])
        # drop those done from `res` pool
        res <- res[!statusbool]

        # kick offf new job(s)
        if (que$jobs() > 0) {
          # take minimum of max concurrent - number still running OR number
          #  jobs remaining - we don't want to start 2 jobs if there's
          #  only 1 left to start
          jobs_to_start <- min(max_concurrent - length(res), que$jobs())
          # kick off N=jobs_to_start jobs
          for (i in seq_len(jobs_to_start)) {
            ## get job
            x <- que$next_()
            ## remove from queue
            ## run job
            message(sprintf("  running %s of %s",
              length(que$reqs) - length(que$queue), length(que$reqs)))
            res_single <- x[[1]]$run()
            ## stash into `res` pool
            res <- c(res, stats::setNames(list(res_single), names(x)))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rgbif documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:22 a.m.