
Defines functions print.contrast contrast print.confint.sanon confint.sanon vcov.sanon coef.sanon catecovar covar strt grp print.summary.sanon summary.sanon print.sanon sanon.default sanon.formula sanon

Documented in catecovar coef.sanon confint.sanon contrast covar grp print.confint.sanon print.contrast print.sanon print.summary.sanon sanon sanon.default sanon.formula strt summary.sanon vcov.sanon

#' The Stratified Analysis with Nonparametric covariable adjustment Package
#' A Package for Implementation of the method in Kawaguchi, Koch, and Wang (2011)
#' @name sanon-package
#' @aliases sanon-package
#' @rdname sanon-package
#' @docType package
#' @keywords documentation
#' @author Atsushi Kawaguchi. \email{kawa_a24@@yahoo.co.jp}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sanon}}
#' @references 
#' Kawaguchi A., Koch, G. G. (2015). sanon: An R Package for Stratified Analysis with Nonparametric Covariable Adjustment. Journal of Statistical Software, 67(9), 1-37. doi:10.18637/jss.v067.i09
#' Kawaguchi A., Koch, G. G., Wang, X. (2011). Stratified Multivariate Mann-Whitney Estimators for the Comparison of Two Treatments with Randomization Based Covariance Adjustment. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 217-231. 
#' @importFrom stats coef get_all_vars model.extract model.frame na.action na.omit na.pass pchisq printCoefmat qnorm relevel terms vcov

#' Chronic Pain Data
#' The data are from a multicenter randomized clinical trial to compare test and control treatments for the management of chronic pain, and they have had previous consideration in Stokes et al. (2000, chap. 13).
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{treat}}{a factor with levels \code{active} and \code{placebo} for treatment}
#'    \item{\code{response}}{a factor with five levels \code{poor}, \code{fair}, \code{moderate}, \code{good} and \code{excel} for pain status after treatment for 4 weeks}
#'    \item{\code{center}}{a factor with two levels \code{I} and \code{II} for two centers}
#'    \item{\code{diagnosis}}{a factor with four levels \code{A}, \code{B}, \code{C}, and \code{D} for diagnoses}
#'  }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name cpain
#' @usage data(cpain)
#' @format A data frame with 193 observations and 4 variables
#' @references Stokes, M. E., Davis, C. S., and Koch, G. G. (2000), Categorical Data Analysis using the SAS System, Cary: SAS Publishing.

#' Respiratory Disorder Data
#' The data are from a randomized clinical trial to compare a test treatment to placebo for a respiratory disorder, and listings of the data appear in Stokes et al. (2000, chap. 15, pp. 495-496) and Koch et al. (1990).
#' The variables are as follows:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{center}}{a factor vector for two centers}
#'    \item{\code{treatment}}{a factor with levels \code{A} and \code{P} for active and placebo treatments, respectively}
#'    \item{\code{sex}}{a factor with levels \code{F} and \code{M} for female and male, respectively}
#'    \item{\code{age}}{a numeric vector for age}
#'    \item{\code{baseline}}{a numeric vector for patient global ratings of symptom control according to 5 categories (4 = excellent, 3 = good, 2 = fair, 1 = poor, 0 = terrible) at baseline measurement}
#'    \item{\code{visit1}}{a numeric vector for patient global ratings of symptom control at visit 1 with same categories as \code{baseline}}
#'    \item{\code{visit2}}{a numeric vector for patient global ratings of symptom control at visit 2 with same categories as \code{baseline}}
#'    \item{\code{visit3}}{a numeric vector for patient global ratings of symptom control at visit 3 with same categories as \code{baseline}}
#'    \item{\code{visit4}}{a numeric vector for patient global ratings of symptom control at visit 4 with same categories as \code{baseline}}
#'  }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name resp
#' @usage data(resp)
#' @format A data frame with 111 observations and 9 variables.
#' @references 
#' Stokes, M. E., Davis, C. S., and Koch, G. G. (2000), Categorical Data Analysis using the SAS System, Cary: SAS Publishing.
#' Koch, G. G., Carr, G. J., Amara, I. A., Stokes, M. E., and Uryniak, T. J. (1990), "Categorical Data Analysis," in Statistical Methodology in Pharmaceutical Sciences, ed. D. A. Berry, New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 291-475.

#' Seborrheic Dermatitis Data
#' The data are from a randomized clinical trial to compare a test treatment to placebo for a seborrheic dermatitis, and listings of the data appear in Ramaswamy, Koch, and Amara (1997).
#' The variables are as follows:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{center}}{a factor vector for eight centers}
#'    \item{\code{treat}}{a factor with levels \code{placebo} and \code{test} for placebo and test treatments, resectively}
#'    \item{\code{score1}}{a numeric vector for patient global scores for the face according to 6 categories (0 = cleared, 1 = excellent improvement, 2 = moderate improvement, 3 = slight improvement, 4 = no change, 5 = exacerbation)}
#'    \item{\code{score2}}{a numeric vector for patient global scores for the scalp with same categories as \code{score1}}
#'    \item{\code{score3}}{a numeric vector for patient global scores for the chest with same categories as \code{score1}}
#'    \item{\code{severity1}}{a numeric vector for the baseline desease severity for the face according to 3 categories (1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe)}
#'    \item{\code{severity2}}{a numeric vector for the baseline desease severity for the scalp with same categories as \code{severity1}}
#'    \item{\code{severity3}}{a numeric vector for the baseline desease severity for the chest with same categories as \code{severity1}}
#'  }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name sebor
#' @usage data(sebor)
#' @format A data frame with 167 observations and 8 variables.
#' @references 
#' Ramaswamy R, Koch G, Amara I (1997). "Application of rank analysis of covariance methods to analysis of multiple anatomical regions with treatment for seborrheic dermatitis." Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 7(3), 403--416.

