
Defines functions print.margint formula.margint deviance.margint.rob deviance.margint.cl deviance.margint summary.margint.rob summary.margint.cl summary.margint R2.rob R2 plot.margint fitted.margint fitted.values.margint predict.margint residuals.margint pos.estimate margint.rob margint.cl kernel10 kernel8 kernel6 kernel4 kernel2 k.epan my.norm.2 rho.huber psi.huber.w psi.huber rho.tukey psi.w psi.tukey

Documented in deviance.margint fitted.values.margint formula.margint k.epan kernel10 kernel4 kernel6 kernel8 margint.cl margint.rob my.norm.2 plot.margint predict.margint print.margint psi.huber psi.tukey residuals.margint summary.margint summary.margint.cl summary.margint.rob

#' Derivative of Tukey's bi-square loss function.
#' This function evaluates the first derivative of Tukey's bi-square loss function.
#' This function evaluates the first derivative of Tukey's bi-square loss function.
#' @param r A vector of real numbers
#' @param k A positive tuning constant.
#' @return A vector of the same length as \code{r}.
#' @author Matias Salibian-Barrera, \email{matias@stat.ubc.ca}, Alejandra Martinez
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(-2, 2, length=10)
#' psi.tukey(r=x, k = 1.5)
#' @export
#' @import stats graphics
#' @useDynLib rmargint, .registration = TRUE
psi.tukey <- function(r, k=4.685){
  u <- abs(r/k)
  w <- r*((1-u)*(1+u))^2
  w[u>1] <- 0

# Tukey's weight function "Psi(r)/r"
psi.w <- function(r, k= 4.685){
  u <- abs(r/k)
  w <- ((1 + u) * (1 - u))^2
  w[u > 1] <- 0

#Tukey's loss function
rho.tukey <- function(r, k=4.685){
    return( 1-(1-(r/k)^2)^3 )

#' Derivative of Huber's loss function.
#' This function evaluates the first derivative of Huber's loss function.
#' This function evaluates the first derivative of Huber's loss function.
#' @param r A vector of real numbers.
#' @param k A positive tuning constant.
#' @return A vector of the same length as \code{r}.
#' @author Matias Salibian-Barrera, \email{matias@stat.ubc.ca}, Alejandra Martinez
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(-2, 2, length=10)
#' psi.huber(r=x, k = 1.5)
#' @export
psi.huber <- function(r, k=1.345)
  pmin(k, pmax(-k, r))

#Huber's weight function "Psi(r)/r"
psi.huber.w <- function(r, k=1.345)
  pmin(1, k/abs(r))

#Huber's loss function
rho.huber <- function(r, k=1.345){

#' Euclidean norm of a vector
#' This function calculates the Euclidean norm of a vector.
#' @param x A real vector.
#' @return The Euclidean norm of the input vector.
#' @author Matias Salibian-Barrera, \email{matias@stat.ubc.ca}, Alejandra Martinez
#' @examples 
#' x <- seq(-2, 2, length=10)
#' my.norm.2(x)
#' @export
my.norm.2 <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))

#' Epanechnikov kernel
#' This function evaluates an Epanechnikov kernel
#' This function evaluates an Epanechnikov kernel.
#' @param x a vector of real numbers
#' @return A vector of the same length as \code{x} where each entry is
#' \code{0.75 * (1 - x^2)} if \code{x < 1} and 0 otherwise.
#' @author Matias Salibian-Barrera, \email{matias@stat.ubc.ca}, Alejandra Martinez
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(-2, 2, length=10)
#' k.epan(x)
#' @export
k.epan<-function(x) {
  a <- 0.75*(1-x^2)
  tmp <- a*(abs(x)<=1)

#Order 2 kernel = Epanechnikov kernel
  nucleo<- (3/4)*(1-t^2)*(abs(t)<=1)

#- Higher order kernels -#

#' Order 4 kernel
#' This function evaluates a kernel of order 4.
#' This function evaluates a kernel of order 4. A kernel L is a kernel of order 4 if it integrates 1, the integrals of u^j L(u) are 0 for 1 <= j < 4 (j integer) and the integral of u^4 L(u) is different from 0.
#' @param x A vector of real numbers.
#' @return A vector of the same length as \code{x} where each entry is \code{( 15/32 ) * ( 1 - x^2 ) * ( 3 - 7 * x^2 )} if \code{abs(x) < 1} and 0 otherwise.
#' @author Alejandra Martinez, \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}, Matias Salibian-Barrera
#' @examples 
#' x <- seq(-2,2,length=10)
#' kernel4(x)
#' @export
kernel4<-function(x) {
  a <- (15/32)*(1-x^2)*(3-7*x^2)
  tmp <- a*(abs(x)<= 1)

#' Order 6 kernel
#' This function evaluates a kernel of order 6.
#' This function evaluates a kernel of order 6. A kernel L is a kernel of order 6 if it integrates 1, the integrals of u^j L(u) are 0 for 1 <= j < 6 (j integer) and the integral of u^6 L(u) is different from 0.
#' @param x A vector of real numbers.
#' @return A vector of the same length as \code{x} where each entry is \code{( 105/256 ) * ( 1 - x^2 ) * ( 5 - 30 * x^2 + 33 * x^4 )} if \code{abs(x) < 1} and 0 otherwise.
#' @author Alejandra Martinez, \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}, Matias Salibian-Barrera
#' @examples 
#' x <- seq(-2,2,length=10)
#' kernel6(x)
#' @export
kernel6<-function(x) {
  a <- (105/256)*(1-x^2)*(5-30*x^2+33*x^4)
  tmp <- a*(abs(x)<=1)

