#' @include utilities.R factorial_design.R anova_summary.R
#'Anova Test
#'@description Provides a pipe-friendly framework to perform different types of
#' ANOVA tests, including: \itemize{ \item
#' \strong{\href{}{Independent
#' measures ANOVA}}: between-Subjects designs, \item
#' \strong{\href{}{Repeated
#' measures ANOVA}}: within-Subjects designs \item
#' \strong{\href{}{Mixed
#' ANOVA}}: Mixed within within- and between-Subjects designs, also known as
#' split-plot ANOVA and \item
#' \strong{\href{}{ANCOVA:
#' Analysis of Covariance}}. }
#' The function is an easy to use wrapper around \code{\link[car]{Anova}()} and
#' \code{\link[stats]{aov}()}. It makes ANOVA computation handy in R and It's
#' highly flexible: can support model and formula as input. Variables can be
#' also specified as character vector using the arguments \code{dv, wid,
#' between, within, covariate}.
#' The results include ANOVA table, generalized effect size and some assumption
#' checks.
#'@param data a data.frame or a model to be analyzed.
#'@param formula a formula specifying the ANOVA model similar to
#' \link[stats]{aov}. Can be of the form \code{y ~ group} where \code{y} is a
#' numeric variable giving the data values and \code{group} is a factor with
#' one or multiple levels giving the corresponding groups. For example,
#' \code{formula = TP53 ~ cancer_group}.
#' Examples of supported formula include: \itemize{ \item Between-Ss ANOVA
#' (independent measures ANOVA): \code{y ~ b1*b2} \item Within-Ss ANOVA
#' (repeated measures ANOVA): \code{y ~ w1*w2 + Error(id/(w1*w2))} \item Mixed
#' ANOVA: \code{y ~ b1*b2*w1 + Error(id/w1)} }
#' If the formula doesn't contain any within vars, a linear model is directly
#' fitted and passed to the ANOVA function. For repeated designs, the ANOVA
#' variables are parsed from the formula.
#'@param dv (numeric) dependent variable name.
#'@param wid (factor) column name containing individuals/subjects identifier.
#' Should be unique per individual.
#'@param between (optional) between-subject factor variables.
#'@param within (optional) within-subjects factor variables
#'@param covariate (optional) covariate names (for ANCOVA)
#'@param type the type of sums of squares for ANOVA. Allowed values are either
#' 1, 2 or 3. \code{type = 2} is the default because this will yield identical
#' ANOVA results as type = 1 when data are balanced but type = 2 will
#' additionally yield various assumption tests where appropriate. When the data
#' are unbalanced the \code{type = 3} is used by popular commercial softwares
#' including SPSS.
#'@param effect.size the effect size to compute and to show in the ANOVA
#' results. Allowed values can be either "ges" (generalized eta squared) or
#' "pes" (partial eta squared) or both. Default is "ges".
#'@param white.adjust Default is FALSE. If TRUE, heteroscedasticity correction
#' is applied to the coefficient of covariance matrix. Used only for
#' independent measures ANOVA.
#'@param error (optional) for a linear model, an lm model object from which the
#' overall error sum of squares and degrees of freedom are to be calculated.
#' Read more in \code{\link[car]{Anova}()} documentation.
#'@param observed Variables that are observed (i.e, measured) as compared to
#' experimentally manipulated. The default effect size reported (generalized
#' eta-squared) requires correct specification of the observed variables.
#'@param detailed If TRUE, returns extra information (sums of squares columns,
#' intercept row, etc.) in the ANOVA table.
#'@param x an object of class \code{anova_test}
#'@param correction character. Used only in repeated measures ANOVA test to
#' specify which correction of the degrees of freedom should be reported for
#' the within-subject factors. Possible values are: \itemize{ \item{"GG"}:
#' applies Greenhouse-Geisser correction to all within-subjects factors even if
#' the assumption of sphericity is met (i.e., Mauchly's test is not
#' significant, p > 0.05). \item{"HF"}: applies Hyunh-Feldt correction to all
#' within-subjects factors even if the assumption of sphericity is met,
#' \item{"none"}: returns the ANOVA table without any correction and
#' \item{"auto"}: apply automatically GG correction to only within-subjects
#' factors violating the sphericity assumption (i.e., Mauchly's test p-value is
#' significant, p <= 0.05). }
#'@seealso \code{\link{anova_summary}()}, \code{\link{factorial_design}()}
#'@return return an object of class \code{anova_test} a data frame containing
#' the ANOVA table for independent measures ANOVA.
