
Defines functions .accumulated_posix_aware .sapflow_tidy .env_vars_names .flag describe_md_variable sfn_vars_to_filter .metadata_architecture as_sfn_data_multi get_timezone .timezone_dic norm_diurnal_centroid diurnal_centroid min_time max_time .period_to_minutes data_coverage

Documented in .accumulated_posix_aware as_sfn_data_multi data_coverage describe_md_variable diurnal_centroid .env_vars_names .flag get_timezone max_time .metadata_architecture min_time norm_diurnal_centroid .period_to_minutes .sapflow_tidy sfn_vars_to_filter .timezone_dic

#' data coverage
#' helper for sfn_metrics
#' This helper function calculates the coverage percentage in a vector, and is
#' designed to be used inside a dplyr summarise statement. It calculates the
#' coverage as the percentage of no NAs in the expected length of the summarising
#' period stated by the timestep.
#' @param x a vector, usually a variable in the sapflow or environmental data.
#' @param timestep numeric value with the timestep in minutes
#' @param period_minutes numeric value with the period in minutes
#' @return a single value (numeric) with the percentage of coverage for that
#'   variable
#' @examples
#' # data for one day, 60 minutes timestep (24 values) with a 75% of coberture
#' x <- rep(c(1,2,3,NA), 6)
#' data_coverage(x, 60, 1440) # 75
#' @export

data_coverage <- function(x, timestep, period_minutes) {

  timestep <- timestep[1]
  period_minutes <- period_minutes[1]
  (sum(!is.na(x)) / (period_minutes/timestep)) * 100


#' transform period to minutes
#' helper for data_coverage
#' This function converts the period supplied into minutes to use it in the
#' coverage calculation.
#' @return An integer with the period value in minutes
#' @param period character indicating the period to summarise or a custom
#'  function name (without quotes).
#' @param timestamp timestamp vector obtained from data
#' @param timestep numeric with the timestep in minutes, obtained from metadata
#' @param ... extra arguments for period if it is a function
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # daily period, expected 1440 minutes
#' sapfluxnetr:::.period_to_minutes('1 day')
#' # Using a custom function, we need timestamp and timestep
#' sapfluxnetr:::.period_to_minutes(
#'   lubridate::as_date, get_timestamp(ARG_TRE), 30
#' )
.period_to_minutes <- function(period, timestamp, timestep, ...){
  # if the period is a custom function,
  if (rlang::is_function(period)) {
    warning('when using a custom function as period, coverage calculation
            can be less accurate')
    # TODO check if logic is correct for most of the cases
    period_min <- dplyr::tibble(
      timestamp = timestamp,
      timestamp_collapsed = period(timestamp, ...) # remember the dots
    ) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$timestamp_collapsed) %>%
        diff_minutes = lubridate::as.duration(
          (dplyr::last(.data$timestamp) + timestep*60) - dplyr::first(.data$timestamp)
        )@.Data / 60
      ) %>%
  } else {
    # parse the period using .parse_period util
    period_parsed <- .parse_period(period)
    # transform to minutes (duration returns seconds, so dividing by 60 is
    # mandatory)
    period_min <- lubridate::duration(
      glue::glue('{period_parsed$freq} {period_parsed$period}')
    )@.Data / 60
    # we return one value, to create a column for the summarise function


#' time at maximum/minimum
#' helpers for sfn_metrics
#' These helper functions return the TIMESTAMP value at which the maximum value
#' for other variable occurs. It is designed to be used inside a dplyr summarise
#' statement.
#' @param x a numeric vector, usually a variable in the sapflow or environmental
#'   data.
#' @param time a POSIXct or character vector with the TIMESTAMP values
#' @return a single value (POSIXct) with the TIMESTAMP value.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' storms %>%
#'   group_by(year) %>%
#'   summarise(wind_max = max(wind),
#'             hour_at_max = sapfluxnetr:::max_time(wind, time = hour),
#'             wind_min = min(wind),
#'             hour_at_min = sapfluxnetr:::min_time(wind, time = hour))
#' @name time_at_events

#' @describeIn time_at_events helper for sfn_metrics

max_time <- function(x, time) {

  # if all the values in x are NAs (a daily summmarise of no measures day for
  # example) this will return a length 0 POSIXct vector, which will crash
  # dplyr summarise step. So, check if all NA and if true return NA
  if(all(is.na(x))) {
    return(as.POSIXct(NA, tz = attr(time, 'tz'), origin = lubridate::origin))
  } else {

#' @describeIn time_at_events helper for sfn_metrics

min_time <- function(x, time) {

  # if all the values in x are NAs (a daily summmarise of no measures day for
  # example) this will return a length 0 POSIXct vector, which will crash
  # dplyr summarise step. So, check if all NA and if true return NA
  if(all(is.na(x))) {
    return(as.POSIXct(NA, tz = attr(time, 'tz'), origin = lubridate::origin))
  } else {

