.docall <- function(.fcn, ..., args = NULL, alwaysArgs = NULL, .functions = list(.fcn),
.ignoreUnusedArgs = TRUE) {
## the same as R.utils::doCall, only with default option
R.utils::doCall(.fcn = .fcn, ..., args = args, alwaysArgs = alwaysArgs, .functions = .functions,
.ignoreUnusedArgs = getOption("rio.ignoreunusedargs", default = TRUE))
.remap_tidy_convention <- function(func, file, which, header, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
if ("path" %in% names(dots)) {
dots[["path"]] <- NULL
if ("sheet" %in% names(dots)) {
which <- dots[["sheet"]]
dots[["sheet"]] <- NULL
if ("col_names" %in% names(dots)) {
header <- dots[["col_names"]]
dots[["col_names"]] <- NULL
.docall(func, args = c(dots, list(path = file, sheet = which, col_names = header)))
import_delim <- function(file, which = 1, sep = "auto", header = "auto", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, ...) {
.docall(data.table::fread, ..., args = list(input = file, sep = sep, header = header,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors,
data.table = data.table))
#' @export
.import.rio_dat <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
message(sprintf("Ambiguous file format ('.dat'), but attempting 'data.table::fread(\"%s\")'\n", file))
import_delim(file = file, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_tsv <- function(file, sep = "auto", which = 1, fread = lifecycle::deprecated(), dec = if (sep %in% c("\t", "auto")) "." else ",", ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(fread)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(fread)", details = "tsv will always be read by `data.table:fread()`. The parameter `fread` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
import_delim(file = file, sep = sep, dec = dec, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_txt <- function(file, sep = "auto", which = 1, fread = lifecycle::deprecated(), dec = if (sep %in% c(",", "auto")) "." else ",", ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(fread)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(fread)", details = "txt will always be read by `data.table:fread()`. The parameter `fread` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
import_delim(file = file, sep = sep, dec = dec, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_csv <- function(file, sep = ",", which = 1, fread = lifecycle::deprecated(), dec = if (sep %in% c(",", "auto")) "." else ",", ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(fread)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(fread)", details = "csv will always be read by `data.table:fread()`. The parameter `fread` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
import_delim(file = file, sep = if (sep == ",") "auto" else sep, dec = dec, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_csv2 <- function(file, sep = ";", which = 1, fread = lifecycle::deprecated(), dec = if (sep %in% c(";", "auto")) "," else ".", ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(fread)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(fread)", details = "csv2 will always be read by `data.table:fread()`. The parameter `fread` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
import_delim(file = file, sep = if (sep == ";") "auto" else sep, dec = dec, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_csvy <- function(file, sep = ",", which = 1, fread = lifecycle::deprecated(), dec = if (sep %in% c(",", "auto")) "." else ",", yaml = TRUE, ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(fread)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(fread)", details = "csvy will always be read by `data.table:fread()`. The parameter `fread` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
import_delim(file = file, sep = if (sep == ",") "auto" else sep, dec = dec, yaml = yaml, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_psv <- function(file, sep = "|", which = 1, fread = lifecycle::deprecated(), dec = if (sep %in% c("|", "auto")) "." else ",", ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(fread)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(fread)", details = "psv will always be read by `data.table:fread()`. The parameter `fread` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
import_delim(file = file, sep = if (sep == "|") "auto" else sep, dec = dec, ...)
.get_col_position <- function(file, widths, col_names, col_position) {
if (missing(col_names)) {
col_names <- NULL
if (!is.null(col_position)) {
if (is.list(widths) && isFALSE(c("begin", "end") %in% names(widths))) {
return(readr::fwf_widths(widths, col_names = col_names))
if (isTRUE(is.numeric(widths))) {
return(readr::fwf_widths(abs(widths), col_names = col_names))
return(readr::fwf_empty(file = file, col_names = col_names))
.fix_col_types <- function(col_types, widths) {
if (isFALSE(is.numeric(widths))) {
col_types <- rep("?", length(widths))
col_types[widths < 0] <- "?"