#' However, for repeated/mixed measures ANOVA, a list containing the following
#' components are returned: ANOVA table, Mauchly's Test for Sphericity,
#' Sphericity Corrections. These table are described more in the documentation
#' of the function \code{\link{anova_summary}()}.
#' The \strong{returned object has an attribute} called \code{args}, which is a
#' list holding the arguments used to fit the ANOVA model, including: data, dv,
#' within, between, type, model, etc.
#'@details The setting in \code{anova_test()} is done in such a way that it
#' gives the same results as SPSS, one of the most used commercial software. By
#' default, R uses treatment contrasts, where each of the levels is compared to
#' the first level used as baseline. The default contrast can be checked using
#' \code{options('contrasts')}. In the function \code{anova_test()}, the
#' following setting is used
#' \code{options(contrasts=c('contr.sum','contr.poly'))}, which gives
#' orthogonal contrasts where you compare every level to the overall mean. This
#' setting gives the same output as the most commonly used commercial
#' softwares, like SPSS. If you want to obtain the same result with the
#' function \code{car::Anova()} as the one obtained with
#' \code{rstatix::anova_test()}, then don't forget to set
#' \code{options(contrasts=c('contr.sum','contr.poly'))}.
#'@author Alboukadel Kassambara, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' data("ToothGrowth")
#' df <- ToothGrowth
#' # One-way ANOVA test
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' df %>% anova_test(len ~ dose)
#' # Grouped One-way ANOVA test
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' df %>%
#' group_by(supp) %>%
#' anova_test(len ~ dose)
#' # Two-way ANOVA test
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' df %>% anova_test(len ~ supp*dose)
#' # Two-way repeated measures ANOVA
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' df$id <- rep(1:10, 6) # Add individuals id
#' # Use formula
#' \donttest{
#' df %>% anova_test(len ~ supp*dose + Error(id/(supp*dose)))
#' }
#' # or use character vector
#' df %>% anova_test(dv = len, wid = id, within = c(supp, dose))
#' # Extract ANOVA table and apply correction
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' res.aov <- df %>% anova_test(dv = len, wid = id, within = c(supp, dose))
#' get_anova_table(res.aov, correction = "GG")
#' # Use model as arguments
#' #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#' .my.model <- lm(yield ~ block + N*P*K, npk)
#' anova_test(.my.model)
#'@describeIn anova_test perform anova test
anova_test <- function(data, formula, dv, wid, between, within, covariate, type = NULL,
effect.size = "ges", error = NULL,
white.adjust = FALSE, observed = NULL, detailed = FALSE){
.args <- rlang::enquos(
dv = dv, wid = wid, between = between,
within = within, covariate = covariate) %>%
select_quo_variables(data) %>%
add_item(type = type, white.adjust = white.adjust, method = "anova_test")
if(!missing(formula)) .args$formula <- formula
.anova_test <- function(data, .args, effect.size = "ges", error = NULL,
observed = NULL, detailed = FALSE){
.args <- .args %>%
add_item(data = data) %>%
if(.args$type != 1) {
if(is.null(error)) res.anova <- car_anova(.args)
else res.anova <- car_anova(.args, error = error)
else if(.args$type == 1) res.anova <- stats_aov(.args)
else stop("Something is wrong...")
results <- res.anova %>%
effect.size = effect.size, detailed = detailed,
observed = observed
.append_anova_class <- function(x){
class(x) <- c("anova_test", class(x), "rstatix_test")
results <- data %>% doo(
~.anova_test(data = ., .args = .args, effect.size = effect.size,
error = error, observed = observed, detailed = detailed),
result = "anova"
if("anova" %in% colnames(results)){
# This happens for repeated measure anova
results <- results %>%
mutate(anova = map(.data$anova, .append_anova_class))
results <- results %>% set_attrs(args = list(data = data))
class(results) <- c("grouped_anova_test", class(results), "rstatix_test")
results <- .anova_test(
data, .args = .args, effect.size = effect.size,
error = error, observed = observed, detailed = detailed
) %>%
# Extract ANOVA table -----------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn anova_test extract anova table from an object of class
#' \code{anova_test}. When within-subject factors are present, either
#' sphericity corrected or uncorrected degrees of freedom can be reported.
