
Defines functions LRchunktest

LRchunktest <- function(object, i, tol=1e-7) {
  k   <- class(object)[1]
  fmi <- k == 'fit.mult.impute'
  if(fmi) k <- class(object)[2]
  X   <- object[['x']]
  y   <- object[['y']]
  if(! length(X) || ! length(y))
    stop('you must specify x=TRUE, y=TRUE in the fit to enable LR tests')
  if(length(i) == ncol(X)) {   # overall test used Model L.R.
    chisq <- object$stats['Model L.R.'] # and dealt with mult imputations
    return(c(chisq=chisq, df=ncol(X)))
  X <- X[, - i, drop=FALSE]
  devf <- object$deviance
  devf <- devf[length(devf)]
  logl <- object$loglik
  logl <- logl[length(logl)]
         lrm = {
            dev  <- lrm.fit(X, y, maxit=12, tol=tol)$deviance[2]
         orm = {
           dev <- orm.fit(X, y, family=object$family, tol=tol)$deviance[2]
         cph = {
           devf <- -2 * logl
           dev  <- -2 * coxphFit(X, y, method=object$method,
                            type=attr(y, 'type'))$loglik[2]
         psm = {
           devf <- -2 * logl
           dev  <- -2 * survreg.fit2(X, y, dist=object$dist,
         Glm = {
           dev <- glm.fit(x=cbind(1., X), y=y,
         stop('for LR tests, fit must be from lrm, orm, cph, psm, Glm')
  chisq <- dev - devf
  if(fmi && length(object$fmimethod) && object$fmimethod != 'ordinary')
    chisq <- chisq / object$n.impute
  c(chisq=chisq, df=length(i))

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