
Defines functions slicer interpret iq

Documented in interpret iq slicer

#'Recognise Multiple Patterns in a sinlge  time series
#'Break time series data into smaller 'windows' and pass them to the \link{interpret} function.
#'The results are summarised in the output. For details, run \link{interpret} on specific windows only.
#'For an overview of the package capabilities, click here \link{rpatrec}
#'@param data Time series Data
#'@param length Length of the 'windows'
#'@param step Number of Data Points between windows
#'@param useriq User-built recognition function. Set to \code{FALSE} if using inbuilt recognition capabilities.
#'    Refer to the readme or the report on how to build your own recognition function
#'@param ... Parameters passed on to either the inbuilt or external recognition function. Check \link{iq} for the parameters.

#'@return A list containing: \itemize{
#'  \item{A vector for every window analysed showing 0 if no pattern and 1 if at least 1 pattern has been found.}
#'  \item{A vector with the starting index of those windows where a pattern has been found.}
#' }
#'#Generate 2 HS patterns
#'a <- c(generator(),generator())
#'#recognise both HS patterns
#'#set window size to 100, step size to 100
#'#switch off recognition for all patterns other than HS
#'slicer(data = a, length = 100, step = 100, hsiq=TRUE, btpiq=FALSE, rtpiq=FALSE, dtpiq=FALSE)

slicer <- function(data, length, step = 1, useriq = FALSE, ...) {

  inputchecks(list(data, length, step, useriq), "slicer")

  no.windows <- ceiling((length(data) - length)/step) + 1
  output <- vector(length = no.windows)
  for (i in 1:no.windows) {
    lower <- (i - 1) * (step) + 1
    upper <- lower + length - 1
    if (upper > length(data)) {
      upper <- length(data)
    window <- data[lower:upper]
    cur <- interpret(window, useriq, ...)
    if (cur$RESULT == TRUE)
      output[i] <- 1 else output[i] <- 0
  pct <- round(length(output[output == 1])/length(output) * 100)
  print(c("Patterns were found in ", pct, "% of windows analysed. Refer to function value for details"))
  posw <- (which(output != 0) - 1) * step
  return(list(output, posw))

#'Recognise patterns in Time Series Data
#'Use this function to either check for the inbuilt financial markets pattern or to use your own
#'recognition function as described in the readme.
#'For an overview of the package capabilities, click here \link{rpatrec}.
#'@param window Time Series Data
#'@param useriq User-built recognition function. Set to \code{FALSE} if using inbuilt recognition capabilities.
#'    Refer to the readme or the report on how to build your own recognition function.
#'@param ... Parameters passed on to either the inbuilt or external recognition function. Check \link{iq} for the parameters of the internal function.
#'@return A list containing the following: \itemize{
#'\item{'EXT'}{ All extrema found in the sample, 0 for minima and 1 for maxima}
#'\item{'EXP'}{ Value of these extrema (y-coordinate)}
#'\item{'EXP'}{ Position of these extrema (x-coordinate)}
#'\item{Recognition Output}{ A list containing the extrema that form part of the pattern labelled by either the custom or \link{iq} function.\itemize{
#'\item{'HSP'}{ Can be either: \itemize{
#'\item{'HS'}{ (Head and Shoulders)}
#'\item{'InvHS'}{ (Inverse Head and Shoulders)}
#'\item{'BTPorTTP'}{ Can be either: \itemize{
#'\item{'BTOP'}{ (Broadening Top)}
#'\item{'BBOT'}{ (Broadening Bottom)}
#'\item{'TTOP'}{ (Triangle Top)}
#'\item{'TBOT'}{ (Triangle Bottom)}
#'\item{'RTP'}{ Can be either: \itemize{
#'\item{'RTOP'}{ (Rectangle Top)}
#'\item{'RBOT'}{ (Rectangle Bottom)}
#'\item{'DTP'}{ Can be either: \itemize{
#'\item{'DTOP'}{ (Double Top)}
#'\item{'DBOT'}{ (Double Bottom)}
#'\item{'RESULT'}{ \code{TRUE} if any pattern is found, \code{FALSE} otherwise}
#'#Generate HS patterns
#'a <- generator()
#'#switch off recognition for all patterns other than HS
#'interpret(window = a, useriq=FALSE, hsiq=TRUE, btpiq=FALSE, rtpiq=FALSE, dtpiq=FALSE)

