#' Convert to an HTML document
#' Format for converting from R Markdown to an HTML document.
#' See the \href{}{online
#' documentation} for additional details on using the \code{html_document}
#' format.
#' R Markdown documents can have optional metadata that is used to generate a
#' document header that includes the title, author, and date. For more details
#' see the documentation on R Markdown \link[=rmd_metadata]{metadata}.
#' R Markdown documents also support citations. You can find more information on
#' the markdown syntax for citations in the
#' \href{}{Bibliographies
#' and Citations} article in the online documentation.
#' @inheritParams output_format
#' @param toc \code{TRUE} to include a table of contents in the output
#' @param toc_depth Depth of headers to include in table of contents
#' @param toc_float \code{TRUE} to float the table of contents to the left of the
#' main document content. Rather than \code{TRUE} you may also pass a list of
#' options that control the behavior of the floating table of contents. See the
#' \emph{Floating Table of Contents} section below for details.
#' @param number_sections \code{TRUE} to number section headings
#' @param anchor_sections \code{TRUE} to show section anchors when mouse hovers
#' for all headers. A list can also be passed with \code{style} and/or
#' \code{depth} to customize the behavior. See
#' \link[rmarkdown:html_document]{Anchor Sections Customization section}.
#' @param fig_width Default width (in inches) for figures
#' @param fig_height Default height (in inches) for figures
#' @param fig_retina Scaling to perform for retina displays (defaults to 2, which
#' currently works for all widely used retina displays). Set to \code{NULL} to
#' prevent retina scaling. Note that this will always be \code{NULL} when
#' \code{keep_md} is specified (this is because \code{fig_retina} relies on
#' outputting HTML directly into the markdown document).
#' @param fig_caption \code{TRUE} to render figures with captions
#' @param dev Graphics device to use for figure output (defaults to png)
#' @param code_folding Enable document readers to toggle the display of R code
#' chunks. Specify \code{"none"} to display all code chunks. Specify
#' \code{"hide"} or \code{"show"} to hide or show all R code chunks by
#' default, and let readers toggle the states on browsers. See the
#' \emph{Code folding}
#' @param code_download Embed the Rmd source code within the document and provide
#' a link that can be used by readers to download the code.
#' @param self_contained Produce a standalone HTML file with no external
#' dependencies, using data: URIs to incorporate the contents of linked
#' scripts, stylesheets, images, and videos. Note that even for self contained
#' documents MathJax is still loaded externally (this is necessary because of
#' its size).
#' @param theme One of the following:
#' * A [bslib::bs_theme()] object (or a list of [bslib::bs_theme()] argument values)
#' * Use this option for custom themes using Bootstrap 4 or 3.
#' * In this case, any `.scss`/`.sass` files provided to the `css`
#' parameter may utilize the `theme`'s underlying Sass utilities
#' (e.g., variables, mixins, etc).
#' * `NULL` for no theme (i.e., no [html_dependency_bootstrap()]).
#' * A character string specifying a [Bootswatch 3](
#' theme name (for backwards-compatibility).
#' @param highlight Syntax highlight engine and style. See the
#' \emph{Highlighting} section below for details.
#' "default" (and "textmate") will use highlightjs as syntax highlighting
#' engine instead of Pandoc.
#' Any other value will be passed as Pandoc's highlighting style. Pandoc's
#' built-in styles include "tango", "pygments", "kate", "monochrome",
#' "espresso", "zenburn", "haddock" and "breezedark".
#' Two custom styles are also included, "arrow", an accessible color scheme,
#' and "rstudio", which mimics the default IDE theme. Alternatively, supply a
#' path to a \samp{.theme} to use
#' \href{}{a custom Pandoc
#' style}. Note that custom theme requires Pandoc 2.0+.
#' Pass \code{NULL} to prevent syntax highlighting.
#' @param highlight_downlit \code{TRUE} to use the \pkg{downlit} package as
#' syntax highlight engine to highlight inline code and R code chunks
#' (including providing hyperlinks to function documentation). The package
#' needs to be installed to use this feature.
