#' Two-locus kinship coefficients
#' Computes the two-locus kinship coefficient of a pair of pedigree members, at
#' a given recombination rate.
#' Let A, B be two pedigree members, and L1, L2 two loci with a given
#' recombination rate rho. The two-locus kinship coefficient
#' \eqn{\phi_{AB}(rho)} is defined as the probability that random gametes
#' segregating from A and B has IBD alleles at both L1 and L2 simultaneously.
#' The implementation is based on the recursive algorithm described by Thompson
#' (1988).
#' @param x A pedigree in the form of a [`pedtools::ped`] object.
#' @param ids A character (or coercible to character) containing ID labels of
#' two or more pedigree members.
#' @param rho A numeric vector of recombination rates; all entries must be in
#' the interval \eqn{[0, 0.5]}.
#' @param recombinants A logical of length 2, applicable only when `ids` has
#' length 2. When given, it indicates whether each of the two gametes is a
#' recombinant or non-recombinant. This parameter is mainly used by
#' [twoLocusIBD()].
#' @param verbose A logical.
#' @param debug A logical. If TRUE, detailed messages are printed during the
#' recursion process.
#' @references E. A. Thompson (1988). _Two-locus and Three-locus Gene Identity
#' by Descent in Pedigrees_. IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine &
#' Biology, vol. 5.
#' @examples
#' ######################
#' # Example 1: Full sibs
#' ######################
#' x = nuclearPed(2)
#' k_0 = twoLocusKinship(x, ids = 3:4, rho = 0)
#' k_0.5 = twoLocusKinship(x, ids = 3:4, rho = 0.5)
#' stopifnot(k_0 == 1/4, k_0.5 == 1/16)
#' ##################################################
#' # Example 2: Reproducing Fig. 3 in Thompson (1988)
#' # Note that in the article, curve (a) is wrong.
#' # See Erratum:
#' ##################################################
#' # Pedigrees (a) - (d)
#' ped.a = linearPed(3)
#' ped.b = avuncularPed(half = TRUE)
#' ped.c = cousinPed(1)
#' ped.d = doubleCousins(1, 1, half1 = TRUE, half2 = TRUE)
#' peds = list(
#' a = list(ped = ped.a, ids = c(1,7)),
#' b = list(ped = ped.b, ids = leaves(ped.b)),
#' c = list(ped = ped.c, ids = leaves(ped.c)),
#' d = list(ped = ped.d, ids = leaves(ped.d))
#' )
#' twoLocusPlot(peds, coeff = "kinship", lty = 1:4)
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
twoLocusKinship = function(x, ids, rho, recombinants = NULL, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
if(!is.ped(x)) stop2("Input is not a `ped` object")
if(length(ids) < 2) stop2("Argument `ids` must have length at least 2")
stop2("Argument `rho` must be numeric")
if(any(rho < 0 | rho > 0.5))
stop2("Argument `rho` cannot have entries outside the interval [0, 0.5]: ", rho[rho < 0 | rho > 0.5])
if(!is.null(recombinants) && length(ids) > 2)
stop2("Argument `recombinants` must be NULL when `ids` has length > 2")
if(debug && (length(ids) > 2 || length(rho) > 1))
stop2("Debugging mode is only allowed when `ids` has length 2, and `rho` has length 1")
# Enforce parents to precede their children
x = parentsBeforeChildren(x)
ids_int = internalID(x, ids)
# Convert recombination conditions from logical to list(r = , nr = )
rList = list(nr = ids[!recombinants], r = ids[recombinants])
rList = NULL
# Simplest case: Allows verbose output and/or debugging mode
if(length(ids) == 2 && length(rho) == 1) {
A = C = c(ids_int[1], -1) # using negative numbers to enforce independent gametes
B = D = c(ids_int[2], -2)
# Counters for verbose output
counters = c("i","ilook","irec","eq7","eq8","eq9a","eq9b","eq10","eq11a","eq11b")
# Initialise memory storage
mem = initialiseTwoLocusMemo(x, rho = rho, recomb = rList, counters = counters)
