
Defines functions mw.mw.test part.naive compute.pm.wilcox.z pm.wilcox.test

Documented in pm.wilcox.test

#Xextra=NULL; Yextra=NULL; alternative = "two.sided"; method="SR-MW"; mode="test"; useC=FALSE; correct=NULL; verbose=FALSE
# sr.mw.q0 is quadratic combination
# sr.mw.l0 is linear combination
# sr.mw.2 is linear combination with only independent statistics, with asymp-based p val
# sr.mw.2.perm is linear combination with only independent statistics, but with permutation-based pval
# mw.mw.00 is bp 
# one sided p values are opposite to wilcox.test because the way U is computed here as the rank of Y's
pm.wilcox.test = function(Xpaired, Ypaired, Xextra=NULL, Yextra=NULL
    , alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")
    , method=c("SR-MW", "MW-MW", "all") 
    , mode=c("test","var","power.study")
    , useC=FALSE
    , correct=NULL
    , verbose=FALSE) 
    DNAME1 = deparse(substitute(Xpaired))
    DNAME2 = deparse(substitute(Ypaired))
    DNAME3 = deparse(substitute(Xextra))
    DNAME4 = deparse(substitute(Yextra))
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    mode <- match.arg(mode) 
    if (alternative!="two.sided" & method=="all") warning("only sr.mw.l0 and mw.mw.l0 implement one-sided alternative")
    #because the statistic is a linear weighted combination of discrete statistics, whether to do continuity correction becomes quite complicated.
    # there are some remanants of code dealing with continuity correction, and they can be ignored
    if (is.null(correct)) correct=!useC# not implemented in .Call implemenation; partially implemented in R implementation
    # consolidate extra data if there are NA in paired data
    # remove NA from paired data
    notna=!is.na(Xpaired) & !is.na(Ypaired)
    # switch X and Y if Xextra is not null but Yextra is
    if (length(Yextra)==0 & length(Xextra)>0) {
        if(verbose) cat("switch two samples \n")
        tmp=Xpaired; Xpaired=Ypaired; Ypaired=tmp
    if (length(Xextra)<=0 & length(Yextra)<=0) {
        cat("call wilcox.test for paired data since there are no unpaired samples\n")
        return(wilcox.test(Xpaired, Ypaired, paired=TRUE))
    if (length(Xpaired)==0 & length(Ypaired)==0) {
        cat("call wilcox.test for unpaired data since there are no paired samples\n")
        return(wilcox.test(Xextra, Yextra, paired=FALSE))
    if (length(Xpaired)==1 & length(Ypaired)==1) {
        cat(paste0("call wilcox.test for unpaired data since there is only 1 pair of matched samples by dropping 1 ", ifelse(length(Xextra)>length(Yextra), "X","Y") ,"\n"))
        if(length(Xextra)>length(Yextra)) {
        } else {
        res=wilcox.test(Xextra, Yextra, paired=FALSE)
        res$sample.size=c(X=length(Xextra), Y=length(Yextra))        
    lx=length(Xextra) # so that it does not get mixed up with number 1
    if(verbose) myprint(m,n,lx)
    # for developing manuscript
    if(mode=="var") return(compute.pm.wilcox.z(Xpaired,Ypaired,Xextra,Yextra, alternative, correct, is.switched, verbose, return.all=TRUE, power.study=power.study)) 
    # for power study
    if(mode=="power.study") return(compute.pm.wilcox.z(Xpaired,Ypaired,Xextra,Yextra, alternative, correct, is.switched, verbose, return.all=FALSE, power.study=power.study)[,2]) 
    if(useC) {
        # only reutrn test statistic for mw.mw.l0
        if(!correct) .corr=0 else .corr=switch(alternative, "two.sided" = 2, "greater" = -1, "less" = 1)     
