selection <- function(selection, outcome,
weights = NULL,
type = NULL,
boundaries = NULL,
mfs=FALSE, mfo=FALSE,
printLevel=print.level, print.level=0,
...) {
## Heckman-style sample-selection models
## selection: formula
## LHS: must be convertable to two-level factor (e.g. 0-1, 1-2, "A"-"B")
## RHS: ordinary formula as in lm()
## type model type:
## 2: tobit 2
## 5: tobit 5
## treatment: spherical treatment model
## NULL: guess the correct type
## outcome: formula, or a list of two formulas.
## If the outcome contains one formula, it is
## assumed that we observe the formula only if selection equals to the first level
## of selection (e.g. "0", "1" or "A" in the examples above).
## If the outcome contains two formulas, we assume that the first one is observed if
## selection equals to the first level, otherwise the second formula.
## ys, xs, yo, xo, mfs, mfo: whether to return the response, model matrix or
## the model frame of outcome and selection equation(s)
## First the consistency checks
## ... additional arguments for tobit2fit and tobit5fit
if(is.null(type)) {
type <- detectModelType(selection, outcome)
checkModelType(type, selection, outcome)
if(length(outcome) == 1) {
outcome <- outcome[[1]]
if(printLevel > 0)
cat("Tobit", type, "model\n")
if(!missing(data)) {
if(!inherits(data, "environment") & !inherits(data, "data.frame") & !inherits(data, "list")) {
stop("'data' must be either environment, data.frame, or list (currently a ", class(data), ")")
## probitEndogenous <- model.frame( selection, data = data)[ , 1 ]
## probitLevels <- levels( as.factor( probitEndogenous ) )
## if( length( probitLevels ) != 2 ) {
## stop( "the left hand side of 'selection' has to contain",
## " exactly two levels (e.g. FALSE and TRUE)" )
## }
if( !is.null( weights ) && type != 2 ) {
warning( "argument 'weights' is ignored in type-", type, " models" )
weights <- NULL
# data$probitDummy <- probitEndogenous == probitLevels[ 2 ]
## now check whether two-step method was requested
cl <-
if(method == "2step") {
if( !is.null( boundaries ) ) {
stop( "2-step estimation of a model with an outcome equation",
" that has an interval-variable as dependent variable",
" has not yet been implemented" )
if(type == 2) {
twoStep <- heckit2fit(selection, outcome, data=data,
weights = weights, printLevel = printLevel, ... )
} else if(type == 5) {
twoStep <- heckit5fit(selection, outcome, data=data,
printLevel = printLevel, ... )
} else {
stop("unknown type")
twoStep$call <- cl
class(twoStep) <- c("selection", class(twoStep))
## Now extract model frames etc
## YS (selection equation)
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("selection", "data", "subset"), names(mf), 0)
mfS <- mf[c(1, m)]
mfS$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mfS$na.action <- na.pass
mfS[[1]] <-"model.frame")
names(mfS)[2] <- "formula"
# model.frame requires the parameter to
# be 'formula'
mfS <- eval(mfS, parent.frame())
mtS <- terms(mfS)
XS <- model.matrix(mtS, mfS)
YS <- model.response(mfS)
YSLevels <- levels( as.factor( YS ) )
# Here we might test if the selection
# outcome is a binary variable. However,
# we do it later to allow model.frame()
# to work with only selected/unselected
# data for prediction purposes.
## if( length( YSLevels ) != 2 ) {
## stop( "the left hand side of the 'selection' formula has to contain",
## " exactly two levels (e.g. FALSE and TRUE)" )
## }
YS <- as.integer(YS == tail(YSLevels, 1))
# selection will be kept as integer
# internally
## check for NA-s. Because we have to find NA-s in several frames, we cannot use the standard na.
## functions here. Find bad rows and remove them later.
## We check XS and YS separately, because mfS may be a data frame with complex structure (e.g.
## including matrices)
badRow <- | is.infinite(YS)
badRow <- badRow | apply(XS, 1, function(v)
any( | is.infinite(v)))
## YO (outcome equation)
## Here we should include a possibility for the user to
## specify the model. Currently just a guess.
if(type %in% c(2, "treatment")) {
oArg <- match("outcome", names(mf), 0)
# find the outcome argument
m <- match(c("outcome", "data", "subset",
"offset"), names(mf), 0)
## replace the outcome list by the first equation and evaluate it
mfO <- mf[c(1, m)]
if( is.null( boundaries ) ) {
mfO$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mfO$na.action <- na.pass
mfO[[1]] <-"model.frame")
# eval it as model frame
names(mfO)[2] <- "formula"
mfO <- eval(mfO, parent.frame())
