#' Abstract Class for Special Orthogonal Groups in Matrix Representation
#' @description Class for special orthogonal groups in matrix representation.
#' @author Nicolas Guigui and Nina Miolane
#' @family special orthogonal classes
#' @keywords internal
SpecialOrthogonalMatrices <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "SpecialOrthogonalMatrices",
inherit = MatrixLieGroup,
public = list(
#' @field bi_invariant_metric An object of class `BiInvariantMetric`
#' specifying the metric to equip the manifold with.
bi_invariant_metric = NULL,
#' @description The [`SpecialOrthogonalMatrices`] class constructor.
#' @param n An integer value specifying the number of rows and columns of
#' the matrices.
#' @param ... Extra arguments to be passed to parent class constructors. See
#' [`MatrixLieAlgebra`], [`LevelSet`] and [`Manifold`] classes.
#' @param py_cls A Python object of class `SpecialOrthogonalMatrices`.
#' Defaults to `NULL` in which case it is instantiated on the fly using
#' the other input arguments.
#' @return An object of class [`SpecialOrthogonalMatrices`].
initialize = function(n, ..., py_cls = NULL) {
if (is.null(py_cls)) {
dots <- capture_extra_params(...)
dots$n <- as.integer(n)
py_cls <-$geometry$special_orthogonal$`_SpecialOrthogonalMatrices`, dots)
# Set up the second parent class here
private$second_inheritance <- .SpecialOrthogonalMatrices$new(n, ..., py_cls = py_cls) # TO DO: not sure fields are inherited properly here
#' @description Evaluates if a point belongs to the manifold.
#' @param point A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times
#' \{\mathrm{dim}\}]} specifying one or more points to be checked.
#' @param atol A numeric value specifying the absolute tolerance for
#' checking. Defaults to `gs$backend$atol`.
#' @return A boolean value or vector storing whether the input points belong
#' to the manifold.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3)
#' so3$belongs(diag(1, 3))
#' }
belongs = function(point, atol = gs$backend$atol) {
private$second_inheritance$belongs(point, atol = atol)
#' @description Converts from intrinsic to extrinsic coordinates.
#' @param point_intrinsic A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times \{
#' \mathrm{dim} \}]} specifying one or more points on the embedded
#' manifold in intrinsic coordinates.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times \{
#' \mathrm{dim_embedding} \}]} storing the same points on the embedded
#' manifold in extrinsic coordinates.
intrinsic_to_extrinsic_coords = function(point_intrinsic) {
point_intrinsic = point_intrinsic
#' @description Converts from extrinsic to intrinsic coordinates.
#' @param point_extrinsic A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times \{
#' \mathrm{dim_embedding} \}]} specifying one or more points on the
#' embedded manifold in extrinsic coordinates.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times \{ \mathrm{dim} \}]}
#' storing the same points on the embedded manifold in intrinsic
#' coordinates.
extrinsic_to_intrinsic_coords = function(point_extrinsic) {
point_extrinsic = point_extrinsic
#' @description Project a matrix on \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(n)} by minimizing the
#' Frobenius norm.
#' @param point A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times n \times n]}
#' specifying one or more matrices.
#' @return A numeric array of the same shape storing the projected matrices.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(3)
#' so3$projection(diag(1, 3))
#' }
projection = function(point) {
private$second_inheritance$get_python_class()$projection(point = point)
private = list(
second_inheritance = NULL,
set_fields = function() {
self$n <- super$get_python_class()$n
self$bi_invariant_metric <- super$get_python_class()$bi_invariant_metric
.SpecialOrthogonalMatrices <- R6::R6Class(
classname = ".SpecialOrthogonalMatrices",
inherit = LevelSet,
public = list(
initialize = function(n, ..., py_cls = NULL) {
if (is.null(py_cls)) {
dots <- capture_extra_params(...)
dots$n <- as.integer(n)
py_cls <-$geometry$special_orthogonal$`_SpecialOrthogonalMatrices`, dots)
), private = list(
set_fields = function() {
#' Abstract Class for Special Orthogonal Groups in Vector Representation
#' @description Class for the special orthogonal groups
#' \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(\{2,3\})} in vector form, i.e. the Lie groups of planar
#' and 3D rotations. This class is specific to the vector representation of
#' rotations. For the matrix representation, use the [`SpecialOrthogonal`]
#' class and set `n = 2` or `n = 3`.