#' Diurnal centroid calculation
#' Calculate the diurnal centroid for sapflow variables
#' The code for this function has been kindly provided by Jacob Nelson in python
#' (see https://github.com/jnelson18/FluxnetTools/blob/master/FileS3.py) and has
#' been translated to a tidy data philosophy in R to be used inside a
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{summarise}} statement.
#' @section Diurnal centroid algorithm:
#' Given a continuous subdaily sapflow values at regular intervals
#' \eqn{V = {x_1, ..., x_n}} to obtain the diurnal centroid each value is
#' multiplied by its interval index and summed up and divided
#' by the sum of the values for the day and finally the value is normalized to
#' 24h:
#' \deqn{
#' \sum {x_1 * 1, x_2 * 2, ... , x_n * n} / \sum {x_1, x_2, ... , x_n} * (24/n)
#' }
#' With even values for all the intervals (i.e. 100 for all), centroid converges
#' to 12h at more than 1000 intervals per day. With only 48 (half hourly
#' measurements) centroid converges to 12.25h and with 24 intervals (hourly
#' measurements) centroid converges to 12.5h. So, using diurnal centroid value
#' in half hourly datasets or above can have a considerable error associated.
#' @param variable A numeric vector containing the sapflow values for a day at a
#'   regular intervals. Missing values are allowed but not recommended
#' @examples
#' # dplyr
#' library(dplyr)
#' # check convergence to 12h:
#' diurnal_centroid(rep(1, 1000)) # 12.012 h
#' diurnal_centroid(rep(10000, 1000)) # 12.012 h, variable scale not affects calculation
#' # sapflow diurnal centroid
#' data('ARG_TRE', package = 'sapfluxnetr')
#' sfn_metrics(
#'   ARG_TRE,
#'   period = '1 day',
#'   .funs = list(~ diurnal_centroid(.),
#'                ~ data_coverage(., timestep, period_minutes)),
#'   solar = FALSE,
#'   interval = 'general'
#' )
#' @return A numeric value with the diurnal centroid value (0 to 24 h)
#' @author Jacob Nelson & Víctor Granda
#' @export

diurnal_centroid <- function(variable) {

  # Hack to work in POSIXct vectors which does not support * operations.
  # make sure variable is numeric (to avoid errors with POSIXct TIMESTAMP_coll)
  variable <- as.numeric(variable)

  steps_by_day = length(variable)
  raw_c <- sum(variable * 1:steps_by_day, na.rm = TRUE) /
    sum(variable, na.rm = TRUE)
  res_c <- raw_c * (24 / steps_by_day)


#' Normalized diurnal centroid calculation
#' Calculate the normalized diurnal centroid for sapflow variables
#' The code for this function has been kindly provided by Jacob Nelson in python
#' (see https://github.com/jnelson18/FluxnetTools/blob/master/FileS3.py) and has
#' been translated to a tidy data philosophy in R to be used inside a
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{summarise}} statement.
#' @section Normalized diurnal centroid algorithm:
#' This function calculates the diurnal centroid of sapflow measures
#' \emph{relative} to the diurnal centroid of incoming radiation (in any units).
#' For that the incoming radiation diurnal centroid is substracted from the
#' sapflow diurnal centroid:
#' \deqn{
#' Sapf_cent - IncomingRad_cent
#' }
#' @param sapf_var A numeric vector containing the sapflow values for a day at a
#'   regular intervals. Missing values are allowed but not recommended.
#' @param rad_var A numeric vector containing the incoming radiation for a day
#'   at a regular intervals. Missing values are allowed but not recommended.
#'   Must be the same length as sapf_var.
#' @return A numeric value with the normalized diurnal centroid value
#' @author Jacob Nelson & Víctor Granda

norm_diurnal_centroid <- function(sapf_var, rad_var) {

  sapf_dc <- diurnal_centroid(sapf_var)
  rad_dc <- diurnal_centroid(rad_var)

  norm_dc <- sapf_dc - rad_dc


# #' min max
# #'
# #' wrapper for quicky return the max and the min value of a vector to use in
# #' a dplyr pipe
# #'
# #' @param x a numeric, POSIXct... (any accepted by \code{\link[base]{max}} and
# #'   \code{\link[base]{min}}) vector
# #'
# #' @return a two-element named vector, c(min = value, max = value) with values
# #'   transformed to characters
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' library(dplyr)
# #' # pipe example, not efficient
# #' iris %>%
# #'   pull(Sepal.Length) %>%
# #'   .min_max()
# #'
# #' # the same, directly
# #' .min_max(iris$Sepal.Length)
# .min_max <- function(x) {
#   # c(min = min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max = max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
#   c(
#     min = as.character(x[which.min(x)]),
#     max = as.character(x[which.max(x)])
#   )
# }

#' Timezones dictionary
#' Transforms timezone ISO code to character vector compatible with lubridate and
#' POSIXct
#' GMT time zones are used, as they are day saving light time (DST) agnostic,
#' and in that way the DST can setted if the metadata says so. GMT are sign
#' exchanged to be compatible with ISO.
#' @param tz Character vector with the ISO code of the timezone as provided in
#'   \code{env_time_zone} variable in \code{environmental_md}
#' @return A character vector with the timezone code compatible with lubridate
#'   and as.POSIXct
#' @keywords internal

# Function declaration
.timezone_dic <- function(tz) {

  # STEP 0
  # Argument checking
  if (is.na(tz) | is.null(tz)) {
    stop('Timezone not provided in environmental metadata')