#' Only Pandoc color schemes are supported with this engine. With
#' \code{highlight = "default"}, it will use the accessible theme called
#' "arrow". To learn more about \pkg{downlit} highlighting engine, see
#' \url{}.
#' @param mathjax Include mathjax. The "default" option uses an https URL from a
#' MathJax CDN. The "local" option uses a local version of MathJax (which is
#' copied into the output directory). You can pass an alternate URL or pass
#' \code{NULL} to exclude MathJax entirely.
#' @param math_method Math rendering engine to use. This will define the math method to use with Pandoc.
#' * It can be a string for the engine, one of `r knitr::combine_words(c(pandoc_math_engines(), "r-katex"), and = "or ", before = '"')`
#' or "default" for `mathjax`.
#' * It can be a list of
#' * `engine`: one of
#' `r knitr::combine_words(pandoc_math_engines(), and = "or ", before = '"')`.
#' * `url`: A specific url to use with `mathjax`, `katex` or `webtex`.
#' Note that for `engine = "mathjax"`, `url = "local"` will use a local version of MathJax (which is
#' copied into the output directory).
#' For example,
#' ```yaml
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' math_method:
#' engine: katex
#' url:
#' ```
#' See [Pandoc's Manual about Math in
#' HTML]( for the details
#' about Pandoc supported methods.
#' Using `math_method = "r-katex"` will opt-in server side rendering using
#' KaTeX thanks to [katex]( R package. This is
#' useful compared to `math_method = "katex"` to have no JS dependency, only a
#' CSS dependency for styling equation.
#' @param section_divs Wrap sections in \code{<div>} tags, and attach identifiers to the
#' enclosing \code{<div>} rather than the header itself.
#' @param template Pandoc template to use for rendering. Pass "default" to use
#' the rmarkdown package default template; pass \code{NULL} to use pandoc's
#' built-in template; pass a path to use a custom template that you've created.
#' Note that if you don't use the "default" template then some features of
#' \code{html_document} won't be available (see the Templates section below for
#' more details).
#' @param extra_dependencies Extra dependencies as a list of the
#' \code{html_dependency} class objects typically generated by
#' \code{\link[htmltools:htmlDependency]{htmltools:htmlDependency()}}.
#' @param css CSS and/or Sass files to include. Files with an extension of .sass
#' or .scss are compiled to CSS via `sass::sass()`. Also, if `theme` is a
#' [bslib::bs_theme()] object, Sass code may reference the relevant Bootstrap
#' Sass variables, functions, mixins, etc.
#' @param includes Named list of additional content to include within the
#' document (typically created using the \code{\link{includes}} function).
#' @param keep_md Keep the markdown file generated by knitting.
#' @param lib_dir Directory to copy dependent HTML libraries (e.g. jquery,
#' bootstrap, etc.) into. By default this will be the name of the document with
#' \code{_files} appended to it.
#' @param md_extensions Markdown extensions to be added or removed from the
#' default definition of R Markdown. See the \code{\link{rmarkdown_format}} for
#' additional details.
#' @param pandoc_args Additional command line options to pass to pandoc
#' @param ... Additional function arguments to pass to the base R Markdown HTML
#' output formatter \code{\link{html_document_base}}
#' @return R Markdown output format to pass to \code{\link{render}}
#' @section Highlighting:
#' There are three highlighting engines available to HTML documents:
#' \describe{
#' \item{highlightjs}{It does highlighting in the browser, using javascript It
#' can only be used with the default template (i.e \code{template = "default"})
#' and it has two styles ("default" and "textmate"). When activated, it adds
#' two additional dependencies to the output file: a JS script and a CSS file.
#' For now, this is the default engine for the default template - this could
#' change in the future.}
#' \item{Pandoc}{Pandoc's built-in highlighting.engine works with any template,
#' default or custom, and style can be chosen among the built-in ones ("tango",
#' "pygments", "kate", "monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn", "haddock" and
#' "breezedark") or a path to a custom theme ".theme" file (see Details in the
#' \href{}{Pandoc Manual}).