        if(is.switched & abs(.corr)==1) .corr=-.corr
        z=.Call("pm_wmw_test", Xpaired, Ypaired, Yextra, .corr, as.integer(1), as.integer(1))
    } else {
        #the following R implementation may give a different result under i386 software on 64-bit machine, b/c C is always 64 bit, but R is 32 bit
        z=compute.pm.wilcox.z(Xpaired,Ypaired,Xextra,Yextra, alternative, correct, is.switched, verbose, return.all=FALSE, power.study=power.study)
    if(is.switched) z[,1]=-z[,1] #change the sign of statisitics
    if (method=="all") {
        # for MC studies in the paper
        return (z)
    } else {
        # for practical uses
        z.=switch(method, "SR-MW"=z["sr.mw.l0",], "MW-MW"=z["mw.mw.l0",])
        res$sample.size=c(paired=m, x.extra=length(Xextra), y.extra=length(Yextra))
        res$method=switch(method, "SR-MW"="SR-MW, weighted linear combination", "MW-MW"="MW-MW, weighted linear combination")
        res$data.name=paste(paste(c("Xpaired (m=","Ypaired (m=","Xextra (lx=","Yextra (n="), c(m,m,lx,n), ")", sep="")[0!=c(m,m,lx,n)],collapse=", ")

compute.pm.wilcox.z=function(Xpaired,Ypaired,Xextra,Yextra, alternative, correct, is.switched, verbose=1, return.all=FALSE, power.study) {
    # .corr is for .Call call to compute variance of Up
    if(!correct) .corr=0 else .corr=switch(alternative, "two.sided" = 2, "greater" = -1, "less" = 1)     
    if(is.switched & abs(.corr)==1) .corr=-.corr
    # empirical distribution function estimated from observed
    cov.G.F=cov(Fy(Xpaired), Fx(Ypaired)) 
    cov.G.F.1=cov(Fyyprime(Xpaired), Fx(Ypaired)) 
    # compute h.1 for W.plus
    # Vectorize the following does not help speed b/c the loop is still implemented in R
    h.1.f=function(i) (sum(delta+delta[i]>0) - sum(delta[i]>0))/(length(delta)-1)
    for (i in 1:m) h.1[i]=h.1.f(i)
#    #using outer is actually slower probably b/c memory operations
#    delta.pair.plus=outer(delta, delta, FUN="+")
#    diag(delta.pair.plus)=NA # we don't want to count delta_i + delta_j
#    h.1.0=apply(delta.pair.plus>0, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
#    all(h.1==h.1.0)
    # Wilcoxon signed rank stat and var
    r.1 <- rank(abs.delta)    
    W.plus = mean(pos.delta*r.1)
    if(correct) W.plus=W.plus-switch(alternative, "two.sided" = sign(W.plus-(m+1)/4) * 0.5/m, "greater" = ifelse(is.switched,-1,1)*0.5/m, "less" = -ifelse(is.switched,-1,1)*0.5/m)
    var.W.plus = m * var(h.1) # var(W.plus.2) is 4 x var(W.plus)
    var.W.plus.0 = (m+1)*(2*m+1)/(24*m)
    # Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney stat and var
    r.2 <- rank(c(Xpaired, Yextra))
    var.W.mw=m * (alpha^2*var(Fyprime(Xpaired)) + alpha*(1-alpha)*var(Fx(Yextra)))
    if(correct) W.mw=W.mw-switch(alternative, "two.sided" = sign(W.mw-n/2) * 0.5/(N+1), "greater" = ifelse(is.switched,-1,1)*0.5/(N+1), "less" = -ifelse(is.switched,-1,1)*0.5/(N+1))

    # covariance between W.plus and W.mw    
    cov. = -m*alpha * cov(h.1, Fy(Xpaired))
    rho.0 = - 6*sqrt(alpha) * cov(Fplus(abs.delta) * sgn.delta, Fx(Xpaired))
    cov.0 =  rho.0  * sqrt(var.W.plus.0*var.W.mw.0) # good
    # we may also put in the population mean in the estimate, it reduces bias but increases var greatly, not good
    rho.0a= - 6*sqrt(alpha) * mean(Fplus(abs.delta) * sgn.delta * Fx(Xpaired)) 
    cov.0a = rho.0a * sqrt(var.W.plus.0*var.W.mw.0) 
    # other choices tried that do not make big differences