  # STEP 1
  # Create the list with the codes
  timezones <- list(
    # "1UTC-12:00, Y" = "Etc/GMT+12",
    # "2UTC-11:00, X" = "Etc/GMT+11",
    # "3UTC-10:00, W" = "Etc/GMT+10",
    # "4UTC-09:30, V†" = "Pacific/Marquesas",
    # "5UTC-09:00, V" = "Etc/GMT+9",
    # "6UTC-08:00, U" = "Etc/GMT+8",
    # "7UTC-07:00, T" = "Etc/GMT+7",
    # "8UTC-06:00, S" = "Etc/GMT+6",
    # "9UTC-05:00, R" = "Etc/GMT+5",
    # "11UTC-04:00, Q" = "Etc/GMT+4",
    # "12UTC-03:30, P†" = "Canada/Newfoundland",
    # "13UTC-03:00, P" = "Etc/GMT+3",
    # "14UTC-02:00, O" = "Etc/GMT+2",
    # "15UTC-01:00, N" = "Etc/GMT+1",
    # "16UTC±00:00, Z" = "Etc/GMT+0",
    # "17UTC+01:00, A" = "Etc/GMT-1",
    # "18UTC+02:00, B" = "Etc/GMT-2",
    # "19UTC+03:00, C" = "Etc/GMT-3",
    # "20UTC+03:30, C†" = "Asia/Tehran",
    # "21UTC+04:00, D" = "Etc/GMT-4",
    # "22UTC+04:30, D†" = "Asia/Kabul",
    # "23UTC+05:00, E" = "Etc/GMT-5",
    # "24UTC+05:30, E†" = "Asia/Kolkata",
    # "25UTC+05:45, E*" = "Asia/Katmandu",
    # "26UTC+06:00, F" = "Etc/GMT-6",
    # "27UTC+06:30, F†" = "Indian/Cocos",
    # "28UTC+07:00, G" = "Etc/GMT-7",
    # "29UTC+08:00, H" = "Etc/GMT-8",
    # "30UTC+08:30, H†" = "Asia/Pyongyang",
    # "31UTC+08:45, H*" = "Australia/Eucla",
    # "32UTC+09:00, I" = "Etc/GMT-9",
    # "33UTC+09:30, I†" = "Australia/Adelaide",
    # "34UTC+10:00, K" = "Etc/GMT-10",
    # "35UTC+10:30, K†" = "Australia/Lord_Howe",
    # "36UTC+11:00, L" = "Etc/GMT-11",
    # "37UTC+12:00, M" = "Etc/GMT-12",
    # "38UTC+12:45, M*" = "Pacific/Chatham",
    # "39UTC+13:00, M†" = "Etc/GMT-13",
    # "40UTC+14:00, M†" = "Etc/GMT-14"

    "1UTC-12:00, Y" = "Etc/GMT+12",
    "2UTC-11:00, X" = "Etc/GMT+11",
    "3UTC-10:00, W" = "Etc/GMT+10",
    "4UTC-09:30, V\\u2020" = "Pacific/Marquesas",
    "5UTC-09:00, V" = "Etc/GMT+9",
    "6UTC-08:00, U" = "Etc/GMT+8",
    "7UTC-07:00, T" = "Etc/GMT+7",
    "8UTC-06:00, S" = "Etc/GMT+6",
    "9UTC-05:00, R" = "Etc/GMT+5",
    "11UTC-04:00, Q" = "Etc/GMT+4",
    "12UTC-03:30, P\\u2020" = "Canada/Newfoundland",
    "13UTC-03:00, P" = "Etc/GMT+3",
    "14UTC-02:00, O" = "Etc/GMT+2",
    "15UTC-01:00, N" = "Etc/GMT+1",
    "16UTC\\u00b100:00, Z" = "Etc/GMT+0",
    "17UTC+01:00, A" = "Etc/GMT-1",
    "18UTC+02:00, B" = "Etc/GMT-2",
    "19UTC+03:00, C" = "Etc/GMT-3",
    "20UTC+03:30, C\\u2020" = "Asia/Tehran",
    "21UTC+04:00, D" = "Etc/GMT-4",
    "22UTC+04:30, D\\u2020" = "Asia/Kabul",
    "23UTC+05:00, E" = "Etc/GMT-5",
    "24UTC+05:30, E\\u2020" = "Asia/Kolkata",
    "25UTC+05:45, E*" = "Asia/Katmandu",
    "26UTC+06:00, F" = "Etc/GMT-6",
    "27UTC+06:30, F\\u2020" = "Indian/Cocos",
    "28UTC+07:00, G" = "Etc/GMT-7",
    "29UTC+08:00, H" = "Etc/GMT-8",
    "30UTC+08:30, H\\u2020" = "Asia/Pyongyang",
    "31UTC+08:45, H*" = "Australia/Eucla",
    "32UTC+09:00, I" = "Etc/GMT-9",
    "33UTC+09:30, I\\u2020" = "Australia/Adelaide",
    "34UTC+10:00, K" = "Etc/GMT-10",
    "35UTC+10:30, K\\u2020" = "Australia/Lord_Howe",
    "36UTC+11:00, L" = "Etc/GMT-11",
    "37UTC+12:00, M" = "Etc/GMT-12",
    "38UTC+12:45, M*" = "Pacific/Chatham",
    "39UTC+13:00, M\\u2020" = "Etc/GMT-13",
    "40UTC+14:00, M\\u2020" = "Etc/GMT-14"