#' \pkg{rmarkdown} includes two custom themes to select with \code{highlight}
#' parameter:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"arrow", an accessible style using colors \href{}{optimized for
#' accessibility and color contrast}}
#' \item{"rstudio", a color scheme close to RStudio's default highlighting and
#' highglightjs's textmate.}
#' }
#' Custom themes are only available for Pandoc 2.0 and above.}
#' \item{downlit}{\href{}{\pkg{downlit}} is an R package that
#' provides a syntax highlighting engine in R. It will also do automatic
#' linking of R code (requires internet connectivity). It is activated only if
#' \code{highlight_downlit = TRUE} and only affects R code, leaving
#' highlighting for other languages unchanged. The default color scheme is
#' the accessible theme "arrow".
#' It requires some CSS in the template to correctly style links. This is included
#' in the default template, but if you want to use with a custom template, you will
#' need to add this to your template:
#' \preformatted{
#' $if(highlight-downlit)$
#' <style type="text/css">
#' code a:any-link {
#' color: inherit; /* use colour from syntax highlighting */
#' text-decoration: underline;
#' text-decoration-color: #ccc;
#' }
#' </style>
#' $endif$}
#' }}
#' @section Anchor Sections Customization:
#' This will be the default to activate anchor sections link on header
#' ```yaml
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' anchor_sections: TRUE
#' ````
#' There are currently two options to modify the default behavior
#' \describe{
#' \item{`style`}{Select a predefined visual style:
#' * `style = "dash"`, the default, uses \samp{#}, a minimalist choice that evokes the id selector from HTML and CSS.
#' * `style = "symbol"` will use a [link symbol]( \if{html}{\out{(🔗︎)}}
#' * `style = "icon"` will use an svg icon. \if{html}{(\figure{link-black-18dp.svg}{options: alt="icon link"})}
#' You can also customize using a css rule in your
#' document. For example, to get a pictogram \if{html}{\out{(🔗)}}:
#' ```css
#' a.anchor-section::before {
#' content: '\\01F517';
#' }
#' ```
#' About how to apply custom CSS in R Markdown document, see
#' <>
#' }
#' \item{`depth`}{Select the maximum header level to add the
#' anchor link to. For example, this yaml will use the symbol style and
#' only with level 1 and 2 headings:
#' ```yaml
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' anchor_sections:
#' style: icon
#' depth: 2
#' ```
#' If omitted, anchor will be added to all headers (equivalent of
#' `depth=6`). You can also set anchors manually with `depth = 0` using this syntax
#' ```markdown
#' # my header {.hasAnchor}
#' ```
#' }
#' Using anchor sections will add some CSS to your document output for the
#' styling, and a JS script if `section_divs = TRUE`. The anchor link itself
#' is added using a Lua filter, and hence requires Pandoc 2.0+
#' }
#' @section Navigation Bars:
#' If you have a set of html documents which you'd like to provide a common
#' global navigation bar for, you can include a "_navbar.yml" or "_navbar.html"
#' file within the same directory as your html document and it will automatically
#' be included at the top of the document.
#' The "_navbar.yml" file includes \code{title}, \code{type}, \code{left}, and
#' \code{right} fields (to define menu items for the left and right of the navbar
#' respectively). Menu items include \code{title} and \code{href} fields. For example:
#' \preformatted{title: "My Website"
#' type: default
#' left:
#' - text: "Home"
#' href: index.html
#' - text: "Other"
#' href: other.html
#' right:
#' - text: GitHub
#' href:}
#' The \code{type} field is optional and can take the value "default" or "inverse" (which
#' provides a different color scheme for the navigation bar).
#' Alternatively, you can include a "_navbar.html" file which is a full HTML definition
#' of a bootstrap navigation bar. For a simple example of including a navigation bar see
#' \url{}.
#' For additional documentation on creating Bootstrap navigation bars see
#' \url{}.
