#' Abstract Class for Connections
#' @description An [R6::R6Class] object implementing the base [`Connection`]
#' class for affine connections.
#' @param tangent_vec A numeric array of shape `dim` specifying a tangent vector
#' at `base_point`.
#' @param tangent_vec_a Tangent vector at `base_point`.
#' @param tangent_vec_b Tangent vector at `base_point`.
#' @param tangent_vec_c Tangent vector at `base_point`.
#' @param base_point A numeric array of shape `dim` specifying a base point on
#' the manifold.
#' @param n_steps An integer value specifying the number of discrete time steps
#' to take in the integration. Defaults to `100L`.
#' @param step A string specifying which numerical scheme to use for
#' integration. Choices are `euler` or `rk4`. Defaults to `euler`.
#' @author Nicolas Guigui
#' @keywords internal
Connection <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "Connection",
inherit = PythonClass,
public = list(
#' @field dim An integer value specifying the dimension of the underlying
#' manifold.
dim = NULL,
#' @field shape An integer vector specifying the shape of one element of the
#' manifold. Defaults to `NULL`.
shape = NULL,
#' @field default_coords_type A string specifying the coordinate type.
#' Choices are `extrensic` or `intrinsic`. Dedaults to `intrinsic`.
default_coords_type = NULL,
#' @field default_point_type A string specifying the point type. Choices are
#' `vector` or `matrix`. It is automatically determined depending on the
#' manifold.
default_point_type = NULL,
#' @description The [`Connection`] class constructor.
#' @param dim An integer value specifying the dimension of the manifold.
#' @param shape An integer vector specifying the shape of one element of the
#' manifold. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param metric A [`RiemannianMetric`] object specifying the metric to use
#' on the manifold. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param default_coords_type A string specifying the coordinate type.
#' Choices are `extrensic` or `intrinsic`. Defaults to `intrinsic`.
#' @param py_cls A Python object of class `Connection`. Defaults to `NULL`
#' in which case it is instantiated on the fly using the other input
#' arguments.
#' @return An object of class [`Connection`].
initialize = function(dim, shape = NULL, default_coords_type = "intrinsic", py_cls = NULL) {
if (is.null(py_cls)) {
dim <- as.integer(dim)
if (!is.null(shape)) shape <- dim
py_cls <- gs$geometry$connection$Connection(
dim = dim,
shape = shape,
default_coords_type = default_coords_type
#' @description Christoffel symbols associated with the connection.
#' @return A numeric array of shape `c(dim, dim, dim)` storing the
#' Christoffel symbols, with the contravariant index on the first
#' dimension.
christoffels = function(base_point) {
#' @description Computes the geodesic ODE associated with the connection.
#' @param state A numeric array of shape `dim` specifying a tangent vector
#' to the manifold at the position specified by `.time`.
#' @param .time A numeric array of shape `dim` specifying a point on the
#' manifold at which to compute the geodesic ODE.
#' @return A numeric array of shape `dim` storing the value of the vector
#' field to be integrated at position.
geodesic_equation = function(state, .time) {
super$get_python_class()$geodesic_equation(state, .time)
#' @description Exponential map associated to the affine connection.
#' @details Exponential map at base_point of tangent_vec computed by
#' integration of the geodesic equation (initial value problem), using the
#' christoffel symbols.
#' @return A numeric array of shape `dim` storing the exponential of the
#' input tangent vector, which lies on on the manifold.
exp = function(tangent_vec, base_point, n_steps = 100, step = "euler") {
n_steps <- as.integer(n_steps)
step <- match.arg(step, c("euler", "rk4"))
tangent_vec = tangent_vec,
base_point = base_point,
n_steps = n_steps,
step = step
#' @description Logarithm map associated to the affine connection.
#' @details Solves the boundary value problem associated to the geodesic
#' equation using the Christoffel symbols and conjugate gradient descent.
#' @param point A numeric array of shape `dim` specifying a point on the
#' manifold.
#' @param max_iter An integer value specifying the number of iterations.
#' Defaults to `25L`.
