#' @include utilities.R
#' Extract Label Information from Statistical Tests
#' @description Extracts label information from statistical tests. Useful for
#' labelling plots with test outputs.
#' @param stat.test statistical test results returned by \code{rstatix}
#' functions.
#' @param description the test description used as the prefix of the label.
#' Examples of description are "ANOVA", "Two Way ANOVA". To remove the default
#' description, specify \code{description = NULL}. If missing, we'll try to
#' guess the statistical test default description.
#' @param p.col character specifying the column containing the p-value. Default
#' is \code{"p"}, can be \code{"p.adj"}.
#' @param type the label type. Can be one of "text" and "expression". Partial
#' match allowed. If you want to add the label onto a ggplot, it might be
#' useful to specify \code{type = "expresion"}.
#' @param correction character, considered only in the case of ANOVA test. Which sphericity
#' correction of the degrees of freedom should be reported for the
#' within-subject factors (repeated measures). The default is set to
#' \code{"GG"} corresponding to the Greenhouse-Geisser correction. Possible
#' values are \code{"GG"}, \code{"HF"} (i.e., Hyunh-Feldt correction),
#' \code{"none"} (i.e., no correction) and \code{"auto"} (apply automatically
#' GG correction if the sphericity assumption is not for within-subject
#' design.
#' @param row numeric, the row index to be considered. If NULL, the last row is
#' automatically considered for ANOVA test.
#' @param statistic.text character specifying the test statistic. For example
#' \code{statistic.text = "F"} (for ANOVA test ); \code{statistic.text = "t"}
#' (for t-test ).
#' @param statistic the numeric value of a statistic.
#' @param p the p-value of the test.
#' @param parameter string containing the degree of freedom (if exists). Default
#' is \code{NA} to accommodate non-parametric tests. For example
#' \code{parameter = "1,9"} (for ANOVA test. Two parameters exist: DFn and
#' DFd); \code{sparameter = "9"} (for t-test ).
#' @param n sample count, example: \code{n = 10}.
#' @param effect.size the effect size value
#' @param effect.size.text a character specifying the relevant effect size. For
#' example, for \code{Cohens d} statistic, \code{effect.size.text = "d"}. You
#' can also use plotmath expression as follow \code{quote(italic("d"))}.
#' @param detailed logical value. If TRUE, returns detailed label.
#' @return a text label or an expression to pass to a plotting function.
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' data("ToothGrowth")
#' df <- ToothGrowth
#' # One-way ANOVA test
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' anov <- df %>% anova_test(len ~ dose)
#' get_test_label(anov, detailed = TRUE, type = "text")
#' # Two-way ANOVA test
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' anov <- df %>% anova_test(len ~ supp*dose)
#' get_test_label(anov, detailed = TRUE, type = "text",
#' description = "Two Way ANOVA")
#' # Kruskal-Wallis test
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' kruskal<- df %>% kruskal_test(len ~ dose)
#' get_test_label(kruskal, detailed = TRUE, type = "text")
#' # Wilcoxon test
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' # Unpaired test
#' wilcox <- df %>% wilcox_test(len ~ supp)
#' get_test_label(wilcox, detailed = TRUE, type = "text")
#'# Paired test
#' wilcox <- df %>% wilcox_test(len ~ supp, paired = TRUE)
#' get_test_label(wilcox, detailed = TRUE, type = "text")
#' # T test
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' ttest <- df %>% t_test(len ~ dose)
#' get_test_label(ttest, detailed = TRUE, type = "text")
#' # Pairwise comparisons labels
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' get_pwc_label(ttest, type = "text")
#' # Create test labels
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' create_test_label(
#' statistic.text = "F", statistic = 71.82,
#' parameter = "4, 294",
#' p = "<0.0001",
#' description = "ANOVA",
#' type = "text"
#' )
#' # Extract infos
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' stat.test <- df %>% t_test(len ~ dose)
#' get_n(stat.test)
#' get_description(stat.test)
#' @describeIn get_test_label Extract label from pairwise comparisons.