    # cov.0d = (2*rho-rho.0) * sqrt(var.W.plus.0*var.W.mw.0) # 
    #rho.0b = - 6*sqrt(alpha) * cov(Fplus(abs.delta) * sgn.delta, Fyprime(Xpaired))
    #cov.0  = rho    * sqrt(var.W.plus.0*var.W.mw.0) # 
    # MW-MW1 and MW-MW2
    U.p=(sum(rank(c(Xpaired, Ypaired))[m+1:m]) - m*(m+1)/2)/(m*m)
    if(correct) U.p=U.p-switch(alternative, "two.sided" = sign(U.p-0.5) * 0.5/(m*m), "greater" = ifelse(is.switched,-1,1)*0.5/(m*m), "less" = -ifelse(is.switched,-1,1)*0.5/(m*m))
    if(correct) U.mw=U.mw-switch(alternative, "two.sided" = sign(U.mw-0.5) * 0.5/(m*n), "greater" = ifelse(is.switched,-1,1)*0.5/(m*n), "less" = -ifelse(is.switched,-1,1)*0.5/(m*n))
    #var.U.p.0.high=m*((U.p-0.5)/.Call("pair_wmw_test", Xpaired, Ypaired, .corr, as.integer(2), as.integer(1), as.integer(1)))^2 # there is a bug here when .Call returns 0, keep here only for historic reasons
    var.U.p.0.high=.Call("pair_wmw_var", Xpaired, Ypaired, as.integer(2))# a more precise est of var.U.p.0
    var.U.p =  var(Fy(Xpaired)) + var(Fx(Ypaired)) - 2*cov.G.F
    var.U.mw=  var(Fyprime(Xpaired)) + (1/alpha-1)*var(Fx(Yextra))
    cov.U.mw.p=var(Fy(Xpaired)) - cov.G.F
    # MW-MW0, another way to get this is to combine MW-MW1 and MW-MW2
    T = sum(rank(c(Xpaired, Ypaired, Yextra))[(m+1):(m+N)])/(m+N+1)
    var.T.0=(m*N/(m+N))^2 * (1/12/m + 1/12/N - 2*cov.G.F.1/N) 
    var.T=  (m*N/(m+N))^2 * (var(Fyyprime(Xpaired))/m + var(Fx(YYprime))/N - 2*cov.G.F.1/N)
    #var.T=(m*N/(m+N))^2 * (var(Fyyprime(Xpaired))/m + var(Fx(YYprime))/N - 2*cov(Fyyprime(Xpaired), Fx(Ypaired))/N)
    #T.lin=m*N/(m+N)*(-mean(Fyyprime(Xpaired)) + mean(Fx(YYprime))) # linear expansion, note that mean(Fyyprime(Xpaired)) and mean(Fx(YYprime)) are perfectly correlated in data
    if (lx==0) {
        # SR-MW tests, several versions of rho are tried
        vec=c(W.plus-(m+1)/4, W.mw-n/2)
        if(!power.study) {
            # quadratic combination
            stat.1 = try(c(vec %*% solve(matrix(c(var.W.plus.0, cov.0, cov.0, var.W.mw.0),2) , vec)), silent=TRUE)  # solve may fail
            if (inherits(stat.1, "try-error")) stat.1<-pval.1<-NA else pval.1=pchisq(stat.1, df=2, lower.tail=FALSE)
            tests=rbind(tests, "sr.mw.q0"=c(stat.1, pval.1)) #SR-MW$_{1}$    
        #    stat.1 = try(c(vec %*% solve(matrix(c(var.W.plus.0, cov.0a, cov.0a, var.W.mw.0),2) , vec)), silent=TRUE)  # solve may fail
        #    if (inherits(stat.1, "try-error")) stat.1<-pval.1<-NA else pval.1=pchisq(stat.1, df=2, lower.tail=FALSE)
        #    tests=rbind(tests, "SR-MW.1a"=c(stat.1, pval.1))    
            stat.1 = try(c(vec %*% solve(matrix(c(var.W.plus, cov., cov., var.W.mw),2) , vec)), silent=TRUE)  # solve may fail
            if (inherits(stat.1, "try-error")) stat.1<-pval.1<-NA else pval.1=pchisq(stat.1, df=2, lower.tail=FALSE)
            tests=rbind(tests, "sr.mw.11"=c(stat.1, pval.1))
            comb=c(1, var.W.plus/var.W.mw)
            stat.1 = (comb %*% vec)^2 / (comb %*% matrix(c(var.W.plus, cov., cov., var.W.mw),2) %*% comb)      
            tests=rbind(tests, "sr.mw.21"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))
#            comb=(var.W.mw.0 - cov.0)/(var.W.plus.0 + var.W.mw.0 - 2*cov.0)
#            comb=c(comb, 1-comb)
#            stat.1 = (comb %*% vec) / sqrt(comb %*% matrix(c(var.W.plus.0, cov.0, cov.0, var.W.mw.0),2) %*% comb)      
#            tests=rbind(tests, "sr.mw.22"=c(stat.1, switch(alternative, "two.sided"=2*pnorm(abs(stat.1),lower.tail=FALSE), "less"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,FALSE,TRUE)), "greater"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,TRUE,FALSE)))  ))
        # linear combination