#' @param verbose A boolean specifying whether the optimizer should display
#' intermediate messages pertaining to its convergence. Defaults to
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param tol A numeric value specifying the absolute tolerance for
#' optimization convergence. Defaults to `gs$backend$atol`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape `dim` storing the exponential of the
#' input tangent vector, which lies on on the manifold.
log = function(point, base_point, n_steps = 100, step = "euler",
max_iter = 25, verbose = FALSE, tol = gs$backend$atol) {
n_steps <- as.integer(n_steps)
step <- match.arg(step, c("euler", "rk4"))
max_iter <- as.integer(max_iter)
point = point,
base_point = base_point,
n_steps = n_steps,
step = step,
max_iter = max_iter,
verbose = verbose,
tol = tol
#' @description Approximate parallel transport using the pole ladder scheme.
#' @details Approximate parallel transport using either the pole ladder or
#' the Schild's ladder scheme
#' \insertCite{lorenzi2014efficient}{rgeomstats}. Pole ladder is exact in
#' symmetric spaces and of order two in general while Schild's ladder is a
#' first order approximation \insertCite{guigui2022numerical}{rgeomstats}.
#' Both schemes are available on any affine connection manifolds whose
#' exponential and logarithm maps are implemented. `tangent_vec` is
#' transported along the geodesic starting at the `base_point` with
#' initial tangent vector `direction`.
#' ## References
#' \insertCited{}
#' @param direction Tangent vector at base point specifying the initial
#' speed of the geodesic along which to transport.
#' @param n_rungs A scalar integer specifying the Number of steps of the
#' ladder. Defaults to `1L`.
#' @param scheme A string specifying the scheme to use for the construction
#' of the ladder at each step. Choices are either `pole` or `schild`.
#' Defaults to `pole`.
#' @param alpha A numeric value specifying the exponent for the scaling of
#' the vector to transport. Must be greater or equal to 1 and
#' \insertCite{guigui2022numerical;textual}{rgeomstats} proved that `alpha
#' = 2` is optimal. Defaults to `2`.
#' @param ... Extra arguments to be passed to calls to `$exp()` and `$log()`
#' in auxiliary single ladder step functions.
#' @return A named list with 3 components:
#' - `transported_tangent_vector`: Approximation of the parallel transport
#' of the input tangent vector.
#' - `trajectory` : A list of length `n_steps` storing the geodesics of the
#' construction, only if `return_geodesics = TRUE` in the step function. The
#' geodesics are methods of the class connection.
#' - `end_point`:
ladder_parallel_transport = function(tangent_vec, base_point, direction,
n_rungs = 1, scheme = "pole",
alpha = 1, ...) {
dots <- capture_extra_params(...)
dots$tangent_vec <- tangent_vec
dots$base_point <- base_point
dots$direction <- direction
dots$n_rungs <- as.integer(n_rungs)
dots$scheme <- match.arg(scheme, c("pole", "schild"))
dots$alpha <- alpha$get_python_class()$ladder_parallel_transport, dots)
#' @description Computes the curvature.
#' @details For three vector fields \eqn{X|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_a}},
#' \eqn{Y|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_b}}, \eqn{Z|_P =
#' \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_c}} with tangent vector specified in argument at
#' the base point \eqn{P}, the curvature is defined by \deqn{R(X,Y)Z =
#' \nabla_{[X,Y]}Z - \nabla_X\nabla_Y Z + \nabla_Y\nabla_X Z.}
#' @return Tangent vector at `base_point`.
curvature = function(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, tangent_vec_c, base_point) {
tangent_vec_a = tangent_vec_a,
tangent_vec_b = tangent_vec_b,
tangent_vec_c = tangent_vec_c,
base_point = base_point
#' @description Computes the directional curvature (tidal force operator).
#' @details For two vector fields \eqn{X|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_a}} and
#' \eqn{Y|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_b}} with tangent vector specified in
#' argument at the base point \eqn{P}, the directional curvature, better
#' known in relativity as the tidal force operator, is defined by
#' \deqn{R_Y(X) = R(Y,X)Y.}
#' @return Tangent vector at `base_point`.
directional_curvature = function(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point) {
tangent_vec_a = tangent_vec_a,
tangent_vec_b = tangent_vec_b,
base_point = base_point
#' @description Computes the covariant derivative of the curvature.
#' @details For four vector fields \eqn{H|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_a}},
#' \eqn{X|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_b}}, \eqn{Y|_P =
#' \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_c}}, \eqn{Z|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_d}} with
#' tangent vector value specified in argument at the base point \eqn{P},
#' the covariant derivative of the curvature \eqn{(\nabla_H R)(X, Y) Z
#' |_P} is computed at the base point \eqn{P}.