#' Skin Condition Data
#' The data are from a randomized clinical trial to compare a test treatment to placebo for skin conditions, and listings of the data appear in Stanish, Gillings, Koch (1978a, b).
#' The variables are as follows:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{center}}{a factor vector for two centers}
#'    \item{\code{treat}}{a factor with levels \code{A} and \code{P} for active and placebo treatments, skinectively}
#'    \item{\code{stage}}{a numeric vector for initial severity of the skin condition according to 3 categories (3 = fair, 4 = poor, 5 = exacerbation) at baseline measurement}
#'    \item{\code{res1}}{a numeric vector for extent of improvement at visit 1 according to 5 categories (1 = rapidly improving, 2 = slowly improving, 3 = stable, 4 = slowly worsening, 5 = rapidly worsening)}
#'    \item{\code{res2}}{a numeric vector for extent of improvement at visit 2 with same categories as \code{res1}}
#'    \item{\code{res3}}{a numeric vector for extent of improvement at visit 3 with same categories as \code{res1}}
#'  }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name skin
#' @usage data(skin)
#' @format A data frame with 172 observations and 6 variables.
#' @references 
#' Stanish W, Gillings D, Koch G (1978a). "An application of multivariate ratio methods for the analysis of a longitudinal clinical trial with missing data." Biometrics, 34(2), pp. 305--317.
#' Stanish WM, Koch GG, Landis JR (1978b). "A computer program for multivariate ratio analysis (MISCAT)." Computer Programs in Biomedicine, 8(3-4), 197--207.

#' Relief of heartburn Data
#' The data are from two period cross-over design clinical trial for relief of heartburn, and listings of the data appear in Koch, Gitomer, Skalland, and Stokes (1983).
#' The variables are as follows:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{center}}{a factor vector for two centers}
#'    \item{\code{sequence}}{a factor with levels \code{AP} and \code{PA} for sequence groups}
#'    \item{\code{age}}{a numeric vector for age}
#'    \item{\code{sex}}{a factor for sex with levels \code{female} and \code{male}}
#'    \item{\code{freq}}{a numeric vector for weekly frequency of condition from previous medical history}
#'    \item{\code{MD1}}{a numeric vector for time to relief from first dose during period 1}
#'    \item{\code{MD2}}{a numeric vector for time to relief from first dose during period 2}
#'    \item{\code{res1}}{a factor vector for relief status for period 1 (R = relief from first dose within 15 min, NF = no relief from first dose within 15 min)}
#'    \item{\code{ref2}}{a factor vector for relief status for period 2 with same categories as \code{res1}}
#'  }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name heartburn
#' @usage data(heartburn)
#' @format A data frame with 60 observations and 9 variables.
#' @references 
#' Koch G, Gitomer S, Skalland L, Stokes M (1983). "Some non-parametric and categorical data analyses for a change-over design study and discussion of apparent carry-over effects." Statistics in Medicine, 2(3), 397--412.

#' Non-Parametric Covariable Adjustment for Stratified Rank Measures of Association
#' This is a function for computing a stratified multivariate Mann-Whitney estimator that addresses the comparison between two randomized groups for a strictly ordinal response variable.
#' Response variables may have some missing completely at random (MCAR) values for some patients. 
#' Non-parametric covariable adjustment is considered through the difference estimates between mean covariable and the weighted least squares method.
#' Although such estimators can be computed directly as weighted linear combinations of within-stratum Mann-Whitney estimators, consistent estimation of their covariance matrix is done using methods for multivariate U-statistics.
#' \code{sanon} has two specifications for the input, variable and formula based.
#' In the variable based input, one can specify R objects to outcome, group, and strata variables, and covariable.
#' In the formula based input, the formula consists of variable names in a data.frame. 
#' The strata and group variables, and covariable are recognized by functions \code{\link{strt}}, \code{\link{grp}}, \code{\link{covar}}, and \code{\link{catecovar}}.
#' \code{outcome} can be contained missing values, which should be coded by \code{NA}. 
#' Five options for the management of missing values can be specifed in the argument \code{res.na.action}; 
#' \code{"default"} = the method in Kawaguchi et al. (2011), \code{"LOCF1"} and \code{"LOCF2"} = last observation carried forward with respect to kernels of U-statistics and observed velues, repsectively, \code{"replace"} = missing values are managed as tied with all other values in the same stratum, and \code{"remove"} = the complete cases analaysis.
#' For \code{res.na.action = "LOCF1"} or \code{"LOCF2"}, the order in the outcome is considered as the time order in imputing.
#' if the baseline measurement is missing, then the corresponding subject is removed.
#' \code{outcome} can be also multiple (repeatly measured).
#' If more than two strata are specified, these are taking a cross-classification. 
#' The group variable can be specifies its reference group in the argument \code{ref} in the \code{sanon} or in the function \code{grp}.
#' @name sanon
#' @aliases sanon
#' @rdname sanon
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param formula a formula object, with the response on the left of a ~ operator, and the terms on the right.
#' @param data a data.frame in which to interpret the variables named in the formula. 
#' @param outcome vector of observations of length n, or a matrix with n rows for the response (or outcome) variables
#' @param group numeric vector of observations of length n for treatment group. The reference group can be specified in \code{ref}.
#' @param strt numeric or factor vector of observations of length n, or a matrix with n rows for strata.
#' @param covar numeric or factor vector of observations of length n, or a matrix with n rows for covariable.
#' @param catecovar numeric or factor vector of observations of length n, or a matrix with n rows for categorical covariable.
#' @param ref character for the reference group for treatment group in \code{group}.
#' @param covref character vector for the reference group for categorical covariables in \code{catecovar}.
#' @param P a matrix for weighted least squares estimation.
#' @param res.na.action character for setting NA actions. "default", "LOCF1", "LOCF2", "replace", and "remove" are available. default is "default". see the details.
#' @param x an object of class "\code{sanon}", usually, a result of a call to \code{\link{sanon}}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \item{N}{Sample size}
#' @return \item{Nna}{tne number of subjects with missing values}
#' @return \item{nhik}{Sample size in each strata, group, and response}
#' @return \item{nik}{Sample size in each group and response}
#' @return \item{xi}{(multivariate) Mann-Whitney estimate(s) that addresses the comparison between two randomized groups}
#' @return \item{g}{the difference estimates between mean covariable}
#' @return \item{f}{a vector consisting of \code{xi} and \code{g}}
#' @return \item{Vf}{estimated covariance matrix of \code{f}}
#' @return \item{b}{fully adjustmented estimators for all covariables and the strata}
#' @return \item{Vb}{covariance matrix of \code{b}}
#' @return \item{se}{standard error of \code{b}}
#' @return \item{Q}{test statistics for \code{b}}
#' @return \item{p}{p-value for \code{b}}
#' @return \item{outnames}{outcome or response names}
#' @return \item{covarnames}{covariable names}
#' @return \item{advarnames}{variable names adjusting in the weighted least squares}
#' @return \item{bnames}{variable names of adjusted in the weighted least squares}
#' @return \item{reslevels}{levels for response variables}
#' @return \item{grouplevels}{levels for the group variable}
#' @return \item{strtout}{resulting (cross-classification) strata}
#' @return \item{strtlevels}{resulting (cross-classification) strata levels}
#' @return \item{strtnames}{resulting (cross-classification) strata names}
#' @return \item{matP}{design matrix used in the weighted least squares}
#' @references 
#' Kawaguchi A., Koch, G. G. (2015). sanon: An R Package for Stratified Analysis with Nonparametric Covariable Adjustment. Journal of Statistical Software, 67(9), 1-37. doi:10.18637/jss.v067.i09
#' Kawaguchi, A., Koch, G. G., Wang, X. (2011): Stratified Multivariate Mann-Whitney Estimators for the Comparison of Two Treatments with Randomization Based Covariance Adjustment. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 217-231. 
#' @examples
#' ##### Example 3.1 Randomized Clinical Trial of Chronic Pain #####
#' data(cpain)
#' out11 = sanon(response ~ grp(treat, ref="placebo") + strt(center) + strt(diagnosis), data=cpain)
#' out11
#' summary(out11)
#' # R objects are also available
#' attach(cpain)
#' out12 = sanon(outcome=response, group=treat, 
#' strt=cbind(center, diagnosis), ref="placebo")
#' out12
#' summary(out12)
#' ##### Example 3.2 Randomized Clinical Trial of Respiratory Disorder #####
#' data(resp)
#' out21 = sanon(cbind(baseline, visit1, visit2, visit3, visit4) 
#' ~ grp(treatment, ref="P") + strt(center) + strt(sex) + covar(age), data=resp)
#' out21
#' summary(out21)
#' # the matrix P can be specified
#' P = rbind(rep(0, 4), diag(4), rep(0, 4))
#' out22 = sanon(cbind(baseline, visit1, visit2, visit3, visit4) 
#' ~ grp(treatment, ref="P") + strt(center) + strt(sex) + covar(age), data=resp, P=P)
#' out22
#' summary(out22)

