## clean_step ##
## This code is part of the rusda package ##
## F.-S. Krah 2015 (last update: 2015-07-11) ##
clean_step <- function(x, syns, taxa, spec_type, synonyms_incl)
if(is.null(x)) { x <- "nodata" }
if(spec_type == "plant" & x[[1]] == "nodata" & length(x) == 1) { x }
regex <- c(":\\s*-")
del <- paste(regex, collapse = "|")
if(length(grep(del, x)) > 0) x <- x[-grep(del, x)]
# delete empty strings
if(length(which(nchar(x) == 0)) > 0) x <- x[-which(nchar(x) == 0)]
# flush left
regex <- c(paste(intToUtf8(226),"\u0089", intToUtf8(161), sep=""),
paste(intToUtf8(194),"\u0089",intToUtf8(161), sep=""),
paste("=",intToUtf8(194),sep=""),"=", "Variant\\sspelling",
paste(intToUtf8(195),"\u0083",sep=""), "\u0097",
"BPI\\s[0-9]*", ",")
del <- paste(regex, collapse = "|")
if(length(grep(del, x)) > 0) x <- gsub(del, "", x)
if(length(grep("^\\s+|\\s+$",x)) > 0) x <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
if(length(grep("f. sp.", x)) > 0) x <- gsub("f. sp.", "f.sp.", x)
# select first 4 words
x <- lapply(x, function(x){
con <- grep(paste(c("f\\.","var\\.","subsp\\.","f.\\ssp."), collapse="|" ), x)
if(length(con) > 0){x <- word(x, 1, 4)}
if(length(con) == 0 & sapply(gregexpr("[A-z]\\W+", x), length) >= 2){x <- word(x, 1, 2)}
# delete rows with taxa names or synonyms
if(length(grep(taxa[[1]], x)) > 0) x <- x[-grep(taxa[[1]], x)]
syns <- paste(syns[[1]], collapse="|")
if(length(grep(syns[[1]], x)) > 0) x <- x[-grep(syns[[1]], x)]
# delete rows matching regex
regex <- c("NA", "litter,\\sdecayed", "Substrate\\sUndetermined",
"leaves,\\sdecayed", "water,\\sfresh","foam\\sHong", "root,\\sdecayed",
"bark,\\sdecayed", "twig\\sVenezuela", "humus\\sMexico","-\\s,",
"Japan\\s-", "dung\\sNorway", "wood\\sHong", "dung, herbivore","unknown Unknown",
"air\\s[A-Z][a-z]*", "soil,\\s[A-Z][a-z]*", "unknown,\\s[a-z]*", "unknown,\\s[A-z][a-z]*",
"wood,\\s[a-z]*", "soil\\s[A-Z][a-z]*", "ground\\s[A-Z][a-z]*",
"wood\\s[A-Z][a-z]*", "unknown\\s[A-Z][a-z]*", "water\\s[A-Z][a-z]*",
"stem\\s[A-Z][a-z]*", "straw\\s[A-Z][a-z]*","paper", "leaves,\\s[A-Z][a-z]*",
"paper\\sChina", "paper\\s[A-Z][a-z]*","wall\\spod", "rotten", "soil\\-",
"\\s-","nodata", ":", "unknown\\s", "root\\s", "wood\\s", " f.\\ssp.", "BPI",
"\\(White\\sspongy", "England", "Germany", "Finlland", "Ukraine", "United\\sStates",
"Canada", "China", "Denmark", "hardwood", "conifer","deciduous", "conifer" )
del <- paste(regex, collapse="|")
x <- gsub(del, "", x)
regex <- c("^\\s+", "\\s+$")
del <- paste(regex, collapse="|")
if(length(grep(del, x)) > 0) x <- gsub(del, "", x)
x <- x[!(lapply(x, nchar) == 0 | lapply(x, nchar) == 1 | lapply(x, nchar) == 2)]
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