
test_that("compare_rtables", {
  lyt <- make_big_lyt()

  ## hack to force all counts to "happen to be different"
  dat <- rawdat[-which(rawdat$ARM == "ARM2")[1:9], ]
  tab <- build_table(lyt, dat)
  cmp <- compare_rtables(tab, tab)
  expect_true(all(cmp == "."))

  cmp_no4col <- compare_rtables(tab, tab[, -4])
  expect_true(all(cmp_no4col[, 4] == "+"))
  expect_true(all(cmp_no4col[, 1:3] == "."))

  rdf <- make_row_df(tab)
  ## its not smart enought o shift columns yet...
  ## tol = .01 need for the medians to be different
  cmp_no3col <- compare_rtables(tab[, -3], tab, tol = .01)
  expect_true(all(cmp_no3col[, 1:2] == "."))

  ## not checking ContentRows because of unfortunate identical counts in cols 3 and 4 :(
  expect_true(all(cmp_no3col[rdf$node_class != "LabelRow", 3] == "X"))
  expect_true(all(cmp_no3col[, 4] == "-"))
  cmp_no3colb <- compare_rtables(tab[, -3], tab, structure = TRUE)
  expect_true(all(cmp_no3colb[, 1:2] == "."))
  expect_true(all(cmp_no3colb[, 3] == "C"))
  expect_true(all(cmp_no3colb[, 4] == "-"))

  cmp_bothsubset <- compare_rtables(tab[-5, ], tab[, -2], tol = .01)

  expect_true(all(cmp_bothsubset[28, ] == "-"))
  expect_true(all(cmp_bothsubset[-28, 4] == "+"))
  expect_true(all(cmp_bothsubset[5:28, ] != "."))

  stupid_cmp <- compare_rtables(tab, tab[, -1], tol = 1e5)
  expect_true(all(stupid_cmp[, 1:3] == "."))

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rtables documentation built on June 27, 2024, 9:06 a.m.