
Defines functions npn_stations_with_spp npn_stations_by_location npn_stations_by_state npn_stations

Documented in npn_stations npn_stations_by_location npn_stations_by_state npn_stations_with_spp

#' Get Station Data
#' Get a list of all stations, optionally filtered by state
#' @export
#' @param state_code The postal code of the US state by which to filter
#' the results returned. Leave empty to get all stations.
#' @template curl
#' @return A data frame with stations' latitude and longitude, names, and ids.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' npn_stations()
#' npn_stations('AZ')
#' }

npn_stations <- function(state_code=NULL, ...) {
  end_point <- 'stations/getAllStations.json'
    tt <- lapply(state_code, function(z){
      npn_GET(paste0(base(), end_point), list(state_code = z), TRUE, ...)
      npn_GET(paste0(base(), end_point), list(), TRUE, ...)

#' Get number of stations by state.
#' @export
#' @template curl
#' @return A data frame listing stations by state.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' head( npn_stations_by_state() )
#' }
npn_stations_by_state <- function(...) {
  tt <- npn_GET(paste0(base(), 'stations/getStationCountByState.json'), list(), ...)
  states <- sapply(tt, function(x){
    if (is.null(x[[1]]) == TRUE) {
      x[[1]] <- "emptyvalue"
    } else{
      x[[1]] <- x[[1]]
  data <- sapply(tt, "[[", "number_stations")
    data.frame(states, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
    .Names = c("state", "number_stations"))

#' Get station data based on a WKT defined geography.
#' Takes a Well-Known Text based geography as input and returns data for all
#' stations, including unique IDs, within that boundary.
#' @export
#' @template curl
#' @param wkt Required field specifying the WKT geography to use.
#' @return A data frame listing stations filtered based on the WKT geography.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' head( npn_stations_by_state(wkt="POLYGON((
#' -110.94484396954107 32.23623109416672,-110.96166678448247 32.23594069208043,
#' -110.95960684795904 32.21328646993733,-110.94244071026372 32.21343170728929,
#' -110.93935080547857 32.23216538049456,-110.94484396954107 32.23623109416672))")
#' )
#' }
npn_stations_by_location <- function( wkt, ...){

  end_point <- 'stations/getStationsByLocation.json'

    tt <- lapply(wkt, function(z){
      npn_GET(paste0(base(), end_point), list("wkt" = wkt), TRUE, ...)

      npn_GET(paste0(base(), end_point), list(), TRUE, ...)


#' Get Stations with Species
#' Get a list of all stations which have an individual whom is a member of a
#'    set of species.
#' @export
#' @param speciesid Required. Species id numbers, from 1 to infinity, potentially,
#'    use e.g., c(52, 53, etc.) if more than one species desired (numeric).
#' @template curl
#' @return A data frame with stations' latitude and longitude, names, and ids.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' npn_stations_with_spp(speciesid = c(52,53,54))
#' npn_stations_with_spp(speciesid = 53)
#' }

npn_stations_with_spp <- function(speciesid, ...) {
  args <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(speciesid)) {
    args[paste0('species_id[',i,']')] <- speciesid[i]
  ldfply(npn_GET(paste0(base(), 'stations/getStationsWithSpecies.json'), args, ...))

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rnpn documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:54 p.m.