# Note: if unobserved variables are
# marked as NA, eval returns a
# subframe of visible variables only.
# We have to check it later
mtO <- attr(mfO, "terms")
XO <- model.matrix(mtO, mfO)
YO <- model.response(mfO)
if( !is.null( boundaries ) ) {
outcomeVar <- "interval"
} else if(is.logical(YO) |
(is.factor(YO) & length(levels(YO)) == 2)) {
outcomeVar <- "binary"
} else {
outcomeVar <- "continuous"
if(type == 2) {
badRow <- badRow | (( | is.infinite(YO))
& (! & YS == 1))
badRow <- badRow | (apply(XO, 1, function(v)
any( | is.infinite(v))) & (! & YS == 1))
# rows in outcome, which contain NA and are observable -> bad too
# YO unobserved but should be observed
# for tobit-2
} else if( type == "treatment" ) {
badRow <- badRow | | is.infinite(YO)
badRow <- badRow | apply(XO, 1, function(v)
any( | is.infinite(v)))
# YO unobserved in any case
# for treatment models
} else {
stop( "Internal error ('badRow'). Please contact the maintainer",
" of this package" )
if( !is.null( weights ) ) {
if( length( weights ) != length( badRow ) ) {
stop( "number of weights (", length( weights ), ") is not equal",
" to the number of observations (", length( badRow ), ")" )
badRow <- badRow | weights )
if(printLevel > 0) {
cat(sum(badRow), "invalid observations\n")
if( method == "model.frame" ) {
mf <- mfS
mf <- cbind( mf, mfO[ , !(names( mfO ) %in% names( mf )), drop = FALSE ])
return( mf[ !badRow, ] )
if( length( YSLevels ) != 2 ) {
stop( "the left hand side of the 'selection' formula\n",
"has to contain",
" exactly two levels (e.g. FALSE and TRUE)" )
XS <- XS[!badRow,, drop=FALSE]
YS <- YS[!badRow]
XO <- XO[!badRow,, drop=FALSE]
YO <- YO[!badRow]
weightsNoNA <- weights[ !badRow ]
if(type == 2) {
YO[ YS == 0 ] <- NA
XO[ YS == 0, ] <- NA
NXS <- ncol(XS)
NXO <- ncol(XO)
iGamma <- 1:NXS
iBeta <- max(iGamma) + seq(length=NXO)
if( outcomeVar %in% c( "continuous", "interval" ) ) {
iSigma <- max(iBeta) + 1
iRho <- max(iSigma) + 1
} else if( outcomeVar == "binary" ) {
iRho <- max(iBeta) + 1
} else {
stop( "Internal error ('iRho'). Please contact the maintainer",
" of this package" )
nParam <- iRho
twoStep <- NULL
if(is.null(start) & is.null( boundaries ) ) {
# start values by Heckman 2-step method
start <- numeric(nParam)
if(type == 2) {
twoStep <- heckit2fit(selection, outcome, data=data,
printLevel = printLevel,
weights = weights )
} else if( type == "treatment" ) {
twoStep <- heckitTfit(selection, outcome, data=data,
printLevel = printLevel,
weights = weights )
} else {
stop( "Internal error ('start'). Please contact the maintainer",
" of this package" )
coefs <- coef(twoStep, part="full")
start[iGamma] <- coefs[twoStep$param$index$betaS]
if( outcomeVar == "continuous" ) {
start[iBeta] <- coefs[twoStep$param$index$betaO]
start[iSigma] <- coefs[twoStep$param$index$sigma]
} else if( outcomeVar == "binary" ) {
start[iBeta] <- coefs[twoStep$param$index$betaO]/coefs[twoStep$param$index$sigma]
} else {
stop( "Internal error ('start-2'). Please contact the maintainer",
" of this package" )
start[iRho] <- coefs[twoStep$param$index$rho]
if(start[iRho] > 0.99) {
start[iRho] <- 0.99
} else if(start[iRho] < -0.99) {
start[iRho] <- -0.99
if(is.null(names(start))) {
# add names to start values if not present
if( outcomeVar == "continuous" ) {
names(start) <- c(colnames(XS), colnames(XO), "sigma",
} else if( outcomeVar == "binary" ) {
names(start) <- c(colnames(XS), colnames(XO),
} else if( outcomeVar != "interval" ) {
stop( "Internal error ('names'). Please contact the maintainer",
" of this package" )
if(type == 2) {
if( outcomeVar == "continuous" ) {
estimation <- tobit2fit(YS, XS, YO, XO, start, weights = weightsNoNA,
printLevel=printLevel, ...)