#' Order 8 kernel
#' This function evaluates a kernel of order 8.
#' This function evaluates a kernel of order 8. A kernel L is a kernel of order 8 if it integrates 1, the integrals of u^j L(u) are 0 for 1 <= j < 8 (j integer) and the integral of u^8 L(u) is different from 0.
#' @param x A vector of real numbers.
#' @return A vector of the same length as \code{x} where each entry is \code{( 315/4096 ) * ( 1 - x^2 ) * ( 35 - 385 * x^2 + 1001 * x^4 - 715 * x^6 )} and 0 otherwise.
#' @author Alejandra Martinez, \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}, Matias Salibian-Barrera
#' @examples 
#' x <- seq(-2,2,length=10)
#' kernel8(x)
#' @export
kernel8<-function(x) {
  a <- (315/4096)*(1-x^2)*(35-385*x^2+1001*x^4-715*x^6)
  tmp <- a*(abs(x)<=1)

#' Order 10 kernel
#' This function evaluates a kernel of order 10. A kernel of order 10.
#' This function evaluates a kernel of order 10. A kernel L is a kernel of order 10 if it integrates 1, the integrals of u^j L(u) are 0 for 1 <= j < 10 (j integer) and the integral of u^10 L(u) is different from 0.
#' @param x A vector of real numbers.
#' @return A vector of the same length as \code{x} where each entry is \code{0.75 * ( 1 - x^2 ) * ( 315/128 - 105/32 * x^2 + 63/64 * x^4 - 3/32 * x^6 - 1/384 * x^8 )} and 0 otherwise.
#' @author Alejandra Martinez, \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}, Matias Salibian-Barrera
#' @examples 
#' x <- seq(-2,2,length=10)
#' kernel10(x)
#' @export
kernel10<-function(x) {
  a <- 0.75*(1-x^2)*(315/128-105/32*x^2+63/64*x^4-3/32*x^6-1/384*x^8)
  tmp <- a*(abs(x)<=1)

#' Classic marginal integration procedures for additive models
#' This function computes the standard marginal integration procedures for additive models.
#' This function computes three types of classical marginal integration procedures for additive models, that is, considering a squared loss function.
#' @param formula an object of class \code{formula} (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. 
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by \link{as.data.frame} to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in \code{data}, the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)},  typically the environment from which the function was called.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param point a matrix of points where predictions will be computed and returned.
#' @param windows a vector or a squared matrix of bandwidths for the smoothing estimation procedure.
#' @param epsilon convergence criterion.
#' @param prob a vector of probabilities of observing each response (n). Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param type three different type of estimators can be selected: type \code{'0'} (local constant on all the covariates), type \code{'1'} (local linear smoother on all the covariates), type \code{'alpha'} (local polynomial smoother only on the direction of interest).
#' @param degree degree of the local polynomial smoother in the direction of interest when using the estimator of type \code{'alpha'}. Defaults to \code{NULL} for the case when using estimators of type \code{'0'} or \code{'1'}.
#' @param orderkernel order of the kernel used in the nuisance directions when using the estimator of type \code{'alpha'}. Defaults to \code{2}.
#' @param qderivate if TRUE, it calculates \code{g^(q+1)/(q+1)!} for each component only for the type \code{'alpha'} method. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param Qmeasure a matrix of points where the integration procedure ocurrs. Defaults to \code{NULL} for calcuting the integrals over the sample.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' \item{mu}{Estimate for the intercept.}
#' \item{g.matrix}{Matrix of estimated additive components (n by p).}
#' \item{prediction }{Matrix of estimated additive components for the points listed in the argument point.}
#' \item{mul}{A vector of size p showing in each component the estimated intercept that considers only that direction of interest when using the type \code{'alpha'} method.}
#' \item{g.derivative }{Matrix of estimated derivatives of the additive components (only when qderivate is \code{TRUE}) (n by p).}
#' \item{prediction.derivate }{Matrix of estimated derivatives of the additive components for the points listed in the argument point (only when qderivate is \code{TRUE}).}
#' \item{Xp}{Matrix of explanatory variables.}
#' \item{yp}{Vector of responses.}
#' \item{formula}{Model formula}
#' @references 
#' Chen R., Hardle W., Linton O.B. and Severance-Lossin E. (1996). Nonparametric estimation of additive separable regression models. Physica-Verlag HD, Switzerland.
#' Linton O. and Nielsen J. (1995). A kernel method of estimating structured nonparametric regression based on marginal integration. Biometrika, 82(1), 93-101.
#' Severance-Lossin E. and Sperlich S. (1999). Estimation of derivatives for additive separable models. Statistics, 33(3), 241-265.
#' Tjostheim D. and Auestad B. (1994). Nonparametric identification of nonlinear time series: Selecting significant lags. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89(428), 1410-1430.
#' @author Alejandra Martinez, \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}, Matias Salibian-Barrera
#' @examples 
#' function.g1 <- function(x1) 24*(x1-1/2)^2-2
#' function.g2 <- function(x2) 2*pi*sin(pi*x2)-4
#' n <- 150
#' x1 <- runif(n)
#' x2 <- runif(n)
#' X <- cbind(x1, x2)
#' eps <- rnorm(n,0,sd=0.15)
#' regresion <- function.g1(x1) + function.g2(x2)
#' y <- regresion + eps
#' bandw <- matrix(0.25,2,2)
#' set.seed(8090)
#' nQ <- 80 
#' Qmeasure <- matrix(runif(nQ*2), nQ, 2)
#' fit.cl <- margint.cl(y ~ X, windows=bandw, type='alpha', degree=1, Qmeasure=Qmeasure)
#' @export
margint.cl <- function(formula, data, subset, point=NULL, windows, epsilon=1e-6, prob=NULL,
                       type='0', degree=NULL, qderivate=FALSE, orderkernel=2,
                       Qmeasure=NULL) {
  #AUX <- get_all_vars(formula)
  #yp <- AUX[,1]
  #Xp <- AUX[,-1]
  cl <- match.call()
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset"), names(mf), 0)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  mt <- attr(mf, "terms") # allow model.frame to update it
  yp <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
  Xp <- model.matrix(mt, mf, NULL) 
  # above line typically is "model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)" and contrasts equals NULL
  # remove the default intercept, it is estimated separately  
  if( all( Xp[, 1] == 1 ) ) Xp <- Xp[, -1]
        stop("Degree of local polynomial missing")
        if( length(windows)==1 ){
          stop("Windows should be a vector o a matrix")
      if( (is.matrix(windows)) | (length(windows)==1)  ){
        stop("Windows should be a vector")
      stop("Windows should be a number")