  # STEP 2
  # Return the timezone name compatible with lubridate
  return(timezones[[iconv(tz, 'UTF-8', 'ASCII', 'c99')]])


#' get the timezone of the site
#' Obtain the site timezone from a sfn_data/sfn_data_multi object
#' @param sfn_data An sfn_data or sfn_data_multi object
#' @return a character with the site timezone
#' @examples
#' # timezone of ARG_TRE site
#' get_timezone(ARG_TRE)
#' @export

get_timezone <- function(
) {
  # get the timezone

#' as_sfn_data_multi helper
#' Convert any list of sfn_data objects in a sfn_data_multi object
#' @param x A list of sfn_data objects
#' @return A sfn_data_multi object
#' @examples
#' sites_list <- list(ARG_TRE, ARG_MAZ)
#' sapfluxnetr:::as_sfn_data_multi(sites_list)
#' @keywords internal

as_sfn_data_multi <- function(x) {

  dplyr::quo(sfn_data_multi(!!!x)) %>%


#' Metadata variables architecture
#' This function returns a nested list with the metadata, the variable and the
#' values, description , units and type for it use in describe_variable,
#' sfn_vars_to_filter and sfn_values_for
#' @examples 
#' sapfluxnetr:::.metadata_architecture()
#' @return a list with the metadata architecture
#' @keywords internal

