
Defines functions get_rand_int last conjugate NrParts P rand_partitions bottom_up top_down divide_and_conquer get_multiplicity multiplicity

Documented in bottom_up conjugate divide_and_conquer get_multiplicity get_rand_int last multiplicity NrParts P rand_partitions top_down

#' Generate a random integer between two integers
#' @param min minimum value 
#' @param max maximum value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_rand_int(min=0, max=10)
get_rand_int = function(min=0, max=1) {
  int = ceiling(runif(1, min - 1, max))

#' Returns the last element of a vector
#' @param x a vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' last(1:10)
#' last(letters[1:10])
last = function(x) { tail(x, n = 1) }

#' Find the conjugate of an integer partition
#' Recoded (orginally on 24-Apr-2013) from the Sage source code:
#' http://www.sagenb.org/src/combinat/partition.py
#' @param partition a vector that represents an integer partition
#' @param use_c logical, defaults to TRUE, the conjugate is computed in c
#' @export
#' @useDynLib 'rpartitions'
#' @examples
#' conjugate(c(3,3,1,1), FALSE)
conjugate = function(partition, use_c=TRUE){ 
  if (is.null(partition)) {
    conj = NULL
  else {
    l = length(partition)
    if (use_c) {
      conj = rep(0, max(partition))
      conj[1:last(partition)] = rep(l, last(partition))      
      j = last(partition) + 1
      conj = .C("conjugate", l = as.integer(l), j = as.integer(j),
                partition = as.integer(partition), conj = as.integer(conj))$conj
    else {
      conj = rep(l, last(partition))
      for (i in (l - 1):1)
        conj = c(conj, rep(i, partition[i] - partition[i + 1]))

#' Find the number of partitions for a given total Q and number of parts N.
#' This function was recoded and modified from GAP source code: www.gap-system.org.
#' Modifications for speed were based on the proposition that the number of partitions
#' of Q having N parts is equal to the number of partitions of Q having N parts 
#' is equal to the number of partitions of Q - N, if N > Q/2 (for odd Q) or if 
#' N >= Q/2 (for even Q)
#' @param Q Total sum
#' @param N Number of items to sum across, if not specified than all possible
#' values are considered
#' @param use_c logical, defaults to TRUE, the number of partitions is computed in c
#' @export 
#' @useDynLib 'rpartitions'
#' @examples
#' NrParts(100)
#' NrParts(100, 10)
NrParts = function(Q, N=NULL, use_c=TRUE){ 
  numparts = 0
  if (Q == 0)
    return(1) # by convention
  if (!is.null(N)) {
    if (Q == N)
      return(1) # by convention
    if (N >= Q/2) {
      Q = Q - N
      N = NULL
  if (is.null(N)) {
    numparts = 1
    p = rep(1, Q + 1)
    for (i in 1:Q) {
      numparts = 0
      k = 1
      l = 1
      while (0 <= i - (l + k)){
        numparts = numparts - (-1)^k * (p[i - l + 1] + p[i - (l + k) + 1])
        k = k + 1
        l = l + 3 * k - 2
      if (0 <= (i - l)){
        numparts = numparts - (-1)^k * p[i - l + 1]
      p[i + 1] = numparts
  else {
    numparts = 0  
    if (Q == N | N == 1) {
      numparts = 1
    else if (Q < N | N == 0) {
      numparts = 0
    else {
      p = rep(1, Q)
      if (use_c) {
        p = .C("NrParts", Q = as.integer(Q), N = as.integer(N), p = as.double(p))$p
      else {
        for (i in 2:N) {
          for (m in (i + 1):(Q - i + 1)) {
            p[m + 1] = p[m + 1] + p[m - i + 1]
      numparts = p[Q - N + 2]

#' Number of partitions of Q with k or less parts.
#' This function was derived using the following theorem and proposition. The
#' number of partitions of Q with k or less parts equals the number of partitions
#' of Q with k or less as the largest part (see Bona 2006). This is a mathematical
#' symmetry, i.e. congruency. Additionally, the number of partitions of Q with k
#' or less parts equals the number of partitions of Q+k with k as the largest part
#' when k>0, i.e. P(Q + k, k). We do not have a source for this proposition, but
#' it can be shown when enumerating the entire feasible set or using the Sage
#' computing enviornment
#' @param D lookup table for numbers of partitions of Q having k or less parts 
#' (or k or less as the largest part), i.e. P(Q, Q + k)
#' @param Q total (i.e., sum across all k or n parts)
#' @param k the number of parts and also the size of the largest part (congruency)
#' @param use_c boolean, if TRUE the number of partitions is computed in c
#' @param use_hash boolean, if TRUE then a hash table is used instead of R's native
#' list to store the information
#' @return a two element list, the first element is D the lookup table and the
#' second element is the number of partitions for the specified Q and k value.  
#' @references Bona, M. (2006). A Walk Through Combinatorics: An Introduction to Enumeration
#' and Graph Theory. 2nd Ed. World Scientific Publishing Co. Singapore.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' P(list(), 100, 10, FALSE, FALSE)
P = function(D, Q, k, use_c, use_hash) {
  if (use_hash) {
    key = paste(Q, k, sep=',')
    if (!has.key(key, D)) {
      D[key] = NrParts(Q + k, k, use_c)
    out = list(D, D[[key]])
  else {
    D = NULL
    out = list(D, NrParts(Q + k, k, use_c))