  n <- length(yp)
  Xp <- as.matrix(Xp)
  q <- dim(Xp)[2]
  corte <- 10*epsilon
  punto <- point

  # Remove observations with missing responses
  yy <- yp
  XX <- Xp
  yp <- yp[ tmp<-!is.na(yp) ]
  Xp <- Xp[tmp, , drop=FALSE]
  n.miss <- length(yp)
  if(is.null(prob)){prob <- rep(1,n.miss)
  } else {
    prob <- prob[tmp]
  if(dim(t(as.matrix(windows)))[2]!=q){stop("Error Dimension of Bandwidths")}

  puntoj <- rep(0,q)
  pesosi <- rep(1,n.miss)

  # If a Qmeasure is provided

    grilla <- rbind(Qmeasure, XX)
    nQ <- dim(grilla)[1]

    alphal.aux <- matrix(0,nQ,q)
    g.matriz.bis <- matrix(0,nQ,q)
    g.matriz <- matrix(0,n,q)
    aux.b <- rep(0,nQ)
    alpha.aux <- rep(0, nQ)
    nq <- dim(Qmeasure)[1]
    aa <- rep(0,nq)

      g.derivate.bis <- matrix(0,nQ,q)
      g.derivate <- matrix(0,n,q)
      aa.derivate <- rep(0,nq)
      g.derivate <- NULL

    for(k in 1:nQ){
      for(j in 1:q){
        for(i in 1:nq){
          puntoj <- Qmeasure[i,]
          puntoj[j]<- grilla[k,j]
            aa[i] <- .C("kernel_cl_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(windows), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
            if(i==k){alpha.aux[k] <- aa[i]}
            aa[i] <- .C("kernel_cl_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(windows), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)))$salida[1]
            if(i==k){alpha.aux[k] <- aa[i]}
              windows <- t(matrix(windows,q,q))
            AUX <- .C("kernel_cl_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                      as.double(yp), as.double(windows[j,]), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob), salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
            aa[i] <- AUX[1]
              aa.derivate[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
            if(i==k){alphal.aux[k,j] <- aa[i]}

    alphal <- NULL
      alpha.aux <- colMeans(alphal.aux[1:nq,],na.rm=TRUE)
      alphal <- alpha.aux

    alpha <- mean(alpha.aux,na.rm=TRUE)
    g.matriz <- g.matriz.bis[(nq+1):nQ,] - alpha
      g.derivate <- g.derivate.bis[(nq+1):nQ,]
  }else{ #That is, if a Qmeasure is not provided

    alphal.aux <- matrix(0,n,q)
    g.matriz <- matrix(0,n,q)
      g.derivate <- matrix(0,n,q)
      A.derivate <- rep(0,n)
      g.derivate <- NULL
    aux.b <- rep(0,n)
    aa <- rep(0,n)
    alpha.aux <- rep(0, n)

    for(k in 1:n){
      for(j in 1:q){
        for(i in 1:n){
          puntoj <- XX[i,]
            aa[i] <- .C("kernel_cl_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(windows), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
            if(i==k){alpha.aux[k] <- aa[i]}
            aa[i] <- .C("kernel_cl_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(windows), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)))$salida[1]
            if(i==k){alpha.aux[k] <- aa[i]}
              windows <- t(matrix(windows,q,q))
            AUX <- .C("kernel_cl_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                      as.double(yp), as.double(windows[j,]), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob), salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
            aa[i] <- AUX[1]
              A.derivate[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
            if(i==k){alphal.aux[k,j] <- aa[i]}

    alphal <- NULL
      alpha.aux <- colMeans(alphal.aux,na.rm=TRUE)
      alphal <- alpha.aux

    alpha <- mean(alpha.aux,na.rm=TRUE)
    g.matriz <- g.matriz - alpha


  prediccion <- NULL

  #If a Qmeasure is provided
    aa <- rep(0,nq)
    aa.deri <- rep(0,nq)
    if(!is.null(punto)) {
      if(is.null(dim(punto))) {
          prediccion <- mpunto <- as.matrix(punto)
          prediccion <- mpunto <- t(as.matrix(punto))
          prediccion.deri <- prediccion
      } else {
        prediccion <- mpunto <- punto
          prediccion.deri <- prediccion
      np <- dim(mpunto)[1]
      for(k in 1:np){
        for(j in 1:q){
          for(i in 1:nq){
            puntoj <- Qmeasure[i,]
            puntoj[j] <- mpunto[k,j]

