# Recursive algorithm for identity coefficients by Lange & Sinsheimer
# Note: Different algorithms for condensed and detailed coeffs
identity_LS = function(x, ids, Xchrom = FALSE, detailed = FALSE, self = FALSE, mem = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
x = prepPed(x, addpar = ids, Xchrom = Xchrom)
pairs = prepIds(x, ids, self = self)
mem = memoIdentity(x, method = "LS")
# Recursion wrapper to simplify typing
recu = function(..., debug = FALSE) {
recurse_LS(gip(x, list(...)), X = Xchrom, mem = mem, debug = debug)
# Detailed identity states (following Figure 6.2 (page 105), Jacquard 1974)
PhiLS = function(id1, id2) {
c(s1 = recu(c(p=id1, m=id1, p=id2, m=id2)),
s2 = recu(c(p=id1, m=id1, p=id2), c(m=id2)),
s3 = recu(c(p=id1, m=id1, m=id2), c(p=id2)),
s4 = recu(c(p=id1, p=id2, m=id2), c(m=id1)),
s5 = recu(c(m=id1, p=id2, m=id2), c(p=id1)),
s6 = recu(c(p=id1, m=id1), c(p=id2, m=id2)),
s7 = recu(c(p=id1, m=id1), c(p=id2), c(m=id2)),
s8 = recu(c(p=id1), c(m=id1), c(p=id2, m=id2)),
s9 = recu(c(p=id1, p=id2), c(m=id1, m=id2)),
s10 = recu(c(p=id1, p=id2), c(m=id1), c(m=id2)),
s11 = recu(c(p=id1), c(p=id2), c(m=id1, m=id2)),
s12 = recu(c(p=id1, m=id2), c(m=id1, p=id2)),
s13 = recu(c(p=id1, m=id2), c(m=id1), c(p=id2)),
s14 = recu(c(p=id1), c(m=id2), c(m=id1, p=id2)),
s15 = recu(c(p=id1), c(m=id1), c(m=id2), c(p=id2)))
# Compute Phi for each pair
j = vapply(pairs, function(p) PhiLS(p[1], p[2]), FUN.VALUE = numeric(15))
# Data frame
res = jmat2df(t.default(j), pairs)
res = detailed2condensed(res)
gKinship_LS = function(x, gp, Xchrom = FALSE, mem, debug = FALSE) {
recurse_LS(gp, X = Xchrom, mem = mem, debug = debug)
# Recursion method of Lange & Sinsheimer
recurse_LS = function(gp, X = FALSE, mem = NULL, debug = FALSE, indent = 0) {
mem$i = mem$i + 1
gp = gipReduce(gp, deterministic = TRUE)
# If no longer deterministic, switch to random algorithm (WL)
return(recurse_WL(gp, X = X, mem, debug = debug, indent = indent))
cat(strrep(" ", indent), gip2string(gp), "\n", sep = "")
# B0: Trivial pattern
if(sum(lengths(gp)) <= 1) {
mem$B0 = mem$B0 + 1
return(debugReturn(1, debug = debug, indent = indent, comment = " (B0)"))
# B2: Any group with 2 unrelated indivs?
uniqList = lapply(gp, function(g) unique.default(g %/% 10))
for(s in uniqList) {
if(length(s) < 2)
intrapairs = comb2(s, vec = TRUE)
if(any(!mem$REL[intrapairs])) { # any pair not related?
mem$B2 = mem$B2 + 1
return(debugReturn(0, debug = debug, indent = indent, comment = " (B2)"))
# B1: Anyone in >2 groups
uniqVec = unlist(uniqList, use.names = FALSE)
tab = tabulate(uniqVec)
if(any(tab > 2)) {
mem$B1 = mem$B1 + 1
return(debugReturn(0, debug = debug, indent = indent, comment = " (B1)"))
# B3: Only founders left: This should never happen, since original founders have added parents
# Wrapper to save typing in the recursions
recu = function(k) recurse_LS(k, X = X, mem = mem, debug = debug, indent = indent +2)
# If 2 (for simplicity) unrelated groups: Factorise
if(length(gp) == 2) {
u1 = uniqList[[1]]; u2 = uniqList[[2]]
interpairs = cbind(rep(u1, each = length(u2)), rep(u2, length(u1)))
if(!any(mem$REL[interpairs])) { # any pair not related?
