
gx.cnpplts <-
function (xlab = " ", log = FALSE, xlim = NULL, main = "", iflgnd = FALSE, 
    ListofDataSets <- list(...)
    k <- length(ListofDataSets)
    if (k > 9) 
        stop("Cannot exceed 9 data sets")
    nm <- unlist(as.list(match.call()))[-1]
    start <- 5
    stop <- k + 4
    if (!is.null(xlim)) {
        start <- 6
        stop <- k + 5
    names(ListofDataSets) <- nm[start:stop]
    nxs <- numeric(k)
    ranges <- numeric(k * 2)
    for (j in 1:k) {
        temp <- range(ListofDataSets[[j]], na.rm = TRUE)
        nxs[j] <- length(ListofDataSets[[j]])
        ranges[(j * 2) - 1] <- temp[1]
        ranges[j * 2] <- temp[2]
    if (is.null(xlim)) 
        xlim <- range(ranges)
    nxmax <- max(nxs[j])
    alllabels = c("0.001", "0.01", "0.1", "1", "2", "5", "10", 
        "25", "50", "75", "90", "95", "98", "99", "99.9", "99.99", 
    allticks = c(-4.264891, -3.719016, -3.090232, -2.326348, 
        -2.053749, -1.644854, -1.281552, -0.67449, 0, 0.67449, 
        1.281552, 1.644854, 2.053749, 2.326348, 3.090232, 3.719016, 
    if (nxmax < 100) 
        clip = 2
    if ((nxmax >= 100) && (nxmax < 1000)) 
        clip = 2
    if ((nxmax >= 1000) && (nxmax < 10000)) 
        clip = 1
    if (nxmax >= 10000) 
        clip = 0
    labticks <- allticks[(1 + clip):(17 - clip)]
    labels <- alllabels[(1 + clip):(17 - clip)]
    setup <- gx.cnpplts.setup()
    pchs <- setup[[1]]
    symcols <- setup[[2]]
    cex <- setup[[3]]
    cexp <- setup[[4]]
    if (log && (xlim[1] > 0)) 
        logx <- "x"
    else {
        logx = ""
    plot(xlim, range(labticks), xlab = xlab, ylab = "% Cumulative Probability", 
        log = logx, yaxt = "n", main = main, type = "n")
    axis(2, at = labticks, labels = labels, las = 1, cex.axis = 0.8)
    for (j in 1:k) {
        temp.x <- remove.na(ListofDataSets[[j]])
        nx <- temp.x$n
        x <- sort(temp.x$x[1:nx])
        y <- qnorm(ppoints(nx))
        points(x, y, pch = pchs[j], col = symcols[j], cex = cexp)
        cat("  Data set", j, ";", names(ListofDataSets)[j], "; range =", 
            ranges[(j * 2) - 1], "-", ranges[(j * 2)], "; nx =", 
            nx, "; pch =", pchs[j], "; col =", symcols[j], "\n")
    if (iflgnd) 
        legend(locator(1), paste(names(ListofDataSets), ", N = ", 
            nxs, sep = ""), pch = pchs, col = symcols, bty = "n", 
            cex = cex)

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rgr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:09 a.m.