
Defines functions log_sub_breaks breaks_log

Documented in breaks_log

#' Breaks for log axes
#' This algorithm starts by looking for integer powers of `base`. If that
#' doesn't provide enough breaks, it then looks for additional intermediate
#' breaks which are integer multiples of integer powers of base. If that fails
#' (which it can for very small ranges), we fall back to [extended_breaks()]
#' @details
#' The algorithm starts by looking for a set of integer powers of `base` that
#' cover the range of the data. If that does not generate at least `n - 2`
#' breaks, we look for an integer between 1 and `base` that splits the interval
#' approximately in half. For example, in the case of `base = 10`, this integer
#' is 3 because `log10(3) = 0.477`. This leaves 2 intervals: `c(1, 3)` and
#' `c(3, 10)`. If we still need more breaks, we look for another integer
#' that splits the largest remaining interval (on the log-scale) approximately
#' in half. For `base = 10`, this is 5 because `log10(5) = 0.699`.
#' The generic algorithm starts with a set of integers `steps` containing
#' only 1 and a set of candidate integers containing all integers larger than 1
#' and smaller than `base`. Then for each remaining candidate integer
#' `x`, the smallest interval (on the log-scale) in the vector
#' `sort(c(x, steps, base))` is calculated. The candidate `x` which
#' yields the largest minimal interval is added to `steps` and removed from
#' the candidate set. This is repeated until either a sufficient number of
#' breaks, `>= n-2`, are returned or all candidates have been used.
#' @param n desired number of breaks
#' @param base base of logarithm to use
#' @export
#' @examples
#' demo_log10(c(1, 1e5))
#' demo_log10(c(1, 1e6))
#' # Request more breaks by setting n
#' demo_log10(c(1, 1e6), breaks = breaks_log(6))
#' # Some tricky ranges
#' demo_log10(c(2000, 9000))
#' demo_log10(c(2000, 14000))
#' demo_log10(c(2000, 85000), expand = c(0, 0))
#' # An even smaller range that requires falling back to linear breaks
#' demo_log10(c(1800, 2000))
breaks_log <- function(n = 5, base = 10) {
  force_all(n, base)
  n_default <- n
  function(x, n = n_default) {
    raw_rng <- suppressWarnings(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (any(!is.finite(raw_rng))) {

    rng <- log(raw_rng, base = base)
    min <- floor(rng[1])
    max <- ceiling(rng[2])

    if (max == min) {

    by <- floor((max - min) / n) + 1
    breaks <- base^seq(min, max, by = by)
    relevant_breaks <- base^rng[1] <= breaks & breaks <= base^rng[2]
    if (sum(relevant_breaks) >= (n - 2)) {

    # the easy solution to get more breaks is to decrease 'by'
    while (by > 1) {
      by <- by - 1
      breaks <- base^seq(min, max, by = by)
      relevant_breaks <- base^rng[1] <= breaks & breaks <= base^rng[2]
      if (sum(relevant_breaks) >= (n - 2)) {
    log_sub_breaks(rng, n = n, base = base)

#' @export
#' @usage NULL
#' @rdname breaks_log
log_breaks <- breaks_log

#' @author Thierry Onkelinx, \email{thierry.onkelinx@inbo.be}
#' @noRd
log_sub_breaks <- function(rng, n = 5, base = 10) {
  min <- floor(rng[1])
  max <- ceiling(rng[2])
  if (base <= 2) {
  steps <- 1
  # 'delta()' calculates the smallest distance in the log scale between the
  # currectly selected breaks and a new candidate 'x'
  delta <- function(x) {
    min(diff(log(sort(c(x, steps, base)), base = base)))
  candidate <- seq_len(base)
  candidate <- candidate[1 < candidate & candidate < base]
  while (length(candidate)) {
    best <- which.max(vapply(candidate, delta, 0))
    steps <- c(steps, candidate[best])
    candidate <- candidate[-best]

    breaks <- as.vector(outer(base^seq(min, max), steps))
    relevant_breaks <- base^rng[1] <= breaks & breaks <= base^rng[2]
    if (sum(relevant_breaks) >= (n - 2)) {
  if (sum(relevant_breaks) >= (n - 2)) {
    breaks <- sort(breaks)
    lower_end <- pmax(min(which(base^rng[1] <= breaks)) - 1, 1)
    upper_end <- pmin(max(which(breaks <= base^rng[2])) + 1, length(breaks))
  } else {
    extended_breaks(n = n)(base^rng)

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scales documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:11 a.m.