              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_cl_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(windows), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_cl_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(windows), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)))$salida[1]

              AUX <- .C("kernel_cl_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(windows[j,]), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob), salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
              aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                aa.deri[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
          prediccion[k,j] <- mean(aa,na.rm=TRUE)-alpha
            prediccion.deri[k,j] <- mean(aa.deri,na.rm=TRUE)
    } #end if
  }else{ #If a Qmeasure is not provided
    aa <- rep(0,n)
    aa.deri <- rep(0,n)
          prediccion <- mpunto <- as.matrix(punto)
          prediccion <- mpunto <- t(as.matrix(punto))
          prediccion.deri <- prediccion
      } else {
        prediccion <- mpunto <- punto
          prediccion.deri <- prediccion
      np <- dim(mpunto)[1]
      for(k in 1:np){
        for(j in 1:q){
          for(i in 1:n){
            puntoj <- XX[i,]
            puntoj[j] <- mpunto[k,j]

              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_cl_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(windows), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_cl_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(windows), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)))$salida[1]

              AUX <- .C("kernel_cl_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(windows[j,]), as.double(epsilon), as.double(prob), salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
              aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                aa.deri[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
          prediccion[k,j] <- mean(aa,na.rm=TRUE)-alpha
            prediccion.deri[k,j] <- mean(aa.deri,na.rm=TRUE)
    } #End of if
  } #End of else

        object <- list(mu=alpha,g.matrix=g.matriz, prediction=prediccion, mul=alphal, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula)
        class(object) <- c("margint.cl", "margint", "list")
      } else {
        object <- list(mu=alpha,g.matrix=g.matriz, prediction=prediccion, mul=alphal,g.derivate=g.derivate, prediction.derivate=prediccion.deri, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula)
        class(object) <- c("margint.cl", "margint", "list")
    } else {
      object <- list(mu=alpha,g.matrix=g.matriz, prediction=prediccion, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula)
      class(object) <- c("margint.cl", "margint", "list")
  } else {
        object <- list(mu=alpha,g.matrix=g.matriz, mul=alphal, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula)
        class(object) <- c("margint.cl", "margint", "list")
      } else {
        object <- list(mu=alpha,g.matrix=g.matriz, mul=alphal,g.derivate=g.derivate, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula)
        class(object) <- c("margint.cl", "margint", "list")
    } else {
      object <- list(mu=alpha,g.matrix=g.matriz, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula)
      class(object) <- c("margint.cl", "margint", "list")

#' Robust marginal integration procedures for additive models
#' This function computes robust marginal integration procedures for additive models.
#' This function computes three types of robust marginal integration procedures for additive models.
#' @param formula an object of class \code{formula} (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. 
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by \link{as.data.frame} to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in \code{data}, the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which the function was called.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
#' @param point a matrix of points where predictions will be computed and returned.
#' @param windows a vector or a squared matrix of bandwidths for the smoothing estimation procedure.
#' @param prob a vector of probabilities of observing each response (n). Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param sigma.hat estimate of the residual standard error. If \code{NULL} we use the mad of the residuals obtained with local medians.
#' @param win.sigma a vector of bandwidths for estimating sigma.hat. If \code{NULL} it uses the argument windows if it is a vector or its diagonal if it is a matrix.
#' @param epsilon convergence criterion.
#' @param type three different type of estimators can be selected: type \code{'0'} (local constant on all the covariates), type \code{'1'} (local linear smoother on all the covariates), type \code{'alpha'} (local polynomial smoother only on the direction of interest).
#' @param degree degree of the local polynomial smoother in the direction of interest when using the estimator of type \code{'alpha'}. Defaults to \code{NULL} for the case when using estimators of type \code{'0'} or \code{'1'}.
#' @param typePhi one of either \code{'Tukey'} or \code{'Huber'}.
#' @param k.h tuning constant for a Huber-type loss function. Defaults to \code{1.345}.
#' @param k.t tuning constant for a Tukey-type loss function. Defaults to \code{4.685}.
#' @param max.it maximum number of iterations for the algorithm.
#' @param qderivate if TRUE, it calculates \code{g^(q+1)/(q+1)!} for each component only for the type \code{'alpha'} method. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param orderkernel order of the kernel used in the nuisance directions when using the estimator of type \code{'alpha'}. Defaults to \code{2}.
#' @param Qmeasure a matrix of points where the integration procedure ocurrs. Defaults to \code{NULL} for calcuting the integrals over the sample.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' \item{mu }{Estimate for the intercept.}
#' \item{g.matrix }{Matrix of estimated additive components (n by p).}
#' \item{sigma.hat }{Estimate of the residual standard error.}
#' \item{prediction }{Matrix of estimated additive components for the points listed in the argument point.}
#' \item{mul }{A vector of size p showing in each component the estimated intercept that considers only that direction of interest when using the type \code{'alpha'} method.}
#' \item{g.derivative }{Matrix of estimated derivatives of the additive components (only when qderivate is \code{TRUE}) (n by p).}
#' \item{prediction.derivate }{Matrix of estimated derivatives of the additive components for the points listed in the argument point (only when qderivate is \code{TRUE}).}
#' \item{Xp}{Matrix of explanatory variables.}
#' \item{yp}{Vector of responses.}
#' \item{formula}{Model formula}
#' @author Alejandra Martinez, \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}, Matias Salibian-Barrera
#' @references Boente G. and Martinez A. (2017). Marginal integration M-estimators for additive models. TEST, 26(2), 231-260. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-016-0508-0
#' @examples 
#' function.g1 <- function(x1) 24*(x1-1/2)^2-2
#' function.g2 <- function(x2) 2*pi*sin(pi*x2)-4
#' set.seed(140)
#' n <- 150
#' x1 <- runif(n)
#' x2 <- runif(n)
#' X <- cbind(x1, x2)
#' eps <- rnorm(n,0,sd=0.15)
#' regresion <- function.g1(x1) + function.g2(x2)
#' y <- regresion + eps
#' bandw <- matrix(0.25,2,2)
#' set.seed(8090)
#' nQ <- 80 
#' Qmeasure <- matrix(runif(nQ*2), nQ, 2)
#' fit.rob <- margint.rob(y ~ X, windows=bandw, type='alpha', degree=1, Qmeasure=Qmeasure) 
#' @export
margint.rob <- function(formula, data, subset, point=NULL, windows, prob=NULL, sigma.hat=NULL,
                        win.sigma=NULL, epsilon=1e-06, type='0', degree=NULL, typePhi='Huber',
                        k.h=1.345, k.t = 4.685, max.it=20, qderivate=FALSE, orderkernel=2,

