scatterplot3d <-
function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, color = par("col"), pch = par("pch"),
main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL, scale.y = 1, angle = 40,
axis = TRUE, tick.marks = TRUE, label.tick.marks = TRUE,
x.ticklabs = NULL, y.ticklabs = NULL, z.ticklabs = NULL,
y.margin.add = 0, y.axis.offset = 1, grid = TRUE, box = TRUE, lab = par("lab"),
lab.z = mean(lab[1:2]), type = "p", highlight.3d = FALSE,
mar = c(5, 3, 4, 3) + 0.1, bg = par("bg"), col.axis = par("col.axis"),
col.grid = "grey", col.lab = par("col.lab"), cex.symbols = par("cex"),
cex.axis = 0.8 * par("cex.axis"), cex.lab = par("cex.lab"),
font.axis = par("font.axis"), font.lab = par("font.lab"),
lty.axis = par("lty"), lty.grid = par("lty"), lty.hide=NULL,
lty.hplot = par("lty"), log = "", asp = NA, ...)
# log not yet implemented
## Uwe Ligges <>,
## For MANY ideas and improvements thanks to Martin Maechler!!!
## Parts of the help files are stolen from the standard plotting functions in R.
mem.par <- par(mar = mar)
# on.exit(par(mem.par))
x.scal <- y.scal <- z.scal <- 1
xlabel <- if (!missing(x)) deparse(substitute(x))
ylabel <- if (!missing(y)) deparse(substitute(y))
zlabel <- if (!missing(z)) deparse(substitute(z))
## verification, init, ...
if(highlight.3d && !missing(color))
warning("color is ignored when highlight.3d = TRUE")
## color as part of `x' (data.frame or list):
if(!is.null(d <- dim(x)) && (length(d) == 2) && (d[2] >= 4))
color <- x[,4]
else if(is.list(x) && !is.null(x$color))
color <- x$color
## convert 'anything' -> vector
xyz <- xyz.coords(x=x, y=y, z=z, xlab=xlabel, ylab=ylabel, zlab=zlabel,
if(is.null(xlab)) { xlab <- xyz$xlab; if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "" }
if(is.null(ylab)) { ylab <- xyz$ylab; if(is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "" }
if(is.null(zlab)) { zlab <- xyz$zlab; if(is.null(zlab)) zlab <- "" }
if(length(color) == 1)
color <- rep(color, length(xyz$x))
else if(length(color) != length(xyz$x))
stop("length(color) ", "must be equal length(x) or 1")
if(length(pch) == 1)
pch <- rep(pch, length(xyz$x))
else if(length(pch) != length(xyz$x))
stop("length(pch) ", "must be equal length(x) or 1")
if(length(bg) == 1)
bg <- rep(bg, length(xyz$x))
else if(length(bg) != length(xyz$x))
stop("length(bg) ", "must be equal length(x) or 1")
angle <- (angle %% 360) / 90
yz.f <- scale.y * abs(if(angle < 1) angle else if(angle > 3) angle - 4 else 2 - angle)
yx.f <- scale.y * (if(angle < 2) 1 - angle else angle - 3)
if(angle > 2) { ## switch y and x axis to ensure righthand oriented coord.
temp <- xyz$x; xyz$x <- xyz$y; xyz$y <- temp
temp <- xlab; xlab <- ylab; ylab <- temp
temp <- xlim; xlim <- ylim; ylim <- temp
angle.1 <- (1 < angle && angle <= 2) || angle > 3
angle.2 <- 1 < angle && angle <= 3
dat <- data.frame(xyz[c("x","y","z")], col = color, pch = pch, bg = bg, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## xlim, ylim, zlim -- select the points inside the limits
if(!is.null(xlim)) {
xlim <- range(xlim)
dat <- dat[ xlim[1] <= dat$x & dat$x <= xlim[2] , , drop = FALSE]
if(!is.null(ylim)) {
ylim <- range(ylim)
dat <- dat[ ylim[1] <= dat$y & dat$y <= ylim[2] , , drop = FALSE]
if(!is.null(zlim)) {
zlim <- range(zlim)
dat <- dat[ zlim[1] <= dat$z & dat$z <= zlim[2] , , drop = FALSE]
n <- nrow(dat)
if(n < 1) stop("no data left within (x|y|z)lim")
y.range <- range(dat$y[is.finite(dat$y)])
### 3D-highlighting / colors / sort by y
if(type == "p" || type == "h") {
y.ord <- rev(order(dat$y))
dat <- dat[y.ord, ]
if(length(cex.symbols) > 1)
if(length(cex.symbols) != length(y.ord))
stop("length(cex.symbols) ", "must be equal length(x) or 1")
else cex.symbols <- cex.symbols[y.ord]
daty <- dat$y
daty[!is.finite(daty)] <- mean(daty[is.finite(daty)])
if(highlight.3d && !(all(diff(daty) == 0)))
dat$col <- rgb(red=seq(0, 1, length = n) * (y.range[2] - daty) / diff(y.range), green=0, blue=0)
### optim. axis scaling
p.lab <- par("lab")
## Y
y.range <- y.range.fix <- range(dat$y[is.finite(dat$y)], ylim)
y.prty <- pretty(y.range, n = lab[2],
min.n = max(1, min(.5 * lab[2], p.lab[2])))
y.scal <- round(diff(y.prty[1:2]), digits = 12)
y.add <- min(y.prty)
dat$y <- (dat$y - y.add) / y.scal
y.max <- (max(y.prty) - y.add) / y.scal