#' @param tangent_vec_d Tangent vector at `base_point`.
#' @return Tangent vector at `base_point`.
curvature_derivative = function(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b,
tangent_vec_c, tangent_vec_d,
base_point = NULL) {
tangent_vec_a = tangent_vec_a,
tangent_vec_b = tangent_vec_b,
tangent_vec_c = tangent_vec_c,
tangent_vec_d = tangent_vec_d,
base_point = base_point
#' @description Computes the covariant derivative of the directional
#' curvature.
#' @details For two vector fields \eqn{X|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_a}},
#' \eqn{Y|_P = \mathrm{tangent\_vec\_b}} with tangent vector value
#' specified in argument at the base point \eqn{P}, the covariant
#' derivative (in the direction \eqn{X}) \eqn{(\nabla_X R_Y)(X) |_P =
#' (\nabla_X R)(Y, X) Y |_P} of the directional curvature (in the
#' direction \eqn{Y}) \eqn{R_Y(X) = R(Y, X) Y} is a quadratic tensor in
#' \eqn{X} and \eqn{Y} that plays an important role in the computation of
#' the moments of the empirical Fréchet mean
#' \insertCite{pennec2019curvature}{rgeomstats}.
#' ## References
#' \insertCited{}
#' @return Tangent vector at `base_point`.
directional_curvature_derivative = function(tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b,
base_point = NULL) {
tangent_vec_a = tangent_vec_a,
tangent_vec_b = tangent_vec_b,
base_point = base_point
#' @description Generates parametrized function for the geodesic curve.
#' @details Geodesic curve defined by either:
#' - an initial point and an initial tangent vector,
#' - an initial point and an end point.
#' @param initial_point Point on the manifold specifying the initial point
#' of the geodesic.
#' @param end_point Point on the manifold specifying the end point of the
#' geodesic. Defaults to `NULL`, in which case an initial tangent vector
#' must be given.
#' @param initial_tangent_vec Tangent vector at base point specifying the
#' initial speed of the geodesics. Defaults to `NULL`, in which case an
#' end point must be given and a logarithm is computed.
#' @return A function representing the time-parametrized geodesic curve. If
#' a list of initial conditions is passed, the output list will contain,
#' for each time point, a list with the geodesic values each initial
#' condition.
geodesic = function(initial_point, end_point = NULL,
initial_tangent_vec = NULL) {
multiple_init <- is.list(initial_point)
if (multiple_init) {
initial_point <- simplify2array(initial_point)
n_dim <- length(dim(initial_point))
initial_point <- aperm(initial_point, c(n_dim, 1:(n_dim - 1)))
gd <- super$get_python_class()$geodesic(
initial_point = initial_point,
end_point = end_point,
initial_tangent_vec = initial_tangent_vec
function(time_points) {
res <- reticulate::py_call(gd, time_points) |>
reticulate::py_to_r() |>
purrr::array_tree(margin = 1)
if (multiple_init) {
res <- res |>
purrr::map(purrr::array_tree, margin = 1) |>
#' @description Computes the parallel transport of a tangent vector.
#' @details Closed-form solution for the parallel transport of a tangent
#' vector along the geodesic between two points `base_point` and
#' `end_point` or alternatively defined by \eqn{t \mapsto
#' \exp_\mathrm{base_point} (t \mathrm{direction})}.
#' @param direction Tangent vector at base point specifying the point along
#' which the parallel transport is computed. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param end_point Point on the manifold specifying the point to transport
#' to. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @return Tangent vector transported at \eqn{t \mapsto
#' \exp_\mathrm{base_point} (t \mathrm{direction})}.
parallel_transport = function(tangent_vec, base_point,
direction = NULL, end_point = NULL) {
tangent_vec = tangent_vec,
base_point = base_point,
direction = direction,
end_point = end_point
#' @description Computes the radius of the injectivity domain.
#' @details This is is the supremum of radii r for which the exponential
#' map is a diffeomorphism from the open ball of radius r centered at the
#' base point onto its image.
#' @return A numeric value representing the injectivity radius.
injectivity_radius = function(base_point) {
private = list(
set_fields = function() {
self$dim <- super$get_python_class()$dim
self$shape <- super$get_python_class()$shape
self$default_coords_type <- super$get_python_class()$default_coords_type
self$default_point_type <- super$get_python_class()$default_point_type
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