
invvar <-
function (Y, ctl, XZ = NULL, eta = NULL, lambda = NULL, invsvd = NULL) 
    m = nrow(Y)
    n = ncol(Y)
    ctl = tological(ctl, n)
    Y = RUV1(Y, eta, ctl)
    if (is.null(XZ)) {
        pq = 0
    else if (length(XZ) == 1) {
        if (XZ == 1) {
            XZ = matrix(1, m, 1)
            pq = 1
    else {
        pq = ncol(XZ)
    k = m - pq
    if (is.null(invsvd)) 
        invsvd = getinvsvd(Y, XZ, ctl)
    Y0 = t(invsvd$u[, 1:k, drop = FALSE]) %*% Y
    Y0cd = sqrt(invsvd$d[1:k])
    if (is.null(lambda)) 
        lambda = 0
    Y0cd2 = Y0cd^2 + lambda
    if (k < 4) 
        stop("In function invvar: You are running the inverse algorithm on fewer than four degrees of freedom.  This is not currently supported, and very likely inadvisable as well.  A possible work-around, if you are using RUVinv and you are sure you want to do this, is to set randomization=TRUE.")
    if (Y0cd2[k - 3]/Y0cd2[k] > 10) 
        stop("In function invvar: The fourth-smallest eigenvalue is more than 10 times larger than the smallest eigenvalue.  This is not currently supported, and very likely means something is wrong (perhaps a dimension was removed during preprocessing?).")
    Ed = momentintegral(1/Y0cd2^2)
    sigma2 = apply(Y0 * (as.vector(Ed) * Y0), 2, sum)/sum(Ed)
    df = sum(Ed)^2/sum(Ed^2)
    return(list(sigma2 = sigma2, df = df, invsvd = invsvd))

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ruv documentation built on Aug. 31, 2019, 1:04 a.m.