.metadata_architecture <- function() {

  arch_list <- list(
    site_md = list(
      si_name = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Site name given by contributors'
      si_country = list(
        values = c('AFG', 'ALA', 'ALB', 'DZA', 'ASM', 'AND', 'AGO', 'AIA', 'ATA',
                   'ATG', 'ARG', 'ARM', 'ABW', 'AUS', 'AUT', 'AZE', 'BHS', 'BHR',
                   'BGD', 'BRB', 'BLR', 'BEL', 'BLZ', 'BEN', 'BMU', 'BTN', 'BOL',
                   'BES', 'BIH', 'BWA', 'BVT', 'BRA', 'IOT', 'BRN', 'BGR', 'BFA',
                   'BDI', 'CPV', 'KHM', 'CMR', 'CAN', 'CYM', 'CAF', 'TCD', 'CHL',
                   'CHN', 'CXR', 'CCK', 'COL', 'COM', 'COG', 'COD', 'COK', 'CRI',
                   'CIV', 'HRV', 'CUB', 'CUW', 'CYP', 'CZE', 'DNK', 'DJI', 'DMA',
                   'DOM', 'ECU', 'EGY', 'SLV', 'GNQ', 'ERI', 'EST', 'ETH', 'FLK',
                   'FRO', 'FJI', 'FIN', 'FRA', 'GUF', 'PYF', 'ATF', 'GAB', 'GMB',
                   'GEO', 'DEU', 'GHA', 'GIB', 'GRC', 'GRL', 'GRD', 'GLP', 'GUM',
                   'GTM', 'GGY', 'GIN', 'GNB', 'GUY', 'HTI', 'HMD', 'VAT', 'HND',
                   'HKG', 'HUN', 'ISL', 'IND', 'IDN', 'IRN', 'IRQ', 'IRL', 'IMN',
                   'ISR', 'ITA', 'JAM', 'JPN', 'JEY', 'JOR', 'KAZ', 'KEN', 'KIR',
                   'PRK', 'KOR', 'KWT', 'KGZ', 'LAO', 'LVA', 'LBN', 'LSO', 'LBR',
                   'LBY', 'LIE', 'LTU', 'LUX', 'MAC', 'MKD', 'MDG', 'MWI', 'MYS',
                   'MDV', 'MLI', 'MLT', 'MHL', 'MTQ', 'MRT', 'MUS', 'MYT', 'MEX',
                   'FSM', 'MDA', 'MCO', 'MNG', 'MNE', 'MSR', 'MAR', 'MOZ', 'MMR',
                   'NAM', 'NRU', 'NPL', 'NLD', 'NCL', 'NZL', 'NIC', 'NER', 'NGA',
                   'NIU', 'NFK', 'MNP', 'NOR', 'OMN', 'PAK', 'PLW', 'PSE', 'PAN',
                   'PNG', 'PRY', 'PER', 'PHL', 'PCN', 'POL', 'PRT', 'PRI', 'QAT',
                   'REU', 'ROU', 'RUS', 'RWA', 'BLM', 'SHN', 'KNA', 'LCA', 'MAF',
                   'SPM', 'VCT', 'WSM', 'SMR', 'STP', 'SAU', 'SEN', 'SRB', 'SYC',
                   'SLE', 'SGP', 'SXM', 'SVK', 'SVN', 'SLB', 'SOM', 'ZAF', 'SGS',
                   'SSD', 'ESP', 'LKA', 'SDN', 'SUR', 'SJM', 'SWZ', 'SWE', 'CHE',
                   'SYR', 'TWN', 'TJK', 'TZA', 'THA', 'TLS', 'TGO', 'TKL', 'TON',
                   'TTO', 'TUN', 'TUR', 'TKM', 'TCA', 'TUV', 'UGA', 'UKR', 'ARE',
                   'GBR', 'USA', 'UMI', 'URY', 'UZB', 'VUT', 'VEN', 'VNM', 'VGB',
                   'VIR', 'WLF', 'ESH', 'YEM', 'ZMB', 'ZWE'),
        type = "Character",
        units = "Fixed values",
        description = "Country code (ISO)"
      si_contact_firstname = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Contributor first name'
      si_contact_lastname = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Contributor last name'
      si_contact_email = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Contributor email'
      si_contact_institution = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Contributor affiliation'
      si_addcontr_firstname = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Additional contributor first name'
      si_addcontr_lastname = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Additional contributor last name'
      si_addcontr_email = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Additional contributor email'
      si_addcontr_institution = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Additional contributor affiliation'
      si_lat = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'Latitude, decimal format (WGS84)',
        description = 'Site latitude (i.e. 42.36)'
      si_long = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'Longitude, decimal format (WGS84)',
        description = 'Site longitude (i.e. -8.23)'
      si_elev = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'meters',
        description = 'Elevation above sea level'
      si_paper = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'DOI link',
        description = paste0(
          'Paper with relevant information to understand the site',
          ' as DOI links or DOI codes'
      si_dist_mgmt = list(
        values = c('Agriculture', 'Drought', 'Fire', 'Forestry', 'Grazing',
                  'Hydrologic event', 'Land cover change', 'Pests and disease',
        type = "Character",
        units = "Fixed values",
        description = paste0(
          "Recent and historic disturbance and management events that",
          " affected the measurement years"
      si_igbp = list(
        values = c('BSV', 'CRO', 'CSH', 'CVM', 'DBF', 'DNF', 'EBF',
                   'ENF', 'MF', 'OSH', 'SAV', 'URB', 'WET', 'WSA'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = "Fixed values",
        description = "Vegetation type based on IGBP classification"
      si_flux_network = list(
        values = c(TRUE, FALSE),
        type = 'Logical',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = paste0(
          'Logical indicating if site is participating in the FLUXNET network'
      si_dendro_network = list(
        values = c(TRUE, FALSE),
        type = 'Logical',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = paste0(
          'Logical indicating if site is participating in the DENDROGLOBAL',
          ' network'
      si_remarks = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = paste0(
          'Remarks and commentaries useful to grasp some site-specific',
          ' peculiarities'
      si_code = list(
        values = 'sapfluxnet defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed value',
        description = 'sapfluxnet site code, unique for each site'
      si_mat = list(
        values = 'sapfluxnet calculated',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'Celsius degrees',
        description = 'Site annual mean temperature, as obtained from WorldClim'
      si_map = list(
        values = 'sapfluxnet calculated',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'mm',
        description = 'Site annual mean precipitation, as obtained from WorldClim'
      si_biome = list(
        values = c(
          'Subtropical desert', 'Temperate grassland desert', 'Woodland/Shrubland',
          'Temperate forest', 'Boreal forest', 'Temperate rain forest',
          'Tropical rain forest', 'Tropical forest savanna', 'Tundra'
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'sapfluxnet calculated',
        description = paste0(
          'Biome classification as per Whittaker diagram, based on mat and',
          ' map obtained from WorldClim'
    stand_md = list(
      st_name = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Stand name given by contributors'
      st_growth_condition = list(
        values = c('Naturally regenerated, unmanaged',
                   'Naturally regenerated, managed',
                   'Plantation, managed', 'Plantation, unmanaged',
                   'Orchard', 'Urban'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Growth condition with respect to stand origin and management'
      st_treatment = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Treatment applied at stand level'
      st_age = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'years',
        description = 'Mean stand age at the moment of sap flow measurements'
      st_height = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'meters',
        description = 'Canopy height'
      st_density = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'stems/ha',
        description = 'Total stem density for stand'
      st_basal_area = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'm2/ha',
        description = 'Total stand basal area'
      st_lai = list(
        values = 'Coontributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'm2/m2',
        description = 'Total maximum stand leaf area (one-sided, projected)'
      st_aspect = list(
        values = c('Flat', 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Aspect the stand is facing (exposure)'
      st_terrain = list(
        values = c('Flat', 'Undulated/Variable', 'Valley', 'Gentle slope (<2 %)',
                   'Medium Slope (>2 %, <5%)', 'Significant Slope (>5%, <10%)',
                   'Strong Slope (>10%)', 'Hilltop'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Slope and/or relief of the stand'
      st_soil_depth = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'cm',
        description = 'Soil total depth'
      st_soil_texture = list(
        values = c('SAND', 'LOAM', 'SILT', 'CLAY'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Soil texture class, based on simplified USDA classification'
      st_sand_perc = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = '% percentage',
        description = 'Soil sand content, % mass'
      st_silt_perc = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = '% percentage',