#' @export
get_anova_table <- function(x, correction = c("auto", "GG", "HF", "none")){
correction <- match.arg(correction)
results <- get_anova_table_from_grouped_test(x, correction = correction)
results <- get_anova_table_from_simple_test(x, correction = correction)
get_anova_table_from_simple_test <- function(x, correction = "auto"){
correction.method <- method <- correction
if(method == "auto") method = "GG"
# Independent anova
if(!inherits(x, "list")){
if(correction.method == "none"){
res.aov <- x$ANOVA
attr(res.aov, "args") <- attr(x, "args")
class(res.aov) <- c("anova_test", class(res.aov), "rstatix_test")
# repeated/mixed design
# Get correction table from anova_test
.args <- attr(x, "args")
get_corrections_table <- function(x, method = c("GG", "HF")){
method <- match.arg(method)
pattern <- paste0("Effect|", method)
corrections <- x$`Sphericity Corrections` %>%
colnames(corrections) <- c("Effect", "epsilon", "df", "p", "p<.05")
corrections <- corrections %>%
tidyr::separate(col = "df", into = c("DFn", "DFd"), sep = ", ", convert = TRUE) %>%
mutate(method = method)
res.aov <- x$ANOVA
sphericity <- x$`Mauchly's Test for Sphericity`
corrections <- get_corrections_table(x, method)
# If auto apply correction only when sphericity is not assumed (Mauchly p < 0.05)
if(correction.method == "auto"){
corrections %<>% filter(sphericity$p <= 0.05)
if(nrow(corrections) > 0){
rownames(res.aov) <- res.aov$Effect
rownames(corrections) <- corrections$Effect <- c("DFn", "DFd", "p", "p<.05") <- rownames(corrections)
res.aov[,] <- corrections[,]
rownames(res.aov) <- 1:nrow(res.aov)
res.aov <- res.aov %>% set_attrs(args = .args)
class(res.aov) <- c("anova_test", class(res.aov), "rstatix_test")
get_anova_table_from_grouped_test <- function(x, correction = "auto"){
extract_table <- function(x, correction){
get_anova_table_from_simple_test(x, correction = correction) %>%
remove_class(c("anova_test", "rstatix_test"))
x %>%
keep_only_tbl_df_classes() %>%
mutate(anova = map(.data$anova, extract_table, correction = correction)) %>%
unnest(cols = "anova")
is_anova_test <- function(x){
inherits(x, "anova_test")
is_grouped_anova_test <- function(x){
answer <- FALSE
if(("anova" %in% colnames(x))){
if(inherits(x$anova, "list")){
answer <- inherits(x$anova[[1]], "anova_test")
# Printing anova and plotting model diagnostic -----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname anova_test
#' @method print anova_test
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @export
print.anova_test <- function(x, ...) {
.args <- attr(x, "args")
type <- switch(.args$type, `1` = "I", `2` = "II", `3` = "III")
cat("ANOVA Table (type", type, "tests)\n\n")
if(inherits(x, "data.frame"))
else if(inherits(x, "list")){
attr(x, "args") <- NULL
class(x) <- "list"
#' @rdname anova_test
#' @method plot anova_test
#' @export
plot.anova_test <- function(x, ...) {
.args <- attr(x, "args")
graphics::plot(.args$model, ...)