sanon = function(outcome, ...) UseMethod("sanon")

#' @rdname sanon
#' @export
sanon.formula = function(formula, data=list(), ...)
mf = model.frame(formula=formula, data=data, na.action = na.pass)
outcome = model.extract(mf, "response")
#if(is.null(ncol(outcome))){outcome = data.frame(outcome); colnames(outcome) = names(mf)[1]}
if(is.null(ncol(outcome))){outnames = names(mf)[1]}else{outnames = colnames(model.extract(mf, "response"))}
outcome = get_all_vars(formula=formula, data=data)[outnames]

special = c("catecovar", "covar", "strt", "grp")
formula2 = terms(formula, special, data=data)
mf2 = model.frame(formula2, data=data, na.action = na.pass)

x = lapply(attr(formula2, "specials"), function(x){if(is.null(x)){x}else{mf2[x]}})

group = x$grp; if(!is.null(group)) names(group) = strsplit(substr(names(group), 5, nchar(names(group))-1), ",")[[1]][1]
ref = levels(group[,1])[1]
strt=x$strt; if(!is.null(strt)) names(strt) = substr(names(strt), 6, nchar(names(strt))-1)
covar=x$covar; if(!is.null(covar)) names(covar) = substr(names(covar), 7, nchar(names(covar))-1)
catecovar=x$catecovar; if(!is.null(catecovar)) names(catecovar) = unlist(lapply(strsplit(substr(names(catecovar), 11, nchar(names(catecovar))-1), ","), function(z) z[1]))
if(!is.null(ncol(catecovar))) covref = unlist(sapply(1:ncol(catecovar), function(x) levels(catecovar[,x])[1]))

est = sanon.default(outcome=outcome, group=group, strt=strt, covar=covar, catecovar = catecovar, ref=ref, covref = covref,...)
est$call = match.call()
est$formula = formula

#' @rdname sanon
#' @method sanon default
#' @export
sanon.default = function(outcome, group, strt=NULL, covar=NULL, catecovar=NULL, ref=NULL, covref=NULL, P=NULL, res.na.action = "default", ...)
##### Requirement #####
if(missing(outcome)) stop("outcome should be specified")
if(missing(group)) stop("group should be specified")
if(!inherits(P, "matrix") & !is.null(P)) stop("P should be the matrix class")
if(!(res.na.action %in% c("default", "LOCF1", "LOCF2", "replace", "remove"))) stop(paste(res.na.action, "not a option for res.na.action"))

##### Set up variables #####

##### response variable #####
Y = as.data.frame(outcome); outnames = colnames(Y)
if(res.na.action == "remove") Y = na.omit(Y)
naY = na.action(Y)
reslevels = lapply(1:ncol(Y), function(i) levels(as.factor(Y[,i])))
for(i in 1:ncol(Y)){if(!inherits(Y[,i], c("numeric", "integer"))) Y[,i] = as.numeric(Y[,i])}
Y = as.matrix(Y, 1)
reslevels = levels(as.factor(Y))
if(class(Y) != "numeric") Y = as.numeric(Y)

names(reslevels) = outnames

### Last observation carried forward (LOCF) for observed values ###
if(res.na.action == "LOCF2"){
if(ncol(Y) == 1) stop("LOCF2 can not be applied to a single response")
# naY = na.action(na.omit(Y[,1])); Y = Y[-naY,]
Y = t(apply(Y, 1, function(x){ for(i in 2:length(x)){ x[i] = ifelse(is.na(x[i]), x[i-1], x[i])};x }))