  #AUX <- get_all_vars(formula)
  #yp <- AUX[,1]
  #Xp <- AUX[,-1]
  cl <- match.call()
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset"), names(mf), 0)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  mt <- attr(mf, "terms") # allow model.frame to update it
  yp <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
  Xp <- model.matrix(mt, mf, NULL) 
  # above line typically is "model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)" and contrasts equals NULL
  # remove the default intercept, it is estimated separately  
  if( all( Xp[, 1] == 1 ) ) Xp <- Xp[, -1]
        stop("Degree of local polynomial missing")
        if( length(windows)==1 ){
          stop("Windows should be a vector or a matrix")
      if( (is.matrix(windows)) | (length(windows)==1) ){
        stop("Windows should be a vector")
      stop("Windows should be a number")

  n <- length(yp)
  Xp <- as.matrix(Xp)
  q <- dim(Xp)[2]
  corte <- 10*epsilon
  punto <- point

      win.sigma <- windows
      win.sigma <- diag(windows)

  # Remove observations with missing responses
  XX <- Xp
  yp <- yp[ tmp<-!is.na(yp) ]
  Xp <- Xp[tmp, ,drop=FALSE]
  n.miss <- length(yp)
  if(is.null(prob)){prob <- rep(1,n.miss)
    prob <- prob[tmp]
  if(dim(t(as.matrix(windows)))[2]!=q){stop("Error Dimension of Bandwidths")}

  puntoj <- rep(0,q)
  aa <- rep(0,n)
  pesosi <- rep(1,n.miss)

  # Estimate residual standard error
    ab <- rep(0,n.miss)
    for(i in 1:n.miss){
      xtildebis <- scale(Xp, center=Xp[i,], scale=win.sigma)
      a <- matrix(as.numeric(abs(xtildebis) < 1), n.miss, q)
      a <- apply(a, 1, prod)
      a[ a == 0 ] <- NA
      ab[i] <- median( a*yp, na.rm = TRUE)
    sigma.hat <- mad(yp - ab)
    if( sigma.hat < 1e-10 ){sigma.hat <- 1e-10} # sigma.hat <- sd(yp-ab,na.rm=TRUE)

  #If a Qmeasure is provided

    grilla <- rbind(Qmeasure, XX)
    nQ <- dim(grilla)[1]

    alphal.aux <- matrix(0,nQ,q)
    g.matriz.bis <- matrix(0,nQ,q)
    g.matriz <- matrix(0,n,q)
    aux.b <- rep(0,nQ)
    alpha.aux <- rep(0, nQ)
    nq <- dim(Qmeasure)[1]
    aa <- rep(0,nq)
      g.derivate.bis <- matrix(0,nQ,q)
      g.derivate <- matrix(0,n,q)
      aa.derivate <- rep(0,nq)
      g.derivate <- NULL
    for(k in 1:nQ){
      for(j in 1:q){
        for(i in 1:nq){
          puntoj <- Qmeasure[i,]

          #Inicializo el mu
            mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                         as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                         as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_huber_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(mu.ini), as.double(windows),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_tukey_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(mu.ini), as.double(windows),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
            if(i==k){alpha.aux[k] <- aa[i]}
            mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                         as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                         as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
            beta.ini <- rep(0,q+1)
            beta.ini[1] <- mu.ini
              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_huber_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)) )$salida[1]

              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_tukey_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)) )$salida[1]
            if(i==k){alpha.aux[k] <- aa[i]}
            mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                         as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                         as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
            beta.ini <- rep(0,degree+1)
            beta.ini[1] <- mu.ini
              windows <- t(matrix(windows,q,q))
              AUX <- .C("kernel_huber_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows[j,]),
                        as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                        as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
              aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                aa.derivate[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
              AUX <- .C("kernel_tukey_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows[j,]),
                        as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                        as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
              aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                aa.derivate[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
              alphal.aux[i,j] <- aa[i]

    alphal <- NULL
      alpha.aux <- colMeans(alphal.aux[1:nq,],na.rm=TRUE)
      alphal <- alpha.aux
    alpha <- mean(alpha.aux,na.rm=TRUE)
    g.matriz <- g.matriz.bis[(nq+1):nQ,] - alpha
      g.derivate <- g.derivate.bis[(nq+1):nQ,]
  }else{ #If no Qmeasure is provided
    alpha.aux <- rep(0, n)
    g.matriz <- matrix(0,n,q)
      g.derivate <- matrix(0,n,q)
      aa.derivate <- rep(0,n)
      g.derivate <- NULL
    alphal.aux <- matrix(0,n,q)

    for(k in 1:n){
      for(j in 1:q){
        for(i in 1:n){
          puntoj <- XX[i,]