#' @author Nicolas Guigui and Nina Miolane
#' @keywords internal
SpecialOrthogonalVectors <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "SpecialOrthogonalVectors",
inherit = LieGroup,
public = list(
#' @field n An integer value specifying the number of rows and columns of
#' the matrices.
n = NULL,
#' @field epsilon A numeric value specifying the precision to use for
#' calculations involving potential divison by 0 in rotations.
epsilon = NULL,
#' @description The [`SpecialOrthogonalVectors`] class constructor.
#' @param n An integer value specifying the number of rows and columns of
#' the matrices.
#' @param epsilon A numeric value specifying the precision to use for
#' calculations involving potential divison by 0 in rotations. Defaults to
#' `0`.
#' @param py_cls A Python object of class `SpecialOrthogonalVectors`.
#' Defaults to `NULL` in which case it is instantiated on the fly using
#' the other input arguments.
#' @return An object of class [`SpecialOrthogonalVectors`].
initialize = function(n, epsilon = 0.0, py_cls = NULL) {
if (is.null(py_cls)) {
py_cls <- gs$geometry$special_orthogonal$`_SpecialOrthogonalVectors`(
n = n,
epsilon = epsilon
#' @description Projects a matrix on \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(2)} or
#' \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(3)} using the Frobenius norm.
#' @param point A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times n \times n]}
#' specifying one or more matrices to be projected.
#' @return A numeric array of the same shape as the input point storing the
#' projected matrices.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so2 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 2, point_type = "vector")
#' so2$projection(diag(1, 2))
#' }
projection = function(point) {
super$get_python_class()$projection(point = point)
#' @description Gets the skew-symmetric matrix derived from the vector. In
#' 3D, computes the skew-symmetric matrix, known as the cross-product of a
#' vector, associated to the vector `vec`.
#' @param vec A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times \mathrm{dim}]}
#' specifying one or more vectors from which to compute corresponding skew
#' matrix representations.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times n \times n]} storing
#' the corresponding skew matrix representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so2 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 2, point_type = "vector")
#' so2$skew_matrix_from_vector(array(0))
#' }
skew_matrix_from_vector = function(vec) {
super$get_python_class()$skew_matrix_from_vector(vec = vec)
#' @description Derives a vector from the skew-symmetric matrix. In 3D,
#' computes the vector defining the cross-product associated to a
#' skew-symmetric matrix.
#' @param skew_mat A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times n \times n]}
#' specifying skew matrices.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times \mathrm{dim}]}
#' storing the corresponding vector representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so2 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 2, point_type = "vector")
#' so2$vector_from_skew_matrix(diag(0, 2))
#' }
vector_from_skew_matrix = function(skew_mat) {
super$get_python_class()$vector_from_skew_matrix(skew_mat = skew_mat)
#' @description Regularizes a tangent vector at the identity. In 2D,
#' regularizes a tangent vector by getting its norm at the identity to be
#' less than \eqn{\pi}.
#' @param tangent_vec A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 1]}
#' specifying one or more tangent vectors at base point.
#' @param metric An object of class [`RiemannianMetric`] specifying the
#' metric to compute the norm of the tangent vector or `NULL`. If it is
#' set to `NULL`, it defaults to using the Euclidean metric.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 1]} storing the
#' regularized tangent vector(s).