## check ##
#resuniq = apply(Y, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) == 1)
#if(any(resuniq)) stop("Responses should not have a unique value")

##### Numbers of subjects and responses #####
N = ifelse(!is.null(ncol(Y)), nrow(Y), length(Y))
Nna = length(naY)
r = ncol(Y)

##### Strata variable #####
if(is.null(strt)){strtnames = NULL; strt = rep(1, N+Nna)}else{strtnames = paste(colnames(strt), collapse="*")}
S = as.data.frame(strt)
if(!is.null(na.action(na.omit(S)))) stop("strata should not have missing values (NA)")
if(!is.null(ncol(S))) S = apply(S, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse="*"))

if(!is.null(naY)) S = S[-naY]

strtout = as.factor(S) # for output
strtlevels = levels(strtout)
S = as.numeric(as.factor(S))

##### group variable #####
if(class(group) == "data.frame"){ t = group[,1]}else{t = group}
if(!is.null(na.action(na.omit(t)))) stop("group should not have missing values (NA)")
if(!is.null(ncol(t))){if(ncol(t) > 1) stop("duplicated group variable")}
if(length(unique(t)) != 2) stop("group should have two categories")

if(is.null(ref)){grouplevels = levels(factor(t))}else{grouplevels = levels(relevel(factor(t), ref=ref))}
t = ifelse(t == grouplevels[1], -1, 1)
if(class(t) != "numeric") t = as.numeric(t)
if(!is.null(naY)) t = t[-naY]

## check ##
#resuniq2 = apply(Y, 2, function(x) aggregate(x, by=list(t), function(y) length(unique(y)) == 1)[,2])
#if(any(resuniq2)) stop("Responses should not have a unique value in each group")

##### covariable #####
if(!is.null(covar)){ X = as.data.frame(covar)}
## dummy variables for categorical cavariables ##
catecovar = as.data.frame(catecovar)
catecovar = do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(catecovar), function(x){
tmp = catecovar[,x]
tmpcate = unique(tmp)
tmpref = tmpcate[length(tmpcate)]
if(!any(tmpcate %in% covref[x])) stop(paste(covref[x], "not in categories"))
tmpref = covref[x]
tmpcate2 = tmpcate[!(tmpcate %in% tmpref)]
out = sapply(tmpcate2, function(y) as.numeric(tmp == y))
colnames(out) = paste(colnames(catecovar)[x], "[", tmpcate2, "/", tmpref, "]", sep="")
X = cbind(X, catecovar)

## ##
if(!is.null(na.action(na.omit(X)))) stop("covariables should not have missing values (NA)")
for(i in 1:ncol(X)){if(!(class(X[,i]) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) X[,i] = as.numeric(X[,i])}
X = as.matrix(X, 1)
if(class(X) != "numeric") X = as.numeric(X)

covarnames = colnames(X)
if(!is.null(naY)) X = X[-naY,]
if(!inherits(X, "matrix")) X = as.matrix(X)
}else{covarnames = NULL}

## Number of covariables ##
M = ifelse(!is.null(X), ncol(X), 0)

##### Missing Indicator #####
if(res.na.action == "LOCF1"){
if(ncol(Y) == 1) stop("LOCF1 can not be applied to a single response")
Z = matrix(1, nrow(Y), ncol(Y))
Z[,1] = as.numeric(!is.na(Y[,1]))
Y[,1] = ifelse(is.na(Y[,1]), 0, Y[,1])
Z = apply(Y, 2, function(x) as.numeric(!is.na(x)))
Y = apply(Y, 2, function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))
if(!inherits(Y, "matrix")) Y = as.matrix(Y)

##### sample size within treatment group and strata #####
n0 = lapply(1:ncol(Z), function(x) table(factor(t)[Z[,x] == 1], factor(S)[Z[,x] == 1]))
n = sapply(1:r, function(i) sapply(1:N, function(x) n0[[i]][as.character(t[x]), as.character(S[x])]))
n20 = sapply(1:N, function(x) table(t, S)[as.character(t[x]), as.character(S[x])])
n2 = n20 %o% rep(1, M)
n2r = n20 %o% rep(1, r)

# for output
names(n0) = outnames
for(i in 1:length(n0)) dimnames(n0[[i]]) = list(grouplevels, strtlevels)

# for check
n1 = lapply(n0, function(x) rowSums(x))
njudge1 = do.call(cbind, n1) < 50
njudge2 = lapply(n0, function(x) x < 4)

if( any(njudge1) )
njudge1wh = which(njudge1, arr.ind = TRUE)
njudge1names = apply(njudge1wh, 1, function(x) c(rownames(njudge1)[x[1]], colnames(njudge1)[x[2]]))
#warning("Sample size is not greater than 50 in:\n", paste(apply(njudge1names, 2, function(x) paste(x[1], "group for", x[2])), collapse=", "))

if( any(unlist(njudge2)) )
njudge2wh = lapply(njudge2, function(x) which(x, arr.ind = TRUE))
njudge2names = lapply(njudge2wh, function(y) apply(y, 1, function(x) c(rownames(njudge2[[1]])[x[1]], colnames(njudge2[[1]])[x[2]])))
njudge2names = njudge2names[unlist(lapply(njudge2names, function(x) inherits(x, "matrix")))]
njudge2names2 = lapply(njudge2names, function(y) paste(apply(y, 2, function(x) paste(x[1], "group in strata", x[2])), collapse=","))
#warning("Sample size is not greater than 4 in:\n", paste(sapply(1:length(njudge2names2), function(x) paste(njudge2names2[[x]], "for", names(njudge2names2)[x])), collapse=", "))