        df.=Inf # degrees of freedom for Student's t: m or Inf
        comb=c(1, var.W.plus.0/var.W.mw.0); if(verbose) print(comb)
        stat.1 = (comb %*% vec) / sqrt(comb %*% matrix(c(var.W.plus.0, cov.0, cov.0, var.W.mw.0),2) %*% comb)      
        tests=rbind(tests, "sr.mw.l0"=c(stat.1, switch(alternative, "two.sided"=2*pt(abs(stat.1),df=df.,lower.tail=FALSE), 
                                                                      "greater"=pt(stat.1,df=df.,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,TRUE,FALSE)))  ))
        # MW-MW tests
        #    stat.1 = (T-N/2)^2/var.T.0
        #    tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.00"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))
        #    stat.1 = (T-N/2)^2/var.T
        #    tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.01"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))
        vec=sqrt(m)*c(U.p-1/2, U.mw-1/2)    
        if(!power.study) {
            # quadratic combination
            stat.1 = try(c(vec %*% solve(matrix(c(var.U.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0, var.U.mw.0),2) , vec)), silent=TRUE)  # solve may fail
            if (inherits(stat.1, "try-error")) stat.1<-pval.1<-NA else pval.1=pchisq(stat.1, df=2, lower.tail=FALSE)
            tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.q0"=c(stat.1, pval.1))    
            stat.1 = try(c(vec %*% solve(matrix(c(var.U.p, cov.U.mw.p, cov.U.mw.p, var.U.mw),2) , vec)), silent=TRUE)  # solve may fail
            if (inherits(stat.1, "try-error")) stat.1<-pval.1<-NA else pval.1=pchisq(stat.1, df=2, lower.tail=FALSE)
            tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.11"=c(stat.1, pval.1))
            comb.1=c(1, var.U.p/var.U.mw)
            stat.1 = (comb.1 %*% vec)^2 / (comb.1 %*% matrix(c(var.U.p, cov.U.mw.p, cov.U.mw.p, var.U.mw),2) %*% comb.1)      
            tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.21"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))    
            #myprint(U.p, U.mw, comb.0, comb.1, digits=6)
            # Brunner and Puri
            comb=c(1, n/m)
            stat.1 = (comb %*% vec)^2 / (comb %*% matrix(c(var.U.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0, var.U.mw.0),2) %*% comb)      
            tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.00"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))    
            comb=c(1, n/m)
            stat.1 = (comb %*% vec)^2 / (comb %*% matrix(c(var.U.p, cov.U.mw.p, cov.U.mw.p, var.U.mw),2) %*% comb)      
            tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.01"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))
        # linear combination
        comb.0=c(1, var.U.p.0/var.U.mw.0)
        if(verbose) print(c(var.U.p.0, var.U.mw.0))
        #stat.1 = (comb.0 %*% vec)^2 / (comb.0 %*% matrix(c(var.U.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0, var.U.mw.0),2) %*% comb.0)      
        #tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.l0"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))    
        # use normal reference instead of chisq
        stat.1 = (comb.0 %*% vec) / sqrt(comb.0 %*% matrix(c(var.U.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0, var.U.mw.0),2) %*% comb.0)      
        tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.l0"=c(stat.1, switch(alternative, "two.sided"=2*pnorm(abs(stat.1),lower.tail=FALSE), "less"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,FALSE,TRUE)), "greater"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,TRUE,FALSE)))  ))
    } else {        
        # extension to having both Yextra and Xextra
        U.3=(sum(rank(c(Xextra, Ypaired))[lx+1:m]) - m*(m+1)/2)/(lx*m)
        if(correct) U.3=U.3-switch(alternative, "two.sided" = sign(U.3-0.5) * 0.5/(m*lx), "greater" = 0.5/(m*lx), "less" = -0.5/(m*lx))
        U.4=(sum(rank(c(Xextra, Yextra))[lx+1:n]) - n*(n+1)/2)/(lx*n)
        if(correct) U.4=U.4-switch(alternative, "two.sided" = sign(U.4-0.5) * 0.5/(n*lx), "greater" = 0.5/(n*lx), "less" = -0.5/(n*lx))
        # SR-MW
        vec=sqrt(m)*c((W.plus-(m+1)/4)/m, U.mw-1/2, U.3-1/2, U.4-1/2) 
        v.tmp=diag(c(var.W.plus.0/m, var.U.mw.0, ((m/lx+1)/12), ((m/lx+m/n)/12)))
        v.tmp[2,1]<-v.tmp[1,2]<- -1/2*cov(Fplus(abs.delta) * sgn.delta, Fx(Xpaired))
        v.tmp[3,1]<-v.tmp[1,3]<- 1/2*cov(Fplus(abs.delta) * sgn.delta, Fx(Ypaired))
        v.tmp[4,1]<-v.tmp[1,4]<- 0
        v.tmp[3,2]<-v.tmp[2,3]<- -cov.G.F
        v.tmp[4,2]<-v.tmp[2,4]<- m/(12*n)
        v.tmp[4,3]<-v.tmp[3,4]<- m/(12*lx)
        # linear combination
        if(verbose) {
            cat("SR: comb\n"); print(comb)
            cat("v.tmp\n"); print(v.tmp)
        #stat.1 = (comb %*% vec)^2 / (comb %*% v.tmp %*% comb)      
        #tests=rbind(tests, "sr.mw.l0"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))    
        # use normal reference instead of chisq
        stat.1 = (comb %*% vec) / sqrt(comb %*% v.tmp %*% comb)      
        tests=rbind(tests, "sr.mw.l0"=c(stat.1, switch(alternative, "two.sided"=2*pnorm(abs(stat.1),lower.tail=FALSE), "less"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,FALSE,TRUE)), "greater"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,TRUE,FALSE)))  ))
        # linear combination of X-Y and X'-Y' comparisons only
        comb=c(1/v.tmp[1,1], 0, 0, 1/v.tmp[4,4])
        stat.1 = (comb %*% vec) / sqrt(comb %*% v.tmp %*% comb)      
        tests=rbind(tests, "sr.mw.2"=c(stat.1, switch(alternative, "two.sided"=2*pnorm(abs(stat.1),lower.tail=FALSE), "less"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,FALSE,TRUE)), "greater"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,TRUE,FALSE)))  ))        
        # MW-MW    
        vec=sqrt(m)*c(U.p-1/2, U.mw-1/2, U.3-1/2, U.4-1/2)            
        v.tmp=diag(c(var.U.p.0, var.U.mw.0, ((m/lx+1)/12), ((m/lx+m/n)/12)))
        v.tmp[2,1]<-v.tmp[1,2]<- cov.U.mw.p.0
        v.tmp[3,1]<-v.tmp[1,3]<- cov.U.mw.p.0
        v.tmp[4,1]<-v.tmp[1,4]<- 0
        v.tmp[3,2]<-v.tmp[2,3]<- -cov.G.F
        v.tmp[4,2]<-v.tmp[2,4]<- m/(12*n)
        v.tmp[4,3]<-v.tmp[3,4]<- m/(12*lx)
        # linear combination
        if(verbose) {
            cat("MW: comb\n"); print(comb)
            cat("v.tmp\n"); print(v.tmp)
        #stat.1 = (comb %*% vec)^2 / (comb %*% v.tmp %*% comb)      
        #tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.l0"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))
        # use normal reference instead of chisq
        stat.1 = (comb %*% vec) / sqrt(comb %*% v.tmp %*% comb)      
        tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.l0"=c(stat.1, switch(alternative, "two.sided"=2*pnorm(abs(stat.1),lower.tail=FALSE), "less"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,FALSE,TRUE)), "greater"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,TRUE,FALSE)))  ))
        # linear combination of X-Y and X'-Y' comparisons only
        #myprint(U.p, U.4)
        comb=c(1/v.tmp[1,1], 0, 0, 1/v.tmp[4,4])
        stat.1 = (comb %*% vec) / sqrt(comb %*% v.tmp %*% comb)   
        tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.2"=c(stat.1, switch(alternative, "two.sided"=2*pnorm(abs(stat.1),lower.tail=FALSE), "less"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,FALSE,TRUE)), "greater"=pnorm(stat.1,lower.tail=ifelse(!is.switched,TRUE,FALSE)))  ))        
        if(!power.study) {
            # perm utation-based p val
            tmp=mw.mw.2.perm(Xpaired, Ypaired, Xextra, Yextra, .corr)
            tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.2.perm"=c(tmp$stat, tmp$p.val))
        if(!power.study) {
            # Brunner and Puri
            comb=1/diag(v.tmp); comb[1]=1/(1/6)
            stat.1 = (comb %*% vec)^2 / (comb %*% v.tmp %*% comb)      
            tests=rbind(tests, "mw.mw.00"=c(stat.1, pchisq(stat.1, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)))    
        return(c(W.plus=W.plus, W.mw=W.mw, var.W.plus=var.W.plus, var.W.mw=var.W.mw, cov.=cov., rho=rho, rho.0=rho.0, rho.0a=rho.0a, T=T, var.T=var.T, 
                 U.p=sqrt(m)*U.p, U.mw=sqrt(m)*U.mw, var.U.mw.0=var.U.mw.0, var.U.p.0=var.U.p.0, cov.U.mw.p.0=cov.U.mw.p.0 ))

# naively or simply combining sign test with MW, treat the two as independent
    test.1=wilcox.test(Xpaired, Ypaired, paired=T)# wilcox test on the paired data
    test.2=wilcox.test(Xprime, Ypaired) # unpaired test
    partial.p.1 = pchisq(qnorm(test.1$p.val)**2 + qnorm(test.2$p.val)**2, df=2, lower.tail=FALSE)                

# sign.mw.test = function(Xpaired, Ypaired, Z) {    
#     stopifnot(length(Xpaired)==length(Ypaired))
#     m=length(Xpaired)
#     n=length(Z)
#     N=m+n
#     # a signed test for the paired data
#     t.1=mean(Xpaired>Ypaired)    
#     if (t.1==0) t.1=t.1+.5/m else if (t.1==1) t.1=t.1-.5/m # continuity correction
#     var.t.1=t.1 * (1-t.1) / m
#     var.t.1
#     r <- rank(c(Ypaired, Z))
#     t.2=(sum(r[(n+1):N]) - m*(m+1)/2)/n/m # U or AUC
#     if (t.2==0) t.2=t.2+.5/n/m else if (t.2==1) t.2=t.2-.5/n/m
#     Fy=ecdf(Ypaired)
#     Fz=ecdf(Z)
#     var.t.2=var(Fz(Ypaired))/n + var(Fy(Z))/m
#     # covariance
#     cov.1.2=1/m* {mean (outer(1:n, 1:m, function (i,j) as.integer(Z[i]>Ypaired[j]) * as.integer(Xpaired[j]>Ypaired[j]) )) - mean (outer(1:n, 1:m, function (i,j) as.integer(Z[i]>Ypaired[j]) )) * t.1}
#     # var matrix
#     Sigma=matrix(c(var.t.1,cov.1.2,cov.1.2,var.t.2),2,2)
#     # p-value
#     pval=try(pchisq(c(c(t.1-0.5, t.2-0.5) %*% solve(Sigma, c(t.1-0.5, t.2-0.5))), df=2, lower.tail=FALSE))
#     ifelse (inherits(pval, "try-error"), NA, pval)
# }

mw.mw.test=function(Xpaired,Ypaired,Yextra) {
    if (t.1==0) t.11=t.1+.5/m else if (t.1==1) t.11=t.1-.5/m else t.11=t.1  # continuity correction
    var.t.1=t.11 * (1-t.11)/m
    r <- rank(c(Xpaired, Yextra))
    t.2=(sum(r[(m+1):N]) - n*(n+1)/2)/m/n # U or AUC
    if (t.2==0) t.2=t.2+.5/m/n else if (t.2==1) t.2=t.2-.5/m/n
    var.t.2=var(Fyprime(Xpaired))/m + var(Fx(Yextra))/n # same result as pROC::var.auc.delong