          #Inicializo el mu
            mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                         as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                         as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_huber_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(mu.ini), as.double(windows),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_tukey_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(mu.ini), as.double(windows),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
            if(i==k){alpha.aux[k] <- aa[i]}
            mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                         as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                         as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
            beta.ini <- rep(0,q+1)
            beta.ini[1] <- mu.ini
              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_huber_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)) )$salida[1]

              aa[i] <- .C("kernel_tukey_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)) )$salida[1]
            if(i==k){alpha.aux[k] <- aa[i]}
            mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                         as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                         as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
            beta.ini <- rep(0,degree+1)
            beta.ini[1] <- mu.ini
              windows <- t(matrix(windows,q,q))
              AUX <- .C("kernel_huber_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows[j,]),
                        as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                        as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
              aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                aa.derivate[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
              AUX <- .C("kernel_tukey_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                        as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows[j,]),
                        as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                        as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
              aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                aa.derivate[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
              alphal.aux[i,j] <- aa[i]
    alphal <- NULL
      alpha.aux <- colMeans(alphal.aux,na.rm=TRUE)
      alphal <- alpha.aux
    alpha <- mean(alpha.aux,na.rm=TRUE)
    g.matriz <- g.matriz - alpha
  }#End of else


  prediccion <- NULL

  #If a Qmeasure is provided
    aa <- rep(0,nq)
    aa.deri <- rep(0,nq)
    if(!is.null(punto)) {
          prediccion <- mpunto <- as.matrix(punto)
          prediccion <- mpunto <- t(as.matrix(punto))
          prediccion.deri <- prediccion
      } else {
        prediccion <- mpunto <- punto
          prediccion.deri <- prediccion
      np <- dim(mpunto)[1]
      for(k in 1:np){
        for(j in 1:q){
          for(i in 1:nq){
            puntoj <- grilla[i,]
            puntoj[j] <- mpunto[k,j]
              #Inicializo el mu
              mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                           as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                           as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida

                aa[i] <- .C("kernel_huber_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                            as.double(yp), as.double(mu.ini), as.double(windows),
                            as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                            as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
                aa[i] <- .C("kernel_tukey_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                            as.double(yp), as.double(mu.ini), as.double(windows),
                            as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                            as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                           as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                           as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              beta.ini <- rep(0,q+1)
              beta.ini[1] <- mu.ini
                aa[i] <- .C("kernel_huber_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                            as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows),
                            as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                            as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)) )$salida[1]
                aa[i] <- .C("kernel_tukey_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                            as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows),
                            as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                            as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)) )$salida[1]
              mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                           as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                           as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              beta.ini <- rep(0,degree+1)
              beta.ini[1] <- mu.ini
                AUX <- .C("kernel_huber_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows[j,]),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
                aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                  aa.deri[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
                AUX <- .C("kernel_tukey_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows[j,]),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
                aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                  aa.deri[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
          prediccion[k,j] <- mean(aa,na.rm=TRUE)-alpha
            prediccion.deri[k,j] <- mean(aa.deri,na.rm=TRUE)
  }else{ #If no Qmeasure is provided
    aa <- rep(0,n)
    aa.deri <- rep(0,n)
    if(!is.null(punto)) {
          prediccion <- mpunto <- as.matrix(punto)
          prediccion <- mpunto <- t(as.matrix(punto))
          prediccion.deri <- prediccion
      } else {
        prediccion <- mpunto <- punto
          prediccion.deri <- prediccion
      np <- dim(mpunto)[1]
      for(k in 1:np){
        for(j in 1:q){
          for(i in 1:n){
            puntoj <- XX[i,]
            puntoj[j] <- mpunto[k,j]
              #Inicializo el mu
              mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                           as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                           as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida

                aa[i] <- .C("kernel_huber_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                            as.double(yp), as.double(mu.ini), as.double(windows),
                            as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                            as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
                aa[i] <- .C("kernel_tukey_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                            as.double(yp), as.double(mu.ini), as.double(windows),
                            as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                            as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                           as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                           as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              beta.ini <- rep(0,q+1)
              beta.ini[1] <- mu.ini
                aa[i] <- .C("kernel_huber_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                            as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows),
                            as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                            as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)) )$salida[1]
                aa[i] <- .C("kernel_tukey_lin_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                            as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows),
                            as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                            as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, q+1)) )$salida[1]
              mu.ini <- .C("ini_mu_pos_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss),
                           as.double(yp), as.double(windows),
                           as.double(prob), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
              beta.ini <- rep(0,degree+1)
              beta.ini[1] <- mu.ini
                AUX <- .C("kernel_huber_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows[j,]),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
                aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                  aa.deri[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
                AUX <- .C("kernel_tukey_alpha_multi", puntoj, as.double(Xp), as.integer(j), as.integer(degree), as.integer(q), as.integer(n.miss), as.integer(orderkernel),
                          as.double(yp), as.double(beta.ini), as.double(windows[j,]),
                          as.double(epsilon), as.double(sigma.hat),
                          as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(max.it),salida=as.double(rep(0, degree+1)) )$salida
                aa[i] <- AUX[1]
                  aa.deri[i] <- AUX[degree+1]
          prediccion[k,j] <- mean(aa,na.rm=TRUE)-alpha
            prediccion.deri[k,j] <- mean(aa.deri,na.rm=TRUE)