#' Generate uniform random partitions of Q having N parts.
#' @param Q Total sum across parts
#' @param N Number of parts to sum over
#' @param sample_size number of random partitions to generate
#' @param method : method to use for generating the partition, options include:
#'       'bottom_up', 'top_down', 'divide_and_conquer', 'multiplicity', and
#'       'best'. Defaults to 'best'
#' @param D a dictionary for the number of partitions of Q having N or less
#'        parts (or N or less as the largest part), i.e. P(Q, Q + N). Defaults
#'        to a blank dictionary.
#' @param zeros boolean if True partitions can have zero values, if False
#'        partitions have only positive values, defaults to False
#' @param use_c boolean if TRUE then compiled c code is used, defaults to TRUE
#' @param use_hash boolean, if TRUE then a hash table is used, defaults to FALSE
#' @return A matrix where each column is a random partition
#' @note method 'best' attempts to use the values of Q and N to infer what the 
#'         fastest method to compute the partition.
#' @note if zeros are allowed, then we must ask whether Q >= N. if not, then
#' the total Q is partitioned among a greater number of parts than there 
#' are, say, individuals. In which case, some parts must be zero. A random 
#' partition would then be any random partition of Q with zeros appended at the
#' end. But, if Q >= N, then Q is partitioned among less number of parts than
#' there are individuals. In which case, a random partition would be any random
#' partition of Q having N or less parts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rand_partitions(100, 10, 5)
rand_partitions = function(Q, N, sample_size, method='best', D=hash(), zeros=FALSE,
                      use_c=TRUE, use_hash=FALSE) {
  parts = matrix(NA, ncol=sample_size, nrow=N)
  if (zeros) {
    if (Q >= N) { # first part must be equal to or less than N
      Plist = P(D, Q, N, use_c, use_hash)
    else { # Q < N then the first part must be equal to or less than Q
      Plist = P(D, Q, Q, use_c, use_hash)
  else { # if zeros are not allowed, the first part must be N
    Plist = P(D, Q - N, N, use_c, use_hash)
  D = Plist[[1]]
  numparts = Plist[[2]]
  ipart = 1
  while (ipart <= sample_size) {
    rand_int = get_rand_int(1, numparts)
    if (zeros) {
      q = Q
      part = NULL
    else {
      q = Q - N
      part = N
    if (method == 'bottom_up') {
      part = bottom_up(part, q, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash)
    if (method == 'top_down') {
      part = top_down(part, q, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash)
    if (method == 'divide_and_conquer') {
      part = divide_and_conquer(part, q, N, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash)
    if (method == 'multiplicity') {
      part = multiplicity(part, q, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash)
    if (method == 'best') { 
      if (Q < 250 | N >= Q / 1.5)
        part = bottom_up(part, q, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash)
        part = divide_and_conquer(part, q, N, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash)
    if (zeros) {
      Zs = rep(0, N - length(part))
      part = c(part, Zs)
    parts[ , ipart] = part
    ipart = ipart + 1

#' Bottom up method of generating uniform random partitions of Q having N parts.  
#' @param part a list to hold the partition
#' @param Q the total sum of the partition
#' @param D a dictionary for the number of partitions of Q having N or less
#'   parts (or N or less as the largest part), i.e. P(Q + N, N).
#' @param rand_int a number representing a member of the feasible set
#' @param use_c boolean if TRUE then compiled c code is used
#' @param use_hash boolean, if TRUE then a hash table is used
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bottom_up(c(5, 4), 4, list(), 1, TRUE, FALSE)
bottom_up = function(part, Q, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash) {
  while (Q > 0) {
    for (k in 1:Q) { # loop through all possible values of the first/largest part
      Plist = P(D, Q, k, use_c, use_hash) 
      # number of partitions of Q having k or less as the largest part
      D = Plist[[1]]
      count = Plist[[2]]
      if (count >= rand_int) {
        Plist = P(D, Q, k - 1, use_c, use_hash)
        D = Plist[[1]]
        count = Plist[[2]]
    part = c(part, k) 
    Q = Q - k
    if (Q == 0) {
    rand_int = rand_int - count
  part = conjugate(part, use_c)