#' @section Floating Table of Contents:
#' You may specify a list of options for the \code{toc_float} parameter which
#' control the behavior of the floating table of contents. Options include:
#' \itemize{ \item{\code{collapsed} (defaults to \code{TRUE}) controls whether
#' the table of contents appears with only the top-level (H2) headers. When
#' collapsed the table of contents is automatically expanded inline when
#' necessary.} \item{\code{smooth_scroll} (defaults to \code{TRUE}) controls
#' whether page scrolls are animated when table of contents items are navigated
#' to via mouse clicks.} \item{\code{print} (defaults to \code{TRUE}) controls
#' whether the table of contents appears when user prints out the HTML page.}}
#' @section Code folding:
#' Code blocks become foldable by specifying "show" or "hide" to the
#' \code{code_folding} parameter. The state can be toggled individually on
#' browsers. The document-wide toggle button is also provided for
#' \code{html_document} and some of its extensions such as
#' \code{html_notebook}. Note that this feature applies not only to source
#' codes of chunks, but also markdown code blocks.
#' Supported languages are R, Python, Bash, SQL, C++, Stan, and Julia. To
#' support code blocks with other languages, add \code{foldable} class to them
#' (i.e., \code{class.source = "foldable"} as a chunk option).
#' The default initial state of code folding respects the value given to the
#' \code{code_folding} parameter. To override the behavior individually, add
#' \code{fold-none} to disable, \code{fold-hide} to initially hide,
#' \code{fold-show} to initially show.
#' @section Tabbed Sections:
#' You can organize content using tabs by applying the \code{.tabset} class
#' attribute to headers within a document. This will cause all sub-headers of
#' the header with the \code{.tabset} attribute to appear within tabs rather
#' than as standalone sections. For example:
#' \preformatted{## Quarterly Results {.tabset}
#' ### By Product
#' ### By Region }
#' With [html_document()], you can also specify two additional attributes to
#' control the appearance and behavior of the tabs. The \code{.tabset-fade}
#' attributes causes the tabs to fade in and out when switching. The
#' \code{.tabset-pills} attribute causes the visual appearance of the tabs to
#' be "pill" rather than traditional tabs. For example:
#' \preformatted{## Quarterly Results {.tabset .tabset-fade .tabset-pills}}
#' If tabbed sections relies on [html_dependency_tabset()], for example by
#' [html_vignette()], these two attributes are not supported.
#' @section Templates:
#' You can provide a custom HTML template to be used for rendering. The syntax
#' for templates is described in the
#' \href{}{pandoc documentation}. You can also use
#' the basic pandoc template by passing \code{template = NULL}.
#' Note however that if you choose not to use the "default" HTML template then
#' several aspects of HTML document rendering will behave differently:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{The \code{theme} parameter does not work (you can still provide styles
#' using the \code{css} parameter). }
#' \item{For the \code{highlight} parameter, the default highlighting engine
#' will resolve to Pandoc instead of highlightjs and highlighting style will default to
#' "pygments". "textmate" style is not available as related to highlightjs}
#' \item{The \code{toc_float} parameter will not work. }
#' \item{The \code{code_folding} parameter will not work. }
#' \item{Tabbed sections (as described above) will not work.}
#' \item{Navigation bars (as described above) will not work. }
#' \item{MathJax will not work if \code{self_contained} is \code{TRUE} (these
#' two options can't be used together in normal pandoc templates). }
#' }
#' Due to the above restrictions, you might consider using the \code{includes}
#' parameter as an alternative to providing a fully custom template.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rmarkdown)
#' render("input.Rmd", html_document())