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so2 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 2, point_type = "vector")
#' so2$regularize_tangent_vec_at_identity(array(0))
#' }
regularize_tangent_vec_at_identity = function(tangent_vec, metric = NULL) {
if (!is.null(metric)) metric <- metric$get_python_class()
tangent_vec = tangent_vec,
metric = metric
#' @description Regularizes a tangent vector at a base point. In 2D,
#' regularizes a tangent vector by getting the norm of its parallel
#' transport to the identity, determined by the metric, to be less than
#' \eqn{\pi}.
#' @param tangent_vec A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 1]}
#' specifying one or more tangent vectors at corresponding base points.
#' @param base_point A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 1]}
#' specifying one or more points on the manifold.
#' @param metric An object of class [`RiemannianMetric`] specifying the
#' metric to compute the norm of the tangent vector or `NULL`. If it is
#' set to `NULL`, it defaults to using the Euclidean metric.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 1]} storing the
#' regularized tangent vector(s).
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so2 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 2, point_type = "vector")
#' so2$regularize_tangent_vec(array(0), array(1))
#' }
regularize_tangent_vec = function(tangent_vec, base_point, metric = NULL) {
if (!is.null(metric)) metric <- metric$get_python_class()
tangent_vec = tangent_vec,
base_point = base_point,
metric = metric
private = list(
set_fields = function() {
self$n <- super$get_python_class()$n
self$epsilon <- super$get_python_class()$epsilon
#' Abstract Class for the 2D Special Orthogonal Group in Vector Representation
#' @description Class for the special orthogonal group \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(2)} in
#' vector form, i.e. the Lie group of planar rotations. This class is
#' specific to the vector representation of rotations. For the matrix
#' representation, use the [`SpecialOrthogonal`] class and set `n = 2`.
#' @author Nicolas Guigui and Nina Miolane
#' @family special orthogonal classes
#' @keywords internal
SpecialOrthogonal2Vectors <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "SpecialOrthogonal2Vectors",
inherit = SpecialOrthogonalVectors,
public = list(
#' @description The [`SpecialOrthogonal2Vectors`] class constructor.
#' @param epsilon A numeric value specifying the precision to use for
#' calculations involving potential division by 0 in rotations. Defaults to
#' `0`.
#' @param py_cls A Python object of class `SpecialOrthogonal2Vectors`.
#' Defaults to `NULL` in which case it is instantiated on the fly using
#' the other input arguments.
#' @return An object of class [`SpecialOrthogonal2Vectors`].
initialize = function(epsilon = 0.0, py_cls = NULL) {
if (is.null(py_cls)) {
py_cls <- gs$geometry$special_orthogonal$`_SpecialOrthogonal2Vectors`(
epsilon = epsilon
#' @description Converts rotation matrix (in 2D) to rotation vector
#' (axis-angle) getting the angle through the `atan2()` function.
#' @param rot_mat A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 2 \times 2]}
#' specifying one or more 2D rotation matrices.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 1]} storing the
#' corresponding axis-angle representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so2 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 2, point_type = "vector")
#' so2$rotation_vector_from_matrix(diag(1, 2))
#' }
rotation_vector_from_matrix = function(rot_mat) {
super$get_python_class()$rotation_vector_from_matrix(rot_mat = rot_mat)
#' @description Convert a 2D rotation from vector to matrix representation.
#' @param rot_vec A numeric array of shape \eqn{... \times 1} specifying one
#' or more 2D rotations in vector representation.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{... \times 2 \times 2} storing the
#' corresponding 2D rotation matrices.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so2 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 2, point_type = "vector")
#' so2$matrix_from_rotation_vector(array(0))
#' }
matrix_from_rotation_vector = function(rot_vec) {
super$get_python_class()$matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec = rot_vec)
#' @description Samples in \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(2)} from a uniform distribution.