#' @export
get_pwc_label <- function(stat.test, type = c("expression", "text")){
methods <- get_pairwise_comparison_methods()
stat.test %>% stop_ifnot_class(names(methods))
type <- match.arg(type)
args <- attr(stat.test, "args")
stat.method <- methods[args$method]
p.adjust.method <- args$p.adjust.method %>%
if(! "p.adj" %in% colnames(stat.test)){
p.adjust.method <- "None"
if(type == "text"){
paste0("pwc: ", stat.method, "; p.adjust: ", p.adjust.method)
else if(type == "expression"){
expr = paste(
"pwc: ", bold(stat.method),
"; p.adjust: ", bold(p.adjust.method)
env = list(stat.method = stat.method, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method)
#' @describeIn get_test_label Extract labels for statistical tests.
#' @export
get_test_label <- function(stat.test, description = NULL, p.col = "p",
type = c("expression", "text"),
correction = c("auto", "GG", "HF", "none"), row = NULL, detailed = FALSE){
type = match.arg(type)
allowed.tests <- c(
kruskal_test = "Kruskal-Wallis",
friedman_test = "Friedman test",
anova_test = "Anova",
welch_anova_test = "Welch ANOVA",
chisq_test = "Chi-square test",
exact_multinom_test = "Exact multinomial test",
exact_binom_test = "Exact binomial test",
cochran_qtest = "Cochran Q test",
chisq_trend_test = "Chi-square trend test"
stop_ifnot_class(stat.test, .class = names(allowed.tests))
is_anova_test <- inherits(stat.test, "anova_test")
stat.test <- get_anova_table(stat.test, correction = correction)
if(is.null(row)) row <- nrow(stat.test) # consider the last row
if(!is.null(row)) {
stat.test <- stat.test %>%
keep_only_tbl_df_classes() %>%
statistic.text <- get_statistic_text(stat.test, type = type)
statistic <- get_statistic(stat.test)
df <- get_df(stat.test)
n <- get_n(stat.test)
effect <- get_effect_size(stat.test, type)
effect.size <- effect$value
effect.size.text <- effect$text
description <- get_description(stat.test)
if(description != ""){
description <- paste0(description, ", ")
if(!(p.col %in% colnames(stat.test))){
# automatic detection of p.col
p.col <- p_detect(stat.test)
stat.test <- stat.test %>%
keep_only_tbl_df_classes() %>%
select(!!sym(p.col)) %>%
rename(p = p.col) %>%
mutate( = 1:nrow(stat.test), n = n,
statistic = statistic, parameter = df,
effect.size = effect.size
stat.test$p <- p_format(stat.test$p, 3)
get_label_func <- switch (
expression = create_test_label.expression,
text = create_test_label.text
get_label_func_df <- function(df){
description, statistic.text = statistic.text,
statistic = df$statistic, parameter = df$parameter,
p = df$p, n = df$n, effect.size = df$effect.size,
effect.size.text = effect.size.text, detailed = detailed
if(nrow(stat.test) > 1){
results <- stat.test %>%
group_by(.data$ %>%
doo(get_label_func_df) %>%
results <- get_label_func_df(stat.test)
#' @describeIn get_test_label Create labels from user specified test results.