# Check arguments -----------------------------------------------
# Check the arguments of ANOVA
# .args is a list
check_anova_arguments <- function(.args){
.args <- get_anova_vars_from_formula(.args)
if(is.null(.args$within)) .args$model <- fit_lm(.args)
if(inherits(.args$data, "aovlist")){
stop("A model of class aovlist is not supported.")
else if(has_model(.args)){
if(is.null(.args$type)) .args$type <- 2
.args <- .args %>%
check_factorial_design() %>%
get_anova_vars_from_formula <- function(.args){
formula <- .args$formula
data <- .args$data
vars <- all.vars(formula)
# Detect transformed responses:
lhs <- all.names(formula[[2]])
transf <- setdiff(lhs, all.vars(formula[[2]]))
if (length(transf) == 0)
transf = NULL
if (!is.null(transf)) {
origdv <- setdiff(lhs, transf)
dv <- paste0(transf[1], ".", origdv)
data[[dv]] <- eval(formula[[2]], envir = data) # add transformed version
vars <- vars[!(vars %in% lhs)]
}else {
dv <- vars[1]
vars <- vars[-1]
error.vars <- get_formula_error_vars(formula)
id <- error.vars[1]
within <- error.vars[-1]
between <- vars[!(vars %in% c(id, within))]
if(length(within) == 0) within <- NULL
if(length(between) == 0) between <- NULL
if( id <- NULL
.args <- .args %>%
.add_item(data = data, dv = dv, wid = id, between = between, within = within)
stop_if_multiple_error_terms <- function(formula){
.terms <- stats::terms(formula, "Error")
.error.terms <- attr(.terms, "specials")$Error
if (length(.error.terms) > 1L)
stop(sprintf("there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed", length(.error.terms)))
# stop if ancova with repeated variables
stop_if_repeated_ancova <- function(.args){
if(is_repeated_ancova(.args) | is_mixed_ancova(.args)){
stop("Don't support ANCOVA with repeated measures")
# Check anova design and type
is_design_balanced <- function(.args){
res <- .args$data %>%
group_by(!!!syms(.args$between)) %>%
summarise(count = n())
length(unique(res$count)) == 1
is_repeated_anova <- function(.args){
is.null(.args$between) & !is.null(.args$within) & is.null(.args$covariate)
is_independent_anova <- function(.args){
!is.null(.args$between) & is.null(.args$within) & is.null(.args$covariate)
is_mixed_anova <- function(.args){
!is.null(.args$between) & !is.null(.args$within) & is.null(.args$covariate)
is_repeated_ancova <- function(.args){
!is.null(.args$within) & !is.null(.args$covariate) & is.null(.args$between)
is_independent_ancova <- function(.args){
is.null(.args$within) & !is.null(.args$covariate) & !is.null(.args$between)
is_mixed_ancova <- function(.args){
!is.null(.args$between) & !is.null(.args$within) & !is.null(.args$covariate)
# Check anova type
check_anova_type <- function(.args){
n.vars <- length(c(.args$between, .args$within))
.args$type <- 2
if(is_repeated_anova(.args)) .args$type <- 3
else if(!is.null(.args$between)) {
if(!is_design_balanced(.args) & n.vars > 1) .args$type <- 3
else if (.args$type == 1){
if(!is_design_balanced(.args) & n.vars > 1){
warning("Your data are unbalanced and there are more than one variable. ",
"In this case, using 'type = 1' is not recommended. ",
"Consider using type 3 ANOVA.", immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)
is_model <- function(object){
models <- c("lm", "aov", "glm", "multinom", "polr", "mlm", "manova")
inherits(object, models)
# Get anova model from the list of arguments
get_anova_model <- function(.args){
if(!is.null(.args$model)) return(.args$model)
else if(is_model(.args$data)) return(.args$data)
else stop("No model detected in ANOVA arguments")
# Check if ANOVA arguments contain model
has_model <- function(.args){
!is.null(.args$model) | is_model(.args$data)
# Fit lm from formula and data ------------------------------------
fit_lm <- function(.args){
.args <- remove_missing_values_in_data(.args)
lm_data <- droplevels(.args$data)
lm_formula <- .args$formula
opt <- options( "contrasts" = c( "contr.sum", "contr.poly" ) )
results <- stats::lm(lm_formula, lm_data)
# Compute the different types of ANOVA -----------------------------
car_anova <- function(.args, ...){
.model <- get_anova_model(.args)
res.anova <- suppressMessages(car::Anova(
.model, type = .args$type,
white.adjust = .args$white.adjust, ...
