## =============================================================================
## stode -- solves for the root (steady-state) of
## ordinary differential equation systems defined in func
## 'y' contains the initial guesses for the state variables
## 'parms' is a vector of parameters for func. They should not
## change during the iterations. `rtol', and `atol'
## are, respectively, the relative tolerance parameter, and the
## absolute tolerance parameter. `atol' may be scaler or vector.
## `rtol' is a scaler or a vector.
## The return value is a vector with the last value of the steady-state.
## iteration. If attribute "steady" is true, this is
## the steady-state condition
## 'func' may be a string instead of an R function. If
## so, then if jacfunc is not NULL, it must be a character string
## as well. In these cases, 'func' is the name
## of a function to be found in the dll named 'dllname'
## (without extension). 'jacfunc' points to the name of the jacobian.
## initfunc is the name of the function that is the initializer for the problem.
## the implementation of this function is very similar to the implementation of
## the integration routines in the deSolve package.
## =============================================================================
stode <- function(y, time=0, func, parms=NULL,
rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-8, ctol=1e-8, jacfunc=NULL, jactype = "fullint",
verbose=FALSE, bandup=1, banddown=1, positive = FALSE, maxiter=100,
ynames=TRUE, dllname=NULL, initfunc=dllname, initpar=parms,
rpar=NULL, ipar=NULL, nout=0, outnames = NULL, forcings = NULL,
initforc = NULL, fcontrol = NULL, times = time, ...) {
## check input
if (is.list(func)) {
if (!is.null(jacfunc) & "jacfunc" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains jacfunc, argument 'jacfunc' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(initfunc) & "initfunc" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains initfunc, argument 'initfunc' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(dllname) & "dllname" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains dllname, argument 'dllname' should be NULL")
if (!is.null(initforc) & "initforc" %in% names(func))
stop("If 'func' is a list that contains initforc, argument 'initforc' should be NULL")
if (! is.null(func$jacfunc)) jacfunc <- func$jacfunc
if (! is.null(func$initfunc)) initfunc <- func$initfunc
if (! is.null(func$dllname)) dllname <- func$dllname
if (! is.null(func$initforc)) initforc <- func$initforc
func <- func$func
if (!is.numeric(y))
stop("`y' must be numeric")
n <- length(y)
if (! is.null(times)&&!is.numeric(times))
stop("`times' must be NULL or numeric")
if (length(times)>1)
warning("`times' should be one number - taking first value")
time <- times[1]
if (!CheckFunc(func))
stop("`func' must be a function or character vector or a compiled function")
if (is.character(func) && (is.null(dllname) || !is.character(dllname)))
stop("You need to specify the name of the dll or shared library where 'func' can be found (without extension)")
if (!is.numeric(maxiter))
stop("`maxiter' must be numeric")
if (as.integer(maxiter) < 1)
stop ("'maxiter' must be >=1")
if (!is.numeric(rtol))
stop("`rtol' must be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(atol))
stop("`atol' must be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(ctol))
stop("`ctol' must be numeric")
if (!is.null(jacfunc) & !CheckFunc(jacfunc))
stop("`jacfunc' must be a function or character vector or a compiled function")
if (length(atol) > 1 && length(atol) != n)
stop("`atol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `y'")
if (length(rtol) > 1 && length(rtol) != n)
stop("`rtol' must either be a scalar, or as long as `y'")
if (length(ctol) > 1)
stop("`ctol' must be a scalar")
itol <- 1 # length atol and rtol ==1
if (length(atol)==n && length(rtol)==n) itol <- 4 else
if (length(atol)==n && length(rtol)!=n) itol <- 2 else
if (length(atol)!=n && length(rtol)==n) itol <- 3
### Jacobian, method flag
if (jactype == "fullint" ) imp <- 22 # full jacobian, calculated internally
else if (jactype == "fullusr" ) imp <- 21 # full jacobian, specified by user function
else if (jactype == "bandusr" ) imp <- 24 # banded jacobian, specified by user function
else if (jactype == "bandint" ) imp <- 25 # banded jacobian, specified internally
else if (jactype %in% c("1D", "1Dint")) imp <- 0 # banded jacobian, specified+rearranged internally
else stop("'jactype' must be one of 'fullint', 'fullusr', 'bandusr', or 'bandint'")