# Compute!
phi11 = twoLocKin(A, B, C, D, mem, indent = ifelse(debug, 0, NA))
# Print info
if(verbose) {
tot_time = format(Sys.time()-mem$st, digits = 4)
Calls = {mem$i}
Lookups = {mem$ilook}
Recursions: {mem$irec}
eq. 7 : {mem$eq7}
eq. 8 : {mem$eq8}
eq. 9a : {mem$eq9a}
eq. 9b : {mem$eq9b}
eq. 10 : {mem$eq10}
eq. 11a: {mem$eq11a}
eq. 11b: {mem$eq11b}
Total time used: {tot_time}"))
# Storage template: Reset for each rho
memTemplate = as.list(initialiseTwoLocusMemo(x, rho = NULL, recomb = rList))
# If single pair: Return only vector of coefficients
if(length(ids) == 2) {
A = C = c(ids_int[1], -1) # using negative numbers to enforce independent gametes
B = D = c(ids_int[2], -2)
coefs = vapply(rho, function(r) {
mem = as.environment(memTemplate)
mem$rho = r
twoLocKin(A, B, C, D, mem, indent = NA)
}, FUN.VALUE = 0)
# If length(ids) > 2: Do all unordered pairs; return data.frame
pairs = combn(ids_int, 2, simplify = FALSE)
pairs = c(pairs, lapply(seq_along(ids_int), function(i) c(i,i)))
coefs = lapply(rho, function(r) {
mem = as.environment(memTemplate)
mem$rho = r
unlist(lapply(pairs, function(p) {
A = C = c(p[1], -1)
B = D = c(p[2], -2)
twoLocKin(A, B, C, D, mem, indent = NA)
# Build result data frame
labs = labels(x)
idcols =, pairs)
idcols[] = labs[idcols]
res = data.frame(id1 = idcols[,1],
id2 = idcols[,2],
rho = rep(rho, each = length(pairs)),
phi2 = unlist(coefs),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Thompson (1988) k2(J(A,B), L(C,D)). A = c(id, segind) a.s.o.
twoLocusK2 = function(x, J, L, rho, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
stop2("Input is not a `ped` object")
if(!is.list(J) || length(J) != 2)
stop2("Argument `J` must be a list of length 2: ", J)
if(!is.list(L) || length(L) != 2)
stop2("Argument `L` must be a list of length 2: ", L)
if(!is.numeric(rho) && length(rho) != 1)
stop2("Argument `rho` must be a single numeric")
# Enforce parents to precede their children
x = parentsBeforeChildren(x)
# Counters for verbose output
counters = c("i","ilook","irec","eq7","eq8","eq9a","eq9b","eq10","eq11a","eq11b")
mem = initialiseTwoLocusMemo(x, rho = rho, counters = counters)
# Convert to internal numeric labels
convertAndFix = function(S, segind) {
S[1] = internalID(x, S[1])
if(length(S) == 1) # If segregation index missing, insert supplied value
S = c(S, segind)
else if(S[2] > 0)
S[2] = internalID(x, S[2])
# Taken (negative) segreg indices
takenSeg = min(0, J[[1]][2], J[[2]][2], L[[1]][2], L[[2]][2])
A = convertAndFix(J[[1]], takenSeg - 1)
B = convertAndFix(J[[2]], takenSeg - 2)
C = convertAndFix(L[[1]], takenSeg - 3)
D = convertAndFix(L[[2]], takenSeg - 4)
twoLocKin(A, B, C, D, mem, indent = ifelse(debug, 0, NA))
# Internal functions
twoLocKin = function(A, B, C, D, mem, indent = 0) {
mem$i = mem$i + 1
# Each A, B, C, D is a parent-child pair
# If any founders -> 0
if(A[1]*B[1]*C[1]*D[1] == 0) {message("Outside of pedigree! Can this happen?"); return(0)}
# Sort: a >= b,c,d; c >= d; if(a == c) then b >= d
plist = sortPairs(A,B,C,D)
printMess(plist, indent)
A = plist[[1]]; B = plist[[2]]; C = plist[[3]]; D = plist[[4]]
a = A[1]; b = B[1]; c = C[1]; d = D[1]
k2_recurse = function(A,B,C,D) {
mem$irec = mem$irec + 1
a = A[1]; b = B[1]; c = C[1]; d = D[1]
if(identical(A, B))
stop2("Identical gametes at first locus; not implemented. (This should not occur in a two-locus kinship computation.)")