        description = 'Soil silt content, % mass'
      st_clay_perc = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = '% percentage',
        description = 'Soil clay content, % mass'
      st_remarks = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = paste0(
          'Remarks and commentaries useful to grasp some stand-specific',
          ' peculiarities'
      st_USDA_soil_texture = list(
        values = sort(c(
          'clay', 'silty clay', 'sandy clay', 'clay loam', 'silty clay loam',
          'sandy clay loam', 'loam', 'silty loam', 'sandy loam', 'silt',
          'loamy sand', 'sand'
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'sapfluxnet calculated',
        description = paste0(
          'USDA soil classification based on the percentages provided by',
          ' the contributor'
    species_md = list(
      sp_name = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = paste0(
          'Scientific name without author abbreviation, as accepted by The',
          ' Plant List'
        description = 'Identity of each measured species'
      sp_ntrees = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'number of trees',
        description = 'Number of trees measured of each species'
      sp_leaf_habit = list(
        values = c('evergreen', 'cold deciduous',
                   'drought deciduous', 'marcescent'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Leaf habit of the measured species'
      sp_basal_area_perc = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = '% percentage',
        description = paste0(
          'Basal area occupied by each measured species, in percentage',
          ' over total stand basal area'
    plant_md = list(
      pl_name = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Plant code assigned by contributors'
      pl_species = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = paste0(
          'Scientific name without author abbreviation, as accepted by The',
          ' Plant List'
        description = 'Species identity of the measured plant'
      pl_treatment = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = 'Experimental treatment (if any)'
      pl_dbh = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'cm',
        description = 'Diameter at breast height of measured plants'
      pl_height = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'm',
        description = 'Height of measured plants'
      pl_age = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'years',
        description = 'Plant age at the moment of measure'
      pl_social = list(
        values = c('dominant', 'codominant', 'suppressed'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Plant social status'
      pl_sapw_area = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'cm2',
        description = 'Cross-sectional sapwood area'
      pl_sapw_depth = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'cm',
        description = 'Sapwood depth, measured at breast height'
      pl_bark_thick = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'mm',
        description = 'Plant bark thickness'
      pl_leaf_area = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'm2',
        description = 'Leaf area of eachvvmeasured plant'
      pl_sens_meth = list(
        values = c('CAG', 'HD', 'CHP', 'CHD', 'HFD', 'HPTM',
                   'HR', 'SFPLUS', 'SHB', 'TSHB', 'Other/unknown'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Sap flow measures method'
      pl_sens_man = list(
        values = c('Lab made', 'Dynamax', 'UP GmbH', 'Ecomatik', 'PlantSensors',
                   'ICT International', 'Ems Brno', 'East30', 'Tranzflo', 'Phytech',
                   'Puech Asociados', 'Advanced Measurements and Controls',
                   'HortResearch', 'Greenspan Technology', 'Other/unknown'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Sap flow measures sensor manufacturer'
      pl_sens_cor_grad = list(
        values = c('No correction', 'NTG separately measured',
                  'NTG measured in cyclic heating deisgn','NTG modelled',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Correction for natural temperature gradients method'
      pl_sens_cor_zero = list(
        values = c('Previous night zero flow', 'Long time-window zero flow',
                   'Moist nights zero flow', 'Manipulative zero flow',
                   'Not needed', 'Other/unknown'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Zero flow determination method'
      pl_sens_calib = list(
        values = c(TRUE, FALSE),
        type = 'Logical',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Was species-specific calibration used?'
      pl_sap_units = list(
        values = c('cm3 cm-2 h-1', 'cm3 h-1'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Uniformized sapfluxnet units for sapwood, leaf and plant level'
      pl_sap_units_orig = list(
        values = c('cm3 cm-2 h-1', 'cm3 m-2 s-1', 'dm3 dm-2 h-1',
                   'dm3 dm-2 s-1', 'mm3 mm-2 s-1', 'g m-2 s-1',
                   'kg m-2 h-1', 'kg m-2 s-1', 'cm3 s-1',
                   'cm3 h-1', 'dm3 h-1', 'g h-1', 'kg h-1'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Original contribution units (at sapwood or plant level)'
      pl_sens_length = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'mm',
        description = 'Length of the needles or electrodes forming the sensor'
      pl_sens_hgt = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'm',
        description = 'Sensor installation height, measured from the ground'
      pl_sens_timestep = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'minutes',
        description = 'Subdaily time step of sensor measures'
      pl_radial_int = list(
        values = c('No radial correction', 'Sensor-integrated', 'Measured',
                   'Corrected, measured radial variation',
                   'Corrected, species coefficients',
                   'Corrected, other coefficients'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = ''
      pl_azimut_int = list(
        values = c('No azimuthal correction', 'sensor_integrated', 'measured',
                   'Corrected, measured azimuthal variation'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = ''
      pl_remarks = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = paste0(
          'Remarks and commentaries useful to grasp some plant-specific',
          ' peculiarities'
      pl_code = list(
        values = 'sapfluxnet defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed value',
        description = 'sapfluxnet plant code, unique for each plant'
    env_md = list(
      env_time_zone = list(
        # values = c('1UTC-12:00, Y', '2UTC-11:00, X', '3UTC-10:00, W',
        #            '4UTC-09:30, V†', '5UTC-09:00, V', '6UTC-08:00, U',
        #            '7UTC-07:00, T', '8UTC-06:00, S',
        #            '9UTC-05:00, R', '10UTC-04:30, Q†', '11UTC-04:00, Q',
        #            '12UTC-03:30, P†', '13UTC-03:00, P', '14UTC-02:00, O',
        #            '15UTC-01:00, N','16UTC±00:00, Z', '17UTC+01:00, A',
        #            '18UTC+02:00, B', '19UTC+03:00, C', '20UTC+03:30, C†',
        #            '21UTC+04:00, D', '22UTC+04:30, D†', '23UTC+05:00, E',
        #            '24UTC+05:30, E†', '25UTC+05:45, E*', '26UTC+06:00, F',
        #            '27UTC+06:30, F†', '28UTC+07:00, G', '29UTC+08:00, H',
        #            '30UTC+08:30, H†', '31UTC+08:45, H*', '32UTC+09:00, I',
        #            '33UTC+09:30, I†', '34UTC+10:00, K', '35UTC+10:30, K†',
        #            '36UTC+11:00, L', '37UTC+12:00, M', '38UTC+12:45, M*',
        #            '39UTC+13:00, M†', '40UTC+14:00, M†'),
        values = c('1UTC-12:00, Y', '2UTC-11:00, X', '3UTC-10:00, W',
                   '4UTC-09:30, V\\u2020', '5UTC-09:00, V', '6UTC-08:00, U',
                   '7UTC-07:00, T', '8UTC-06:00, S',
                   '9UTC-05:00, R', '10UTC-04:30, Q\\u2020', '11UTC-04:00, Q',
                   '12UTC-03:30, P\\u2020', '13UTC-03:00, P', '14UTC-02:00, O',
                   '15UTC-01:00, N','16UTC\\u00b100:00, Z', '17UTC+01:00, A',
                   '18UTC+02:00, B', '19UTC+03:00, C', '20UTC+03:30, C\\u2020',
                   '21UTC+04:00, D', '22UTC+04:30, D\\u2020', '23UTC+05:00, E',
                   '24UTC+05:30, E\\u2020', '25UTC+05:45, E*', '26UTC+06:00, F',
                   '27UTC+06:30, F\\u2020', '28UTC+07:00, G', '29UTC+08:00, H',
                   '30UTC+08:30, H\\u2020', '31UTC+08:45, H*', '32UTC+09:00, I',
                   '33UTC+09:30, I\\u2020', '34UTC+10:00, K', '35UTC+10:30, K\\u2020',
                   '36UTC+11:00, L', '37UTC+12:00, M', '38UTC+12:45, M*',
                   '39UTC+13:00, M\\u2020', '40UTC+14:00, M\\u2020'),