    mean.x.gr.y = mean( outer(1:m,1:m, function(i,j) ifelse(i==j,NA,Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[j])), na.rm=TRUE )
    mean.z.gr.y=mean( outer(1:m,1:n, function(j,k) Yextra[k]>Xpaired[j]) )
    #tmp = mean( multi.outer(function(i,j,k) ifelse(i==j,NA,(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[j])*(Yextra[k]>Xpaired[j])), 1:m,1:m,1:n), na.rm=TRUE )
    tmp   =outer.3.mean(1:m,1:m,1:n, function(i,j,k) ifelse(i==j,NA,(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[j])*(Yextra[k]>Xpaired[j])) )
    tmp.1 =outer.3.mean(1:m,1:m,1:m, function(i,j,k) ifelse(i==j|i==k|j==k,NA,(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[j])*(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[k])) )
    tmp.11=outer.3.mean(1:m,1:m,1:m, function(i,j,k) ifelse(i==j|i==k|j==k,NA,(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[j])*(Ypaired[k]>Xpaired[i])) )
    tmp.2= outer.3.mean(1:m,1:m,1:m, function(i,j,k) ifelse(i==j|i==k|j==k,NA,(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[j])*(Ypaired[k]>Xpaired[j])) )
    tmp.21=tmp.11 # it can be shown that tmp.21 equals tmp.11. it helps to draw pictures
    #tmp.21=outer.3.mean(1:m,1:m,1:m, function(i,j,k) ifelse(i==j|i==k|j==k,NA,(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[j])*(Ypaired[j]>Xpaired[k])) ) 
    # variance
        #second term
        #third term
        + 2*m*n* {mean( outer(1:m, 1:n, function(j,k) (Ypaired[j]>Xpaired[j])*(Yextra[k]>Xpaired[j])) ) - t.1 * mean.z.gr.y}    
        + 2*m*n*(m-1)* (tmp - mean.x.gr.y * mean.z.gr.y)
        #first term
        + m* (m*var.t.1) # m*var.t.1 is the variance of (Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[i])
        + m*(m-1)* (mean.x.gr.y*(1-mean.x.gr.y))
        + m*(m-1)*(m-2)* (tmp.1 - mean.x.gr.y^2)
        + m*(m-1)*(m-2)* (tmp.11- mean.x.gr.y^2)
        + m*(m-1)*(m-2)* (tmp.2 - mean.x.gr.y^2)
        + m*(m-1)*(m-2)* (tmp.21- mean.x.gr.y^2)
        + 2*m*(m-1)* {mean( outer(1:m,1:m, function(i,j) ifelse(i==j,NA,(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[i])*(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[j]))), na.rm=TRUE ) - t.1 * mean.x.gr.y}  
        + 2*m*(m-1)* {mean( outer(1:m,1:m, function(i,j) ifelse(i==j,NA,(Ypaired[i]>Xpaired[i])*(Ypaired[j]>Xpaired[i]))), na.rm=TRUE ) - t.1 * mean.x.gr.y}  
    # test stat
    test.stat = unname(wilcox.test(c(Ypaired,Yextra),Xpaired)$statistic/m/(m+n) - 0.5)
    # p value
    pchisq( test.stat^2/Sigma, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)

#    ####################################################
#    # maximum weighted combination
#    a=seq(1,5,by=.5)
#    ww=cbind(1, c(rev(1/a),a[-1]))
#    # normalize ww
#    ww=ww/sqrt(ww[,1]**2+ww[,2]**2)
#    stat.2=max(abs(ww%*%vec))
#    # save rng state before set.seed in order to restore before exiting this function
#    save.seed <- try(get(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv), silent=TRUE) 
#    if (class(save.seed)=="try-error") { set.seed(1); save.seed <- get(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv) }                        
#    set.seed(1)
#    sam=mvrnorm (mc.n, rep(0,2), matrix(c(1,rho.0,rho.0,1),2)) # mvtnorm::rmvnorm can fail 
#    sam.max=apply(sam %*% t(ww), 1, function(x) max(abs(x)))
#    pval.2 = mean(sam.max>stat.2)                    
#    tests=rbind(tests, "max weighted"=c(stat.2, pval.2))

#    # restore rng state 
#    assign(".Random.seed", save.seed, .GlobalEnv)     
