
Defines functions occ_download_wait

Documented in occ_download_wait

#' Wait for an occurrence download to be done
#' @export
#' @param x and object of class `occ_download` or downloadkey
#' @param status_ping (integer) seconds between each [occ_download_meta()]
#' request. default is 5, and cannot be < 3
#' @param curlopts (list) curl options, as named list, passed on to
#' [occ_download_meta()]
#' @param quiet (logical) suppress messages. default: `FALSE`
#' @family downloads
#' @note [occ_download_queue()] is similar, but handles many requests
#' at once; `occ_download_wait` handles one request at a time
#' @return an object of class `occ_download_meta`, see [occ_download_meta()]
#' for details
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' x <- occ_download(
#'   pred("taxonKey", 9206251),
#'   pred_in("country", c("US", "MX")),
#'   pred_gte("year", 1971)
#' )
#' res <- occ_download_wait(x)
#' occ_download_meta(x)
#' # works also with a downloadkey
#' occ_download_wait("0000066-140928181241064") 
#' }
occ_download_wait <- function(x,
                              status_ping = 5,
                              curlopts = list(http_version=2),
                              quiet = FALSE) {
  if(!grepl("[0-9]+-[0-9]+",x)) stop("x should be a downloadkey or an occ_download object.")
  # assert(x, "occ_download")
  assert(status_ping, c("numeric", "integer"))
  assert(quiet, "logical")
  if (status_ping < 3) stop("ping seconds must be >= 3", call. = FALSE)
  status_pool <- c()
  still_running <- TRUE
  while(still_running) {
    tmp <- occ_download_meta(x, curlopts)
    status_current <- tolower(tmp$status)
    if (length(status_pool) == 0) {
      status_pool <- c(status_pool, status_current)
      mssg(!quiet, "status: ", status_current)
    } else if (length(status_pool) > 0) {
      if (status_current != last(status_pool)) {
        status_pool <- c(status_pool, status_current)
        mssg(!quiet, "status: ", status_current)
    still_running <- !(status_current %in% c('succeeded', 'killed'))
    if (still_running) Sys.sleep(status_ping)
  mssg(!quiet, "download is done, status: ", status_current)

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rgbif documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:22 a.m.