col_types <- paste0(col_types, collapse = "")
#' @export
.import.rio_fwf <- function(file, which = 1, widths = NULL, col_names, col_types = NULL, col_positions, col.names, col_position = NULL, comment = "#", ...) {
if (!is.null(widths)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "1.0.2", what = "import(widths)", details = "`widths` is kept for backward compatibility. Please use `col_positions` or unset `widths` to allow automatic guessing, see `?readr::read_fwf`. The parameter `widths` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
if (!missing(col.names)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "1.0.2", what = "import(widths)", details = "`col.names` is kept for backward compatibility. Please use `col_names`. The parameter `col.names` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
col_names <- col.names
col_positions <- .get_col_position(file = file, widths = widths, col_names = col_names, col_position = col_position)
if (!is.null(widths) && !is.null(col_types)) {
col_types <- .fix_col_types(col_types, widths)
.docall(readr::read_fwf, ..., args = list(file = file, col_positions = col_positions, col_types = col_types, comment = comment))
#' @export
.import.rio_r <- function(file, which = 1, trust = getOption("", default = NULL), ...) {
.check_trust(trust, format = ".R")
.docall(dget, ..., args = list(file = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_dump <- function(file, which = 1, envir = new.env(), trust = getOption("", default = NULL), ...) {
.check_trust(trust, format = "dump")
source(file = file, local = envir)
if (missing(which)) {
if (length(ls(envir)) > 1) {
warning("Dump file contains multiple objects. Returning first object.")
which <- 1
if (is.numeric(which)) {
get(ls(envir)[which], envir)
} else {
get(ls(envir)[grep(which, ls(envir))[1]], envir)
#' @export
.import.rio_rds <- function(file, which = 1, trust = getOption("", default = NULL), ...) {
.check_trust(trust, format = "RDS")
readRDS(file = file)
#' @export
.import.rio_rdata <- function(file, which = 1, envir = new.env(), trust = getOption("", default = NULL), .return_everything = FALSE, ...) {
.check_trust(trust, format = "RData")
load(file = file, envir = envir)
if (isTRUE(.return_everything)) {
## for import_list()
if (missing(which)) {
if (length(ls(envir)) > 1) {
warning("Rdata file contains multiple objects. Returning first object.")
which <- 1
if (is.numeric(which)) {
get(ls(envir)[which], envir)
} else {
get(ls(envir)[grep(which, ls(envir))[1]], envir)
#' @export
.import.rio_rda <- .import.rio_rdata
#' @export
.import.rio_feather <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(arrow::read_feather, ..., args = list(file = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_fst <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(fst::read.fst, ..., args = list(path = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_matlab <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
rmatio::read.mat(filename = file)
#' @export
.import.rio_dta <- function(file, haven = lifecycle::deprecated(),
convert.factors = lifecycle::deprecated(), which = 1, ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(haven) || lifecycle::is_present(convert.factors)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(haven)", details = "dta will always be read by `haven`. The parameter `haven` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
standardize_attributes(.docall(haven::read_dta, ..., args = list(file = file)))
#' @export
.import.rio_dbf <- function(file, which = 1, = TRUE, ...) {
.docall(foreign::read.dbf, ..., args = list(file = file, =
#' @export
.import.rio_dif <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(utils::read.DIF, ..., args = list(file = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_sav <- function(file, which = 1, haven = lifecycle::deprecated(), = lifecycle::deprecated(), use.value.labels = lifecycle::deprecated(), ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(haven) || lifecycle::is_present( || lifecycle::is_present(use.value.labels)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(haven)", details = "sav will always be read by `haven`. The parameter `haven` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
standardize_attributes(.docall(haven::read_sav, ..., args = list(file = file)))
#' @export
.import.rio_zsav <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
standardize_attributes(.docall(haven::read_sav, ..., args = list(file = file)))
#' @export
.import.rio_spss <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
standardize_attributes(.docall(haven::read_por, ..., args = list(file = file)))
#' @export
.import.rio_sas7bdat <- function(file, which = 1, column.labels = FALSE, ...) {
standardize_attributes(.docall(haven::read_sas, ..., args = list(data_file = file)))
#' @export
.import.rio_xpt <- function(file, which = 1, haven = lifecycle::deprecated(), ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(haven)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.5.31", what = "import(haven)", details = "xpt will always be read by `haven`. The parameter `haven` will be dropped in v2.0.0.")
standardize_attributes(.docall(haven::read_xpt, ..., args = list(file = file)))
#' @export
.import.rio_mtp <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(foreign::read.mtp, ..., args = list(file = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_syd <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(foreign::read.systat, ..., args = list(file = file, = TRUE))
#' @export
.import.rio_json <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(jsonlite::fromJSON, ..., args = list(txt = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_rec <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(foreign::read.epiinfo, ..., args = list(file = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_arff <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(foreign::read.arff, ..., args = list(file = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_xls <- function(file, which = 1, header = TRUE, ...) {
.remap_tidy_convention(readxl::read_xls, file = file, which = which, header = header, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_xlsx <- function(file, which = 1, header = TRUE, readxl = lifecycle::deprecated(), ...) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(readxl)) {
when = "0.5.31",
what = "import(readxl)",
details = "xlsx will always be read by `readxl`. The parameter `readxl` will be dropped in v2.0.0."