#' Top down method of generating uniform random partitions of Q having N parts.  
#' @param part a list to hold the partition
#' @param Q the total sum of the partition
#' @param D a dictionary for the number of partitions of Q having N or less
#'   parts (or N or less as the largest part), i.e. P(Q + N, N).
#' @param rand_int a number representing a member of the feasible set
#' @param use_c boolean if TRUE then compiled c code is used
#' @param use_hash boolean, if TRUE then a hash table is used
#' @export
#' @examples
#' top_down(c(5, 4), 4, hash(), 1, TRUE, FALSE)
top_down = function(part, Q, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash) {
  while (Q > 0) {
    if (!is.null(part)) {
      x = min(part)
    else {
      x = Q
    for (k in x:1) { # loop through all possible values of the first/largest part
      Plist = P(D, Q, k, use_c, use_hash) 
      # number of partitions of Q having k or less as the largest part
      D = Plist[[1]]
      count = Plist[[2]]
      if (count < rand_int) {
        k = k + 1
    rand_int = rand_int - count
    part = c(part, k)
    Q = Q - k
  part = conjugate(part, use_c)

#' Divide and conquer method of generating uniform random partitions of Q
#' having N parts.
#' @param part a list to hold the partition
#' @param Q the total sum of the partition
#' @param N Number of parts to sum over
#' @param D a dictionary for the number of partitions of Q having N or less
#'        parts (or N or less as the largest part), i.e. P(Q, Q + N).        
#' @param rand_int a number representing a member of the feasible set
#' @param use_c boolean if TRUE then compiled c code is used
#' @param use_hash boolean, if TRUE then a hash table is used
#' @export
#' @examples
#' divide_and_conquer(c(5, 4), 5, 4, hash(), 2, TRUE, FALSE)
divide_and_conquer = function(part, Q, N, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash) {
  max_int = N
  min_int = 1 
  while (Q > 0) {
    k = get_rand_int(min_int, max_int) # choose a value of the largest part at random
    Plist = P(D, Q, k, use_c, use_hash)
    D = Plist[[1]]
    upper = Plist[[2]]
    Plist = P(D, Q, k - 1, use_c, use_hash)
    D = Plist[[1]]
    lower = Plist[[2]]
    if (lower < rand_int & rand_int <= upper) {
      part = c(part, k)
      Q = Q - k
      max_int = k
      min_int = 1
      num = upper - lower
      rand_int = get_rand_int(1, num)
    else if (rand_int > upper)
      min_int = k + 1
    else if (rand_int <= lower)
      max_int = k - 1
  part = conjugate(part, use_c)

#' Find the number of times a value k occurs in a partition that is being
#' generated at random by the multiplicity() function. The resulting
#' multiplicity is then passed back to the multiplicity() function along with
#' an updated value of count and an updated dictionary D
#' @param Q the total sum of the partition
#' @param k the size of the largest (and also first) part
#' @param D a dictionary for the number of partitions of Q having N or less
#'        parts (or N or less as the largest part), i.e. P(Q, Q + N).                
#' @param rand_int the random integer
#' @param count count < rand_int
#' @param use_c boolean if TRUE then compiled c code is used
#' @param use_hash boolean, if TRUE then a hash table is used
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_multiplicity(10, 5, hash(), 3, 2, TRUE, FALSE)
get_multiplicity = function(Q, k, D, rand_int, count, use_c, use_hash){
  multi = NULL # the multiplicity 
  f = 1
  while (f > 0) {
    Plist = P(D, (Q - k * f), k - 1, use_c, use_hash)
    D = Plist[[1]]
    count = count + Plist[[2]]
    if (count >= rand_int) {
      count = count - Plist[[2]]
      multi = rep(k, f)
    f = f + 1
  return(list(D, count, multi))

#' multiplicity method of generating uniform random partitions of Q having N
#' parts.
#' @param part a vector to hold the partition
#' @param Q the total sum of the partition
#' @param D a dictionary for the number of partitions of Q having N or less
#'        parts (or N or less as the largest part), i.e. P(Q, Q + N).        
#' @param rand_int random integer
#' @param use_c boolean if TRUE then compiled c code is used
#' @param use_hash boolean, if TRUE then a hash table is used
#' @export
#' @examples
#' multiplicity(c(5, 4), 4, hash(), 1, TRUE, FALSE) 
multiplicity =  function(part, Q, D, rand_int, use_c, use_hash){
  while (Q > 0) {
    multi = NULL
    if (!is.null(part)) {
      x = min(part)
    else {
      x = Q
    for (k in x:1) { # start with largest k
      Plist = P(D, Q, k, use_c, use_hash) # number of partitions of Q having k or less as the largest part
      D = Plist[[1]]
      count = Plist[[2]]
      if (count == rand_int & rand_int == 1) {
        multi = rep(1, Q)
        Q = 0
      if (count < rand_int) { # k has been found
        k = k + 1
        Mlist = get_multiplicity(Q, k, D, rand_int, count, use_c, use_hash) # now, find how many times k occurs, i.e. the multiplicity of k 
        D = Mlist[[1]]
        count = Mlist[[2]]
        multi = Mlist[[3]]
    Q = Q - sum(multi)
    part = c(part, multi)
    rand_int = rand_int - count
  part = conjugate(part)

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