#' @export
create_test_label <- function(
statistic.text, statistic, p, parameter = NA, description = NULL, n = NA, effect.size = NA, effect.size.text = NA,
type = c("expression", "text"), detailed = FALSE)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(description != ""){
description <- paste0(description, ", ")
else description <- ""
label_func <- switch(
text = create_test_label.text,
expression = create_test_label.expression,
description = description, statistic.text = statistic.text,
statistic = statistic, parameter = parameter,
p = p, n = n, effect.size = effect.size,
effect.size.text = effect.size.text, detailed = detailed
# Build test labeles
# description: stat test description, e.g "T test"
# statistic.text: statistic text, example: "t",
# statistic: statistic value, example: 10
# parameter: string containing the degree of freedom,
# ex: "9" for t-test or "1,9" for ANOVA (DFn = 1 and DFd = 9)
# p: p value
# n: sample count
create_test_label.expression <- function(
description, statistic.text, statistic, parameter, p, n = NA,
effect.size = NA, effect.size.text = NA, detailed = FALSE)
if( parameter <- ""
else parameter <- paste0("(", parameter, ")")
# Sample count
if( {
n <- ""
n <- substitute(
expr = paste(", ", italic("n"), " = ", n),
env = list(n = n)
# Effect size
effect.size <- ""
effect.size <- round_value(effect.size, 2)
effect.size <- substitute(
expr = paste(", ", effect.size.text, " = ", effect.size),
env = list(effect.size.text = effect.size.text, effect.size = effect.size)
# Create label
statistic <- round_value(statistic, 2)
equal <- " = "
statistic.text <- equal <- statistic <- ""
statistic <- paste0(statistic, ", ")
env <- as.list(environment())
expr = paste(
description, statistic.text, parameter, equal, statistic,
italic("p"), " = ", p, effect.size, n
env = env
expr = paste(description, italic("p"), " = ", p),
env = env
create_test_label.text <- function(description, statistic.text,
statistic, parameter, p, n = NA,
effect.size = NA, effect.size.text = NA, detailed = FALSE){
if( parameter <- ""
else parameter <- paste0("(", parameter, ")")
if( effect.size <- ""
else effect.size <- paste0(", ", effect.size.text, " = ", effect.size)
if( n <- ""
else n <- paste0(", ", "n", " = ", n)
statistics <- paste0(statistic.text, parameter, " = ", round_value(statistic, 2), ", ")
else statistics <- ""
description, statistics,
"p", " = ", p, effect.size, n
paste0(description, "p = ", p)
# Get label parameters
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# Statical test text: F, t, W, V, X2, -------------------------------------------
get_statistic_text <- function(stat.test, type = c("expression", "text")){
type <- match.arg(type)
args <- attr(stat.test, "args")
stat.method <- args$method
is.paired <- args$paired
if(is.paired & stat.method == "wilcox_test"){
stat.method = "wilcox_test_paired"
if(is.null(is.paired)) is.paired <- FALSE
if(type == "expression"){
statistic.text <- switch(
t_test = quote(italic("t")),
wilcox_test = quote(italic("W")),
wilcox_test_paired = quote(italic("V")),
sign_test = quote(italic("S")),
dunn_test = quote(italic("Z")),
emmeans_test = quote(italic("t")),
tukey_hsd = quote(italic("t")),
games_howell_test = quote(italic("t")),
kruskal_test = quote(italic(chi)^2),
friedman_test = quote(italic(chi)^2),
anova_test = quote(italic("F")),
welch_anova_test = quote(italic("F")),
chisq_test = quote(italic(chi)^2),
mcnemar_test = quote(italic(chi)^2),
prop_test = quote(italic(chi)^2),
cochran_qtest = quote(italic(chi)^2),
chisq_trend_test = quote(italic(chi)^2),
statistic.text <- switch(
t_test = "t",
wilcox_test = "W",
wilcox_test_paired = "V",
sign_test = "S",
dunn_test = "Z",
emmeans_test = "t",
tukey_hsd = "t",
games_howell_test = "t",
kruskal_test = "X2",
friedman_test = "X2",
anova_test = "F",
welch_anova_test = "F",
chisq_test = "X2",
mcnemar_test = "X2",
prop_test = "X2",
cochran_qtest = "X2",
chisq_trend_test = "X2",
# Statistic values -------------------------------------------------
get_statistic <- function(stat.test){
stat.cols <- colnames(stat.test)
if("statistic" %in% stat.cols){
result <- stat.test$statistic
else if ("F" %in% stat.cols){
result <- stat.test$F
# statistic column not found
result <- rep(NA, nrow(stat.test))
# Degree of freedom-------------------------------------------------
get_df <- function(stat.test){
args <- attr(stat.test, "args")
df.cols <- c("df", "DFn", "DFd")
if(!any(df.cols %in% colnames(stat.test))){
if(all(c("DFn", "DFd") %in% colnames(stat.test))){
dfn <- round_value(stat.test$DFn, 2)
dfd <- round_value(stat.test$DFd, 2)
df <- paste(dfn, dfd, sep = ",")
df <- round_value(stat.test$df, 2)
# Sample count-------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn get_test_label Extracts sample counts (n) from an rstatix test outputs. Returns a numeric vector.
