#' @title Randomized principal component analysis (rpca).
#' @description Fast computation of the principal components analysis using the randomized singular value decomposition.
#' @details
#' Principal component analysis is an important linear dimension reduction technique.
#' Randomized PCA is computed via the randomized SVD algorithm (\code{\link{rsvd}}).
#' The computational gain is substantial, if the desired number of principal components
#' is relatively small, i.e. \eqn{k << min(m,n)}.
#' The print and summary method can be used to present the results in a nice format.
#' A scree plot can be produced with \code{\link{ggscreeplot}}.
#' The individuals factor map can be produced with \code{\link{ggindplot}},
#' and a correlation plot with \code{\link{ggcorplot}}.
#' The predict function can be used to compute the scores of new observations. The data
#' will automatically be centered (and scaled if requested). This is not fully supported for
#' complex input matrices.
#' @param A array_like; \cr
#' a numeric \eqn{(m, n)} input matrix (or data frame) to be analyzed. \cr
#' If the data contain \eqn{NA}s na.omit is applied.
#' @param k integer; \cr
#' number of dominant principle components to be computed. It is required that \eqn{k} is smaller or equal to
#' \eqn{min(m,n)}, but it is recommended that \eqn{k << min(m,n)}.
#' @param center bool, optional; \cr
#' logical value which indicates whether the variables should be
#' shifted to be zero centered (\eqn{TRUE} by default).
#' @param scale bool, optional; \cr
#' logical value which indicates whether the variables should
#' be scaled to have unit variance (\eqn{TRUE} by default).
#' @param retx bool, optional; \cr
#' logical value indicating whether the rotated variables / scores
#' should be returned (\eqn{TRUE} by default).
#' @param p integer, optional; \cr
#' oversampling parameter for \eqn{rsvd} (default \eqn{p=10}), see \code{\link{rsvd}}.
#' @param q integer, optional; \cr
#' number of additional power iterations for \eqn{rsvd} (default \eqn{q=1}), see \code{\link{rsvd}}.
#' @param rand bool, optional; \cr
#' if (\eqn{TRUE}), the \eqn{rsvd} routine is used, otherwise \eqn{svd} is used.
#' @return \code{rpca} returns a list with class \eqn{rpca} containing the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{rotation}{ array_like; \cr
#' the rotation (eigenvectors); \eqn{(n, k)} dimensional array.
#' }
#' \item{eigvals}{ array_like; \cr
#' eigenvalues; \eqn{k} dimensional vector.
#' }
#' \item{sdev}{ array_like; \cr
#' standard deviations of the principal components; \eqn{k} dimensional vector.
#' }
#' \item{x}{ array_like; \cr
#' the scores / rotated data; \eqn{(m, k)} dimensional array.
#' }
#' \item{center, scale}{ array_like; \cr
#' the centering and scaling used.
#' }
#' @note The principal components are not unique and only defined up to sign
#' (a constant of modulus one in the complex case) and so may differ between different
#' PCA implementations.
#' Similar to \code{\link{prcomp}} the variances are computed with the usual divisor N - 1.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] N. B. Erichson, S. Voronin, S. L. Brunton and J. N. Kutz. 2019.
#' Randomized Matrix Decompositions Using {R}.
#' Journal of Statistical Software, 89(11), 1-48.
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v089.i11}.
#' \item [2] N. Halko, P. Martinsson, and J. Tropp.
#' "Finding structure with randomness: probabilistic
#' algorithms for constructing approximate matrix
#' decompositions" (2009).
#' (available at arXiv \url{}).
#' @author N. Benjamin Erichson, \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ggscreeplot}}, \code{\link{ggindplot}},
#' \code{\link{ggcorplot}}, \code{\link{plot.rpca}},
#' \code{\link{predict}}, \code{\link{rsvd}}
#' @examples
#'# Load Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
#'# log transform
#'log.iris <- log( iris[ , 1:4] )
#'iris.species <- iris[ , 5]
#'# Perform rPCA and compute only the first two PCs
#'iris.rpca <- rpca(log.iris, k=2)
#'summary(iris.rpca) # Summary
#'print(iris.rpca) # Prints the rotations
#'# Use rPCA to compute all PCs, similar to \code{\link{prcomp}}
#'iris.rpca <- rpca(log.iris)
#'summary(iris.rpca) # Summary
#'print(iris.rpca) # Prints the rotations
#'plot(iris.rpca) # Produce screeplot, variable and individuls factor maps.
#' @export
rpca <- function(A, k=NULL, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, retx=TRUE, p=10, q=2, rand = TRUE) UseMethod("rpca")
#' @export
rpca.default <- function(A, k=NULL, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, retx=TRUE, p=10, q=2, rand = TRUE) {
A <- as.matrix(A)
# Checks
if (any( {
warning("Missing values are omitted: na.omit(A).")