#####========== Computing Start ==========#####

##### Function for computing kernels of U-statistics #####
U = function(j1)
j2 = (1:N)[-j1]

## ##
tmpS = ifelse(S[j1] - S[j2] == 0, 1, 0)
tmpY = ifelse((Y[rep(j1,N-1),] - Y[j2,]) == 0, 1, 0)
tmptY = ifelse((t[j1] - t[j2]) * (Y[rep(j1,N-1),] - Y[j2,]) * Z[rep(j1,N-1),] * Z[j2,] > 0, 1, 0)
tmpt = ifelse((t[j1] - t[j2])^2 * Z[rep(j1,N-1),] * Z[j2,]  > 0, 1, 0)
if(res.na.action %in% c("replace", "LOCF1", "LOCF2")) tmpt2 = ifelse((t[j1] - t[j2])^2 * (1 - Z[rep(j1,N-1),] * Z[j2,]) > 0, 1, 0)

## ##
if(res.na.action %in% c("replace", "LOCF1", "LOCF2")){
tmpU1 = (tmpS * (tmptY + 0.5 * tmpt * tmpY + 0.5 * tmpt2)) / (n2r[rep(j1,N-1),] + n2r[j2,] + 1)
tmpU2 = (tmpS * (tmpt + tmpt2)) / (n2r[rep(j1,N-1),] + n2r[j2,] + 1)
tmpU1 = (tmpS * (tmptY + 0.5 * tmpt * tmpY)) / (n[rep(j1,N-1),] + n[j2,] + 1)
tmpU2 = (tmpS * tmpt) / (n[rep(j1,N-1),] + n[j2,] + 1)

## carrying forward ##
dim(tmpU1) = dim(tmpU2) = c(N-1, r)
if(res.na.action == "LOCF1"){
misidx1 = apply(tmpU1, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
misidx2 = apply(tmpU2, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
tmpU1[misidx1,] = t(apply(tmpU1[misidx1,], 1, function(x){ for(i in 2:length(x)){ x[i] = ifelse(is.na(x[i]), x[i-1], x[i])};x }))
tmpU2[misidx2,] = t(apply(tmpU2[misidx2,], 1, function(x){ for(i in 2:length(x)){ x[i] = ifelse(is.na(x[i]), x[i-1], x[i])};x }))

## ##
c(apply(tmpU1, 2, mean), apply(tmpU2, 2, mean))

##### Implementation of function #####
tmpU = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:N, function(x) U(x)))

U1j = tmpU[,1:r]
U2j = tmpU[,r+(1:r)]

thetas = apply(tmpU, 2, mean)
theta1 = thetas[1:r]
theta2 = thetas[r+(1:r)]

##### #####
F = cbind(U1j, U2j)
meanF = apply(F, 2, mean)

##### #####
tmpF = sweep(F, 2, meanF)
VF = 4 * t(tmpF) %*% (tmpF) / (N*(N-1))

##### #####
if(r > 1){
Dtheta1 = diag(c(theta1))
Dtheta2 = diag(c(theta2))
xi = solve(Dtheta2) %*% theta1
xi = theta1 / theta2

##### #####
if(r > 1){
Dxi = diag(c(xi))
#Dthetas = cbind(solve(Dtheta1), -solve(Dtheta2))
#Vxi = Dxi %*% Dthetas %*% VF %*% t(Dthetas) %*% Dxi
Dthetas = cbind(diag(r), -solve(Dtheta2)^2)
Vxi = Dthetas %*% VF %*% t(Dthetas)
Dthetas = cbind(1/theta1, -1/theta2)
Vxi = xi * Dthetas %*% VF %*% t(Dthetas) * xi

##### the estimator from two-way analysis of variance for the difference between the stratification adjusted means of the mth covariable for the two groups. #####
tU = function(j1)
j2 = (1:N)[-j1]

tmpS = ifelse(S[j1] - S[j2] == 0, 1, 0) 
tmpt1 = 0.5 * (t[j1] - t[j2])
tmpt2 = ifelse(t[j1] - t[j2] != 0, 1, 0)
tmpX = X[rep(j1,N-1),] - X[j2,]

tmpU1 = (tmpS * tmpt1 * tmpX) / (n2[rep(j1,N-1),] + n2[j2,])
tmpU2 = (tmpS * tmpt2) / (n2[rep(j1,N-1),] + n2[j2,])

dim(tmpU1) = dim(tmpU2) = c(N-1, M)
c(apply(tmpU1, 2, mean), apply(tmpU2, 2, mean))

tmptU = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:N, function(x) tU(x)))

tU1j = tmptU[,1:M]
tU2j = tmptU[,M+(1:M)]

phis = apply(tmptU, 2, mean)
phi1 = phis[1:M]
phi2 = phis[M+(1:M)]

g = matrix(phi1 / phi2, ncol=1)
#if(any(g==0)) stop(paste(paste(covarnames[which(g==0)], collapse=", "), "completely balanced"))

g = NULL

##### #####
G = cbind(U1j, tU1j, U2j, tU2j)
G = cbind(U1j, U2j)
meanG = apply(G, 2, mean)

##### #####
tmpG = sweep(G, 2, meanG)
VG = 4 * t(tmpG) %*% (tmpG) / (N*(N-1))

##### #####
f = rbind(xi, g)
tG = c(theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2)
f = xi
tG = c(theta1, theta2)