        object <- list(mu=alpha, g.matrix=g.matriz, sigma.hat=sigma.hat, prediction=prediccion, mul=alphal, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula, typePhi=typePhi)
        class(object) <- c("margint.rob", "margint", "list")
      } else {
        object <- list(mu=alpha, g.matrix=g.matriz, sigma.hat=sigma.hat, prediction=prediccion, mul=alphal, g.derivate=g.derivate, prediction.derivate=prediccion.deri, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula, typePhi=typePhi)
        class(object) <- c("margint.rob", "margint", "list")
    } else {
      object <- list(mu=alpha, g.matrix=g.matriz, sigma.hat=sigma.hat, prediction=prediccion, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula, typePhi=typePhi)
      class(object) <- c("margint.rob", "margint", "list")
  } else {
        object <- list(mu=alpha, g.matrix=g.matriz, sigma.hat=sigma.hat, mul=alphal, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula, typePhi=typePhi)
        class(object) <- c("margint.rob", "margint", "list")
      } else {
        object <- list(mu=alpha, g.matrix=g.matriz, sigma.hat=sigma.hat, mul=alphal,g.derivate=g.derivate, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula, typePhi=typePhi)
        class(object) <- c("margint.rob", "margint", "list")
    } else {
      object <- list(mu=alpha, g.matrix=g.matriz, sigma.hat=sigma.hat, Xp=Xp, yp=yp, formula=formula, typePhi=typePhi)
      class(object) <- c("margint.rob", "margint", "list")

pos.estimate <- function(y,ini=NULL,sigma.hat, epsilon=1e-6, iter.max=10,typePhi){
  yp <- y[ tmp<-!is.na(y) ]
    ini <- median(yp)
  corte <- 10
  iter <- 0
  n <- length(yp)
  prob <- rep(1,n)
  k.h <- 1.345
  k.t <- 4.685
    beta <- .C("huber_pos", as.integer(n), as.double(yp), as.double(ini), as.double(epsilon), 
               as.double(sigma.hat), as.double(prob), as.double(k.h), as.integer(iter.max), salida=as.double(0) )$salida
    beta <- .C("tukey_pos", as.integer(n), as.double(yp), as.double(ini), as.double(epsilon), 
               as.double(sigma.hat), as.double(prob), as.double(k.t), as.integer(iter.max), salida=as.double(0) )$salida

#- S3 Methods -#

#' Residuals for objects of class \code{margint}
#' This function returns the residuals of the fitted additive model using one of the three
#' classical or robust marginal integration estimators, as computed with \code{\link{margint.cl}} or
#' \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param object an object of class \code{margint}, a result of a call to \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param ... additional other arguments. Currently ignored.
#' @return A vector of residuals.
#' @author Alejandra Mercedes Martinez \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}
#' @export
residuals.margint <- function(object, ...){
  return( object$yp - rowSums(object$g.matrix) -object$mu )

#' Fitted values for objects of class \code{margint}
#' This function returns the fitted values given the covariates of the original sample under an additive model using a classical or robust marginal integration procedure estimator computed with \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param object an object of class \code{margint}, a result of a call to \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param ... additional other arguments. Currently ignored.
#' @return A vector of fitted values.
#' @author Alejandra Mercedes Martinez \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}
#' @export
predict.margint <- function(object, ...){
  return( rowSums(object$g.matrix) + object$mu )

#' Fitted values for objects of class \code{margint}
#' This function returns the fitted values given the covariates of the original sample under an additive model using a classical or robust marginal integration procedure estimator computed with \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param object an object of class \code{margint}, a result of a call to \code{margint.cl} or \code{margint.rob}.
#' @param ... additional other arguments. Currently ignored.
#' @return A vector of fitted values.
#' @author Alejandra Mercedes Martinez \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}
#' @method fitted.values margint
#' @export
fitted.values.margint <- function(object,...){

