
test_that("Loading a tree from OToL", {
  taxa <- c("Crabronidae", "Ophiocordyceps", "Megalyridae", "Formica polyctena", "Tetramorium caespitum", "Pseudomyrmex", "Carebara diversa", "Formicinae")
  tree <- taxa_get_otol_tree(taxa)
  expect_equal(class(tree), "phylo")
  expect_gte(ape::Ntip(tree), 5)

test_that("Loading a tree from Phylomatic", {
  taxa <- c("Panthera leo","Panthera onca","Panthera tigris","Panthera uncia")
  tree <- taxa_get_phylomatic_tree(taxa)
  expect_equal("phylo", class(tree))

test_that("Loading a tree from NCBI taxonomy", {
  taxa <- c("Setophaga striata","Setophaga magnolia","Setophaga angelae","Setophaga plumbea","Setophaga virens")
  tree <- taxa_get_taxonomic_tree(taxa)
  expect_equal("phylo", class(tree))

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rphylotastic documentation built on March 18, 2018, 1:46 p.m.