##### Variance Covariance Matrix for f #####
if(length(f) > 1){
#H0 = rbind(cbind(diag(r), matrix(0, r, M), -diag(r), matrix(0, r, M)), cbind(matrix(0, M, r), diag(M), matrix(0, M, r), -diag(M))); #H = diag(c(f)) %*% H0 %*% diag(1/tG)
if(r > 1){tmptheta = diag(theta2^(-2))%*%diag(theta1); invDtheta2 = solve(Dtheta2)}else{tmptheta = theta1/theta2^2; invDtheta2 = 1/theta2}
if(M > 1){tmpphi = diag(phi2^(-2))%*%diag(phi1); invphi2 = diag(phi2^(-1))}else if(M > 0){tmpphi = phi1/phi2^2; invphi2 = 1/phi2}else{tmpphi = invphi2 = matrix(0, M, M)}
H = rbind(cbind(invDtheta2, matrix(0, r, M), -tmptheta, matrix(0, r, M)), cbind(matrix(0, M, r), invphi2, matrix(0, M, r), -tmpphi))
H0 = cbind(1, -1)
H = f %*% H0 %*% diag(1/tG)
Vf = H %*% VG %*% t(H)

##### Covariable Adjusted Estimators #####
if(is.null(P)) P = rbind(diag(r), matrix(0, M, r))
f = rbind(xi-0.5, g)
if(is.null(P)) P = diag(r)
f = xi-0.5

allnames = c(outnames, covarnames)
if(nrow(P) != length(allnames)){stop("The number of row of P should be r+M")}else{rownames(P) = allnames}
advarnames = allnames[apply(P, 1, function(x) all(x == 0))]
bnames = apply(P, 2, function(x) paste(rownames(P)[which(x == 1)], collapse=" + "))#allnames[!(allnames %in% advarnames)]

invVf = try(solve(Vf), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(invVf, "try-error")){
warning("Vf is computationally singular.")
e = 0.0000001
while(inherits(invVf, "try-error")){
invVf = try(solve(Vf + e*diag(ncol(Vf))), silent = TRUE)
e = 2*e

b = solve(t(P) %*% invVf %*% P) %*% (t(P) %*% invVf %*% f)
Vb = solve(t(P) %*% invVf %*% P)

if(r > 1){se = sqrt(diag(Vb))}else{se = sqrt(Vb)}

##### Test statistic and p-value #####
Q = (b / se)^2
pQ = 1 - pchisq(Q, 1)

##### Output #####
out = list(N=N, Nna=Nna, nhik=n0, nik=n1,
xi=xi, g=g, f=f, Vf=Vf, b=b, Vb=Vb, se=se, Q=Q, p=pQ, call = match.call(), 
outnames = outnames, covarnames = covarnames, advarnames = advarnames, bnames = bnames,
reslevels = reslevels, grouplevels = grouplevels,
strtout = strtout, strtlevels = strtlevels, strtnames = strtnames,
matP = P)
class(out) = "sanon"

#' @rdname sanon
#' @method print sanon
#' @export
print.sanon = function(x, ...)
tmpxi = c(x$xi); names(tmpxi) = x$outnames
tmpb = c(x$b); names(tmpb) = x$bnames; tmpb[!(x$bnames %in% x$covarnames)] = tmpb[!(x$bnames %in% x$covarnames)] + 0.5
cat(paste("Sample size:", x$N))
if(x$Nna > 0) cat(paste(" (", x$Nna, "samples removed)"))
if(!is.null(x$strtnames)) cat(paste("Strata (", x$strtnames, "):", paste(x$strtlevels, collapse=", "), "\n\n"))
cat("Response levels:\n")
reslevels = lapply(x$reslevels, function(z){if(length(z)>7){c(z[1:3], "...", z[length(z)+(-2:0)])}else{z}})
cat( paste(sapply(1:length(reslevels), function(z) paste("[", names(reslevels)[z], "; ", length(x$reslevels[[z]]), " levels] (lower) ", paste(reslevels[[z]], collapse=", "), " (higher)", sep="")), collapse="\n"))
cat("Design Matrix:\n")
if(!is.null(x$strtnames)) cat("Stratification Adjusted ")
cat(paste("Mann-Whitney Estimate \n for comparison [",  x$grouplevels[2], "/", x$grouplevels[1], "] :\n"))
if(length(x$advarnames) > 0){ 
tmpadvarnames = x$advarnames
lim = max(which(cumsum(nchar(tmpadvarnames)) < 50))
if(lim < length(tmpadvarnames)){cat(paste("(adjusted by",  paste(c(tmpadvarnames[1:lim], ""), collapse=", "), "\n", paste(tmpadvarnames[(lim+1):length(tmpadvarnames)], collapse=", "), ")\n")) }else
{cat(paste("(adjusted by",  paste(tmpadvarnames, collapse=", "), ")\n"))}
print(round(tmpb, 4))

#' Summarizing Weighted Least Squares Fits
#' summary method for class "sanon". 
#' This function provide the p value for the hypothesis test of coefficient in the model of weighted least squares method.
#' Note that the estimates in the output are for the (xi_k - 0.5).
#' @name summary.sanon
#' @aliases summary.sanon
#' @rdname summary.sanon
#' @method summary sanon
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param object,x an object of class "\code{sanon}", usually, a result of a call to \code{\link{sanon}}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \item{coefficients}{a p x 4 matrix with columns for the estimated coefficient, its standard error, chi-squared statistic and corresponding (two-sided) p-value.}
#' @return \item{advarnames}{adjust variable names in weighted least squares method}
#' @examples
#' ##### Example 3.1 Randomized Clinical Trial of Chronic Pain #####
#' data(cpain)
#' sum1 = summary(sanon(response ~ grp(treat, ref="placebo") + strt(center) + strt(diagnosis)
#' , data=cpain))
#' sum1
#' ##### Example 3.2 Randomized Clinical Trial of Respiratory Disorder #####
#' data(resp)
#' sum22 = summary(sanon(cbind(baseline, visit1, visit2, visit3, visit4) 
#' ~ grp(treatment, ref="P") + strt(center) + strt(sex) + covar(age), data=resp))
#' sum22

summary.sanon = function(object, ...)
tmpest = c(object$b); #tmpest[!(object$bnames %in% covarnames)] = tmpest[!(object$bnames %in% covarnames)] + 0.5
TAB = cbind(tmpest, object$se, object$Q, object$p)
colnames(TAB) = c("Estimate", "Std.Err", "Chisq", "Pr(>Chisq)")
rownames(TAB) = object$bnames
res = list(call=object$call, coefficients=TAB, matP = object$matP, advarnames = object$advarnames)
class(res) = "summary.sanon"

