
rospca <- function(X, k, kmax=10, alpha=0.75, h=NULL, ndir="all", grid=TRUE, lambda=10^(-6), sparse="varnum", para,
                   stand=TRUE, skew=FALSE) {
  # ROSPCA algorithm
  # Input:
  # X:              Data matrix (n x p)
  # k:              Number of PCs that will be used
  # kmax:           Maximal number of principal components that will be computed, default=10. 
  # alpha:          Robustness parameter, default=0.75
  # h:              (n-h+1) measures the number of outliers the algorithm should resist.
  #                 Any value between n/2 and n may be specified. (default = NULL)
  #                 Do not specify alpha and h at the same time.
  # ndir:           Number of directions used when computing outlyingness (or adjusted outlyingness when skew=TRUE). 
  #                 When "all" (default), we use n choose 2 directions which are all directions through 2 data points.
  #                 Giving ndir > n choose 2 as an input also results in using all directions through 2 data points.  
  # grid:           If TRUE, the grid version of sparse PCA is used (SPcaGrid with method=sd from the rrcovHD package), 
  #                  otherwise the version of Zou et al. is used (spca from the elasticnet package)
  # lambda:         Sparsity parameter of SPcaGrid (when grid=TRUE) or ridge parameter of spca (when grid=FALSE)
  # sparse & para:  Parameters for spca (only used when grid=FALSE)
  # stand:          If TRUE, the data are standardised robustly in the beginning and classically before applying sparse PCA.