#' @param n_samples An integer value specifying the sample size. Defaults to
#' `1L`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{... \times 1} storing a sample of
#' 2D rotations in axis-angle representation uniformly sampled in
#' \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(2)}.
random_uniform = function(n_samples = 1) {
super$get_python_class()$random_uniform(n_samples = as.integer(n_samples))
private = list(
set_fields = function() {
#' Abstract Class for the 3D Special Orthogonal Group in Vector Representation
#' @description Class for the special orthogonal group \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(3)} in
#' vector form, i.e. the Lie group of 3D rotations. This class is specific to
#' the vector representation of rotations. For the matrix representation, use
#' the [`SpecialOrthogonal`] class and set `n = 3`.
#' @author Nicolas Guigui and Nina Miolane
#' @family special orthogonal classes
#' @keywords internal
SpecialOrthogonal3Vectors <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "SpecialOrthogonal3Vectors",
inherit = SpecialOrthogonalVectors,
public = list(
#' @field bi_invariant_metric An object of class `BiInvariantMetric`
#' specifying the metric to equip the manifold with.
bi_invariant_metric = NULL,
#' @description The [`SpecialOrthogonal3Vectors`] class constructor.
#' @param epsilon A numeric value specifying the precision to use for
#' calculations involving potential division by 0 in rotations. Defaults to
#' `0`.
#' @param py_cls A Python object of class `SpecialOrthogonal3Vectors`.
#' Defaults to `NULL` in which case it is instantiated on the fly using
#' the other input arguments.
#' @return An object of class [`SpecialOrthogonal3Vectors`].
initialize = function(epsilon = 0.0, py_cls = NULL) {
if (is.null(py_cls)) {
py_cls <- gs$geometry$special_orthogonal$`_SpecialOrthogonal3Vectors`(
epsilon = epsilon
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from matrix to axis-angle
#' representation.
#' @details Gets the angle \eqn{\theta} through the trace of the rotation
#' matrix. The eigenvalues are: \deqn{\{ 1, \cos \theta + i \sin \theta,
#' \cos \theta - i \sin \theta \}} so that \deqn{\mathrm{trace} = 1 + 2
#' \cos \theta, \{ -1 \leq \mathrm{trace} \leq 3 \}.}
#' The rotation vector is the vector associated to the skew-symmetric matrix
#' \deqn{S_r = \frac{\theta}{(2 \sin \theta) (R - R^T)}.}
#' For the edge case where the angle is close to \eqn{\pi}, the rotation
#' vector (up to sign) is derived by using the following equality (see the
#' axis-angle representation on Wikipedia): \deqn{\mathrm{outer}(r, r) =
#' \frac{1}{2} (R + I_3).}
#' In nD, the rotation vector stores the \eqn{n(n-1)/2} values of the
#' skew-symmetric matrix representing the rotation.
#' @param rot_mat A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3 \times 3]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotation matrices.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} storing the
#' corresponding axis-angle representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$rotation_vector_from_matrix(diag(1, 3))
#' }
rotation_vector_from_matrix = function(rot_mat) {
super$get_python_class()$rotation_vector_from_matrix(rot_mat = rot_mat)
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from axis-angle to matrix
#' representation.
#' @param rot_vec A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} specifying
#' one or more 3D rotations in axis-angle representation.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3 \times 3]} storing
#' the corresponding matrix representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$matrix_from_rotation_vector(rep(0, 3))
#' }
matrix_from_rotation_vector = function(rot_vec) {
super$get_python_class()$matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec = rot_vec)
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from matrix to unit quaternion
#' representation.
#' @param rot_mat A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3 \times 3]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotations in matrix representation.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 4]} storing the
#' corresponding unit quaternion representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$quaternion_from_matrix(diag(1, 3))
#' }
quaternion_from_matrix = function(rot_mat) {
super$get_python_class()$quaternion_from_matrix(rot_mat = rot_mat)
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from axis-angle to unit quaternion
#' representation.
