Defines functions gen.data center cov.x norm1 orthnormal matpower standmat disvm gOLS gSIR gOLS.comp.d gSIR.comp.d sOLS.comp.d

Documented in center cov.x disvm gen.data gOLS gOLS.comp.d gSIR gSIR.comp.d matpower norm1 orthnormal sOLS.comp.d standmat

#' Simulate data
#' @param n Sample size.
#' @param rho Pairwise correlation between covariates.
#' @param theta Standard deviation of the random error.
#' @param binary If TRUE, generate binary responses; otherwise, by default,
#' create continuous responses.
#' @return gen.data returns a list containning at least the following
#' components:
#' "X", a covariate matrix of n observations and p predictors;
#' "y", a univariate response;
#' "b.true", the actual coefficients for each predictor group.
#' @details
#' This function simulates data as presented in Liu (2015).
#' @references Liu, Y. (2015). Approaches to reduce and integrate data in
#' structured and high-dimensional regression problems in Genomics. Ph.D.
#' Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
#' Department of Statistics.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=100)
#' names(data)
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm

gen.data<-function(n, rho=0.5, theta=1, binary=FALSE)
    ps<-c(5, 10)

    b1<-c(1, -1, 0, 0, rep(0, ps[1]-4))
    b2<-c(1, 1, -1, -1, rep(0, ps[2]-4))

    b.true<-list(cbind(b1), cbind(b2))

    covx= matrix(rho,nrow=p,ncol=p)+diag(1-rho,p)


    if (binary){
        y = as.numeric(exp(0.8*V1%*%b1)+(2*V2%*%b2)+theta*epsilon > 1)
        y = exp(0.8*V1%*%b1)+(2*V2%*%b2)+theta*epsilon

    ans<-list(X=X, y=y, b.true=b.true)

#' Center a vector
#' @param v A vector.
#' @return A vector with mean zero.
#' @details
#' This function centers any vector and returns a vector with mean zero.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=100)
#' y.centered <- center(data$y)
#' @export

    v - mean(v)

#' Covariance matrix
#' @param X a n x p matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @return A p x p covariance matrix.
#' @details
#' This function returns A p x p covariance matrix for any n x p matrix.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=100)
#' x.cov <- cov.x(data$X)
#' @export

    Xc<-apply(X, 2, center)
    t(Xc) %*% Xc / nrow(Xc)

#' Normalize a vector
#' @param v A vector.
#' @return A vector with norm 1.
#' @details
#' This function normalizes any non-zero vector and returns a vector with
#' the norm equal to 1.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=100)
#' y.norm1 <- norm1(data$y)
#' @export

    if(sumv2 == 0) sumv2<-1

#' Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization
#' @param X a n x p matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @return A n x p matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @details
#' This function orthonormalizes any n x p matrix.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=100)
#' x.orth <- orthnormal(data$X)
#' @export


    if(p > 1) {
        W<-cbind(W, X[,1])
        for(k in 2:p) {
            gw<-rep(0, n)
            for(i in 1:(k-1)) {
                gki<-as.vector((t(W[,i]) %*% X[,k])/(t(W[,i]) %*% W[,i]))
                gw<-gw + gki * W[,i]
            W<-cbind(W, X[,k] - gw)
    } else {
        W<-cbind(W, X[,1])

    W<-apply(W, 2, norm1)

#' Power of a matrix
#' @param X A p x p square matrix.
#' @param alpha A scaler determining the order of the power.
#' @return A p x p square matrix.
#' @details
#' This function calculates the power of a square matrix.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=100)
#' cov.squared <- matpower(cov.x(data$X), 2)
#' @export

matpower = function(X,alpha){
    X = (X + t(X))/2
    tmp = eigen(X)

#' Matrix standardization
#' @param x A n x p matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @return A n x p matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @details
#' This function standardizes a matrix treating each row as a random vector
#' in an iid sample. It returns a n x p matrix with column-mean zero
#' and identity-covariance matrix.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=100)
#' x.std <- standmat(data$X)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats var

standmat = function(x){
    mu = apply(x,2,mean)
    sig = var(x)
    signrt = matpower(sig,-1/2)
    return(t(t(x) - mu)%*%signrt)