iErrTerms <- c(sigma=iSigma, rho=iRho )
} else if( outcomeVar == "interval" ) {
estimation <- tobit2Intfit(YS, XS, YO, XO,
boundaries = boundaries, start = start,
weights = weightsNoNA,
printLevel = printLevel, ... )
if( isTRUE( cl$returnLogLikStart ) ) {
return( estimation )
start <- estimation$start
iErrTerms <- c( logSigma = iSigma, atanhRho = iRho,
sigma = iRho + 1, sigmaSq = iRho + 2, rho = iRho + 3 )
} else if( outcomeVar == "binary" ) {
estimation <- tobit2Bfit(YS, XS, YO, XO, start, weights = weightsNoNA,
printLevel=printLevel, ...)
iErrTerms <- c(rho=iRho)
} else {
stop( "Internal error ('est-1'). Please contact the maintainer",
" of this package" )
} else if( type == "treatment" ) {
if( outcomeVar == "continuous" ) {
estimation <- tobitTfit(YS, XS, YO, XO, start, weights = weightsNoNA,
printLevel=printLevel, ...)
iErrTerms <- c(sigma=iSigma, rho=iRho )
} else {
stop("treatment effect models are only implemented",
" for continuous dependent variables",
" but not for ", outcomeVar, " dependent variables" )
} else {
stop( "Internal error ('est-2'). Please contact the maintainer",
" of this package" )
param <- list(index=list(betaS=iGamma,
outcome = iBeta ),
NXS=ncol(XS), NXO=ncol(XO),
N0=sum(YS==0), N1=sum(YS==1),
nObs=length(YS), nParam=length(start),
df=length(YS) - length(start),
# levels[1]: selection 1; levels[2]: selection 2
} else if(type == 5) {
if( !is.null( boundaries ) ) {
stop( "estimation of tobit-5 models with an outcome equation",
" that has an interval-variable as dependent variable",
" has not yet been implemented" )
## extract the outcome formulas. Anyone able to explain why do we need to do the complicated stuff?
oArg <- match("outcome", names(mf), 0)
# find the outcome argument
# ocome <- as.list(mf[[oArg]])
# formula1 <- ocome[[2]]
# formula2 <- ocome[[3]]
# If the formulas are not written explicitly but given as variables, 'formula*' are
# the corresponding variable names and we have to extract the formulas in a different way:
# if(!("formula" %in% class(formula1)))
formula1 <- outcome[[1]]
# if(!("formula" %in% class(formula2)))
formula2 <- outcome[[2]]
# Now we have extracted both formulas
m <- match(c("outcome", "data", "subset",
"offset"), names(mf), 0)
## replace the outcome list by the first equation and evaluate it
mf[[oArg]] <- formula1
mf1 <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf1$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf1$na.action = na.pass
mf1[[1]] <-"model.frame")
# eval it as model frame
names(mf1)[2] <- "formula"
mf1 <- eval(mf1, parent.frame())
mtO1 <- attr(mf1, "terms")
XO1 <- model.matrix(mtO1, mf1)
YO1 <- model.response(mf1, "numeric")
badRow <- badRow | ( & (! & YS == 0))
badRow <- badRow | (apply(XO1, 1, function(v) any( & (! & YS == 0))
## repeat all the stuff with second equation
mf[[oArg]] <- formula2
mf2 <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf2$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf2$na.action <- na.pass
mf2[[1]] <-"model.frame")
# eval it as model frame
names(mf2)[2] <- "formula"
mf2 <- eval(mf2, parent.frame())
mtO2 <- attr(mf2, "terms")
XO2 <- model.matrix(mtO2, mf2)
YO2 <- model.response(mf2, "numeric")
