
Defines functions gx.2dproj

Documented in gx.2dproj

gx.2dproj <-
function(xx, proc = "sam", ifilr = FALSE, log = FALSE, rsnd = FALSE,
         snd = FALSE, range = FALSE, main = "", setseed = FALSE,
         row.omits = NULL, ...)
     # Function to undertake reduced space (k=2) multidimensional scaling
     # ("mds", principal coordinate analysis), preparation of a minimum 
     # spanning tree ("mst"), or computation of a Sammon non-linear map
     # ("sam"), the default.  Requires that Library MASS is attached.  At
     # this time (2010/12/15) no R-script is available for minimum spanning
     # trees in the 'planing' mode, it is not available in R-MASS.
     # Function modified to accomodate isoMDS ("iso") from library MASS and
     # fastICA ("ica") from library fastICA for a projection pursuit option
     # (2011/02/04).
     # Individuals (rows) may be trimmed from the input matrix.  Specify the
     # rows to be trimmed as a concatenation, e.g. c(13,15,16).
     # The signs of the 2-d coordinates have been adjusted so that the same
     # general configuration is obtained with the ilr transformed 'sind' data.
     # Note that the fastICA algorithm provides different reflections of the
     # 2-d projection on repeated executions unless setseed = TRUE.
     # Note: For compositional, geochemical data set ifilr = TRUE, and all
     # other transformation options are ignored.
     # Note: Executing a log transform does effect the subsequent computations.
     # Note: A 0-1 range transformation following a SND normalization does not
     # affect the results.  Therefore the software only permits one of the post
     # log transformations, i.e. ether Robust SND, SND or range.  The default
     # is no transformation.  A range transformation with no log transformation,
     # usually results in the lowest stress.  However, SND transformations often
     # lead to informative projections, even though they do not have minimum
     # stress.
     # Note: Not defining main results in the name of the input matrix being
     # used for the plot title.  If a blank title is required, set main = " ", 
     # i.e. a blank between the quotes.
     if(!is.matrix(xx)) stop(deparse(substitute(xx)), " is not a Matrix")
     # Remove any rows containing NAs
     temp.x <- remove.na(xx)
     x <- temp.x$x; n <- temp.x$n
     matnames <- dimnames(xx)
     row.numbers <- c(1:n)
     if(is.null(matnames[[1]])) matnames[[1]] <- row.numbers
     if(!is.null(row.omits)) {
        x <- x[-row.omits, ]
        matnames[[1]] <- matnames[[1]][-row.omits]
        row.numbers <- row.numbers[-row.omits]
        cat("  The following rows have been removed from the input matrix:\n  "
            , row.omits, "\n")
     if(ifilr) {
         x <- ilr(x)
         matnames[[2]] <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
         cat("  Data have been isometrically log-ratiod\n")
     else {
         if(log) {
             x <- log(x)
             cat("  Data have been Log transformed\n")
         if(rsnd) snd <- FALSE
         if(rsnd | snd) range <- FALSE
         if(!rsnd & !snd & !range)
             cat("  You have selected no (r)snd or range transformation\n",
                 " Unless the data have been log-ratioed you should consider a transformation\n")
         if(range) x <- rng(x)
         else if(rsnd) {
             x <- scale(x, center = apply(x, 2, median), scale = apply(x, 2, mad))
             cat("  Data have been normalized to Robust SNDs\n")
         else if(snd) {
             x <- scale(x)
             cat("  Data have been normalized to SNDs\n")
     dist.x <- dist(x)
     if(proc == "sam") {
         save <- sammon(dist.x)
         xxx <- save$points[, 1]
         yyy <- save$points[, 2]
         xlabel <- "Sammon Non-Linear Map X Coordinate"
         ylabel <- "Sammon Non-Linear Map Y Coordinate"
     else if(proc == "mds") {
         save <- cmdscale(dist.x, k = 2, eig = TRUE, add = TRUE)
         xxx <- save$points[, 1]
         yyy <- save$points[, 2] * (-1)
         xlabel <- "Classic Multidimensional Scaling X Coordinate"
         ylabel <- "Classic Multidimensional Scaling Y Coordinate"
     else if(proc == "iso") {
         if(setseed) seed <- 123456789
         save <- isoMDS(dist.x)
         xxx <- save$points[, 1]
         yyy <- save$points[, 2]
         xlabel <- "Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling X Coordinate"
         ylabel <- "Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling Y Coordinate"
     else if(proc == "ica") {
         if(setseed) set.seed(3)
         save <- fastICA(x, n.comp = 2)
         xxx <- save$S[, 1]
         yyy <- save$S[, 2]
         xlabel <- "Projection Pursuit (ICA) X Coordinate"
         ylabel <- "Projection Pursuit (ICA) Y Coordinate"
     else {
         cat("  MASS 'mstree' function not available for R\n")
#         save <- mstree(x)
#         xxx <- save$x
#         yyy <- save$y
#         xlabel <- "Minimum Spanning Tree X Coordinate"
#         ylabel <- "Minimum Spanning Tree Y Coordinate"
     if(main == "")
         banner <- paste("2-d Projection for:", deparse(substitute(xx)))
     else banner <- main
     plot(xxx, yyy, xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, main = banner, ...)
     abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
     abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
     dist.2d <- dist(cbind(xxx, yyy))
     stress <- signif(sum((dist.x - dist.2d)^2)/sum(dist.2d), 5)
     cat(" ", paste("'", proc, "'", " stress = ", stress, sep = ""), "\n")
     input <- paste(deparse(substitute(xx)), "; row.omits:", 
     usage <- paste(" proc =", proc, "; ifilr =", ifilr, "; log =", log,
         paste("; rsnd =", rsnd, "; snd =", snd, "; range =", range))
     invisible(list(main = banner, input = input, usage = usage, xlab = xlabel, 
         ylab = ylabel, matnames = matnames, row.numbers = row.numbers, x = xxx, 
         y = yyy, stress = stress))

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rgr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:09 a.m.