
# File created by roxut; edit the function definition file, not this file

# Test found in tests_roclet.R:13 (file:line)
# This follows closely the process in test_roxutTestPkg.R
# & the results are appended to roxutTestPkg.Rcheck/00check.log

message("\n>>> Unit test results follow\n")

# Step 0.  Set up testing environment in a temp dir
td <- tempdir()
tst_dir <- paste(td, "unit_tests", "roxutTestPkg", sep = "/")
dir.create(tst_dir, recursive = TRUE)
system2("cp", paste0("-r . ", tst_dir))
roxygenize(roclets = "tests_roclet")
#system2("cp", "-r . ~/Desktop/tempdir_UT") # good for troubleshooting DEACTIVATE FOR CRAN

# Step 1. Get the file names
tinytest_files <- list.files("inst/tinytest", "test-.*\\.R", full.names = TRUE)
testthat_files <- list.files("tests/testthat", "test-.*\\.R", full.names = TRUE)
if (length(tinytest_files) != length(testthat_files)) stop("Did not find equal numbers of files")
nf <- length(tinytest_files)

# Step 2. Compare the file contents

expected_contents <- c("# File created by roxut; edit the function definition file, not this file",
                       "expect_true(testFunc(1, 1) == 2.0)",
                       "expect_true(testFunc(1.5, 0.25) == 1.75)",
                       "expect_false(, 0.25)))")
skipped_contents <- "# This file exists to demonstrate/test that non-roxut files are properly skipped."

for (i in 1:nf) {
  if (i == 3L) { # the skipped file requires different checks
    tmp1 <- readLines(tinytest_files[i])[1]
    tmp2 <- readLines(testthat_files[i])[1]
    expect_equivalent(tmp1, tmp2)
    expect_equivalent(tmp1, skipped_contents)
  tmp1 <- readLines(tinytest_files[i])[-c(2:5)]
  tmp2 <- readLines(testthat_files[i])[-c(2:5)]
  expect_equivalent(tmp1, tmp2)
  tmp3 <- sub("(testFunc)[0-9]{1}", "\\1", tmp1) # harmonize: testFunc1 -> testFunc etc
  expect_equivalent(tmp3, expected_contents)

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roxut documentation built on Aug. 23, 2021, 1:10 a.m.