badRow <- badRow | ( & (! & YS == 1))
badRow <- badRow | (apply(XO2, 1, function(v) any( & (! & YS == 1))
if( ( is.logical(YO1) | ( is.factor(YO1) & length(levels(YO1)) == 2 ) ) &
( is.logical(YO2) | ( is.factor(YO2) & length(levels(YO2)) == 2 ) ) ){
outcomeVar <- "binary"
} else {
outcomeVar <- "continuous"
if( method == "model.frame" ) {
mf <- mfS
mf <- cbind( mf, mf1[ , ! names( mf1 ) %in% names( mf ), drop = FALSE ] )
mf <- cbind( mf, mf2[ , ! names( mf2 ) %in% names( mf ), drop = FALSE ] )
return( mf[ !badRow, ] )
if( length( YSLevels ) != 2 ) {
stop( "the left hand side of the 'selection' formula\n",
"has to contain",
" exactly two levels (e.g. FALSE and TRUE)" )
## indices in for the parameter vector. These are returned in order to provide the user a way
## to extract certain components from the coefficients
NXS <- ncol(XS)
NXO1 <- ncol(XO1)
NXO2 <- ncol(XO2)
XS <- XS[!badRow,, drop=FALSE]
YS <- YS[!badRow]
XO1 <- XO1[!badRow,, drop=FALSE]
YO1 <- YO1[!badRow]
XO2 <- XO2[!badRow,, drop=FALSE]
YO2 <- YO2[!badRow]
YO1[ YS == 1 ] <- NA
YO2[ YS == 0 ] <- NA
XO1[ YS == 1, ] <- NA
XO2[ YS == 0, ] <- NA
iBetaS <- 1:NXS
iBetaO1 <- seq(tail(iBetaS, 1)+1, length=NXO1)
iSigma1 <- tail(iBetaO1, 1) + 1
iRho1 <- tail(iSigma1, 1) + 1
iBetaO2 <- seq(tail(iRho1, 1) + 1, length=NXO2)
iSigma2 <- tail(iBetaO2, 1) + 1
iRho2 <- tail(iSigma2, 1) + 1
nParam <- iRho2
twoStep <- NULL
if(is.null(start)) {
start <- numeric(nParam)
if(printLevel > 0) {
cat("Start values by Heckman 2-step method (", nParam, " componenets)\n", sep="")
twoStep <- heckit5fit(selection, as.formula(formula1), as.formula(formula2),
data=data, printLevel = printLevel, ... )
ind <- twoStep$param$index
start <- coef(twoStep, part="full")[c(ind$betaS,
ind$betaO1, ind$sigma1, ind$rho1,
ind$betaO2, ind$sigma2, ind$rho2)]
names( start ) <- sub( "^[SO][12]?:", "", names( start ) )
names(start) <- c(colnames(XS), colnames(XO1), "sigma1", "rho1", colnames(XO2), "sigma2", "rho2")
# add names to start values if not present
estimation <- tobit5fit(YS, XS, YO1, XO1, YO2, XO2, start=start,
printLevel=printLevel, ...)
param <- list(index=list(betaS=iBetaS,
betaO1=iBetaO1, sigma1=iSigma1, rho1=iRho1,
betaO2=iBetaO2, sigma2=iSigma2, rho2=iRho2,
errTerms = c( iSigma1, iSigma2, iRho1, iRho2 ),
outcome = c( iBetaO1, iBetaO2 ) ),
NXO1=ncol(XO1), NXO2=ncol(XO2),
N1=sum(YS==0), N2=sum(YS==1),
nObs=length(YS), nParam=length(start),
df=length(YS) - length(start),
# levels[1]: selection 1; levels[2]: selection 2
} else {
stop("Unknown model type: '", type, "'")
## now add the additional parameters into the resulting
## structure
result <- c(estimation,
"treatment"=, "2"=mtO,
"5"=list(mtO1, mtO2),
ys=switch(as.character(ys), "TRUE"=list(YS), "FALSE"=NULL),
xs=switch(as.character(xs), "TRUE"=list(XS), "FALSE"=NULL),
"2"=, "treatment"=list(YO),
"5"=list(YO1, YO2)),
"2"=, "teatment"=list(XO),
"5"=list(XO1, XO2)),
mfs=switch(as.character(mfs), "TRUE"=list(mfS[!badRow,]), "FALSE"=NULL),
"2"=, "treatment"=list(mfO[!badRow,]),
"5"=list(mf1[!badRow,], mf2[!badRow,]),
result$outcomeVar <- outcomeVar
class( result ) <- class( estimation )
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