
Defines functions mtabulate missues esc

Documented in esc missues mtabulate

#' Make tabular summary of a pipeline
#' @family from_Rmonad
#' @param m An Rmonad
#' @param code logical Should the code by included?
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' m <- gff$good_result
#' mtabulate(m)
mtabulate <- function(m, code=FALSE){
    code        = get_code(m) %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=character(1), paste0, collapse="\n"),
    id          = get_id(m) %>% as.numeric,
    OK          = get_OK(m),
    cached      = has_value(m),
    time        = get_time(m) %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=numeric(1), function(x) { signif(.[1], 2) }),
    space       = get_mem(m),
    is_nested   = get_nest(m)       %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length),
    ndependents = get_dependents(m) %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length),
    nnotes      = get_notes(m)      %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length),
    nwarnings   = get_warnings(m)   %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length),
    error       = get_error(m)      %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length),
    doc         = get_doc(m)        %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length)
  ) %>% {
      .$code <- NULL

#' Tabulates all errors, warnings and notes
#' @family from_Rmonad
#' @param m An Rmonad
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' m <- gff$good_result
#' missues(m)
missues <- function(m){

  error_len   <- get_error(m)    %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length)
  warning_len <- get_warnings(m) %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length)
  note_len    <- get_notes(m)    %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=integer(1), length)

  ids <- get_id(m) %>% {c(
    rep(., times=error_len),
    rep(., times=warning_len),
    rep(., times=note_len)

  error    <- get_error(m)    %>% unlist %>% as.character
  warnings <- get_warnings(m) %>% unlist %>% as.character
  notes    <- get_notes(m)    %>% unlist %>% as.character
    id = ids,
    type = c(
      rep("error",   length(error)),
      rep("warning", length(warnings)),
      rep("note",    length(notes))
    issue = c(error, warnings, notes)

#' Returns the value a monad holds
#' If the monad is in the passing state, return the wrapped value. Otherwise,
#' raise an appropriate error.
#' Regardless of pass/fail status, \code{esc} raises all collected warnings and
#' prints all messages. Terminating a monadic sequence with \code{esc} should
#' obtain a result very close to running the same code outside the monad. The
#' main difference is that Rmonad appends the toplevel code that generated the
#' error.
#' @family from_Rmonad
#' @param m An Rmonad
#' @param quiet If TRUE, print the exact messages that are raised, without
#'        extra context. 
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' 256 %>>% sqrt %>% esc
esc <- function(m, quiet=FALSE){

  .quiet_warning <- function(code, msg) warning(msg, call.=FALSE)
  .quiet_note    <- function(code, msg) message(msg)
  .quiet_error   <- function(code, msg) stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
  .unquiet_warning <- function(code, msg) {
    warning("in '", code, "': ", msg, call.=FALSE)
  .unquiet_note <- function(code, msg) {
  .unquiet_error <- function(code, msg) {
    stop(paste0('in "', code, '":\n  ', msg), call.=FALSE)

  mtab <- mtabulate(m, code=TRUE)

  issues <- missues(m) %>%
    { merge(mtab, .)[, c("code", "type", "issue")] }

    fw <- .quiet_warning
    fn <- .quiet_note
    fe <- .quiet_error
  } else {
    fw <- .unquiet_warning
    fn <- .unquiet_note
    fe <- .unquiet_error

  for(i in seq_len(nrow(issues))){
    # raise warnings, with contextual information
    if(issues[i, "type"] == "warning"){
      fw(issues[i, "code"], issues[i, "issue"])
    # pass messages verbatim
    if(issues[i, "type"] == "note"){
      fn(issues[i, "code"], issues[i, "issue"])
  if(! .single_OK(m)){
    fe(.single_code(m), .single_error(m))


#' Convert a pipeline to Rmarkdown
#' Plots an rmonad workflow, summarizes the nodes, lists issues, and lists
#' details for each node. This function is likely to change extensively in the
#' future. It should be seen as one example of the kind of report that can be
#' generated by rmonad, rather than THE report.
#' @family from_Rmonad
#' @param m An Rmonad
#' @param prefix A file prefix for the generated report
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' report(-1:2 %>>% log %>>% sqrt %__% "asdf" %>>% sqrt)
#' }
report <- function(

  dir <- tempdir()
  m_path <- file.path(dir, 'rmonad.Rd')
  r_path <- file.path(dir, 'report.Rmd')
  md_path <- file.path(dir, paste0(prefix, ".md"))

  saveRDS(m, m_path) 

  tostr <- function(x, prefix){
      paste0(prefix, x, "\n", collapse="\n")
    } else {

  strsummary <- function(m, i){
    summaries <- .single_summary(m, index=i)
    headers <- if(!is.null(names(summaries))){
    } else {
      paste('summary', letters[seq_along(summaries)])
        glue::glue(.open='{{', .close='}}',
          ### {{headers[[j]]}}

          ```{r, echo=FALSE}
    ) %>% paste(collapse="\n")

  entries <- get_id(m) %>% vapply(FUN.VALUE=character(1), function(i)
    glue::glue(.open='{{', .close='}}',
      ## {{id}}

      OK={{ok}} | parents={{parents}} | cached={{cached}} | time={{time}} | memory={{mem}}


      ```{r, eval=FALSE}

      id       = i,
      ok       = .single_OK(m, index=i),
      parents  = paste0("[", paste(.single_parents(m, index=i), collapse=", "), "]"),
      cached   = has_value(m, index=i),
      time     = .single_time(m, index=i),
      mem      = .single_mem(m, index=i),
      doc      = tostr(.single_doc(m, index=i)),
      code     = paste0(.single_code(m, index=i), collapse="\n"),
      error    = tostr(.single_error(m, index=i), "ERROR: "),
      warnings = tostr(.single_warnings(m, index=i), "WARNING: "),
      notes    = tostr(.single_notes(m, index=i), "NOTE: "),
      summary  = strsummary(m, i)
    )) %>% paste0(collapse="\n")

  rmd_str <- glue::glue(.open='{{', .close='}}',
    ```{r, echo=FALSE}
    m <- readRDS('rmonad.Rd')

    ```{r, echo=FALSE}

    ```{r, echo=FALSE}

    ```{r, results='asis', echo=FALSE}

    ```{r, results='asis', echo=FALSE}

    ```{r, echo=FALSE}


  write(rmd_str, file=r_path)

  knitr::knit(input=r_path, output=md_path)
  out_path <- knitr::pandoc(input=md_path, format='latex', ext='pdf')
  file.copy(out_path, getwd(), overwrite=TRUE)

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rmonad documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:31 p.m.