res = recu(`[[<-`(gp, 2, NULL)) * recu(`[[<-`(gp, 1, NULL))
return(debugReturn(res, debug = debug, indent = indent, comment = " Factorised"))
### Additional restrictions for deterministic patterns
# Restriction D2: Anyone with m&p in same group AND (in multiple groups OR not inbred)
if(restrictionD2(gp, tab = tab, inb = mem$INB)) {
mem$D2 = mem$D2 + 1
return(debugReturn(0, debug = debug, indent = indent, comment = " (D2)"))
# Restriction D1: Anyone with paternal (resp. maternal) allele in multiple blocks?
if(any(tab > 1) && restrictionD1(gp)) {
mem$D1 = mem$D1 + 1
return(debugReturn(0, debug = debug, indent = indent, comment = " (D1)"))
gp = gipSort(gp)
# Lookup in array; compute if necessary.
kinStr = paste(gp, collapse = ", ")
val = mem$MEM2[[kinStr]]
if(!is.null(val)) {
mem$ilook = mem$ilook + 1
return(debugReturn(val, debug = debug, indent = indent, comment = " (lookup)"))
mem$irec = mem$irec + 1
g1 = gp[[1]]
g2 = if(length(gp) > 1) gp[[2]] else NULL
ids1 = g1 %/% 10
ids2 = g2 %/% 10
# Pivot individual (after sorting: highest)
pivot = ids1[1]
fa = mem$FIDX[pivot]
mo = mem$MIDX[pivot]
famo = c(fa, mo)
# Number of times the pivot occurs in first block (s) and second block (t)
s = sum(ids1 == pivot)
t = sum(ids2 == pivot)
# Deterministic sampling of pivot
par1 = g1[ids1 == pivot] %% 10
det1 = par1[par1 > 0] # vector of length 0, 1 or 2
ndet1 = length(det1)
s = s - ndet1
# Recurrence rule 1a,b,c
if(t == 0) {
A1 = .5^s
res = switch(ndet1 + 1,
# Rule 1a
A1 * recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = fa)) +
A1 * recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = mo)) +
if(s > 1) (1 - 2*A1) * recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = famo)) else 0,
# Rule 1b
A1 * recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = famo[det1])) +
if(s > 0) (1 - A1) * recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = famo)) else 0,
# Rule 1c
recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = famo))
else { # t > 0
# Deterministic sampling in second group
par2 = g2[ids2 == pivot] %% 10
det2 = par2[par2 > 0] # vector of length 0, 1 or 2
ndet2 = length(det2)
t = t - ndet2
A2 = .5^(s + t)
if(ndet1 + ndet2 == 0) { # Rule 2a
res =
A2 * recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = fa, rep2 = mo)) +
A2 * recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = mo, rep2 = fa))
else { # Rules 2b and 2c
# NB: This must also work when fa = mo (selfing!)
reps = if(ndet1 == 1 && det1 == 1 || ndet2 == 1 && det2 == 2) famo else rev.default(famo)
res = A2 * recu(gipReplaceDet(gp, id = pivot, rep1 = reps[1], rep2 = reps[2]))
mem$MEM2[[kinStr]] = res
return(debugReturn(res, debug = debug, indent = indent, comment = " (Computed)"))
# Restriction D1: Anyone with paternal (resp. maternal) allele in multiple blocks?
restrictionD1 = function(gp) {
# Assumes that gp is reduced, i.e., nobody has repeated det-sampling *within* a block
vec = unlist(gp, use.names = FALSE)
anyDuplicated.default(vec[vec %% 10 > 0])
# Restriction D2: Anyone with m&p in same group AND (in multiple groups OR not inbred)
restrictionD2 = function(gp, tab, inb) {
for(g in gp) {
gdet = g[g %% 10 > 0]
if(length(gdet) < 2) next
idsdet = gdet %/% 10
mp = idsdet[duplicated.default(idsdet)]
if(any(tab[mp] > 1) || any(inb[mp] == 0))
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