interpret <- function(window, useriq = FALSE, ...) {

  inputchecks(list(window, useriq), "interpret")

  init.trend <- function(data) {
    if (data[1] > data[2])
      t <- "down"
    if (data[1] <= data[2])
      t <- "up"

  bors <- function(a, b) {
    if (a == b)
      big <- 0  #####
    if (a > b)
      big <- -1
    if (a < b)
      big <- 1

  extrema <- vector()
  exvals <- vector()
  expos <- vector()
  trend <- init.trend(window)

  for (i in 3:length(window)) {
    # print(window[i-1])
    x <- bors(window[i - 2], window[i - 1])
    y <- bors(window[i - 1], window[i])

    if (x != y) {
      if (trend == "up" && y == -1) {
        extrema <- c(extrema, 1)
        trend <- "down"
        exvals <- c(exvals, window[i - 1])
        expos <- c(expos, (i - 1))
      if (trend == "down" && y == 1) {
        extrema <- c(extrema, 0)
        trend <- "up"
        exvals <- c(exvals, window[i - 1])
        expos <- c(expos, (i - 1))
  if (is.function(useriq)) {
    result <- useriq(extrema, exvals, expos, ...)
  } else result <- iq(extrema, exvals, expos, ...)
  # print(extrema)

#'Inbuilt Recoqnition for 10 different financial markets patterns
#'Do not call individually. Switch recognition on/off for certain patterns, use the arguments in the \link{interpret} or \link{slicer} function.
#'For an overview of the package capabilities, click here \link{rpatrec}.
#'@param hsiq Logical. Recognise (inverse) Head and Shoulders pattern
#'@param btpiq Logical. Recognise Triangle and/or Broadening tops and bottoms pattern
#'@param rtpiq Logical. Recognise Rectangle tops and bottoms pattern
#'@param dtpiq Logical. Recognise Double tops and bottoms pattern
#'@param ext Extrema
#'@param exvals Values of the extrema
#'@param expos Position of the extrema

iq <- function(ext, exvals, expos, hsiq = TRUE, btpiq = TRUE, rtpiq = TRUE, dtpiq = TRUE) {

  withinavg.old <- function(a, b, p) {
    a <- abs(a)
    b <- abs(b)
    c <- (a + b)/2
    if (a > (1 - p) * c && a < (1 + p) * c && b > (1 - p) * c && b < (1 + p) *
      return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)

  withinavg <- function(x, p) {

    c <- sum(x)/length(x)
    c <- abs(c)
    x <- abs(x)
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
      if (x[i] < (1 - p) * c || x[i] > (1 + p) * c)

