
# Clean spaces and special characters from strings
clean_string <- function(x) {
  gsub(" |&|'|-|\\.", "", x)

`%out%` <- Negate(`%in%`)

# Regroup with characters
group_by_char <- function(x, vars) {
  dots <- vars %>%
    as.list %>%
  group_by_(x, .dots = dots)

#' Get list of valid columns
#' List of valid columns accepted in \code{\link{query_master}}, \code{\link{sum_master}} and related functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{query_master}}, \code{\link{sum_master}}
#' @export
valid_columns <- function() c("collection", "property", "name", "parent", "category", "region", "zone",
                              "period_type_id", "band", "sample", "timeslice", "time")

#' Test if elements in sample column are statistics
#' In stochastic simulations, PLEXOS will return sample results and their statistics together. This function
#' makes it easy to separate them with a filter.
#' @param x Vector of sample values from an rplexos query
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{db <- plexos_open()}
#' \dontrun{res <- query_month(db, "Generator", "Generation")}
#' \dontrun{res %>% filter(sample_stats(sample))    # To obtain statistics}
#' \dontrun{res %>% filter(!sample_stats(sample))   # To obtain sample results}
#' @export
is_sample_stats <- function(x)
  x %in% c("Max", "Min", "Mean", "StDev")

#' Get list of folders in the working directory
#' List of existing folders in the working directory. This function is used when the wildcard symbol (\code{"*"})
#' is provided to the \code{\link{process_folder}} and \code{\link{plexos_open}} functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{setwd}}, \code{\link{process_folder}}, \code{\link{plexos_open}}
#' @export
list_folders <- function() {
  f <- dir()

#### Validation rules ####

# Check that object is valid rplexos databasae
check_rplexos <- function(x) {
  if(!inherits(x, "rplexos"))
    stop("db is not a valid database object. It should be created with plexos_open().", call. = FALSE)

# Delete file and give error if unsuccesfull
stop_ifnot_delete <- function(x) {
  # Error if file cannot be removed
  suppressWarnings(did.remove <- file.remove(x))
  if (!did.remove)
    stop("Unable to delete file: ", x, call. = FALSE)

# Check that a vector of characters are folder names
check_is_folder <- function(x) {
  if ((length(x) == 1L) && identical(x, "*")) {
    test <- TRUE
  } else {
    test <- all(file.exists(x)) & all(file.info(x)$isdir, na.rm = FALSE)

  if (!test)
    stop(paste0("'folders' must be a vector of existing folders or the wildcard \"*\""), call. = FALSE)

get_times <- function(){
  c("day", "week", "month", "year")

get_dbtemp_name <- function(file){
  db.temp <- gsub(".zip", "-temp.db", file)

get_dbfinal_name <- function(file){
  db.name <- gsub(".zip", "-rplexos.db", file)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rplexos documentation built on Jan. 15, 2017, 11:37 a.m.