#' Subspace distance
#' @param v1 A matrix, each column consists of a p-dimensional vector.
#' @param v2 A matrix, each column consists of a p-dimensional vector.
#' @return A scaler represents the distance between the two spaces spanned by
#' v1 and v2 respectively.
#' @details
#' This function computes the distances between two spaces using the formulation
#' in Li, Zha, Chiaromonte (2005), which is the Frobenius norm of the difference
#' between the two orthogonal projection matrices defined by v1 and v2.
#' @references Li, B., Zha, H., and Chiaromonte, F. (2005). Contour regression:
#' a general approach to dimension reduction. Annals of Statistics,
#' 33(4):1580-1616.
#' @examples
#' v1 <- c(1, 0, 0)
#' v2 <- c(0, 1, 0)
#' disvm(v1, v1)
#' disvm(v1, v2)
#' @export

disvm = function(v1,v2){
    v1 <- as.matrix(v1)
    v2 <- as.matrix(v2)
    if (dim(v1)[2] == 1){
        p1 = v1%*%t(v1)/c(t(v1)%*%v1)
        p1 <- v1%*%matpower(t(v1)%*%v1,-1)%*%t(v1)
    if (dim(v2)[2] == 1){
        p2 = v2%*%t(v2)/c(t(v2)%*%v2)
        p2 <- v2%*%matpower(t(v2)%*%v2,-1)%*%t(v2)
    d = sqrt(sum((p1-p2)*(p1-p2)))

#' Groupwise OLS (gOLS)
#' @param X A covariate matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @param Y A univariate response.
#' @param groups A vector with the number of predictors in each group.
#' @param dims A vector with the dimension (at most 1) for each predictor group.
#' @return gOLS returns a list containning at least the following components:
#' "b_est", the estimated directions for each group with its own dimension
#' using gOLS AFTER normalization;
#' "B", the estimated directions for each group using gOLS BEFORE normalization.
#' @details
#' This function estimates directions for each predictor group using gOLS.
#' Predictors need to be organized in groups within the "X" matrix, as the
#' same order saved in "groups". We only allow continuous covariates
#' in the "X" matrix; while categorical covariates can be handled outside of
#' gOLS, e.g. structured OLS.
#' @references Liu, Y., Chiaromonte, F., and Li, B. (2015). Structured Ordinary
#' Least Squares: a sufficient dimension reduction approach for regressions with
#'  partitioned predictors and heterogeneous units. Submitted.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=1000, binary=FALSE) # generate data
#' dim(data$X) # covariate matrix of 1000 observations and 15 predictors
#' dim(data$y) # univariate response
#' groups <- c(5, 10) # two predictor groups and their numbers of predictors
#' dims <- c(1,1) # dimension of each predictor group
#' est_gOLS <- gOLS(data$X,data$y,groups,dims)
#' names(est_gOLS)
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
#' @importFrom stats cov

gOLS = function(X,Y,groups,dims){
    #input :X, Y, groups, dims
    #output: b_est: estimated directions for each group
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    Y <- as.matrix(Y)
    groups1 <- groups[which(dims > 0)]

    for (g in 1:ngroup) {
        if (dims[g] > 0) tmp=c(tmp, first:last)
    X <- X[,tmp]

    if (dim(X)[2] > 0){
        #Center X, estimate Sigma_x, Center Y
        #   Sigma_inv=solve(Sigma_x)    #conventional inverse
        Sigma_inv=ginv(Sigma_x)   #Moore-Penrose generalized inverse

        #Estimate U
        U <- Sigma_inv %*% cov(Xc, Yc)
        # U <- Sigma_inv %*% t(Xc) %*% Yc / n

    #Obtain the estimator of (b1,...,bg)
    for (g in 1:ngroup){
        if (dims[g] > 0){
            bg_est=matrix(0, groups[g])

    #estimate B based on the esimates
    if (ngroup>1) {
        for (g in 2:ngroup) { B=bdiag(B,b_est[[g]])}