.remap_tidy_convention(readxl::read_xlsx, file = file, which = which, header = header, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_fortran <- function(file, which = 1, style, ...) {
if (missing(style)) {
stop("Import of Fortran format data requires a 'style' argument. See ? utils::read.fortran().")
.docall(utils::read.fortran, ..., args = list(file = file, format = style))
#' @export
.import.rio_ods <- function(file, which = 1, header = TRUE, ...) {
.remap_tidy_convention(readODS::read_ods, file = file, which = which, header = header, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_fods <- function(file, which = 1, header = TRUE, ...) {
.remap_tidy_convention(readODS::read_fods, file = file, which = which, header = header, ...)
#' @export
.import.rio_xml <- function(file, which = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...) {
x <- xml2::as_list(xml2::read_xml(unclass(file)))[[1L]]
d <-"rbind", c(lapply(x, unlist)))
row.names(d) <- seq_len(nrow(d))
d <-, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)
tc2 <- function(x) {
out <- utils::type.convert(x, = FALSE)
if (is.factor(out)) {
} else {
if (isTRUE(stringsAsFactors)) {
d[] <- lapply(d, utils::type.convert)
} else {
d[] <- lapply(d, tc2)
# This is a helper function for .import.rio_html
extract_html_row <- function(x, empty_value) {
## Both <th> and <td> are valid for table data, and <th> may be used when
## there is an accented element (e.g. the first row of the table)
to_extract <- x[names(x) %in% c("th", "td")]
## Insert a value into cells that eventually will become empty cells (or they
## will be dropped and the table will not be generated). Note that this more
## complex code for finding the length is required because of html like
## <td><br/></td>
unlist_length <- lengths(lapply(to_extract, unlist))
to_extract[unlist_length == 0] <- list(empty_value)
#' @export
.import.rio_html <- function(file, which = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ..., empty_value = "") {
# find all tables
tables <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml2::read_html(unclass(file)), ".//table")
if (which > length(tables)) {
stop("Requested table exceeds number of tables found in file (", length(tables), ")!")
x <- xml2::as_list(tables[[which]])
if ("tbody" %in% names(x)) {
# Note that "tbody" may be specified multiple times in a valid html table
x <- unlist(x[names(x) == "tbody"], recursive = FALSE)
# loop row-wise over the table and then rbind()
## check for table header to use as column names
col_names <- NULL
if ("th" %in% names(x[[1]])) {
col_names <- extract_html_row(x[[1]], empty_value = empty_value)
# Drop the first row since column names have already been extracted from it.
x <- x[-1]
out <-"rbind", lapply(x, extract_html_row, empty_value = empty_value))
colnames(out) <-
if (is.null(col_names)) {
paste0("V", seq_len(ncol(out)))
} else {
out <-, ..., stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)
# set row names
rownames(out) <- seq_len(nrow(out))
# type.convert() to numeric, etc.
out[] <- lapply(out, utils::type.convert, = TRUE)
#' @export
.import.rio_yml <- function(file, which = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...) {
.check_pkg_availability("yaml"), ..., args = list(file = file)), stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors)
#' @export
.import.rio_eviews <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(hexView::readEViews, ..., args = list(filename = file))
#' @export
.import.rio_clipboard <- function(file = "clipboard", which = 1, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", ...) {
.docall(clipr::read_clip_tbl, ..., args = list(x = clipr::read_clip(), header = header, sep = sep))
#' @export
.import.rio_pzfx <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
if ("path" %in% names(dots)) {
dots[["path"]] <- NULL
if ("table" %in% names(dots)) {
which <- dots[["table"]]
dots[["table"]] <- NULL
.docall(pzfx::read_pzfx, args = c(dots, list(path = file, table = which)))
#' @export
.import.rio_parquet <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(nanoparquet::read_parquet, ..., args = list(file = file, options = nanoparquet::parquet_options(class = "data.frame")))
#' @export
.import.rio_qs <- function(file, which = 1, ...) {
.docall(qs::qread, ..., args = list(file = file))
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