
Defines functions psm pwelch bands_psd spectrogram

Documented in bands_psd psm pwelch spectrogram

#' Plot the spectrogram of signal.
#' @description `spectrogram` resamples signal and use the `specgram` function from the `signal` library to compute the spectrogram. Results resolution can be then reduced to quickly plot large signals.
#' @param signal Numerical vector of the signal.
#' @param sRate Signal sample rate in Hertz.
#' @param maxFreq Maximal frequency to plot in Hertz. Signal will be resampled at maxFreq*2 sample rate.
#' @param n The size of the Fourier transform window.
#' @param window Shape of the fourier transform window, defaults to n.
#' @param overlap Overlap with previous window, defaults to 0.
#' @param cols Color scale used for the underlying plot function.
#' @param freq Aggregate frequency used to lower spectrogram resolution. Defaults to 4.
#' @param plot Boolean, plot or not the spectrogram.
#' @param startTime Posixct of the signal start. Adjust the x axis labels accordingly.
#' @return A spectrogram.
#' @examples
#' library(signal)
#' spectrogram(chirp(seq(-2, 15, by = 0.001), 400, 10, 100, 'quadratic'),20,n=1024)
#' @export
spectrogram <- function(signal,
                        maxFreq = 25,
                        n = 1024,
                        window = n,
                        overlap = 0,
                        cols = c(rep("#3B9AB2",9),"#78B7C5","#EBCC2A","#E1AF00",rep("#F21A00",6)),
                        freq = 4,
                        plot = TRUE,
                        startTime = as.POSIXct("1970/01/01 00:00:00")){

  resample_sRate <- maxFreq*2

  x <- signal::resample(signal,resample_sRate,sRate)

  spec <- signal::specgram(x = x,
                           Fs = resample_sRate,
                           n = n,
                           window = window,
                           overlap = overlap)

  spec$S <- apply(spec$S,2,Re)

    spec$S <- apply(spec$S,2,function(x){
      stats::aggregate(stats::ts(as.numeric(x), frequency=freq), 1, max)

  spec$f <- as.numeric(stats::aggregate(stats::ts(spec$f, frequency=freq), 1, max))

  endTime <- startTime + round(length(x)/resample_sRate)
  spec$t <- seq(startTime,endTime,(as.numeric(endTime)-as.numeric(startTime))/length(spec$t))

    plot(spec, col = cols,ylab="Frequency (Hz)",xlab="")
  } else {

#' Compute power spectral density of bands listed in the bands argument.
#' @description `bands_psd` calculates power spectral densities estimates on bands. Bands are computed from spectrogram bands equal or greater than lower limit and inferior to the upper limit.
#' @param signal Numerical vector of the signal.
#' @param sRate Signal sample rate in Hertz.
#' @param bands A list of bands to compute with lower and upper limits in the form `list(c(0,4),c(4,8))``
#' @param normalize A band to normalize (divide) by. Defaults to `c(0.5,40)`. Can be set up to FALSE for raw results. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param method Character. Method to use to compute power spectral density. "pwelch" or "psm". Defaults to "pwelch".
#' @return A list of bands powers.
#' @examples
#' signal <- sin(seq(0,100,0.01))
#' bands_psd(bands = list(c(0,4),c(4,8)), signal = signal, sRate = 200)
#' @export
bands_psd <- function(
  normalize = FALSE,
  method= "pwelch"){

  if(method == "pwelch"){
    s <- pwelch(x = signal, sRate = sRate, points = 1000, show = FALSE)
  } else if(method == "psm"){
    s <- psm(x = signal, sRate = sRate, show = FALSE)
  } else{
    stop("Choose between \"pwelch\" and \"psm\" for psd estimation method.")

  lapply(bands, function(band){

    s_filtered <-  s[s$hz >= band[1] & s$hz < band[2],]

    if(length(normalize) == 2){
      s_broadband <- s[s$hz >= normalize[1] & s$hz < normalize[2],]
    } else {


#' Power spectral density using Welch's method.
#' @description Power spectral density using Welch's method.
#' @references Welch, P. “The Use of Fast Fourier Transform for the Estimation of Power Spectra: A Method Based on Time Averaging over Short, Modified Periodograms.” IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics 15, no. 2 (June 1967): 70–73. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAU.1967.1161901.
#' @param x Signal vector.
#' @param sRate Sample rate of the signal.
#' @param points todo
#' @param overlap todo
#' @param padding todo
#' @param show todo
#' @return peridodogram plotted or raw
#' @examples
#' x <- sin(c(1:10000))
#' psd <- pwelch(sin(c(1:10000)), 200)
#' head(psd)
#' @export
  pwelch <- function(x,
                   points = 0,
                   overlap = 0,
                   padding = 0,
                   show = TRUE){
  n = length(x)
  if (points == 0)
    points = ceiling(n/10)
  x = c(x, rep(0, points))
  spots = seq(1, n, points - overlap)
  if ((points + padding)%%2 == 1)
    padding = padding + 1
  n = points + padding
  psd = rep(0, n)
  for (i in 1:length(spots)) {
    tmp = x[spots[i]:(spots[i] + points - 1)] * signal::hamming(points)
    tmp = c(tmp, rep(0, padding))
    tmp = stats::fft(tmp)
    tmp = tmp * Conj(tmp)
    psd = psd + tmp
  psd = psd/length(spots)
  psd = psd[1:(n/2 + 1)]
  psd = abs(psd)
  psd = log(psd)
  psd = psd - max(psd)
  hz = seq(0, sRate/2, length.out = (n/2) + 1)
  if (show == TRUE)
    graphics::plot(hz, psd, type = "l", ylab = "PSD",
         xlab = "Hz",
         xaxs = "i")
  invisible(data.frame("hz" = hz,
            "psd" = psd))

#' Power spectral density using adaptive sine multitaper.
#' @description Power spectral density using adaptive sine multitaper.
#' @references Barbour, A. J. and R. L. Parker (2014), psd: Adaptive, sine multitaper power spectral density estimation for R, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 63, February 2014, Pages 1-8, ISSN 0098-3004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2013.09.015
#' @param x Signal vector.
#' @param sRate Sample rate of the signal.
#' @param length periodogram resolution. 0 default to not resize.
#' @param show todo
#' @return peridodogram plotted or raw.
#' @examples
#' x <- sin(c(1:10000))
#' psd <- psm(x, 200, 100)
#' head(psd)
#' @export
psm <- function(x, sRate, length=0, show = TRUE){

    tapmin = 1,
    tapcap = 1000,
    names = list(
      fft = "working_fft",
      fft.padded = "fft_even_demeaned_padded",
      last.taper = "last_taper_sequence",
      last.psdcore = "last_psdcore_psd",
      last.psdcore.extrap = "last_psdcore_psd_extrap",
      series.even = "ser_orig_even",
      var.even = "ser_even_var",
      n.even = "len_even",
      n.even.half = "len_even_half",
      series.orig = "ser_orig",
      n.orig = "len_orig"

  res <- psd::pspectrum(x,plot=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)

  df <- data.frame("hz" = res$freq, "psd" = res$spec)

  df$psd <- log(df$psd)

  df$hz <- df$hz*sRate

  if(length > 0){

    psd <- signal::resample(x = df$psd,
                            p = length,
                            q = nrow(df))

    hz <- signal::resample(x = df$hz,
                           p = length,
                           q = nrow(df))

    df <- data.frame("psd" = psd,
                     "hz" = hz)

  if (show == TRUE)
    graphics::plot(df$hz, df$psd, type = "l", ylab = "PSD",
                   xlab = "Hz",
                   xaxs = "i")

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