    #orthnormal b_est
    for (g in 1:ngroup){


#' Groupwise SIR (gSIR) for binary response
#' @param X A covariate matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @param Y A binary response.
#' @param groups A vector with the number of predictors in each group.
#' @param dims A vector with the dimension (at most 1) for each predictor group.
#' @return gSIR returns a list containning at least the following components:
#' "b_est", the estimated directions for each group with its own dimension
#' using gSIR AFTER normalization;
#' "B", the estimated directions for each group using gSIR BEFORE normalization.
#' @details
#' This function estimates directions for each predictor group using gSIR.
#' Predictors need to be organized in groups within the "X" matrix, as the
#' same order saved in "groups". We only allow continuous covariates
#' in the "X" matrix; while categorical covariates can be handled outside of
#' gSIR, e.g. structured SIR.
#' @references Guo, Z., Li, L., Lu, W., and Li, B. (2014). Groupwise dimension
#' reduction via envelope method. Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association, accepted.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=1000, binary=TRUE) # generate data
#' dim(data$X) # covariate matrix of 1000 observations and 15 predictors
#' length(data$y) # binary response
#' groups <- c(5, 10) # two predictor groups and their numbers of predictors
#' dims <- c(1,1) # dimension of each predictor group
#' est_gSIR<-gSIR(data$X,data$y,groups,dims)
#' names(est_gSIR)
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
#' @importFrom stats cov

gSIR = function(X,Y,groups,dims){
    #input :X, Y, groups, dims
    #output: b_est: estimated directions for each group
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    Y <- as.matrix(Y)
    groups1 <- groups[which(dims > 0)]

    for (g in 1:ngroup) {
        if (dims[g] > 0) tmp=c(tmp, first:last)
    X <- X[,tmp]

    if (dim(X)[2] > 0){
        #Center X, estimate Sigma_x
        #   Sigma_inv=solve(Sigma_x)    #conventional inverse
        Sigma_inv=ginv(Sigma_x)   #Moore-Penrose generalized inverse
        Yc <- as.factor(Y)
        Y1 <- which(Yc == levels(Yc)[1])
        Y2 <- which(Yc == levels(Yc)[2])

        #Estimate U
        U <- Sigma_inv %*% (apply(Xc[Y2,], 2, mean) - apply(Xc[Y1,], 2, mean))

    #Obtain the estimator of (b1,...,bg)
    for (g in 1:ngroup){
        if (dims[g] > 0){
            bg_est=matrix(0, groups[g])

    #estimate B based on the esimates
    if (ngroup>1) {
        for (g in 2:ngroup) { B=bdiag(B,b_est[[g]])}

    #orthnormal b_est
    for (g in 1:ngroup){


#' Groupwise OLS (gOLS) BIC criterion to estimate dimensions with
#' eigen-decomposition
#' @param X A covariate matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @param y A univariate response.
#' @param groups A vector with the number of predictors in each group.
#' @return gOLS.comp.d returns a list containning at least the following
#' components:
#' "d", the estimated dimension (at most 1) for each predictor group;
#' "crit", the BIC criterion from each iteration.
#' @details
#' This function estimates dimension for each predictor group using
#' eigen-decomposition. Predictors need to be organized in groups within the
#' "X" matrix, as the same order saved in "groups". We only allow continuous
#' covariates in the "X" matrix; while categorical covariates can be handled
#' outside of gOLS, e.g. structured OLS.
#' @references Liu, Y., Chiaromonte, F., and Li, B. (2015). Structured Ordinary
#' Least Squares: a sufficient dimension reduction approach for regressions with
#'  partitioned predictors and heterogeneous units. Submitted.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=1000, binary=FALSE) # generate data
#' dim(data$X) # covariate matrix of 1000 observations and 15 predictors
#' dim(data$y) # univariate response
#' groups <- c(5, 10) # two predictor groups and their numbers of predictors
#' dim_gOLS<-gOLS.comp.d(data$X,data$y,groups)
#' names(dim_gOLS)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats sd

gOLS.comp.d<-function(X, y, groups){

    dsw<-rep(1, ngrp)
    d<-rep(0, ngrp)

    Z <- standmat(X)
    Y <- (y-mean(y))/sd(y)

    M <- t(as.matrix(out.d$B)) %*% (as.matrix(out.d$B))
    vecM <- diag(M)
    orderM <- order(vecM, decreasing = TRUE)

    crit <- -1/(n^(1/8)*log(n))
    for (i in 1:length(vecM)){
        crit.d <- sum(vecM[orderM][1:i]) - (i+1)/(n^(1/8)*log(n))
        crit<-c(crit, crit.d)

    if (which(crit == max(crit)) > 1){
        d[orderM[1:(which(crit == max(crit))-1)]] <- 1

    ans<-list(d=d, crit=crit)

