
context("Compressed files")

test_that("Recognize compressed file types", {
    expect_true(rio:::find_compress("file.zip")$compress == "zip")
    expect_true(rio:::find_compress("file.tar")$compress == "tar")
    expect_true(rio:::find_compress("file.tar.gz")$compress == "tar.gz")
    expect_true(rio:::find_compress("file.gzip")$compress == "gzip")
    expect_true(rio:::find_compress("file.gz")$compress == "gzip")

test_that("Export to compressed (zip, tar) / import", {
    skip_if(getRversion() <= "4.0")
    formats <- c("zip", "tar", "tar.gz", "tgz", "tar.bz2", "tbz2")
    for (format in formats) {
        withr::with_tempfile("iris_path", fileext = paste0(".csv.", format), code = {
            e1 <- export(iris, iris_path)
            expect_true(is.data.frame(import(iris_path, which = 1)))
            base_file_name <- gsub(paste0("\\.", format), "", basename(iris_path))
            expect_true(is.data.frame(import(iris_path, which = base_file_name)))
            if (format %in% c("tar.gz", "tgz")) {
                expect_true(R.utils::isGzipped(iris_path, method = "content"))
            if (format %in% c("tar.bzip2", "tbz2")) {
                expect_true(R.utils::isBzipped(iris_path, method = "content"))

test_that("Multi-item zip", {
    formats <- c("zip")
    for (format in formats) {
        withr::with_tempfile("iris_path", fileext = paste0(".csv.", format), code = {
            list_of_df <- list(mtcars1 = mtcars[1:10, ], mtcars2 = mtcars[11:20, ], mtcars3 = mtcars[21:32, ])
            export_list(list_of_df, file = "%s.csv", archive = iris_path)
            y <- import(iris_path)
            expect_silent(z1 <- import(iris_path, which = 1))
            expect_silent(z2 <- import(iris_path, which = 2))
            expect_true(identical(y, z1))
            expect_false(identical(y, z2))

test_that("Export to compressed (gz, bz2) / import", {
    formats <- c("gz", "gzip", "bz2", "bzip2")
    for (format in formats) {
        withr::with_tempfile("iris_path", fileext = paste0(".csv.", format), code = {
            e1 <- export(iris, iris_path)
            if (format %in% c("gzip", "gz")) {
                expect_true(R.utils::isGzipped(iris_path, method = "content"))
            if (format %in% c("bzip2", "bz2")) {
                expect_true(R.utils::isBzipped(iris_path, method = "content"))

test_that("Prevent the reuse of `which` for zip and tar", {
    skip_if(getRversion() <= "4.0")
    formats <- c("zip", "tar", "tar.gz", "tgz", "tar.bz2", "tbz2")
    for (format in formats) {
        withr::with_tempfile("data_path", fileext = paste0(".xlsx.", format), code = {
            rio::export(list(some_iris = head(iris)), data_path)
            expect_error(import(data_path), NA)
            raw_file <- .list_archive(data_path, find_compress(data_path)$compress)[1]
            expect_error(import(data_path, which = raw_file), NA)
            expect_error(suppressWarnings(import(data_path, which = "some_iris")))
    ## but not for non-archive format, e.g. .xlsx.gz
    formats <- c("gz", "bz2")
    for (format in formats) {
        withr::with_tempfile("data_path", fileext = paste0(".xlsx.", format), code = {
            rio::export(list(some_iris = head(iris)), data_path)
            expect_error(import(data_path), NA)
            expect_error(import(data_path, which = "some_iris"), NA)

test_that(".check_tar_support ref #421", {
    expect_error(.check_tar_support("tar", R_system_version("4.0.2")), "^Exporting")
    expect_error(.check_tar_support("tar.gz", R_system_version("4.0.2")), "^Exporting")
    expect_error(.check_tar_support("tar.bz2", R_system_version("4.0.2")), "^Exporting")
    expect_error(.check_tar_support("tar", R_system_version("4.0.3")), NA)
    expect_error(.check_tar_support("tar.gz", R_system_version("4.0.3")), NA)
    expect_error(.check_tar_support("tar.bz2", R_system_version("4.0.3")), NA)
    expect_error(.check_tar_support("zip", R_system_version("4.0.2")), NA)
    expect_error(.check_tar_support(NA, R_system_version("4.0.2")), NA)

test_that("tar export error for R < 4.0.3", {
    skip_if(getRversion() >= "4.0.3")
    withr::with_tempfile("iris_path", fileext = paste0(".csv.", "tar"), code = {
        expect_error(export(iris, iris_path), "^Exporting")

test_that("Wild zip and tar ref $425", {
    skip_if(getRversion() <= "4.0")
    withr::with_tempfile("test_files", fileext = c(".csv", ".zip"), code = {
        filename <- test_files[1]
        zip_file <- test_files[2]
        write.csv(1, filename)
        zip(zip_file, filename)
        expect_error(rio::import(zip_file), NA)
    for (tar_format in c("tar", "tar.gz", "tar.bz2")) {
        withr::with_tempfile("test_files", fileext = c(".csv", paste0(".", tar_format)), code = {
            filename <- test_files[1]
            tar_file <- test_files[2]
            write.csv(1, filename)
            compress_out(tar_file, filename, type = tar_format)
            expect_error(rio::import(tar_file), NA)

test_that("Relative path #438", {
    ## see test_export_list.R
        mylist <- list(
            mtcars3 = mtcars[1:10, ],
            mtcars2 = mtcars[11:20, ],
            mtcars1 = mtcars[21:32, ]
        rio::export_list(mylist, file = paste0("file_", 1:3, ".csv"), archive = "arch/archive.zip")

test_that("Integration test #435", {
    ## filter out all NA cases so that #437 works
    withr::with_tempfile("iris_path", fileext = "csv.zip", code = {
        expect_error(rio::export(iris, NA), "must be character") ## strange to be honest
        expect_error(rio::export(iris, NA_character_), "must not be NA")

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rio documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:21 p.m.