if (imp == 0) {
nspec <- bandup
ndim <- banddown
banddown <- nspec
} else {
nspec <- 0
ndim <- 0
# check if jacfunc is specified if it is needed.
if (imp %in% c(21,24) && is.null(jacfunc))
stop ("stode: cannot estimate steady-state: *jacfunc* NOT specified; either specify *jacfunc* or change *jactype*")
if (imp %in% c(24,25)) nabd <- 1+2*bandup+banddown else nabd <- n
### print to screen...
if (verbose) {
print("Steady-state settings")
if (is.character(func)) print(paste("model function a DLL: ",func))
if (is.character(jacfunc)) print(paste ("jacobian specified as a DLL: ",jacfunc))
print("jacobian method")
df <- c("method flag, mf","jsv", "meth","miter","itask")
if (imp==22)txt<-"full jacobian, calculated internally" else
if (imp==21)txt<-"full jacobian, specified by user function" else
if (imp==24)txt<-"banded jacobian, specified by user function" else
if (imp==0 )txt<-"banded jacobian, 1-D, specified internally" else
txt<-"banded jacobian, calculated internally"
print(data.frame("implicit method", value=imp,message=txt))
### model and jacobian function
Ynames <- attr(y,"names")
JacFunc <- NULL
ModelInit <- NULL
ModelForc <- NULL
Forc <- NULL
if (is.compiled(func)) {
if(! is.null(initfunc)) {
if (inherits(initfunc, "CFunc"))
ModelInit <- body(initfunc)[[2]]
else if (is.loaded(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname,
type = "") || is.loaded(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname,
type = "Fortran"))
ModelInit <- getNativeSymbolInfo(initfunc, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
if (! is.null(initforc)) {
if (inherits(initforc, "CFunc"))
ModelForc <- body(initforc)[[2]]
else if (is.loaded(initforc, PACKAGE = dllname,
type = "") || is.loaded(initforc, PACKAGE = dllname,
type = "Fortran"))
ModelForc <- getNativeSymbolInfo(initforc, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
if (is.list(forcings) ) {
Forc <- NULL
for (i in 1: length(forcings))
if (! is.null(fcontrol))
Forc <- c(Forc,,list(x = forcings[[i]], y = NULL, xout = times, fcontrol))$y)
Forc <- c(Forc,,list(x = forcings[[i]], y = NULL, xout = times))$y)
} else Forc <- forcings
## If func is a character vector, then copy its value to funcname
## check to make sure it describes a function in a loaded dll
if (is.compiled(func)) {
funcname <- func
# get the pointer and put it in func
if (inherits(func, "CFunc"))
Func <- body(func)[[2]]
else if(is.loaded(funcname, PACKAGE = dllname)) {
Func <- getNativeSymbolInfo(funcname, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else
stop(paste("cannot calculate steady-state: dyn function not loaded: ",funcname))
# is there a jacobian?
if (!is.null(jacfunc)) {
if (!is.compiled(jacfunc))
stop("If 'func' is dynloaded, so must 'jacfunc' be")
jacfuncname <- jacfunc
if (inherits(jacfunc, "CFunc"))
JacFunc <- body(jacfunc)[[2]]
else if(is.loaded(jacfuncname, PACKAGE = dllname)) {
JacFunc <- getNativeSymbolInfo(jacfuncname, PACKAGE = dllname)$address
} else
stop(paste("cannot calculate steady-state: jacobian function not loaded ",jacfunc))
# If we go this route, the number of "global" results is in nout
Nglobal <- nout
rho <- NULL
if (is.null(outnames))
{ Nmtot <- NULL} else
if (length(outnames) == nout)
{ Nmtot <- outnames} else
if (length(outnames) > nout)
Nmtot <- outnames[1:nout] else
Nmtot <- c(outnames,(length(outnames)+1):nout)
} else {
rho <- environment(func)
# func and jac are overruled, either including ynames, or not
# This allows to pass the "..." arguments and the parameters
if (ynames) {
Func <- function(time,state) {
attr(state,"names") <- Ynames
func (time,state,parms,...)[1]
Func2 <- function(time,state) {
attr(state,"names") <- Ynames
func (time,state,parms,...)