  #                 If FALSE, the data are only mean-centred before applying sparse PCA.  
  # skew:           If TRUE, the version for skewed data is applied
  # We return a list with following values
  # loadings:       Sparse robust loadings (eigenvectors)
  # eigenvalues:    Robust eigenvalues
  # scores:         Scores matrix (computed as (Xmu)*loadings)
  # center:         Centre of the data
  # D:              The matrix used to standardise the data before applying sparse PCA (identity matrix if stand=F)
  # k:              Number of (chosen) principal components
  # H0:             1 for observations that are in the initial h-subset (in robust part)
  # H1:             1 for observations that are kept after non-sparse reweighting step (in robust part)
  # P1:             Loadings matrix before applying sparse reweighting step
  # index:          Indices of variables that are used in second sparse reweighting step
  # H2:             1 for observations that are kept in sparse reweighting step
  # P2:             Loadings matrix before estimating eigenvalues
  # H3:             1 for observations that are kept in the final SD reweighting step
  # alpha:          The robustness parameter alpha used throughout the algorithm  
  # h:              The h-parameter used throughout the algorithm
  # sd:             Robust score distances within the robust PCA subspace
  # od:             Orthogonal distances to the robust PCA subspace
  # cutoff.sd:      Cutoff value for the robust score distance
  # cutoff.od:      Cutoff value for the orthogonal distance
  # flag.sd:        The observations whose score distance is larger than cutoff.sd
  #                  receive a flag.sd equal to zero.
  # flag.od:        The observations whose orthogonal distance is larger than cutoff.od
  #                  can be considered as outliers and receive a flag equal to zero.
  # flag.all:       The observations whose score distance is larger than cutoff.sd
  #                  or whose orthogonal distance is larger than cutoff.od
  #                  can be considered as outliers and receive a flag equal to zero.
  #                  The regular observations receive flag 1.
  # Based on code for ROBPCA in 'rrcov' package ('PcaHubert' function) by Valentin Todorov.
  # Author: Tom Reynkens (tomreynkens@hotmail.com)
  # The code for ROBPCA from the 'rrcov' package ('PcaHubert' function) up to the reweighting step forms 
  # the basis of the function 'rospca_part1'.
  # The MCD version is removed and the outlyingness measure is now computed using the 
  # 'outlyingness' function of the 'mrfDepth' package.
  # Determine H1 using step 1 and part of step 2 of ROBPCA 
  temp <- rospca_part1(X, k=k, alpha=alpha, h=h, stand=stand, ndir=ndir, kmax=kmax, skew=skew)
  # Sparse steps with reweighting
  return(rospca_part2(X, H0=temp$H0, H1=temp$H1, k=temp$k, kmax=kmax, alpha=temp$alpha, h=temp$h, grid=grid, lambda=lambda,
                      stand=stand, sparse=sparse, para=para, skew=skew, ndir=ndir))

rospca_part1 <- function(x, k=0, kmax=10, alpha=0.75, h=NULL, stand=TRUE, ndir="all", skew=FALSE) { 
  # Do not print intermediate results
  trace <- FALSE
  cl <- match.call()
  if (missing(x))
    stop("You have to provide at least some data")
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  data <- x
  if (stand) {
    # Standardise the data robustly using median and Qn-scale estimator.
    data <- matStand(data, f_c=median, f_s=qn)$data
  n <- nrow(data)
  p <- ncol(data)
  scale <- FALSE
  signflip <- TRUE 
  ## ___Step 1___: Reduce the data space to the affine subspace spanned by the n observations
  ##  Apply svd() to the mean-centered data matrix. If n > p we use the kernel approach -
  ##  the decomposition is based on computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of(X-m)(X-m)'
  # Xsvd <- kernelEVD(data, scale=scale, signflip=signflip)
  Xsvd <- classPC(data, scale=scale, signflip=signflip)
  if (Xsvd$rank == 0)
    stop("All data points collapse!")
  ## VT::27.08.2010: introduce 'scale' parameter; return the scale in the value object
  myscale <- vector('numeric', p) + 1
  if (scale)
    myscale <- Xsvd$scale
  ## verify and set the input parameters: alpha, k and kmax
  ## determine h based on alpha and kmax, using the function h.alpha.n()
  ## VT::06.11.2012 - kmax <= floor(n/2) is too restrictive
  ##    kmax <- max(min(floor(kmax), floor(n/2), Xsvd$rank),1)
  kmax <- max(min(floor(kmax), Xsvd$rank), 1)
  if ((k <- floor(k)) < 0)
    k <- 0
  else if (k > kmax) {
    warning(paste("The number of principal components k = ", k, " is larger than kmax = ", kmax, "; k is set to ", kmax,".", sep=""))
    k <- kmax
  if (missing(alpha))
    default.alpha <- alpha
    if (is.null(h)) {
      h <- min(ceiling(alpha*n)+1, n)
    alpha <- h/n
    if (h > n) {
      alpha <- default.alpha
      h <- ceiling(alpha*n)+1
      warning(paste("h should be smaller than n = ", n, ". It is set to its default value ", h, ".", sep=""))
  } else
    if (alpha < 0.5 | alpha > 1)
      stop("Alpha is out of range: should be between 1/2 and 1")
    hdef <- h
    h <- ceiling(alpha*n)+1
    if (!is.null(hdef))
      warning(paste("Both alpha and h are given, h is set to its default value ", h, ".", sep=""))
  T1 <- scale(data, center=Xsvd$center, scale=Xsvd$scale) %*% Xsvd$loadings
  center <- Xsvd$center
  rot <- Xsvd$loadings
  ## ___Step 2___: Always apply full ROBPCA (no MCD if p<<n)
  if (trace)
    cat("\nApplying the projection method of Hubert.\n")
  ##  For each direction 'v' through 2 data points we project the n data points xi on v
  ##  and compute their robustly standardized absolute residual
  ##  |xi'v - tmcd(xj'v)|/smcd(xj'v)
  if (ndir=="all" & n>500) {
    warning("Computing all directions for this value of n can take very long, we
            recommend to set ndir to 5000.")
  if (skew) {
    # Adjusted outlyingness from mrfDepth package, fast enough to compute all directions
    outl_obj <- adjOutl(T1, options = list(type="Rotation", ndir=ndir))
  } else {
    # Outlyingness from mrfDepth package, fast enough to compute all directions
    outl_obj <- outlyingness(T1, options = list(type="Rotation", h=h, ndir=ndir, stand="unimcd"))
  outl <- outl_obj$outlyingnessX
  if (!is.numeric(outl)) {
    stop("Something went wrong with the outlyingness computations.")
  if (any(!is.finite(outl)) | any(is.nan(outl))) {
    stop("The obtained outlyingness is not finite or NaN.")
  if (min(outl)<10^(-16)) {
    stop("The obtained outlyingness is not strictly positive.")
  if (length(outl)!=nrow(T1)) {
    stop("The obtained outlyingness does not have the correct length.")