#' render("input.Rmd", html_document(toc = TRUE))
#' }
#' @md
#' @export
html_document <- function(toc = FALSE,
toc_depth = 3,
toc_float = FALSE,
number_sections = FALSE,
anchor_sections = FALSE,
section_divs = TRUE,
fig_width = 7,
fig_height = 5,
fig_retina = 2,
fig_caption = TRUE,
dev = 'png',
df_print = "default",
code_folding = c("none", "show", "hide"),
code_download = FALSE,
self_contained = TRUE,
theme = "default",
highlight = "default",
highlight_downlit = FALSE,
math_method = "default",
mathjax = "default",
template = "default",
extra_dependencies = NULL,
css = NULL,
includes = NULL,
keep_md = FALSE,
lib_dir = NULL,
md_extensions = NULL,
pandoc_args = NULL,
...) {
# self_contained = TRUE already uses --standalone
args <- if (!self_contained) c("--standalone")
# to add lua_filters
lua_filters <- c()
# use section divs
if (section_divs)
args <- c(args, "--section-divs")
# table of contents
args <- c(args, pandoc_toc_args(toc, toc_depth))
# makes downstream logic easier to reason about
theme <- resolve_theme(theme)
# toc_float
if (toc && !identical(toc_float, FALSE)) {
# must have a theme
if (is.null(theme))
stop("You must use a theme when specifying the 'toc_float' option")
# resolve options
toc_float_options <- list(collapsed = TRUE,
smooth_scroll = TRUE,
print = TRUE)
if (is.list(toc_float)) {
toc_float_options <- merge_lists(toc_float_options, toc_float)
toc_float <- TRUE
} else if (!isTRUE(toc_float)) {
stop("toc_float must be a logical or a list with options")
# dependencies
extra_dependencies <- append(extra_dependencies,
# flag for template
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("toc_float", "1"))
# selectors
selectors <- paste0("h", seq(1, toc_depth), collapse = ",")
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("toc_selectors", selectors))
# options
if (toc_float_options$collapsed)
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("toc_collapsed", "1"))
if (toc_float_options$smooth_scroll)
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("toc_smooth_scroll", "1"))
if (toc_float_options$print)
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("toc_print", "1"))
# template path and assets
template_file <- if (identical(template, "default")) {
} else template
if (!is.null(template_file))
args <- c(args, "--template", pandoc_path_arg(template_file))
# validate code_folding
code_folding <- match.arg(code_folding)
# navigation dependencies
if (!is.null(theme)) {
code_menu <- !identical(code_folding, "none") || code_download
source_embed <- code_download
extra_dependencies <- append(extra_dependencies,
html_dependency_navigation(code_menu = code_menu,
source_embed = source_embed)
# highlighting ---------
if (highlight_downlit && !xfun::loadable("downlit")) {
stop("highlight_downlit=TRUE requires the downlit package to be installed.",
call. = FALSE)
args <- c(args,
pandoc_html_highlight_args(template, highlight, highlight_downlit)
# add highlight.js html_dependency if required
extra_dependencies <- append(
if (identical(template, "default") && is_highlightjs(highlight)) {
} else if (!is.null(highlight)) {
# for screen-reader accessibility improvement
# numbered sections
if (number_sections)
args <- c(args, "--number-sections")
# manage list of exit_actions (backing out changes to knitr options)
exit_actions <- list()
on_exit <- function() {
for (action in exit_actions)
# capture the source code if requested
source_code <- NULL
source_file <- NULL
pre_knit <- function(input, ...) {
if (code_download) {
source_file <<- basename(input)
source_code <<- paste0(
'<div id="rmd-source-code">',
# pagedtable
if (identical(df_print, "paged")) {
extra_dependencies <- append(extra_dependencies,
# anchor-sections
components <- add_anchor_sections(anchor_sections, section_divs)
args <- c(args, components$args)
lua_filters <- c(lua_filters, components$lua_filters)
extra_dependencies <- append(extra_dependencies, components$extra_dependencies)