.args$model <- .model
design <- factorial_design(
data = .args$data, dv = .args$dv, wid = .args$wid, between = .args$between,
within = .args$within, covariate = .args$covariate
res.anova <- suppressMessages(Anova(
design$model, type = .args$type,
white.adjust = .args$white.adjust, ...
res.anova <- suppressMessages(Anova(
design$model, idata = design$idata,
idesign = design$idesign, type = .args$type, ...
.args$model <- design$model
attr(res.anova, "args") <- .args
# R stats aov
stats_aov <- function(.args){
.model <- get_anova_model(.args)
res.anova <- stats::aov(.model)
aov.formula <- create_aov_formula(.args)
data <- .args$data
res.anova <- .model <- stats::aov(aov.formula, data)
.args$model <- .model
attr(res.anova, "args") <- .args
create_aov_formula <- function(.args){
between <- paste(.args$between, collapse = "*")
within <- paste(.args$within, collapse = "*")
covariate <- paste(.args$covariate, collapse = "+")
error <- ifelse(
within != "",
error <- paste0("+Error(", .args$wid, "/(", within, "))"),
bw.sep <- ifelse(between != "" & within != "", "*", "") # Between and Within vars separator
bc.sep <- ifelse(covariate != "", "+", "") # Between and covariate vars separator
.formula <- paste0(.args$dv, " ~ ", covariate, bc.sep, between, bw.sep, within, error) %>%
# Check assumptions (Not used helpers)-------------------------
check_anova_assumptions <- function(data, dv, between){
. <- NULL
outliers <- data %>%
group_by(!!!syms(between)) %>%
groups.normality <- data %>%
group_by(!!!syms(between)) %>%
shapiro_test(vars = dv)
formula <- paste(between, collapse = "*") %>%
paste(dv, ., sep = " ~ ") %>%
model <- stats::lm(formula, data)
.residuals <- stats::residuals(model)
variance.homogeneity <- levene_test(data, formula)
arguments <- list( dv = dv, between = between)
results <- list(
outliers = outliers,
residuals.normality = shapiro_test(.residuals),
groups.normality = groups.normality,
variance.homogeneity = variance.homogeneity
) %>%
set_attrs(arguments = arguments)
check_repeated_anova_assumptions <- function(data, dv, wid, within){
. <- NULL
results <- check_anova_assumptions(data, dv, within)
results$variance.homogeneity <- NULL
arguments <- list( dv = dv, wid = wid, within = within)
results <- results %>% set_attrs(arguments = arguments)
within <- paste(within, collapse = ", ") %>%
paste0("c(", ., ")") <- deparse(substitute(data))
anova.formula <- paste0(
"anova_test(",, ", dv = ", dv,
", wid = ", wid, ", within = ", within, ")"
res.anova <- eval(parse(text = anova.formula))
results <- results %>%
.add_item(sphericity = res.anova$`Mauchly's Test for Sphericity`)
check_mixed_anova_assumptions <- function(data, dv, wid , between, within){
. <- NULL
arguments <- list( dv = dv, wid = wid, between = between, within = within)
grouping <- c(between, within)
outliers <- data %>%
group_by(!!!syms(grouping)) %>%
groups.normality <- data %>%
group_by(!!!syms(grouping)) %>%
shapiro_test(vars = dv)
formula <- paste(between, collapse = "*") %>%
paste(dv, ., sep = " ~ ") %>%
variance.homogeneity <- data %>%
group_by(!!!syms(within)) %>%
results <- list(
outliers = outliers,
groups.normality = groups.normality,
variance.homogeneity = variance.homogeneity
) %>%
set_attrs(arguments = arguments)
within <- paste(within, collapse = ", ") %>%
paste0("c(", ., ")")
between <- paste(between, collapse = ", ") %>%
paste0("c(", ., ")") <- deparse(substitute(data))
anova.formula <- paste0(
"anova_test(",, ", dv = ", dv,
", wid = ", wid, ", within = ", within, ", between = ", between, ")"
res.anova <- eval(parse(text = anova.formula))
results <- results %>%
.add_item(sphericity = res.anova$`Mauchly's Test for Sphericity`)
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