  is <- order(outl)  # Order indices by outlyingness   
  H0 <- (1:n) %in% is[1:h]
  Xh <- T1[H0, ]                      # the h data points with smallest outlyingness
  #Xh.svd <- classSVD(Xh)
  Xh.svd <- classPC(Xh)
  kmax <- min(Xh.svd$rank, kmax)
  if (k == 0) {
    test <- which(Xh.svd$eigenvalues/Xh.svd$eigenvalues[1] <= 0.001)
    k <- if (length(test) != 0) 
      min(min(Xh.svd$rank, test[1]), kmax)
    else min(Xh.svd$rank, kmax)
    cumulative <- cumsum(Xh.svd$eigenvalues[1:k])/sum(Xh.svd$eigenvalues)
    if (cumulative[k] > 0.8) {
      k <- which(cumulative >= 0.8)[1]
    if (trace) 
      cat(paste("The number of principal components is set by the algorithm. It is set to ", 
                k, ".\n", sep = ""))
  if (trace)
    cat("\nEigenvalues: ", Xh.svd$eigenvalues, "\n")
  ## perform extra reweighting step
  if (k != Xsvd$rank)
    ## VT::27.08.2010 - bug report from Stephen Milborrow: if n is small relative to p
    ## k can be < Xsvd$rank but larger than Xh.svd$rank - the number of observations in
    ## Xh.svd is roughly half of these in Xsvd
    k <- min(Xh.svd$rank, k)
    XRc <- sweep(T1, 2, Xh.svd$center,'-')
    Xtilde <- XRc %*% Xh.svd$loadings[,1:k] %*% t(Xh.svd$loadings[,1:k])
    Rdiff <- XRc - Xtilde
    odh <- apply(Rdiff, 1, vecnorm)
    #Cutoff for the ODs
    tmp <- coOD(od=odh, h=h, skew=skew)
    odh <- tmp$od
    cutoffodh <- tmp$co.od
    H1 <- (odh <= cutoffodh)
    #Xh.svd <- classSVD(T1[H1,])
    Xh.svd <- classPC(T1[H1,])
    k <- min(Xh.svd$rank, k)
  } else {
    H1 <- H0
  return(list(H0=H0, H1=H1, k=k, alpha=alpha, h=h))

rospca_part2 <- function(X, H0, H1, k, kmax=10, alpha=0.75, h=NULL, grid=TRUE, lambda=10^(-6), stand=TRUE, 
                         sparse="penalty", para, skew=FALSE, ndir="all") {
  d <- dim(X); n <- d[1]; p <- d[2]
  X <- as.matrix(X) # Make matrix out of data matrix
  if (is.null(h)) h <- floor(alpha*n)
  # Obtain the observations from H1
  Xh1 <- X[H1,]
  ## Sparse part
  Xh1_stand <- Xh1
  X_H1stand <- X
  mu <- apply(X[H1,], 2, median)
  if (stand) {
    scale <- apply(X[H1,], 2, qn)
  } else {
    scale <- rep(1, p)
  # Standardise the data 
  X_H1stand <- matStandVec(X, mu, scale)
  Xh1_stand <- matStandVec(Xh1_stand, mu, scale)
  D <- diag(scale)
  if (grid) {
    # SCoTLASS on the standardised regular observations
    P1 <- unclass(SPcaGrid(Xh1_stand, k=k, lambda=lambda, method="sd", scale=FALSE, center=rep(0,p),
                           glo.scatter=1, maxiter=75)@loadings)
  } else {
    # SPCA on the standardised regular observations
    P1 <- spca(Xh1_stand, K=k, para=para, sparse=sparse, lambda=lambda)$loadings
  # Extra sparse reweighting step
  # Look for non-zero rows in the loadings matrix
  # index=which(rowSums(abs(P1))>10^(-10))
  # 1 if at least 1 non-zero element
  f <- function(x) {
  index <- which(apply(P1, 1, f))
  Xtilde <- X_H1stand%*%P1%*%t(P1)
  # Remove variables that have zero loadings on all PCs, when computing ODs
  odh <- apply(X_H1stand[,index] - Xtilde[,index], 1, vecnorm)
  tmp <- coOD(od=odh, h=h, skew=skew)
  odh <- tmp$od
  cutoffodh <- tmp$co.od
  H2 <- (odh <= cutoffodh)
  Xh2_stand <- X_H1stand[H2,]
  P2 <- matrix(0,p,k)
  if (grid) {
    pp <- length(index)
    # SCoTLASS on the standardised observations with indices in H2
    P2[index,] <- SPcaGrid(Xh2_stand[,index], k=k, lambda=lambda, method="sd", scale=FALSE, center=rep(0,pp),
                           glo.scatter=1, maxiter=75)@loadings
  } else {
    # SPCA on the standardised observations with indices in H2
    P2[index,] <- spca(Xh2_stand[,index], K=k, para=para, sparse=sparse, lambda=lambda)$loadings
  TT <- sweep(X, 2, mu, "-")%*%P2 # Scores matrix (now we use X because scores of all observations!)