#        } else if (method=="perm"){
#            # save rng state before set.seed in order to restore before exiting this function
#            save.seed <- try(get(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv), silent=TRUE) 
#            if (class(save.seed)=="try-error") {set.seed(1); save.seed <- get(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv) }    
#            set.seed(1)    
#            stats=numeric(n.perm)
#            x.yprime=c(Xpaired,Yextra)
#            for (b in 1:n.perm) {            
#                s=sample(N,m,replace=FALSE)
#                # suppose m=n=4 and s=c(3,4,5,6)
#                #
#                # Yprime.b=x.yprime[c(1,2,7,8)]
#                # X.b=x.yprime[c(3,4,5,6)]
#                # Y.b=c(Ypaired[3,4,1,2])
#                # s.1=sample(c(3,4),1)
#                # tmp=X.b[s.1]; X.b[s.1]=Y.b[s.1]; Y.b[s.1]=tmp
#                # more generally
#                #
#                Yprime.b=x.yprime[setdiff(1:N,s)]
#                X.b=x.yprime[s]
#                s.2=intersect(1:m, s) # 3,4
#                s.1=sample(s.2,length(s.2)/2)
#                Y.b=c(Ypaired[c(s.1, setdiff(1:m,s.1))])
#                tmp=X.b[s.1]; X.b[s.1]=Y.b[s.1]; Y.b[s.1]=tmp
#                stats[b]=pm.wilcox.statistic(Y.b-X.b, x.b, Yprime.b)[1]              
#            }
#            #myprint(stat)
#            #print(summary(stats))        
#            pval=mean(stats>stat, na.rm=T)
#            # restore rng state 
#            assign(".Random.seed", save.seed, .GlobalEnv)             
#        }

#    # no permutation/Monte Carlo method to speak of
#    mc.rep=1
#    else {
#        if (p.method=="Monte Carlo") {
#            #### save rng state before set.seed in order to restore before exiting this function
#            save.seed <- try(get(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv), silent=TRUE) 
#            if (class(save.seed)=="try-error") { set.seed(1); save.seed <- get(".Random.seed", .GlobalEnv) }                        
#            set.seed(1)
#            if(useC) {
#                z.mc=.Call("pm_wmw_test", Xpaired, Ypaired, .corr, switch(method, "mw.mw.3"=3), as.integer(mc.rep))
#            } else {
#                z.mc=sapply(1:mc.rep, function(b) {
#                    ind=runif(m)
#                    compute.pair.wmw.Z(ifelse(ind<0.5,Xpaired,Ypaired), ifelse(ind>=0.5,Xpaired,Ypaired), alternative=alternative, correct=correct, method=method)
#                })            
#            }
#            #### restore rng state 
#            assign(".Random.seed", save.seed, .GlobalEnv)     
#        }        
#        # z.mc may be NaN b/c var estimate may be less than 0
#        # we treat NaN here as inf b/c a small value of var.est means large z
#        z.mc[is.nan(z.mc)] = Inf 
#        numerical.stability.margin=1e-10 # e.g. in C, ((6.6)/(100))+((0.45)/(25)) != ((6.84)/(100))+((0.39)/(25)), some permutations should have identical stat as the obs., but end up not
#        pval=switch(alternative,
#           "two.sided" = mean(z.mc>=abs(z)*(1-numerical.stability.margin)) + mean(z.mc<= -abs(z)*(1-numerical.stability.margin)),
#           "less" = mean(z.mc>=z*(1-sign(z)*numerical.stability.margin)), # Xpaired<Ypaired
#           "greater" = mean(z.mc<=z*(1+sign(z)*numerical.stability.margin)) #Xpaired>Ypaired
#        )
#    }

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