
Defines functions predict_survival_probability.survregmin extract_covars.survregmin build_survreg

build_survreg <- function(formula, data, user_dist) {
    # Transforms the registry data into the format specified by survreg.fit,
    # i.e. as a matrix of values with the survival times log transformed.
    complete <- data[complete.cases(data), ]
    X <- model.matrix(formula, complete)
    survobj <- with(complete, eval(formula[[2]]))
    Y <- cbind(survobj[, 1], survobj[, 2])

    # Obtain covariate names
    factors <- attr(terms(formula), "factors")
    covars <- if (length(factors) == 0) {
               } else {

    # Transform of y
    dist_obj <- survival::survreg.distributions[[user_dist]]
    Y[, 1] <- dist_obj$trans(Y[, 1])

    # Obtain actual dist
    surv_dist <- dist_obj$dist
    scale <- if (is.null(dist_obj$scale)) 0 else dist_obj$scale

    mod <- survival::survreg.fit(
                         NULL, # weights
                         numeric(nrow(data)), # offset
                         NULL, # init
                         survival::survreg.control(), # controlvars
                         survival::survreg.distributions[[surv_dist]], # dist
                         1, # nstrat
                         0, # strata
                         NULL # parms

    func_call <- match.call()
    func_call$formula <- eval(formula)
    func_call$user_dist <- eval(user_dist)

    object <- list(coefs=coef(mod),
                   covars = covars,
                   call = func_call,
                   dist = user_dist,
                   terms= labels(terms(formula))
    class(object) <- c(class(object), 'survregmin')

#' @export
extract_covars.survregmin <- function(object) {

#' @export
predict_survival_probability.survregmin <- function(object, newdata, times) {

    dists <- list('weibull' = list('prob' = function(times, lps, scale=NULL) {
                                    pweibull(times, 1 / exp(scale), exp(lps))
                                   'npars' = 2),
                  'lognormal' = list('prob' = function(times, lps, scale=NULL) {
                                     plnorm(times, lps, exp(scale))
                                 'npars' = 2),
                  'exponential' = list('prob' = function(times, lps, scale=NULL) {
                                     pexp(times, 1/exp(lps))
                                 'npars' = 1)

    if (!is.null(object$covars) & nrow(newdata) != length(times)) {
        stop("Error: newdata has dimensions ", dim(newdata), " and times has length ", length(times), ". There should be one value of times for every row in newdata")

    if (any(times < 0)) {
        warning("Survival probability asked for at negative times in predict_survival_probability.")

    for (c in object$covars) {
        if (!c %in% colnames(newdata)) {
            stop("Error: column '", c, "' not found in newdata.")

    # Expand data into dummy categorical and include intercept
    if (!is.null(object$covars)) {
        formula <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(object$terms, collapse='+')))
        wide_df <- model.matrix(formula, newdata)
    } else {
        wide_df <- cbind(rep(1, length(times)))

    # Obtain coefficient for location parameter
    num_params <- dists[[object$dist]]$npars
    if (num_params == 2) {
        lps <- wide_df %*% object$coefs[-length(object$coefs)]
    } else if (num_params == 1) {
        lps <- wide_df %*% object$coefs
    } else {
        stop("Error: Unknown number of parameters ", num_params)

    # Can't see any other way to do this without making subclasses for each distribution
    if (num_params == 2) {
        scale <- object$coefs[length(object$coefs)]
    } else if (num_params == 1) {
        scale <- NULL
    } else {
        stop("Error: Unknown number of parameters ", num_params)

    1- dists[[object$dist]]$prob(times, lps, scale)

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rprev documentation built on May 4, 2021, 5:08 p.m.