        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Time zone of site used in the TIMESTAMPS'
      env_time_daylight = list(
        values = c(TRUE, FALSE),
        type = 'Logical',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Is daylight saving time applied to the original timestamp?'
      env_timestep = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'minutes',
        description = 'Subdaily timestep of environmental measures'
      env_ta = list(
        values = c('Above canopy', 'Within canopy', 'Clearing',
                   'Off-site', 'Not provided'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Location of air temperature sensor'
      env_rh = list(
        values = c('Above canopy', 'Within canopy', 'Clearing',
                   'Off-site', 'Not provided'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Location of relative humidity sensor'
      env_vpd = list(
        values = c('Above canopy', 'Within canopy', 'Clearing',
                   'Off-site', 'Not provided'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Location of relative vapour pressure decifit sensor'
      env_sw_in = list(
        values = c('Above canopy', 'Within canopy', 'Clearing',
                   'Off-site', 'Not provided'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Location of shortwave incoming radiation sensor'
      env_ppfd_in = list(
        values = c('Above canopy', 'Within canopy', 'Clearing',
                   'Off-site', 'Not provided'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Location of incoming photosynthetic photon flux density sensor'
      env_netrad = list(
        values = c('Above canopy', 'Within canopy', 'Clearing',
                   'Off-site', 'Not provided'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Location of net radiation sensor'
      env_ws = list(
        values = c('Above canopy', 'Within canopy', 'Clearing',
                   'Off-site', 'Not provided'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Location of wind speed sensor'
      env_precip = list(
        values = c('Above canopy', 'Within canopy', 'Clearing',
                   'Off-site', 'Not provided'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Location of precipitation sensor'
      env_swc_shallow_depth = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'cm',
        description = 'Average depth for shallow soil water content measures'
      env_swc_deep_depth = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Numeric',
        units = 'cm',
        description = 'Average depth for deep soil water content measures'
      env_plant_watpot = list(
        values = c('leaf: predawn', 'leaf: midday', 'xylem: predawn',
                   'xylem: midday', 'leaf: predawn and midday',
                   'xylem: predawn and midday', 'xylem: continuous',
                   'leaf: continuous'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = paste0(
          'Availability of water potential values for the same measured plants',
          ' during the sap flow measurements period'
      env_leafarea_seasonal = list(
        values = c('stand level', 'species level', 'tree level', 'NULL'),
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'Fixed values',
        description = 'Availability of seasonal course leaf area data and level'
      env_remarks = list(
        values = 'Contributor defined',
        type = 'Character',
        units = 'None',
        description = paste0(
          'Remarks and commentaries useful to grasp some environmental-specific',
          ' peculiarities'