  # Eigenvalues are variances of sparse PCs of observations in H2
  # We use a robust measure of scale because good leverage points can still be present.
  l1 <- apply(TT[H2,], 2, qn)^2   
  # SD reweighting
  if (skew) {
    # Score distances using adjusted outlyingness
    outl2 <- adjOutl(TT, options = list(type="Rotation", ndir=ndir))$outlyingnessX
    # Set H3 of all observations in H2 with sd <= cutoff
    H3 <- rep(FALSE, n)
    H3[H2] <- (outl2[H2] < coOD(outl2[H2], skew=TRUE)$co.od)
    H3 <- as.logical(H3)
  } else {
    # Compute score distances of observations in H2
    A <- distPCA(X=X[H2,], Tn=TT[H2,], P=P2, l=l1, mu=mu, h=sum(H2), skew=FALSE, co.od=FALSE)
    # Set H3 of all observations in H2 with sd <= cutoff
    H3 <- rep(FALSE, n)
    H3[H2] <- (A$sd<A$cutoff.sd)
    H3 <- as.logical(H3)
  # New centre
  mu <- colMeans(X[H3,])
  # New scores
  TT <- sweep(X, 2, mu, "-")%*%P2 #Scores matrix (now we use X because scores of all observations!)
  # New eigenvalues
  l1 <- apply(TT[H3,], 2, var)   
  # End SD reweighting
  # Sort eigenvalues in decreasing order
  sorted <- sort(l1, index=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)
  l <- sorted$x; ix <- sorted$ix
  P <- P2[,ix] # Final loadings matrix
  Tn <- TT[,ix] # Final scores matrix
  # Change names of columns
  s <- paste("PC", 1:k, sep="")
  names(l) <- s
  colnames(P) <- s 
  colnames(Tn) <- s 
  colnames(D) <- colnames(X)
  # Change names of rows
  rownames(P) <- colnames(X)
  rownames(D) <- colnames(X)
  if (!is.null(rownames(X))) {
    rownames(Tn) <- rownames(X)
  } else {
    rownames(Tn) <-  1:n
  names(H0) <- rownames(Tn)
  names(H1) <- rownames(Tn)
  names(H2) <- rownames(Tn)
  names(H3) <- rownames(Tn)
  names(mu) <- colnames(X)
  # Compute distances and cutoffs
  A <- distPCA(X=X, Tn=Tn, P=P, l=l, mu=mu, h=h, skew=skew)
  sd <- A$sd
  od <- A$od
  cutoff.sd <- A$cutoff.sd
  cutoff.od <- A$cutoff.od
  # Adjust score distances for skewed data
  if (skew) {
    # score distances using adjusted outlyingness
    sd <- outl2
    cutoff.sd <- coOD(sd, skew=TRUE)$co.od
  flag.sd <- (sd<=cutoff.sd) # FALSE if outlying in PCA subspace
  flag.od <- (od<=cutoff.od) # FALSE if outlying for OD
  flag.all <- (flag.od*flag.sd)==1 # FALSE if outlier (all 3 types)
  return(list(loadings=P, eigenvalues=l, scores=Tn, center=mu, D=D, k=k, H0=H0,
              H1=H1, P1=P1, index=index, H2=H2, P2=P2, H3=H3, alpha=alpha, h=h,
              sd=sd, od=od, cutoff.sd=cutoff.sd, cutoff.od=cutoff.od,
              flag.sd=flag.sd, flag.od=flag.od, flag.all=flag.all))

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rospca documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:42 p.m.