#' @export
fitted.margint <- function(object,...){

#' Diagnostic plots for objects of class \code{margint}
#' Plot method for class \code{margint}.
#' @param x an object of class \code{margint}, a result of a call to \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param derivative if TRUE, it plots the q-th derivatives. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param which vector of indices of explanatory variables for which partial residuals plots will be generated. Defaults to all available explanatory variables.
#' @param ask logical value. If \code{TRUE}, the graphical device will prompt before going to the next page/screen of output.
#' @param ... additional other arguments.
#' @author Alejandra Mercedes Martinez \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}
#' @examples 
#' function.g1 <- function(x1) 24*(x1-1/2)^2-2
#' function.g2 <- function(x2) 2*pi*sin(pi*x2)-4
#' set.seed(140)
#' n <- 150
#' x1 <- runif(n)
#' x2 <- runif(n)
#' X <- cbind(x1, x2)
#' eps <- rnorm(n,0,sd=0.15)
#' regresion <- function.g1(x1) + function.g2(x2)
#' y <- regresion + eps
#' bandw <- matrix(0.25,2,2)
#' set.seed(8090)
#' nQ <- 80 
#' Qmeasure <- matrix(runif(nQ*2), nQ, 2)
#' fit.rob <- margint.rob(y ~ X, windows=bandw, type='alpha', degree=1, Qmeasure=Qmeasure)
#' plot(fit.rob, which=1)
#' @export
plot.margint <- function(x, derivative=FALSE, which=1:np, ask=FALSE,...){
  object <- x
  Xp <- object$Xp
  np <- dim(Xp)[2]
  opar <- par(ask=ask)
  these <- rep(FALSE, np)
  these[ which ] <- TRUE
    for(i in 1:np) {
      if(these[i]) {
        ord <- order(Xp[,i])
        if (is.null(colnames(Xp)) ){
          x_name <- bquote(paste('x')[.(i)])
        } else {
          x_name <- colnames(Xp)[i]
        y_name <- bquote(paste(hat('g')[.(i)]))
        res <- object$yp - rowSums(object$g.matrix[,-i, drop=FALSE])-object$mu
        lim_cl <- c(min(res), max(res))
        plot(Xp[,i], res, pch=20,col='gray45',main="",xlab=x_name,ylab=y_name, ylim=lim_cl,cex.lab=0.8)
    for(i in 1:np) {
      if(these[i]) {
        ord <- order(Xp[,i])
        if (is.null(colnames(Xp)) ){
          x_name <- bquote(paste('x')[.(i)])
        } else {
          x_name <- colnames(Xp)[i]
        y_name <- bquote(paste('g'[.(i)]^('q')))
        plot(Xp[ord,i], object$g.derivate[ord,i], type='l',lwd=3, main="",xlab=x_name,ylab=y_name,cex.lab=0.8)

#Multiple R-squared 
R2 <- function(object,...){
  yp <- object$yp
  y <- yp[ tmp<-!is.na(yp) ]
  n <- length(y)
  res <- residuals(object)
  S02 <- sum((y-mean(y))^2)
  S2 <- sum(res^2)
  R2 <- (S02-S2)/S02

#Robust multiple R-squared
R2.rob <- function(object,...){
  yp <- object$yp
  y <- yp[ tmp<-!is.na(yp) ]
  n <- length(y)
  S02 <- 0
  S2 <- 0
  res <- residuals(object)
  sigma.hat <- object$sigma.hat
  typePhi <- object$typePhi
  pos <- pos.estimate(y,ini=NULL,sigma.hat, epsilon=1e-6, iter.max=50,typePhi=typePhi)
    for(i in 1:n){
      S02 <- S02 + rho.tukey((y[i]-pos)/sigma.hat)
      S2 <- S2 + rho.tukey(res[i]/sigma.hat)
    for(i in 1:n){
      S02 <- S02 + rho.huber((y[i]-pos)/sigma.hat)
      S2 <- S2 + rho.huber(res[i]/sigma.hat)
  R2.rob <- (S02-S2)/S02

#' Summary for additive models fits using a marginal integration procedure
#' Summary method for class \code{margint}.
#' This function returns the estimation of the intercept and also the five-number summary and the mean of the residuals for both classical and robust estimators. For the robust estimator it also returns the estimate of the residual standard error.
#' @param object an object of class \code{margint}, a result of a call to \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param ... additional other arguments.
#' @author Alejandra Mercedes Martinez \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}
#' @export
#' @aliases summary.margint summary.margint.cl summary.margint.rob
summary.margint <- function(object,...){

#' @export
summary.margint.cl <- function(object,...){
  message("Estimate of the intercept: ", round(object$mu,5))
  message("Multiple R-squared: ", round(R2(object),5))
  res <- residuals(object)

#' @export
summary.margint.rob <- function(object,...){
  message("Estimate of the intercept: ", round(object$mu,5))
  message("Estimate of the residual standard error: ", round(object$sigma,5))
  message("Robust multiple R-squared: ", round(R2.rob(object),5))
  res <- residuals(object)

#' Deviance for objects of class \code{margint}
#' This function returns the deviance of the fitted additive model using one of the three
#' classical or robust marginal integration estimators, as computed with \code{\link{margint.cl}} or
#' \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param object an object of class \code{margint}, a result of a call to \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param ... additional other arguments. Currently ignored.
#' @return A real number.
#' @author Alejandra Mercedes Martinez \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}
#' @export

deviance.margint <- function(object, ...){

deviance.margint.cl <- function(object, ...){
  return( sum( (residuals(object))^2) )

deviance.margint.rob <- function(object, ...){
  yp <- object$yp
  y <- yp[ tmp<-!is.na(yp) ]
  n <- length(y)
  S2 <- 0
  res <- residuals(object)
  sigma.hat <- object$sigma.hat
  typePhi <- object$typePhi
    for(i in 1:n){
      S2 <- S2 + rho.tukey(res[i]/sigma.hat)
    for(i in 1:n){
      S2 <- S2 + rho.huber(res[i]/sigma.hat)
  return( S2 )

#' Additive model formula
#' Description of the additive model formula extracted from an object of class \code{margint}.
#' @param x an object of class \code{margint}, a result of a call to \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param ... additional other arguments. Currently ignored.
#' @return A model formula.
#' @author Alejandra Mercedes Martinez \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}
#' @export
formula.margint <- function(x, ...){
  return(x$formula )

#' Print a Marginal Integration procedure
#' The default print method for a \code{margint} object.
#' @param x an object of class \code{margint}, a result of a call to \code{\link{margint.cl}} or \code{\link{margint.rob}}.
#' @param ... additional other arguments. Currently ignored.
#' @return A real number.
#' @author Alejandra Mercedes Martinez \email{ale_m_martinez@hotmail.com}
#' @export
print.margint <- function(x, ...){

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rmargint documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 1:06 a.m.