A <- stats::na.omit(A)
# Init rpca object
rpcaObj = list(rotation = NULL,
eigvals = NULL,
sdev = NULL,
var = NULL,
center = center,
scale = scale,
m <- nrow(A)
n <- ncol(A)
# Set target rank
if(is.null(k)) rand <- FALSE
if(is.null(k)) k <- min(n,m)
if(k > min(n,m)) k <- min(n,m)
if(k<1) stop("Target rank is not valid!")
# Center/Scale data
if(center == TRUE) {
rpcaObj$center <- colMeans(A)
A <- sweep(A, MARGIN = 2, STATS = rpcaObj$center, FUN = "-", check.margin = TRUE)
#A <- H(H(A) - rpcaObj$center)
} else { rpcaObj$center <- FALSE }
if(scale == TRUE) {
rpcaObj$scale <- sqrt(colSums(A**2) / (m-1))
if(is.complex(rpcaObj$scale)) { rpcaObj$scale[Re(rpcaObj$scale) < 1e-8 ] <- 1+0i
} else {rpcaObj$scale[rpcaObj$scale < 1e-8] <- 1}
A <- sweep(A, MARGIN = 2, STATS = rpcaObj$scale, FUN = "/", check.margin = TRUE)
#A <- H(H(A) / rpcaObj$scale)
#A[is.nan(A)] <- 0
} else { rpcaObj$scale <- FALSE }
# Compute randomized svd / eigen decomposition
if(rand == TRUE) {
svdalg = 'rsvd'
}else {
svdalg = 'svd'
out <- switch(svdalg,
svd = svd(A, nu = k, nv = k),
rsvd = rsvd(A, k = k, p = p, q = q),
stop("Selected SVD algorithm is not supported!")
rpcaObj$eigvals <- switch(svdalg,
svd = out$d[1:k]**2 / (m-1),
rsvd = out$d**2 / (m-1)
rpcaObj$rotation <- switch(svdalg,
svd = out$v,
rsvd = out$v
# Explained variance and explained variance ratio
rpcaObj$sdev <- sqrt( rpcaObj$eigvals )
rpcaObj$var <- sum( apply( Re(A) , 2, stats::var ) )
if(is.complex(A)) rpcaObj$var <- Re(rpcaObj$var + sum( apply( Im(A) , 2, stats::var ) ))
# Add row and col names
rownames(rpcaObj$rotation) <- colnames(A)
colnames(rpcaObj$rotation) <- paste(rep('PC', k), 1:k, sep = "")
# Compute rotated data
if(retx==TRUE) {
#rpcaObj$x <- A %*% rpcaObj$rotation # slow
#rpcaObj$x <- H(H(out$u[,1:k]) * out$d[1:k])
rpcaObj$x <- sweep(out$u[, 1:k, drop=FALSE], MARGIN = 2, STATS = out$d[1:k], FUN = "*", check.margin = TRUE)
rownames(rpcaObj$x) <- rownames(A)
# Return
class(rpcaObj) <- "rpca"
return( rpcaObj )
}#End rPCA
#' @export
print.rpca <- function(x , ...) {
# Print rpca
cat("Standard deviations:\n")
print(round(x$sdev, 3))
print(round(x$eigvals, 3))
print(round(x$rotation, 3))
#' @export
summary.rpca <- function( object , ... )
# Summary rpca
variance = object$sdev**2
explained_variance_ratio = variance / object$var
cum_explained_variance_ratio = cumsum( explained_variance_ratio )
x <- t(data.frame( var = round(variance, 3),
sdev = round(object$sdev, 3),
prob = round(explained_variance_ratio, 3),
cum = round(cum_explained_variance_ratio, 3)))
rownames( x ) <- c( 'Explained variance',
'Standard deviations',
'Proportion of variance',
'Cumulative proportion')
colnames( x ) <- paste(rep('PC', length(object$sdev)), 1:length(object$sdev), sep = "")
x <- as.matrix(x)
return( x )
#' @export
print.summary.rpca <- function( x , ... )
# Print summary rpca
cat( "Importance of components:\n" )
print( x )
#' @export
predict.rpca <- function( object, newdata, ...)
# Predict
if(!is.logical(object$center)) {
#newdata <- H(H(newdata) - object$center)
newdata <- sweep(newdata, MARGIN = 2, STATS = object$center, FUN = "-", check.margin = TRUE)
if(!is.logical(object$scale)) {
#newdata <- H(H(newdata) / object$scale)
newdata <- sweep(newdata, MARGIN = 2, STATS = object$scale, FUN = "/", check.margin = TRUE)
newdata[is.nan(newdata)] <- 0
x <- as.matrix(newdata) %*% as.matrix(object$rotation)
rownames(x) <- rownames(newdata)
return( x )
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