#' @param rot_vec A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} specifying
#' one or more 3D rotations in axis-angle representation.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 4]} storing the
#' corresponding unit quaternion representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$quaternion_from_rotation_vector(rep(0, 3))
#' }
quaternion_from_rotation_vector = function(rot_vec) {
super$get_python_class()$quaternion_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec = rot_vec)
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from unit quaternion to axis-angle
#' representation.
#' @param quaternion A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 4]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotations in unit quaternion representation.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} storing the
#' corresponding axis-angle representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$rotation_vector_from_quaternion(array(c(1, rep(0, 3))))
#' }
rotation_vector_from_quaternion = function(quaternion) {
super$get_python_class()$rotation_vector_from_quaternion(quaternion = quaternion)
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from unit quaternion to matrix
#' representation.
#' @param quaternion A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 4]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotations in unit quaternion representation.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3 \times 3]} storing
#' the corresponding matrix representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$matrix_from_quaternion(c(1, rep(0, 3)))
#' }
matrix_from_quaternion = function(quaternion) {
super$get_python_class()$matrix_from_quaternion(quaternion = quaternion)
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from Tait-Bryan angle to matrix
#' representation.
#' @details Converts a rotation given in terms of the Tait-Bryan angles
#' `[angle_1, angle_2, angle_3]` in extrinsic (fixed) or intrinsic
#' (moving) coordinate frame in the corresponding matrix representation.
#' If the order is `zyx`, into the rotation matrix `rot_mat = X(angle_1)
#' Y(angle_2) Z(angle_3)` where:
#' - `X(angle_1)` is a rotation of angle `angle_1` around axis `x`;
#' - `Y(angle_2)` is a rotation of angle `angle_2` around axis `y`;
#' - `Z(angle_3)` is a rotation of angle `angle_3` around axis `z`.
#' Exchanging `'extrinsic'` and `'intrinsic'` amounts to exchanging the
#' order.
#' @param tait_bryan_angles A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotations in Tait-Bryan angle representation.
#' @param extrinsic_or_intrinsic A character string specifying the
#' coordinate frame in which the Tait-Bryan angles are expressed. Choices
#' are either `"extrinsic"` (fixed frame) or `"intrinsic"` (moving frame).
#' Defaults to `"extrinsic"`.
#' @param order A character string specifying the order of the rotation
#' composition around the three axes of the chosen coordinate frame.
#' Choices are either `"xyz"` or `"zyx"`. Defaults to `"zyx"`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3 \times 3]} storing
#' the corresponding matrix representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$matrix_from_tait_bryan_angles(rep(0, 3))
#' }
matrix_from_tait_bryan_angles = function(tait_bryan_angles,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = "extrinsic",
order = "zyx") {
tait_bryan_angles = tait_bryan_angles,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = extrinsic_or_intrinsic,
order = order
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from matrix to Tait-Bryan angle
#' representation.
#' @details Converts a rotation given in matrix representation into its
#' Tait-Bryan angle representation `[angle_1, angle_2, angle_3]` in
#' extrinsic (fixed) or intrinsic (moving) coordinate frame in the
#' corresponding matrix representation. If the order is `zyx`, into the
#' rotation matrix `rot_mat = X(angle_1) Y(angle_2) Z(angle_3)` where:
#' - `X(angle_1)` is a rotation of angle `angle_1` around axis `x`;
#' - `Y(angle_2)` is a rotation of angle `angle_2` around axis `y`;
#' - `Z(angle_3)` is a rotation of angle `angle_3` around axis `z`.
#' Exchanging `'extrinsic'` and `'intrinsic'` amounts to exchanging the
#' order.
#' @param rot_mat A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3 \times 3]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotations in matrix representation.
#' @param extrinsic_or_intrinsic A character string specifying the
#' coordinate frame in which the Tait-Bryan angles are expressed. Choices
#' are either `"extrinsic"` (fixed frame) or `"intrinsic"` (moving frame).
#' Defaults to `"extrinsic"`.