# pre-processor for arguments that may depend on the name of the
# the input file AND which need to inject html dependencies
# (otherwise we could just call the pre_processor)
post_knit <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, ...) {
# extra args
args <- c()
# navbar (requires theme)
if (!is.null(theme)) {
# add navbar to includes if necessary
navbar <- file.path(normalize_path(dirname(input_file)), "_navbar.html")
# if there is no _navbar.html look for a _navbar.yml
if (!file.exists(navbar)) {
navbar_yaml <- file.path(dirname(navbar), "_navbar.yml")
if (file.exists(navbar_yaml))
navbar <- navbar_html_from_yaml(navbar_yaml)
# if there is no _navbar.yml then look in site config (if we have it)
config <- site_config(input_file)
if (!is.null(config) && !is.null(config$navbar))
navbar <- navbar_html(config$navbar)
if (file.exists(navbar)) {
# include the navbar html
includes <- list(before_body = navbar)
args <- c(args, includes_to_pandoc_args(includes,
filter = if (is_shiny_classic(runtime))
function(x) normalize_path(x, must_work = FALSE)
# flag indicating we need extra navbar css and js
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("navbar", "1"))
# navbar icon dependencies
iconDeps <- navbar_icon_dependencies(navbar)
if (length(iconDeps) > 0)
# pre-processor for arguments that may depend on the name of the
# the input file (e.g. ones that need to copy supporting files)
pre_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, runtime, knit_meta, files_dir,
output_dir) {
# use files_dir as lib_dir if not explicitly specified
if (is.null(lib_dir))
lib_dir <- files_dir
# extra args
args <- c()
# track whether we have a code menu
code_menu <- FALSE
# code_folding
if (code_folding %in% c("show", "hide")) {
# must have a theme
if (is.null(theme))
stop("You must use a theme when specifying the 'code_folding' option")
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("code_folding", code_folding))
code_menu <- TRUE
# source_embed
if (code_download) {
if (is.null(theme))
stop("You must use a theme when specifying the 'code_download' option")
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("source_embed", source_file))
sourceCodeFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
write_utf8(source_code, sourceCodeFile)
args <- c(args, pandoc_include_args(after_body = sourceCodeFile))
code_menu <- TRUE
# code menu
if (code_menu)
args <- c(args, pandoc_variable_arg("code_menu", "1"))
# content includes (we do this here so that user include-in-header content
# goes after dependency generated content). make the paths absolute if
# making a Shiny document so we can resolve them even if rendering
# elsewhere.
args <- c(args, includes_to_pandoc_args(includes,
filter = if (is_shiny_classic(runtime))
function(x) normalize_path(x, must_work = FALSE)
# return additional args
# post-processor that uses the output file from pandoc
post_processor <- function(metadata, input_file, output_file, clean, verbose) {
# add a post processor for syntax highlighting with downlit if requested
if (highlight_downlit) {
output_file <- downlit::downlit_html_path(
output_file, output_file,
classes = downlit::classes_pandoc()
# return format
knitr = knitr_options_html(fig_width, fig_height, fig_retina, keep_md, dev),
pandoc = pandoc_options(to = "html",
from = from_rmarkdown(fig_caption, md_extensions),
args = args,
lua_filters = lua_filters),
keep_md = keep_md,
clean_supporting = self_contained,
df_print = df_print,
pre_knit = pre_knit,
post_knit = post_knit,
pre_processor = pre_processor,
post_processor = post_processor,
on_exit = on_exit,
base_format = html_document_base(theme = theme,
self_contained = self_contained,
lib_dir = lib_dir,
math_method = math_method,
mathjax = mathjax,
template = template,
pandoc_args = pandoc_args,
extra_dependencies = extra_dependencies,
css = css,
#' Knitr options for an HTML output format
#' Define knitr options for an R Markdown output format that creates
#' HTML output.
#' @inheritParams html_document
#' @return An list that can be passed as the \code{knitr} argument of the
#' \code{\link{output_format}} function.