#' @rdname summary.sanon
#' @method print summary.sanon
#' @family print
#' @export
print.summary.sanon = function(x, ...)
if(length(x$advarnames) > 0)
tmpadvarnames = x$advarnames
lim = max(which(cumsum(nchar(tmpadvarnames)) < 50))
if(lim < length(tmpadvarnames)){cat(paste("Randomization-Based Covariance Adjusted Analysis \n (adjusted by",  paste(c(tmpadvarnames[1:lim], ""), collapse=", "), "\n", paste(tmpadvarnames[(lim+1):length(tmpadvarnames)], collapse=", "), "):"))}else
{cat(paste("Randomization-Based Covariance Adjusted Analysis \n (adjusted by",  paste(tmpadvarnames, collapse=", "), "):"))}

printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits=3, dig.tst = 2, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
cat("Note that the estimates of responses are for the (MW estimate - 0.5).\n")

#' Identify Group Variables
#' This is a special function used in the context of \code{\link{sanon}}. It identifies group variables when they appear on the right hand side of a formula. 
#' @name grp
#' @aliases grp
#' @rdname grp
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param x variable name
#' @param ref character for the reference group for treatment group.

grp = function(x, ref=NULL){
x = as.factor(x)
x = relevel(x, ref=ref)
#' Identify Stratification Variables
#' This is a special function used in the context of \code{\link{sanon}}. It identifies stratification variables when they appear on the right hand side of a formula. 
#' @name strt
#' @aliases strt
#' @rdname strt
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param x variable name
#' @usage strt(x)

strt = function(x) x

#' Identify Covariables
#' This is a special function used in the context of \code{\link{sanon}}. It identifies covariables when they appear on the right hand side of a formula. 
#' @name covar
#' @aliases covar
#' @rdname covar
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param x variable name
#' @usage covar(x)

covar = function(x) x

#' Identify Categorical Covariables
#' This is a special function used in the context of \code{\link{sanon}}. It identifies categorical covariables when they appear on the right hand side of a formula. 
#' In the \code{sanon}, the categorical covariable is converted into a dummy variable. The reference group is specified in the \code{ref} argument.
#' @name catecovar
#' @aliases catecovar
#' @rdname catecovar
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param x variable name
#' @param ref character for the reference group for the categorical covariable.

catecovar = function(x, ref=NULL){
x = as.factor(x)
x = relevel(x, ref=ref)

#' Extract Model Coefficients
#' coef is a generic function which extracts model coefficients from objects returned by modeling functions. coefficients is an alias for it. 
#' All object classes which are returned by model fitting functions should provide a coef method or use the default one. 
#' @name coef.sanon
#' @aliases coef.sanon
#' @rdname coef.sanon
#' @method coef sanon
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param object an object of class "\code{sanon}", usually, a result of a call to \code{\link{sanon}}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Coefficients extracted from the model object object. 
#' @examples
#' ##### Example 3.1 Randomized Clinical Trial of Chronic Pain #####
#' data(cpain)
#' out1 = sanon(response ~ grp(treat, ref="placebo") + strt(center) + strt(diagnosis), data=cpain)
#' coef(out1)
#' coefficients(out1)
#' ##### Example 3.2 Randomized Clinical Trial of Respiratory Disorder #####
#' data(resp)
#' P = rbind(rep(0, 4), diag(4), rep(0, 4))
#' out23 = sanon(cbind(baseline, visit1, visit2, visit3, visit4) ~ grp(treatment, ref="P")
#'  + strt(center) + strt(sex) + covar(age), data=resp, P=P)
#' # each four visits
#' coef(out23)
#' coefficients(out23)

coef.sanon = function(object, ...){tmpb = c(object$b); names(tmpb) = object$bnames; tmpb}

#' Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model Object
#' Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the main parameters of a fitted model object. 
#' This is a generic function. 
#' @name vcov.sanon
#' @aliases vcov.sanon
#' @rdname vcov.sanon
#' @method vcov sanon
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param object an object of class "\code{sanon}", usually, a result of a call to \code{\link{sanon}}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Coefficients extracted from the model object object. 
#' @examples
#' ##### Example 3.1 Randomized Clinical Trial of Chronic Pain #####
#' data(cpain)
#' out1 = sanon(response ~ grp(treat, ref="placebo") + strt(center) + strt(diagnosis), data=cpain)
#' vcov(out1)
#' ##### Example 3.2 Randomized Clinical Trial of Respiratory Disorder #####
#' data(resp)
#' P = rbind(rep(0, 4), diag(4), rep(0, 4))
#' out23 = sanon(cbind(baseline, visit1, visit2, visit3, visit4) ~ grp(treatment, ref="P")
#'  + strt(center) + strt(sex) + covar(age), data=resp, P=P)
#' # each four visits
#' vcov(out23)
vcov.sanon = function(object, ...){tmpVb = object$Vb; rownames(tmpVb) = colnames(tmpVb) = object$bnames; tmpVb}

#' Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters
#' Computes confidence intervals for one or more parameters in a fitted model.
#' Confidence intervals for adjusted parameters in the weighted least squares are computed based on an asymptotic normal.
#' @name confint.sanon
#' @aliases confint.sanon
#' @rdname confint.sanon
#' @method confint sanon
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param object,x an object of class "\code{sanon}", usually, a result of a call to \code{\link{sanon}}
#' @param parm a specification of which parameters are to be given confidence intervals, either a vector of numbers or a vector of names. If missing, all parameters are considered.
#' @param level the confidence level required.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \item{ci}{A matrix (or vector) with columns giving Mann-Whiteney estimates and their lower and upper confidence limits for each parameter with estimates. The interval will be labelled as Lower for (1 - level)/2 limit and Upper for 1 - (1 - level)/2 limit (by default 0.025 and 0.975). }
#' @return \item{level}{Confidence level}
#' @return \item{advarnames}{Adjust variable names in the weighted least squares method}
#' @examples
#' ##### Example 3.1 Randomized Clinical Trial of Chronic Pain #####
#' data(cpain)
#' out1 = sanon(response ~ grp(treat, ref="placebo") + strt(center) + strt(diagnosis), data=cpain)
#' confint(out1)
#' ##### Example 3.2 Randomized Clinical Trial of Respiratory Disorder #####
#' data(resp)
#' P = rbind(rep(0, 4), diag(4), rep(0, 4))
#' out23 = sanon(cbind(baseline, visit1, visit2, visit3, visit4) ~ grp(treatment, ref="P")
#'  + strt(center) + strt(sex) + covar(age), data=resp, P=P)
#' # each four visits
#' confint(out23)

confint.sanon = function(object, parm = NULL, level = 0.95, ...)
b2 = coef(object)
se = sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))
za = qnorm(1-(1-level)/2)
TAB = cbind(b2 + 0.5, b2 - za * se + 0.5, b2 + za * se + 0.5)
colnames(TAB) = c("Estimate", "Lower", "Upper")
rownames(TAB) = object$bnames
if(!is.null(parm)) TAB = TAB[parm,]
res = list(call=object$call, ci=TAB, level=level, advarnames = object$advarnames)
class(res) = "confint.sanon"
#' @rdname confint.sanon
#' @method print confint.sanon
#' @export
print.confint.sanon = function(x, ...)
cat(paste("M-W Estimate and ", 100*x$level, "% Confidence Intervals \n", sep=""))
if(length(x$advarnames) > 0){ 
tmpadvarnames = x$advarnames
lim = max(which(cumsum(nchar(tmpadvarnames)) < 50))
if(lim < length(tmpadvarnames)){cat(paste("(adjusted by",  paste(c(tmpadvarnames[1:lim], ""), collapse=", "), "\n", paste(tmpadvarnames[(lim+1):length(tmpadvarnames)], collapse=", "), ")")) }else
{cat(paste("(adjusted by",  paste(tmpadvarnames, collapse=", "), ")"))}
print(round(x$ci, 4))

#' Contrast for Model Parameters
#' Inference by contrast of parameters in a fitted model.
#' This function provide the inference based on contrast after applying the function \code{\link{sanon}}.
#' The contrast matrix C should be defined by the user. If the the number of row of C = 1, the confidence interval for the estimator is produced.
#' @name contrast
#' @aliases contrast
#' @rdname contrast
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param object,x an object of class "\code{sanon}", usually, a result of a call to \code{\link{sanon}}.
#' @param C contrast matrix. The number of column should be same as the length of \code{b} in outputs of \code{sanon}.
#' @param confint logical value for whether the confidence interval is computed (only if C has one row).
#' @param level the confidence level required (only if C has one row).
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \item{C}{contrast matrix}
#' @return \item{Cb}{contrast estimates}
#' @return \item{VCb}{variance and covariance matrix of \code{Cb}}
#' @return \item{se}{standard error of \code{Cb}}
#' @return \item{level}{confidence level}
#' @return \item{UL}{upper confidence limit (only if the number of row of C = 1, otherwise \code{NULL})}
#' @return \item{LL}{lower confidence limit (only if the number of row of C = 1, otherwise \code{NULL})}
#' @return \item{Q}{test statistic}
#' @return \item{df}{degree of freedom}
#' @return \item{p}{p-value}
#' @examples
#' ##### Example 3.2 Randomized Clinical Trial of Respiratory Disorder #####
#' data(resp)
#' P = rbind(rep(0, 4), diag(4), rep(0, 4))
#' out23 = sanon(cbind(baseline, visit1, visit2, visit3, visit4) ~ grp(treatment, ref="P")
#'  + strt(center) + strt(sex) + covar(age), data=resp, P=P)
#' # Homogeneity of the xi_k across the four visits
#' contrast(out23, C=cbind(diag(3), rep(-1, 3)))
#' # Comparison between treatments for the average of the xi_k across the 4 visits
#' contrast(out23, C=matrix(rep(1, 4)/4, ncol=4))
contrast = function(object, C = diag(length(object$b)), confint = FALSE, level = 0.95, ...)
if(!inherits(C, "matrix")) stop("C should be matrix")
if(ncol(C) != length(object$b)) stop("column length of C should be same as length of b")
if(nrow(C) != 1 & confint == TRUE) stop("Confidence interval is computed only if C has one row")
b2 = C %*% object$b
Vb2 = C %*% object$Vb %*% t(C)
Q2 = t(b2) %*% solve(Vb2) %*% b2
df2 = nrow(C)
za = qnorm(1-(1-level)/2)
Cb = C %*% (object$b+0.5)
if(df2 > 1){ se = sqrt(diag(Vb2))}else{ 
se = sqrt(Vb2)
UL = Cb + za * se
LL = Cb - za * se
pQ2 = 1 - pchisq(Q2, df2)
colnames(C) = object$bnames
res = list(C=C, Cb=Cb, VCb=Vb2, se=se, level = level, UL=UL, LL=LL, Q=Q2, df=df2, p=pQ2)
class(res) = "contrast"

#' @rdname contrast
#' @method print contrast
#' @export
print.contrast = function(x, ...)
TAB = cbind(x$Q, x$df, x$p)
colnames(TAB) = c("Chisq", "df", "Pr(>Chisq)")
#rownames(TAB) = x$bnames
cat("Contrast Matrix:\n")
cat("Contrast Inference:\n")
printCoefmat(TAB, digits=3, dig.tst = 2, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
cat(paste("Contrast M-W Estimate (", 100*x$level, "% Confidence Interval)\n", sep=""))
cat(paste(sprintf("%.4f", x$Cb), "(", sprintf("%.4f", x$LL), "-", sprintf("%.4f", x$UL), ")"))

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sanon documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:54 p.m.