#' Groupwise SIR (gSIR) BIC criterion to estimate dimensions with
#' eigen-decomposition (binary response)
#' @param X A covariate matrix of n observations and p predictors.
#' @param y A binary response.
#' @param groups A vector with the number of predictors in each group.
#' @return gSIR.comp.d returns a list containning at least the following
#' components:
#' "d", the estimated dimension (at most 1) for each predictor group;
#' "crit", the BIC criterion from each iteration.
#' @details
#' This function estimates dimension for each predictor group using
#' eigen-decomposition. Predictors need to be organized in groups within the
#' "X" matrix, as the same order saved in "groups". We only allow continuous
#' covariates in the "X" matrix; while categorical covariates can be handled
#' outside of gSIR, e.g. structured SIR.
#' @references Liu, Y. (2015). Approaches to reduce and integrate data in
#' structured and high-dimensional regression problems in Genomics. Ph.D.
#' Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
#' Department of Statistics.
#' @examples
#' data <- gen.data(n=1000, binary=TRUE) # generate data
#' dim(data$X) # covariate matrix of 1000 observations and 15 predictors
#' length(data$y) # univariate response
#' groups <- c(5, 10) # two predictor groups and their numbers of predictors
#' dim_gSIR<-gSIR.comp.d(data$X,data$y,groups)
#' names(dim_gSIR)
#' @export

gSIR.comp.d<-function(X, y, groups)

    dsw<-rep(1, ngrp)
    d<-rep(0, ngrp)

    Z <- standmat(X)
    Y <- y

    M <- t(as.matrix(out.d$B)) %*% (as.matrix(out.d$B))
    vecM <- diag(M)
    orderM <- order(vecM, decreasing = TRUE)

    crit <- -1/(n^(1/16)*log(n))
    for (i in 1:length(vecM)){
        crit.d <- sum(vecM[orderM][1:i]) - (i+1)/(n^(1/16)*log(n))
        crit<-c(crit, crit.d)

    if (which(crit == max(crit)) > 1){
        d[orderM[1:(which(crit == max(crit))-1)]] <- 1

    ans<-list(d=d, crit=crit)

#' Structured OLS (sOLS) outer level BIC criterion to estimate dimension with
#' eigen-decomposition
#' @param X A matrix containing directions estimated from all subpopulations.
#' @param sizes A vector with the sample sizes of all subpopulation.
#' @return sOLS.comp.d returns a list containning at least the following
#' components:
#' "d", the dimension estimated across subpopulations;
#' "u", the "d" linearly independent directions among the matrix X.
#' @details
#' This function estimates dimension across the subpopulations using
#' eigen-decomposition. The order of the subpopulations in the "sizes" vector
#' should match the one in the "X" matrix. Also, this function returns the
#' linearly independent directions among all subpopulations.
#' @references Liu, Y., Chiaromonte, F., and Li, B. (2015). Structured Ordinary
#' Least Squares: a sufficient dimension reduction approach for regressions with
#'  partitioned predictors and heterogeneous units. Submitted.
#' @examples
#' v1 <- c(1, 1, 0, 0)
#' v2 <- c(0, 1, 1, 0)
#' v3 <- c(0, 0, 1, 1)
#' v4 <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)
#' m1 <- cbind(v1, v2)
#' sizes1 <- c(100, 200)
#' sOLS.comp.d(m1, sizes1)
#' m2 <- cbind(v1, v2, v3)
#' sizes2 <- c(100, 200, 500)
#' sOLS.comp.d(m2, sizes2)
#' m3 <- cbind(v1, v3, v4)
#' sizes3 <- c(100, 500, 1000)
#' sOLS.comp.d(m3, sizes3)
#' @export

sOLS.comp.d<-function(X, sizes)
    MM <- X %*% t(X)
    crit <- NULL
    for (w in 1:min(dim(X))){
        crit.d <- sum(eigen(MM)$values[1:w]) - w/(min(sizes)^(1/8))
        crit<-c(crit, crit.d)
    d <- which(crit == max(crit))
    ans<-list(d=d, u=svd(X)$u[,1:d])

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