
Defines functions validateFromObj validateFromString validateFromFile getSyntaxValidator

Documented in getSyntaxValidator validateFromFile validateFromObj validateFromString

## Author: Chris Bielow

## Functions to validate an mzQC file or in-memory object or an mzQC JSON string

#' Get a syntax validator for mzQC
#' @import jsonvalidate
getSyntaxValidator = function()
  schema = system.file("schema/mzqc_schema.json", package = "rmzqc", mustWork = TRUE)
  v = jsonvalidate::json_validator(schema, engine = "ajv") ## we need schema draft-07

#' Syntactically validates an mzQC document which is present as a file.
#' The returned TRUE/FALSE has additional attributes in case of errors.
#' Use attributes(result) to access them.
#' @param filepath A path to a file (e.g. "c:/my.mzQC", or "test.mzQC")
#' @param verbose Show extra information if validation fails
#' @return TRUE/FALSE if validation was successful/failed
#' @export
validateFromFile = function(filepath, verbose = TRUE)
  if (!file.exists(filepath)) {
    stop("The file '", filepath, "' does not exist (or is not readable).")
  data = readLines(filepath)
  validateFromString(data, verbose)

#' Syntactically validates an mzQC document which is already in memory as JSON string.
#' e.g. the string "\{ mzQC : \{\}\}"
#' If the string object passed into this function contains multiple elements (length > 1).
#' then they will be concatenated using '\\n' before validation.
#' The returned TRUE/FALSE has additional attributes in case of errors.
#' Use attributes(result) to access them.
#' @param JSON_string A string which contains JSON (multiple lines allowed)
#' @param verbose Show extra information if validation fails
#' @return TRUE/FALSE if validation was successful/failed
#' @export
validateFromString = function(JSON_string, verbose = TRUE)
  v = getSyntaxValidator()
  if (length(JSON_string) > 1) JSON_string = paste0(JSON_string, collapse = "\n") ## we need a single line for the validator
  valid_JSON = jsonlite::validate(JSON_string)
  if (!valid_JSON)
    warning(attributes(valid_JSON), immediate. = TRUE)
    stop("The JSON string is not valid JSON.")
  res = v(JSON_string, verbose = verbose)

#' Syntactically validates an mzQC document which is already in memory as mzQC root object, as obtained by, e.g. readMZQC().
#' This method is less performant than validateFromString,
#' because it needs to convert the R object to
#' a JSON string first.
#' The returned TRUE/FALSE has additional attributes in case of errors.
#' Use attributes(result) to access them.
#' @param mzqc_root An mzQC root object
#' @param verbose Show extra information if validation fails
#' @return TRUE/FALSE if validation was successful/failed
#' @export
validateFromObj = function(mzqc_root, verbose = TRUE)
  if (!("MzQCmzQC" %in% class(mzqc_root))) stop("Argument is not a class of 'MzQCmzQC'.")
  JSON_string = jsonlite::toJSON(mzqc_root, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  validateFromString(JSON_string, verbose)

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rmzqc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:06 p.m.