#' @export
get_n <- function(stat.test){
if(inherits(stat.test, "anova_test")){
.args <- attr(stat.test, "args")
wid <- .args$wid
if(is.null(wid)) n <- nrow(.args$data)
else n <- .args$data %>% pull(!!wid) %>% unique() %>% length()
stat.test$n <- n
else if(inherits(stat.test, "grouped_anova_test")){
# compute sample size of data subsets
.args <- attr(stat.test, "args")
stat.test$n <- .args$data %>%
dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n()) %>%
n.cols <- c("n", "n1", "n2")
if(!any(n.cols %in% colnames(stat.test))){
if("n" %in% colnames(stat.test)){
n <- stat.test$n
else if(all(c("n1", "n2") %in% colnames(stat.test))){
if(is_paired(stat.test)) n <- stat.test$n1
else n <- stat.test$n1 + stat.test$n2
# Statistical test description ---------------------------------
#' @describeIn get_test_label Extracts the description of an rstatix test outputs. Returns a character vector.
#' @export
get_description <- function(stat.test){
tests <- c(
t_test = "T test",
wilcox_test = "Wilcoxon test",
sign_test = "Sign test",
dunn_test = "Dunn test",
emmeans_test = "Emmeans test",
tukey_hsd = "Tukey HSD",
anova_test = "Anova",
welch_anova_test = "Welch Anova",
kruskal_test = "Kruskal-Wallis",
friedman_test = "Friedman test",
cor_test = "Correlation",
prop_test = "Z-Prop test",
fisher_test = "Fisher's exact test",
chisq_test = "Chi-square test",
exact_multinom_test = "Exact multinomial test",
exact_binom_test = "Exact binomial test",
mcnemar_test = "McNemar test",
cochran_qtest = "Cochran Q test",
chisq_trend_test = "Chi-square trend test"
args <- attr(stat.test, "args")
if(is.null(args)) return("")
stat.method <- args$method
if(stat.method %in% names(tests)){
description <- tests[stat.method]
description <- stat.method
# Efect size ---------------------------------
get_effect_size <- function(stat.test, type = "text"){
stat.method <- attr(stat.test, "args")$method
value <- text <- NA
if("ges" %in% colnames(stat.test)) {
value <- stat.test$ges
if(type == "expression") text <- quote(eta["g"]^2)
else text <- "eta2[g]"
else if("pes" %in% colnames(stat.test)) {
if(type == "expression") text <- quote(eta["p"]^2)
else text <- "eta2[p]"
value <- stat.test$pes
else if("effsize" %in% colnames(stat.test)){
value <- stat.test$effsize
if(type == "expression"){
text <- switch(
t_test = quote(italic("d")),
wilcox_test = quote(italic("r")),
kruskal_test = quote(eta["H"]^2),
friedman_test = quote(italic("W")["Kendall"]),
text <- switch(
t_test = "d",
wilcox_test = "r",
kruskal_test = "eta2[H]",
friedman_test = "W[Kendall]",
list(value = value, text = text)
# Check if paired stat test--------------------------------------------
is_paired <- function(stat.test){
args <- attr(stat.test, "args")
is.paired <- args$paired
if(is.null(is.paired)) is.paired <- FALSE
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