if(a > b && a > c) { # eq. 7
else if(a == b && a > c) { # eq. 8
else if(a > b && a == c) { #eq. 9a or 9b
if(A[2] == C[2])
else if(a == b && a == c && a > d) { # eq. 10
else if((a == b && a == c && a == d)) {
# This case needs further branching!
if(A[2] == C[2] && B[2] == D[2]) # k2(J(A1, A2), L(A1, A2))
else # k2(J(A1, A2), L(A1, A3)) or k2(J(A1, A2), L(A3, A4))
ANC = mem$anc
# If no common ancestors, return 0
if(!(ANC[a,b] && ANC[c,d]))
return(printAndReturn(0, indent))
# TODO: Reduce dimensionality if possible, as in weeks & lange
# TODO: Use symmetry if (A1, B2, A1, B2), as in Thompson
# TODO: Special cases not covered in conditional recomb/nonrecomb: Indicate segreg!
# Lookup in array; compute if necessary.
mem$ilook = mem$ilook + 1
res = mem$k2[[toString(plist)]]
res = mem$k2[[toString(plist)]] = k2_recurse(A, B, C, D)
printAndReturn(res, indent)
printMess = function(plist, indent) {
if( return()
pp = sapply(plist, function(p) paste(p, collapse = ":"))
message(sprintf("%sJ(%s, %s), L(%s, %s)",
strrep(" ", indent), pp[1], pp[2], pp[3], pp[4]))
# TODO: Merge with debugReturn
printAndReturn = function(res, indent = NA, comment = NULL) {
message(strrep(" ", indent), res, comment)
### The recursions (eqs. 7-11 in Thompson (1988) + additional cases in Weeks&Lange)
recurse_eq7 = function(A,B,C,D,mem,indent) {
mem$eq7 = mem$eq7 + 1
a = A[1]
FF = mem$FIDX[a]
MM = mem$MIDX[a]
t1 = twoLocKin(c(FF, a), B, C, D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
t2 = twoLocKin(c(MM, a), B, C, D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
0.5 * (t1 + t2)
recurse_eq8 = function(A,B,C,D,mem,indent) {
mem$eq8 = mem$eq8 + 1
a = A[1]
phi_cd = mem$k1[[C[1], D[1]]] # kinship of c and d
if(mem$isFounder[a]) {
return(0.5 * phi_cd)
FF = mem$FIDX[a]
MM = mem$MIDX[a]
0.5 * (phi_cd + twoLocKin(c(FF, a), c(MM, a+100), C, D, mem, indent = indent + 2))
recurse_eq9a = function(A,B,C,D,mem,indent) {
mem$eq9a = mem$eq9a + 1
a = A[1]
FF = mem$FIDX[a]
MM = mem$MIDX[a]
rho = mem$rho
# Terms used in various formulas
# NB (a+100): used to separate meioses involved in selfing, i.e. if FF = MM.
t1 = function() twoLocKin(c(FF, a), B, c(FF, a), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
t2 = function() twoLocKin(c(MM, a), B, c(MM, a), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
t3 = function() twoLocKin(c(FF, a), B, c(MM, a+100), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
t4 = function() twoLocKin(c(MM, a), B, c(FF, a+100), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
if(mem$nonrecomb[a]) # force non-rec
res = 0.5 * (1-rho) * (t1() + t2())
else if(mem$recomb[a]) # force rec
res = 0.5 * rho * (t3() + t4())
else # normal recursion
res = 0.5 * ((1-rho) * (t1() + t2()) + rho * (t3() + t4()))
recurse_eq9b = function(A,B,C,D,mem,indent) {
mem$eq9b = mem$eq9b + 1
a = A[1]
FF = mem$FIDX[a]
MM = mem$MIDX[a]