#' List all variables that can be used to filter sites
#' \code{sfn_vars_to_filter()} returns a list with the variables for each
#' kind of metadata that can be used to select and filter sites
#' @examples
#' # all variables
#' sfn_vars_to_filter()
#' # by some metadata
#' sfn_vars_to_filter()$site_md
#' @return A list with five elements, \code{site_md}, \code{stand_md},
#'   \code{species_md}, \code{plant_md} and \code{env_md}
#' @export

sfn_vars_to_filter <- function() {

  # we get a nested list with the metadata and call names on the first level,
  # obtaining the names of the variables in each metadata
  .metadata_architecture() %>%


#' Detailed description of metadata variables
#' \code{describe_md_variable} prints in console a detailed description for the
#' requested variable. Useful to know which values to filter or in which units
#' the variables are.
#' @param variable A character with the name of the variable
#' @return Nothing, prints information to console
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # info about the method used to measure sapflow (pl_sens_meth)
#' describe_md_variable('pl_sens_meth')

describe_md_variable <- function(variable) {

  arch_list <- .metadata_architecture()

  # description
  arch_list %>%
    purrr::map_depth(1, list(variable, 'description')) %>%
    purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
    cat('\n', sep = '', fill = 80)

  # values
  arch_list %>%
    purrr::map_depth(1, c(variable, 'values')) %>%
    purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
    cat('\n', sep = ' | ', fill = 80)

  # units
  arch_list %>%
    purrr::map_depth(1, c(variable, 'units')) %>%
    purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
    cat('\n\n', sep = '')

  # type
  arch_list %>%
    purrr::map_depth(1, c(variable, 'type')) %>%
    purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
    cat('\n', sep = '')

#' helper function to flag the mutated data in sfn_mutate and sfn_mutate_at
#' This function will add the "USER_MODF" flag to the data point flags
#' @param x variable to flag
#' @examples
#' sapfluxnetr:::.flag('')
#' sapfluxnetr:::.flag('OUT_WARNING')
#' @return A vector of the same length than x with the variable flags modified
#' @keywords internal

.flag <- function(x) {
    x == '' ~ 'USER_MODF',
    TRUE ~ paste0(x, '; USER_MODF')

#' helper to return all environmental variable names
#' @return a character vector with env vars names
#' @examples 
#' sapfluxnetr:::.env_vars_names()
#' @keywords internal

.env_vars_names <- function() {
  c('ta', 'rh', 'vpd', 'sw_in', 'ppfd_in', 'netrad', 'ext_rad',
    'swc_shallow', 'swc_deep', 'ws', 'precip')

#' .sapflow_tidy helper
#' This helper is in charge of putting in shape the sapflow metrics, creating
#' the pl_code column.
#' @param data site sapflow metrics dataframe
#' @keywords internal
.sapflow_tidy <- function(data) {

  # hack for cran check not comply about global undefined
  tree <- NULL
  value <- NULL
  . <- NULL

  data %>%
    # converting to tibble
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%

    # wide to long, because we want to extract tree and metric
    # tidyr::gather(tree, value, -dplyr::starts_with('TIMESTAMP')) %>%
      -dplyr::starts_with('TIMESTAMP'), names_to = 'tree', values_to = 'value'
    ) %>% 

    # mutate to get the plant code. Is tricky as we have to separate the metric
    # and interval labels at the end of the tree column and rename tree as
    # pl_code
      sapflow = stringr::str_sub(
        .data$tree, stringr::str_locate(.data$tree, "(Js|Jt)_[0-9]*")[,2] + 2, -1
      tree = stringr::str_sub(
        .data$tree, 1, stringr::str_locate(.data$tree, "(Js|Jt)_[0-9]*")[,2]
    ) %>%
    dplyr::rename(pl_code = "tree") %>%

    # resources consuming step here!
    # now we have the spread (long to wide) the sapflow values by metric,
    # replicating the trees, as each sapflow metric is a variable
    # tidyr::spread(.data$sapflow, .data$value, sep = '_') %>%
      names_from = 'sapflow', values_from = 'value', names_prefix = 'sapflow_'
    ) %>%

    # fix the sapflow_min_time and sapflow_max_time, because with the
    # pivot steps posixct becomes numerical
        ~ as.POSIXct(
          ., tz = attr(.data[[1]], 'tz'),
          origin = lubridate::origin

#' accumulated function
#' sum for summarise_all aware of POSIX objects
#' @param variable the variable as it is passed to the .fixed_metrics function
#' @param na.rm logical to pass to na.rm argument from sum
#' @examples 
#' sapfluxnetr:::.accumulated_posix_aware(c(50,20))
#' sapfluxnetr:::.accumulated_posix_aware(c(Sys.time(), Sys.time() -1))
#' @return the sum for any other variables, but the first for POSIXct variables
#' @keywords internal
.accumulated_posix_aware <- function(variable, na.rm = FALSE) {
  if (is.numeric(variable)) {
    res <- sum(variable, na.rm = na.rm)
  } else {
    res <- dplyr::first(variable)

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sapfluxnetr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:52 p.m.