  #- check for Head and shoulder and inverse head and shoulders
  iqhs <- function(ext, exvals) {
    # pattern length needs to be 5 (or more if other data follows)
    if (length(ext) < 5)
    for (i in 5:length(ext)) {
      # 2nd & 4th extremum must be within 10% average
      if (withinavg(c(exvals[i - 3], exvals[i - 1]), p = 0.1) == TRUE) {
        # if the first extremum is a maximum, it is a Head and shoulders pattern
        if (ext[i - 4] == 1) {
          if (exvals[i - 2] > exvals[i - 4] && exvals[i - 2] > exvals[i])
          return(list(HS = exvals[(i - 4):i]))
        if (ext[i - 4] == 0) {
          # if the first extremum is a minium, it is an inverse Head and shoulders pattern
          if (exvals[i - 2] < exvals[i - 4] && exvals[i - 2] < exvals[i])
          return(list(InHS = exvals[(i - 4):i]))
  #- check for Broadening tops and bottoms and triangle tops and bottoms
  iqbtp <- function(ext, exvals) {
    # pattern length needs to be 5 (or more if other data follows)
    if (length(ext) < 5)
    for (i in 5:length(ext)) {
      # if 2nd is bigger than 4th
      if (exvals[i - 3] > exvals[i - 1]) {
        # if 1st is smaller than 3rd and 3rd is smaller than 5th
        if (exvals[i - 4] < exvals[i - 2]) {
          if (exvals[i - 2] < exvals[i]) {
          # if first is max
          if (ext[i - 4] == 1)
            return(list(BTOP = exvals[(i - 4):i]))
          # if first is min
          if (ext[i - 4] == 0)
            return(list(TBOT = exvals[(i - 4):i]))
      # if 2nd is smaller than 4th
      if (exvals[i - 3] < exvals[i - 1]) {
        # if 1st is larger than 3rd and 3rd is larger than 5th
        if (exvals[i - 4] > exvals[i - 2]) {
          if (exvals[i - 2] > exvals[i]) {
          # if first is min
          if (ext[i - 4] == 0)
            return(list(BBOT = exvals[(i - 4):i]))
          # if first is max
          if (ext[i - 4] == 1)
            return(list(TTOP = exvals[(i - 4):i]))
  #- check for rectangle tops and bottoms
  iqrtp <- function(ext, exvals) {
    # pattern length needs to be 5 (or more if other data follows)
    if (length(ext) < 5)
    for (i in 5:length(ext)) {
      # tops are within 1% of their average
      if (withinavg(exvals[ext == 1], 0.01)) {
        if (withinavg(exvals[ext == 0], 0.01)) {
          if (min(exvals[ext == 1]) > max(exvals[ext == 0])) {
          if (ext[i - 4] == 0)
            return(list(RBOT = exvals[(i - 4):i]))
          if (ext[i - 4] == 1)
            return(list(RTOP = exvals[(i - 4):i]))
  #- check for double tops/bottoms
  iqdtp <- function(ext, exvals, expos) {
    # pattern length needs to be 3 (or more if other data follows)
    if (length(ext) < 3)

    for (i in 3:length(ext)) {
      rext <- ext[(i - 1):length(ext)]
      rexvals <- exvals[(i - 1):length(exvals)]
      rexpos <- expos[(i - 1):length(exvals)]
      if (ext[i - 2] == 1) {
        maxpos <- which.max(rexvals)
        if (rext[maxpos] == 1) {
          if (withinavg(c(exvals[i - 2], rexvals[maxpos]), 0.05)) {
          # at least 22 trading days apart
          if (rexpos[maxpos] - expos[i - 2] > 22)
            return(list(DTOP = exvals[(i - 2):i]))
      if (ext[i - 2] == 0) {
        minpos <- which.min(rexvals)
        if (rext[minpos] == 0) {
          if (withinavg(c(exvals[i - 2], rexvals[minpos]), 0.05)) {
          # at least 22 trading days apart
          if (rexpos[minpos] - expos[i - 2] > 22)
            return(list(DBOT = exvals[(i - 2):i]))

  if (hsiq == TRUE)
    HS <- iqhs(ext, exvals) else HS <- NA
  if (btpiq == TRUE)
    BTP <- iqbtp(ext, exvals) else BTP <- NA
  if (rtpiq == TRUE)
    RTP <- iqrtp(ext, exvals) else RTP <- NA
  if (dtpiq == TRUE)
    DTP <- iqdtp(ext, exvals, expos) else DTP <- NA

  if (is.na(HS) && is.na(BTP) && is.na(RTP) && is.na(DTP))
    res <- FALSE else res <- TRUE
  pattern <- list(EXT = ext, EXV = exvals, EXP = expos, HSP = HS, BTPorTTP = BTP,
    RTP = RTP, DTP = DTP, RESULT = res)


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rpatrec documentation built on May 1, 2019, 11:17 p.m.