# NB (a+100): used to separate meioses involved in selfing, i.e. if FF = MM.
t1 = twoLocKin(c(FF, a), B, c(FF, a), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
t2 = twoLocKin(c(MM, a), B, c(MM, a), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
t3 = twoLocKin(c(FF, a), B, c(MM, a+100), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
t4 = twoLocKin(c(MM, a), B, c(FF, a+100), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
0.25 * (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4)
recurse_eq10 = function(A,B,C,D,mem,indent) {
mem$eq10 = mem$eq10 + 1
a = A[1]
FF = mem$FIDX[a]
MM = mem$MIDX[a]
k1 = mem$k1
rho = mem$rho
d = D[1]
t3 = twoLocKin(c(FF, a), c(MM, a), c(FF, a+100), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
t4 = twoLocKin(c(FF, a), c(MM, a), c(MM, a+100), D, mem, indent = indent + 2)
if(A[2] == C[2]) { # EAT eq 10
s = 0.25 * (k1[[FF, d]] + k1[[MM, d]] + t3 + t4)
res = (1-rho) * s
else if(mem$recomb[a])
res = rho * s
res = s
else {
if(mem$nonrecomb[a] || mem$recomb[a])
stop2("eq 10b conditional: Not implemented")
res = 0.25 * (2*k1[[a, d]] + t3 + t4)
recurse_eq11a = function(A,B,C,D,mem,indent) { # Case k2(A1,A2; A1,A2): Eq. 11 in EAT
mem$eq11a = mem$eq11a + 1
a = A[1]
forceNonRec = mem$nonrecomb[a]
forceRec = mem$recomb[a]
rho = mem$rho
R = .5 * ((1-rho)^2 + rho^2)
if(mem$isFounder[a]) {
if(forceNonRec && forceRec)
res = 0
else if(forceNonRec)
res = .5 * (1-rho)^2
else if(forceRec)
res = .5 * rho^2
res = R
FF = mem$FIDX[a]
MM = mem$MIDX[a]
k1 = mem$k1
if(forceNonRec && forceRec) {
res = rho*(1-rho)*k1[[MM, FF]] # without the factor two (either R-NR or NR-R)
} else {
t4 = twoLocKin(c(MM, a), c(FF, a+100), c(MM, a), c(FF, a+100), mem, indent = indent + 2)
res = .5 * (1-rho)^2 * (1 + t4)
else if(forceRec)
res = .5 * rho^2 * (1 + t4)
res = 2*rho*(1-rho)*k1[[MM, FF]] + R*(1 + t4)
recurse_eq11b = function(A,B,C,D,mem,indent) { # k2(A1,A2; A1,A3) or k2(A1,A2; A3,A4)
# Recursion formula given by Weeks&Lange
mem$eq11b = mem$eq11b + 1
a = A[1]
rho = mem$rho
# Condition on recomb status: only for k2(A1,A2; A1,A3)
nonrecomb = mem$nonrecomb[a] && A[2] == C[2] && A[2] %in% c(-1, -2)
recomb = mem$recomb[a] && A[2] == C[2] && A[2] %in% c(-1, -2)
if(nonrecomb && recomb)
stop2("Recursion 11b) Special case not implemented")
if(mem$isFounder[a]) {
if(nonrecomb) return((1 - rho)/4)
if(recomb) return(rho/4)
FF = mem$FIDX[a]
MM = mem$MIDX[a]
k1 = mem$k1
parents2L = twoLocKin(c(FF, a), c(MM, a+100), c(FF, a), c(MM, a+100), mem, indent = indent + 2)
res = 1/4 + 1/2 * k1[[FF, MM]] + 1/4 * parents2L
if(nonrecomb) res = (1 - rho) * res
if(recomb) res = rho * res
sortPairs = function(A,B,C,D) {
plist = list(A,B,C,D)
### Sort: a >= b,c,d; c >= d; if(a == c) then b >= d
if (plist[[1]][1] < plist[[2]][1])
plist[1:2] = plist[2:1]
if (plist[[3]][1] < plist[[4]][1])
plist[3:4] = plist[4:3]
if (plist[[1]][1] < plist[[3]][1] || (plist[[1]][1] == plist[[3]][1] && plist[[2]][1] < plist[[4]][1]))
plist[] = plist[c(3,4,1,2)]
### Ensure segregation indicators are sorted appropriately
A = plist[[1]]; B = plist[[2]]; C = plist[[3]]; D = plist[[4]]
# Only necessary when a = b = c
if (A[1] == B[1] && A[1] == C[1]) {
if (A[1] == D[1]) { # case 1: All equal
if(A[2] != C[2] && A[2] == D[2])
plist[3:4] = plist[4:3]
else if(A[2] != C[2] && B[2] == C[2])
plist[1:2] = plist[2:1]
else if(A[2] != C[2] && B[2] == D[2])
plist[] = plist[c(2:1,4:3)]
else { # case 2: a = b = c != d
if(A[2] != C[2] && B[2] == C[2])
plist[1:2] = plist[2:1]
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