rstanarm 2.21.3

Bug fixes

New features

rstanarm 2.21.1

Backwards incompatible changes

Bug fixes

New functions

rstanarm 2.19.3

Bug fixes

rstanarm 2.19.2

Bug fixes

New features and improvements

rstanarm 2.18.1

Bug fixes

New features and improvements

rstanarm 2.17.4

Bug fixes

New features and improvements

rstanarm 2.17.3

Minor release for build fixes for Solaris and avoiding a test failure

rstanarm 2.17.2

Lots of good stuff in this release.

Bug fixes

Important user-facing improvements

Big new features

rstanarm 2.15.3

Bug fixes

rstanarm 2.15.1

Minor release with only changes to allow tests to pass on CRAN

rstanrm 2.14.2

Bug fixes

New features

rstanarm 2.14.1

Bug fixes

New features

Deprecated arguments

rstanarm 2.13.1

Bug fixes

New features

rstanarm 2.12.1

Bug fixes

New features

rstanarm 2.11.1

Bug fixes

New features

rstanarm 2.10.1

Bug fixes

New features

rstanarm 2.9.0-4

Bug fixes

New features

rstanarm 2.9.0-3

Bug fixes

New features

rstanarm 2.9.0-1

Initial CRAN release

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rstanarm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:51 a.m.