
Defines functions parameterized_search_control sf_search

Documented in parameterized_search_control sf_search

#' Perform SOSL Search
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Searches for records in your organization’s data.
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble tibble select any_of
#' @importFrom readr cols type_convert col_guess
#' @importFrom purrr map_df 
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_ns_strip xml_find_all
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @param search_string \code{character}; string to search using parameterized search 
#' or SOSL. Note that is_sosl must be set to TRUE and the string valid in order 
#' to perform a search using SOSL.
#' @param is_sosl \code{logical}; indicating whether or not to try the string as SOSL
#' @template guess_types
#' @template api_type
#' @param parameterized_search_options \code{list}; a list of parameters for 
#' controlling the search if not using SOSL. If using SOSL this argument is ignored.
#' @template verbose
#' @param ... arguments to be used to form the parameterized search options argument 
#' if it is not supplied directly.
#' @note The maximum number of returned rows in the SOSL query results is 2,000. 
#' Please refer to the limits 
#' \href{https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet.meta/salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet/salesforce_app_limits_platform_soslsoql.htm}{HERE} 
#' for more detail.
#' @references \url{https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.soql_sosl.meta/soql_sosl/sforce_api_calls_sosl.htm}
#' @return \code{tibble}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # free text search
#' area_code_search_string <- "(336)"
#' search_result <- sf_search(area_code_search_string)
#' # free text search with parameters
#' search_result <- sf_search(area_code_search_string,
#'                            fields_scope = "PHONE",
#'                            objects = "Lead",
#'                            fields = c("id", "phone", "firstname", "lastname"))
#' # using SOSL
#' my_sosl_search <- paste("FIND {(336)} in phone fields returning",
#'                         "contact(id, phone, firstname, lastname),",
#'                         "lead(id, phone, firstname, lastname)")
#' sosl_search_result <- sf_search(my_sosl_search, is_sosl=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
sf_search <- function(search_string,
                      is_sosl = FALSE,
                      guess_types = TRUE,
                      api_type = c("REST", "SOAP", "Bulk 1.0", "Bulk 2.0"),
                      parameterized_search_options = list(...),
                      verbose = FALSE, 
  which_api <- match.arg(api_type)
  # REST implementation
  if(which_api == "REST"){
      target_url <- make_search_url(search_string)
      httr_response <- rGET(url = target_url,
                            headers = c("Accept"="application/json", 
    } else {
      parameterized_search_control <- do.call("parameterized_search_control",
      parameterized_search_control <- c(list(q = search_string), parameterized_search_control)
      target_url <- make_parameterized_search_url()
      httr_response <- rPOST(url = target_url,
                             headers = c("Accept"="application/json", 
                             body = parameterized_search_control, 
                             encode = "json")

    response_parsed <- content(httr_response, as="parsed", encoding="UTF-8")
    if(length(response_parsed$searchRecords) > 0){
      resultset <- response_parsed$searchRecords %>% 
        drop_attributes_recursively(object_name_as_col=TRUE) %>% 
        drop_empty_recursively() %>% 
    } else {
      resultset <- tibble()
  } else if(which_api == "SOAP"){
      stop(paste0("The SOAP API only accepts SOSL. Set `is_sosl=TRUE` or, if ", 
                  "trying to perform a free text search then, set `api_type='REST'`."))
    r <- make_soap_xml_skeleton()
    xml_dat <- build_soap_xml_from_list(input_data = search_string,
                                        operation = "search",
                                        root = r)
    request_body <- as(xml_dat, "character")
    base_soap_url <- make_base_soap_url()
    httr_response <- rPOST(url = base_soap_url,
                           headers = c("SOAPAction"="search",
                           body = request_body)
    response_parsed <- content(httr_response, as="parsed", encoding="UTF-8")
    resultset <- response_parsed %>%
      xml_ns_strip() %>%
    if(length(resultset) > 0){
      resultset <- resultset %>% 
               object_name_as_col = TRUE)
    } else {
      resultset <- tibble()
  } else if(which_api == "Bulk 1.0"){
    stop(paste0("SOSL is not supported in Bulk API. For retrieving a ", 
                "large number of records use SOQL (queries) instead."))
  } else if(which_api == "Bulk 2.0"){
    stop(paste0("SOSL is not supported in Bulk API. For retrieving a ", 
                "large number of records use SOQL (queries) instead."))
  } else {
    catch_unknown_api(api_type, supported=c("REST", "SOAP"))
  resultset <- resultset %>% 
    sf_reorder_cols() %>% 

#' Auxiliary for Controlling Parametrized Searches
#' A function for allowing finer grained control over how a search is performed
#' when not using SOSL
#' @param objects \code{character}; objects to search and return in the response. Multiple 
#' objects can be provided as a character vector
#' @param fields_scope \code{character}; scope of fields to search in order to limit the resources 
#' used and improve performance
#' @param fields \code{character}; one or more fields to return in the response for each 
#' sobject specified. If no fields are specified only the Ids of the matching records 
#' are returned.
#' @param overall_limit \code{numeric}; the maximum number of results to return across 
#' all objects in the search.
#' @param default_limit \code{numeric}; the maximum number of results to return for 
#' each of the specified objects. This parameter is ignored if the \code{objects} argument 
#' is left \code{NULL}.
#' @param spell_correction \code{logical}; specifies whether spell correction should be
#' enabled for a user’s search.
#' @return \code{list} of parameters passed onto sf_search
#' @references \url{https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_search_parameterized.htm#resources_search_parameterized}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # free text search only on Contact record Phone fields
#' # this will improve the performance of the search
#' my_phone_search <- "(336)"
#' search_result <- sf_search(my_phone_search,
#'                            objects = c("Contact", "Lead"),
#'                            fields_scope = "PHONE",
#'                            fields = c("Id", "FirstName", "LastName"))
#' }
#' @export
parameterized_search_control <- function(objects = NULL,
                                         fields_scope = c("ALL", "NAME", "EMAIL", "PHONE" ,"SIDEBAR"),
                                         fields = NULL,
                                         overall_limit = 2000,
                                         default_limit = 200,
                                         spell_correction = TRUE){
  which_fields_scope <- match.arg(fields_scope)
  if(!is.null(fields) & is.null(objects)){
    stop("You must specify the objects if you are limiting the fields to return.", call. = FALSE)
  result <- list()
  result$`in` <- which_fields_scope
  if(!is.null(fields)) result$fields <- I(fields)
  if(!is.null(objects)) result$sobjects <- lapply(objects, FUN=function(x){list(name=x)})
  result$overallLimit <- as.integer(overall_limit)
  if(!is.null(objects)) result$defaultLimit <- default_limit
  result$spellCorrection <- spell_correction

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salesforcer documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:26 p.m.