#' @param order A character string specifying the order of the rotation
#' composition around the three axes of the chosen coordinate frame.
#' Choices are either `"xyz"` or `"zyx"`. Defaults to `"zyx"`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} storing the
#' corresponding Tait-Bryan angle representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$tait_bryan_angles_from_matrix(diag(1, 3))
#' }
tait_bryan_angles_from_matrix = function(rot_mat,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = "extrinsic",
order = "zyx") {
rot_mat = rot_mat,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = extrinsic_or_intrinsic,
order = order
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from Tait-Bryan angle to unit
#' quaternion representation.
#' @param tait_bryan_angles A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotations in Tait-Bryan angle representation.
#' @param extrinsic_or_intrinsic A character string specifying the
#' coordinate frame in which the Tait-Bryan angles are expressed. Choices
#' are either `"extrinsic"` (fixed frame) or `"intrinsic"` (moving frame).
#' Defaults to `"extrinsic"`.
#' @param order A character string specifying the order of the rotation
#' composition around the three axes of the chosen coordinate frame.
#' Choices are either `"xyz"` or `"zyx"`. Defaults to `"zyx"`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 4]} storing the
#' corresponding unit quaternion representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$quaternion_from_tait_bryan_angles(rep(0, 3))
#' }
quaternion_from_tait_bryan_angles = function(tait_bryan_angles,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = "extrinsic",
order = "zyx") {
tait_bryan_angles = tait_bryan_angles,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = extrinsic_or_intrinsic,
order = order
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from Tait-Bryan angle to axis-angle
#' representation.
#' @param tait_bryan_angles A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotations in Tait-Bryan angle representation.
#' @param extrinsic_or_intrinsic A character string specifying the
#' coordinate frame in which the Tait-Bryan angles are expressed. Choices
#' are either `"extrinsic"` (fixed frame) or `"intrinsic"` (moving frame).
#' Defaults to `"extrinsic"`.
#' @param order A character string specifying the order of the rotation
#' composition around the three axes of the chosen coordinate frame.
#' Choices are either `"xyz"` or `"zyx"`. Defaults to `"zyx"`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} storing the
#' corresponding axis-angle representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$rotation_vector_from_tait_bryan_angles(rep(0, 3))
#' }
rotation_vector_from_tait_bryan_angles = function(tait_bryan_angles,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = "extrinsic",
order = "zyx") {
tait_bryan_angles = tait_bryan_angles,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = extrinsic_or_intrinsic,
order = order
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from matrix to Tait-Bryan angle
#' representation.
#' @param quaternion A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 4]}
#' specifying one or more 3D rotations in unit quaternion representation.
#' @param extrinsic_or_intrinsic A character string specifying the
#' coordinate frame in which the Tait-Bryan angles are expressed. Choices
#' are either `"extrinsic"` (fixed frame) or `"intrinsic"` (moving frame).
#' Defaults to `"extrinsic"`.
#' @param order A character string specifying the order of the rotation
#' composition around the three axes of the chosen coordinate frame.
#' Choices are either `"xyz"` or `"zyx"`. Defaults to `"zyx"`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} storing the
#' corresponding Tait-Bryan angle representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$tait_bryan_angles_from_quaternion(c(1, rep(0, 3)))
#' }
tait_bryan_angles_from_quaternion = function(quaternion,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = "extrinsic",
order = "zyx") {
quaternion = quaternion,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = extrinsic_or_intrinsic,
order = order
#' @description Converts a 3D rotation from axis-angle to Tait-Bryan angle
#' representation.
#' @param rot_vec A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} specifying
#' one or more 3D rotations in axis-angle representation.
#' @param extrinsic_or_intrinsic A character string specifying the
#' coordinate frame in which the Tait-Bryan angles are expressed. Choices
#' are either `"extrinsic"` (fixed frame) or `"intrinsic"` (moving frame).
#' Defaults to `"extrinsic"`.