#' @seealso \link{knitr_options}, \link{output_format}
#' @export
knitr_options_html <- function(fig_width,
dev = 'png') {
opts_chunk <- list(dev = dev,
dpi = 96,
fig.width = fig_width,
fig.height = fig_height,
fig.retina = fig_retina)
if (keep_md)
opts_chunk$fig.retina <- NULL
knitr_options(opts_chunk = opts_chunk)
# CSS files in inst/rmd/h/bootstrap/css
themes <- function() {
c("default", # keep for backward compatibility reason, changed to 'bootstrap' internally
html_highlighters <- function() {
c(highlighters(), "textmate")
navbar_html_from_yaml <- function(navbar_yaml) {
# parse the yaml
navbar <- yaml_load_file(navbar_yaml)
# generate the html
#' Create a navbar HTML file from a navbar definition
#' @param navbar Navbar definition
#' @param links List of navbar links
#' @return Path to temporary file with navbar definition
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
navbar_html <- function(navbar) {
# title and type
if (is.null(navbar$title)) navbar$title <- ""
if (is.null(navbar$type)) navbar$type <- "default"
# menu entries
left <- navbar_links_html(navbar$left)
right <- navbar_links_html(navbar$right)
# build the navigation bar and return it as a temp file
template <- file_string(pkg_file("rmd/h/_navbar.html"))
navbar_html <- sprintf(template, navbar$type, navbar$title, left, right)
#' @keywords internal
#' @name navbar_html
#' @export
navbar_links_html <- function(links) {
navbar_links_tags <- function(links, depth = 0L) {
if (!is.null(links)) {
tags <- lapply(links, function(x) {
if (!is.null(x$menu)) {
# sub-menu
is_submenu <- depth > 0L
if (is_submenu) {
menu_class <- "dropdown-submenu"
link_text <- navbar_link_text(x)
} else {
menu_class <- "dropdown"
link_text <- navbar_link_text(x, " ", tags$span(class = "caret"))
submenuLinks <- navbar_links_tags(x$menu, depth = depth + 1L)
tags$li(class = menu_class,
href = "#", class = "dropdown-toggle",
`data-toggle` = "dropdown", role = "button",
`data-bs-toggle` = "dropdown", # BS5
`aria-expanded` = "false", link_text),
tags$ul(class = "dropdown-menu", role = "menu", submenuLinks)
} else if (!is.null(x$text) && grepl("^\\s*-{3,}\\s*$", x$text)) {
# divider
tags$li(class = "divider")
} else if (!is.null(x$text) && is.null(x$href)) {
# header
tags$li(class = "dropdown-header", x$text)
} else {
# standard menu item
textTags <- navbar_link_text(x)
tags$li(tags$a(href = x$href, textTags))
} else {
navbar_link_text <- function(x, ...) {
if (!is.null(x$icon)) {
# find the iconset
split <- strsplit(x$icon, "-")
if (length(split[[1]]) > 1)
iconset <- split[[1]][[1]]
iconset <- ""
# check if a full class is passed for fontawesome = V5
# Add fa deprecated fa prefix otherwise = V4 compatibility
class = if (grepl("^fa\\w? fa", iconset)) {
# Fontawesome 5 - full new prefix + name must be passed
# if old fa prefix is passed - keep it for compatibility
} else if (iconset == "fa") {
# Fontawesome 4 compatibility - Add deprecated fa prefix
paste("fa", x$icon)
} else {
# Other Icon sets
paste(iconset, x$icon)
tagList(tags$span(class = class), " ", x$text, ...)
tagList(x$text, ...)
add_anchor_sections <- function(anchor_sections, section_divs = FALSE) {
# expected output object
res <- list(args = NULL, lua_filters = NULL, extra_dependencies = NULL)
# Do nothing
if (identical(anchor_sections, FALSE)) return(res)
# Requires Pandoc 2.0 because using a Lua filter
if (!pandoc2.0()) {
stop("Using anchor_sections requires Pandoc 2.0+", call. = FALSE)
allowed_args <- c("style", "depth")
default_style <- "hash"
if (isTRUE(anchor_sections)) {
style <- default_style
depth <- NULL
} else if (is.list(anchor_sections)) {
# check list elements
all_allowed <- all(names(anchor_sections) %in% allowed_args)
if (!all_allowed) {
stop("`anchor_sections` could be a list with only names in [",
paste(allowed_args, collapse = ", "), "]",
call. = FALSE)
style <- anchor_sections[["style"]] %||% default_style
depth <- anchor_sections[["depth"]]
} else {
stop("`anchor_sections` should be FALSE, TRUE or a list with names [",
paste(allowed_args, collapse = ", "), "]",
call. = FALSE)
res$args <- if (!is.null(depth)) pandoc_metadata_arg("rmd_anchor_depth", depth)
res$lua_filters <- pkg_file_lua("anchor-sections.lua")
res$extra_dependencies <- list(html_dependency_anchor_sections(style, section_divs))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.