JacFunc <- function(time,state) {
attr(state,"names") <- Ynames
} else { # no ynames...
Func <- function(time,state)
func (time,state,parms,...)[1]
Func2 <- function(time,state)
func (time,state,parms,...)
JacFunc <- function(time,state)
## Call func once to figure out whether and how many "global"
## results it wants to return and some other safety checks
tmp <- eval(Func2(time, y), rho)
if (!is.list(tmp))
stop("Model function must return a list\n")
if (length(tmp[[1]]) != length(y))
stop(paste("The number of derivatives returned by 'func() (",
length(tmp[[1]]), "must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (",
length(y), ")", sep = ""))
if (any([[1]])))
stop("Model function must return a list of values, of which first element has length =length of y\n ")
# use "unlist" here because some output variables are vectors/arrays
Nglobal <- if (length(tmp) > 1)
length(unlist(tmp[-1])) else 0
Nmtot <- attr(unlist(tmp[-1]),"names")
if (imp %in% c(21,24)) {
tmp <- eval(JacFunc(time, y), rho)
if (!is.matrix(tmp)) stop("Jacobian function must return a matrix\n")
dd <- dim(tmp)
if((imp ==24 && any(dd != c(bandup+banddown+1,n))) ||
(imp ==21 && any(dd != c(n,n))))
stop("Jacobian dimension not ok")
### calling solver
storage.mode(y) <- "double"
storage.mode(rtol) <- storage.mode(atol) <- storage.mode(ctol) <- "double"
if (is.null(ipar)) ipar<-0
if (is.null(rpar)) rpar<-0
Pos <- FALSE
if (is.logical(positive))
{Pos <- positive } else {
# check for validity: should be a number between 1 and n (the number of state variables)
if (! is.vector(positive)) stop ("'positive' should either be TRUE/FALSE or
a VECTOR with indices to the state variables that have to be positive")
if (max(positive) > n) stop ("the elements of 'positive' should be < the number of state variables")
if (min(positive) < 1) stop ("the elements of 'positive' should be >0")
initpar <- NULL # parameter init not needed if function is not a DLL
out <- .Call("call_dsteady", y, as.double(time), Func, as.double(initpar),
as.double(Forc), ctol, atol, rtol,
as.integer(itol), rho, JacFunc, ModelInit, ModelForc, as.integer(verbose),
as.double (rpar), as.integer(ipar),PACKAGE = "rootSolve")
### saving results
precis <- attr(out, "precis")
steady <- attr(out, "steady")
if (Nglobal > 0) {
if (!is.character(func) & ! inherits(func, "CFunc")) { # if a DLL: already done...
y <- out # state variables of this time step
if(ynames) attr(y,"names") <- Ynames
out2 <- Func2(time, y)[-1]
out <- c(list(y=y), out2)
} else {
# out <- list(y=out[1:n],var=out[(n+1):(n+Nglobal)])
# names(out$var) <- Nmtot
cnames <- Nmtot
unames <- unique(Nmtot)
var <- lapply (unames, FUN = function(x) var[which(cnames == x)])
y <- out[1:n]
out <- c(y=1,var)
out[[1]] <- y
} else {
if(ynames) attr(out,"names") <- Ynames
out <- list(y=out)
attr(out, "precis") <- precis
attr(out, "steady") <- (steady==1 )
if (!steady)
warning("steady-state not reached")
if (verbose) {
print("precision at each steady state step")
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