Man pages for rsyncrosim
The R Interface to 'SyncroSim'

addPackageAdd SyncroSim package(s)
addRowAdd row(s) to a data.frame
backupBackup a SsimLibrary
chartCreate or open a chart
Chart-classSyncroSim Chart class
chartCriteriaRetrieves chart variables
chartDataSets the 'Chart' type and axes
chartDisaggDisaggregates the 'Chart' by a Y variable
chartErrorBarModify the error bars of a 'Chart'
chartIdRetrieves chartId of SyncroSim Chart
chartIncludeAdd or remove values by column in a 'Chart'
chartOptionsFontModifies the font settings for a 'Chart'
chartOptionsFormatModifies the font settings for a 'Chart'
chartOptionsLegendModifies the legend settings for a 'Chart'
chartOptionsXAxisModify the X Axis of a 'Chart'
chartOptionsYAxisModify the Y axis of a 'Chart'
commandSyncroSim console command
condaFilepathPath to Conda installation folder
createCondaEnvCreate SyncroSim package conda environments
datasheetRetrieve a SyncroSim Datasheet
datasheetSpatRasterRetrieve spatial data from a SyncroSim Datasheet
dateModifiedLast date a SsimLibrary, Project, Scenario, or Folder was...
deleteDelete SsimLibrary, Project, Scenario, Folder, Chart or...
deleteLibraryDelete Library
dependencyGet, set or remove Scenario dependency(s)
descriptionDescription of SsimLibrary, Project or Scenario
filepathRetrieves the path to a SyncroSim object on disk
folderCreate or open a Folder
Folder-classSyncroSim Folder class
folderIdRetrieves folderId of SyncroSim Folder or Scenario
ignoreDependenciesIgnore dependencies for a Scenario
infoRetrieves information about a library
installCondaInstalls Miniconda
installPackageAdds package to SyncroSim Installation
mergeDependenciesMerge dependencies for a Scenario
nameName of a SsimLibrary, Project, Scenario, Folder, or Chart
ownerOwner of a SsimLibrary, Project, or Scenario
packagesInstalled or available packages
parentIdRetrieves the parent Scenario id or parent Folder id
printCmdRetrieves printCmd setting of a Session
progressBarSets the progress bar in the SyncroSim User Interface
projectCreate or open Project(s)
Project-classSyncroSim Project class
projectIdRetrieves projectId of SyncroSim Project, Scenario, Folder,...
readOnlyRead-only status of a SsimLibrary, Project, Scenario or...
removePackageRemoves SyncroSim package(s)
rsyncrosimrsyncrosim: The R interface to SyncroSim:...
runRun scenarios
runLogRetrieves run log of result Scenario
runtimeDataFolderSyncroSim Data Folder
runtimeTempFolderSyncroSim Temporary Folder
saveDatasheetSave Datasheet(s)
scenarioCreate or open Scenario(s)
Scenario-classSyncroSim Scenario class
scenarioIdRetrieves scenarioId of Scenario
sessionCreate or return SyncroSim Session
Session-classSyncroSim Session class
silentSilent status of SyncroSim Session
sqlStatementConstruct an SQLite query
ssimEnvironmentSyncroSim Environment
ssimLibraryCreate or open a SsimLibrary
SsimLibrary-classSyncroSim Library class
tempfilepathRetrieves the temporary file path to a SyncroSim object on...
uninstallPackageRemoves a package from SyncroSim installation
updateRunLogFunction to write to the SyncroSim run log
useCondaConda configuration of a SsimLibrary
versionRetrieves SyncroSim version
rsyncrosim documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 1:06 a.m.