#' @param order A character string specifying the order of the rotation
#' composition around the three axes of the chosen coordinate frame.
#' Choices are either `"xyz"` or `"zyx"`. Defaults to `"zyx"`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} storing the
#' corresponding Tait-Bryan angle representations.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$tait_bryan_angles_from_rotation_vector(rep(0, 3))
#' }
tait_bryan_angles_from_rotation_vector = function(rot_vec,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = "extrinsic",
order = "zyx") {
rot_vec = rot_vec,
extrinsic_or_intrinsic = extrinsic_or_intrinsic,
order = order
#' @description Samples in \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(3)} from a uniform distribution.
#' @param n_samples An integer value specifying the sample size. Defaults to
#' `1L`.
#' @return A numeric array of shape \eqn{[\dots \times 3]} storing a sample
#' of 3D rotations in axis-angle representation uniformly sampled in
#' \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(3)}.
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3, point_type = "vector")
#' so3$random_uniform()
#' }
random_uniform = function(n_samples = 1) {
super$get_python_class()$random_uniform(n_samples = as.integer(n_samples))
private = list(
set_fields = function() {
self$bi_invariant_metric <- super$get_python_class()$bi_invariant_metric
#' Class for the Special Orthogonal Group
#' This function generates an instance of the class for the special orthogonal
#' group \eqn{\mathrm{SO}(n)}.
#' @author Nicolas Guigui and Nina Miolane
#' @param n An integer value representing the shape of the `n x n` matrices.
#' @param point_type A character string specifying how elements of the group
#' should be represented. Choices are either `"vector"` or `"matrix"`.
#' Defaults to `"matrix"`.
#' @param epsilon A numeric value specifying the precision to use for
#' calculations involving potential division by 0 in rotations. Defaults to
#' `0.0`.
#' @param ... Extra arguments to be passed to parent class constructors. See
#' [`LieGroup`], [`MatrixLieAlgebra`], [`LevelSet`] and [`Manifold`] classes.
#' @param py_cls A Python object of class `SpecialOrthogonal`. Defaults to
#' `NULL` in which case it is instantiated on the fly using the other input
#' arguments.
#' @return An object of class [`SpecialOrthogonal`] which is an instance of one
#' of three different [`R6::R6Class`] depending on the values of the input
#' arguments. Specifically:
#' - if `n == 2` and `point_type == "vector"`, then the user wants to
#' instantiate the space of 2D rotations in vector representations and thus the
#' output is an instance of the [`SpecialOrthogonal2Vectors`] class;
#' - if `n == 3` and `point_type == "vector"`, then the user wants to
#' instantiate the space of 3D rotations in vector representations and thus the
#' output is an instance of the [`SpecialOrthogonal3Vectors`] class;
#' - in all other cases, either the user is dealing with rotations in matrix
#' representation or with rotations in dimension greater than 3 and thus the
#' output is an instance of the [`SpecialOrthogonalMatrices`] class.
#' @family special orthogonal classes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (reticulate::py_module_available("geomstats")) {
#' so3 <- SpecialOrthogonal(n = 3)
#' so3
#' }
SpecialOrthogonal <- function(n, point_type = "matrix", epsilon = 0.0, ..., py_cls = NULL) {
if (n == 2 && point_type == "vector") {
cls <- SpecialOrthogonal2Vectors$new(epsilon, py_cls = py_cls)
class(cls) <- c("SpecialOrthogonal", class(cls))
if (n == 3 && point_type == "vector") {
cls <- SpecialOrthogonal3Vectors$new(epsilon, py_cls = py_cls)
class(cls) <- c("SpecialOrthogonal", class(cls))
if (point_type == "vector")
cli::cli_abort("SO(n) is only implemented in vector representation for n = 2 or 3.")
cls <- SpecialOrthogonalMatrices$new(n, ..., py_cls = py_cls)
class(cls) <- c("SpecialOrthogonal", class(cls))
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