if(!is.null(ylim)) y.max <- max(y.max, ceiling((ylim[2] - y.add) / y.scal))
# if(angle > 2) dat$y <- y.max - dat$y ## turn y-values around
## X
x.range <- x.range.fix <- range(dat$x[is.finite(dat$x)], xlim)
x.prty <- pretty(x.range, n = lab[1],
min.n = max(1, min(.5 * lab[1], p.lab[1])))
x.scal <- round(diff(x.prty[1:2]), digits = 12)
dat$x <- dat$x / x.scal
x.range <- range(x.prty) / x.scal
x.max <- ceiling(x.range[2])
x.min <- floor(x.range[1])
if(!is.null(xlim)) {
x.max <- max(x.max, ceiling(xlim[2] / x.scal))
x.min <- min(x.min, floor(xlim[1] / x.scal))
x.range <- range(x.min, x.max)
## Z
z.range <- range(dat$z[is.finite(dat$z)], zlim)
z.prty <- pretty(z.range, n = lab.z,
min.n = max(1, min(.5 * lab.z, p.lab[2])))
z.scal <- round(diff(z.prty[1:2]), digits = 12)
dat$z <- dat$z / z.scal
z.range <- range(z.prty) / z.scal
z.max <- ceiling(z.range[2])
z.min <- floor(z.range[1])
if(!is.null(zlim)) {
z.max <- max(z.max, ceiling(zlim[2] / z.scal))
z.min <- min(z.min, floor(zlim[1] / z.scal))
z.range <- range(z.min, z.max)
### init graphics
### convert asp for plot (based on suggestions from Jari Oksanen)
if(! {
x.i <- x.min:x.max
z.i <- z.min:z.max
range.x <- abs(diff(range(x.i * x.scal)))
range.z <- abs(diff(range(z.i * z.scal)))
asp <- asp * (range.z / (length(z.i) - 1)) / (range.x / (length(x.i) - 1))
if(angle.2) {x1 <- x.min + yx.f * y.max; x2 <- x.max}
else {x1 <- x.min; x2 <- x.max + yx.f * y.max}
plot.window(c(x1, x2), c(z.min, z.max + yz.f * y.max), asp = asp)
temp <- strwidth(paste0("M", format(rev(y.prty))[1]), cex = cex.axis * par("cex"), font = font.axis)
# strwidth "M" for y axis tick mark label offset
### lheight in usr units for numeric aspect is needed to locate
### side 2 and 4 axis annotation with fixes aspect.
lheight <- (strheight("\n") - strheight("M")) * asp
lheight2 <- (strheight("\n") - strheight("M"))
if(angle.2) x1 <- x1 - temp - y.margin.add
else x2 <- x2 + temp + y.margin.add
plot.window(c(x1, x2), c(z.min, z.max + yz.f * y.max), asp = asp)
if(angle > 2) par("usr" = par("usr")[c(2, 1, 3:4)])
usr <- par("usr") # we have to remind it for use in closures
title(main, sub, ...)
### draw axis, tick marks, labels, grid, ...
if(grid) {
## X
i <- x.min:x.max
segments(i, z.min, i + (yx.f * y.max), yz.f * y.max + z.min,
col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
## Y
i <- 0:y.max
segments(x.min + (i * yx.f), i * yz.f + z.min,
x.max + (i * yx.f), i * yz.f + z.min,
col = col.grid, lty = lty.grid)
if(axis) {
xx <- if(angle.2) c(x.min, x.max) else c(x.max, x.min)
if(tick.marks) { ## tick marks
xtl <- (z.max - z.min) * (tcl <- -par("tcl")) / 50
ztl <- (x.max - x.min) * tcl / 50
mysegs <- function(x0,y0, x1,y1)
segments(x0,y0, x1,y1, col=col.axis, lty=lty.axis)
## Y
i.y <- 0:y.max
mysegs(yx.f * i.y - ztl + xx[1], yz.f * i.y + z.min,
yx.f * i.y + ztl + xx[1], yz.f * i.y + z.min)
## X
i.x <- x.min:x.max
mysegs(i.x, -xtl + z.min, i.x, xtl + z.min)
## Z
i.z <- z.min:z.max
mysegs(-ztl + xx[2], i.z, ztl + xx[2], i.z)
if(label.tick.marks) { ## label tick marks
las <- par("las")
mytext <- function(labels, side, at, line = -0.5, ...)
mtext(text = labels, side = side, at = at, line = line,
col=col.lab, cex=cex.axis*par("cex"), font=font.axis, ...)
## X
x.ticklabs <- format(i.x * x.scal)
if(! {
linepad <- (usr[3] - z.min)/lheight2 + 0.5
mytext(x.ticklabs, side = 1, at = i.x, line = linepad)
} else {
mytext(x.ticklabs, side = 1, at = i.x)
## Z
z.ticklabs <- format(i.z * z.scal)
if(! {
if(angle.1) {
if(angle > 2) {
linepad <- (x2 - usr[1])/lheight + 0.5
} else {
linepad <- (x2 - usr[2])/lheight + 0.5
} else {
if(angle > 2) {
linepad <- (usr[2] - x1)/lheight + 0.5
} else {
linepad <- (usr[1] - x1)/lheight + 0.5
} else {
linepad = -0.5
mytext(z.ticklabs, side = if(angle.1) 4 else 2, at = i.z,
adj = if(0 < las && las < 3) 1 else NA, line = linepad)
## Y
temp <- if(angle > 2) rev(i.y) else i.y ## turn y-labels around
y.ticklabs <- format(y.prty)
else if (angle > 2)
y.ticklabs <- rev(y.ticklabs)
text(i.y * yx.f + xx[1],
i.y * yz.f + z.min, y.ticklabs,
pos=if(angle.1) 2 else 4, offset=y.axis.offset,
col=col.lab, cex=cex.axis, font=font.axis)
## axis and labels
## determine position of labels
if(! {
if(angle.1) {
if(angle > 2) {
linepad <- (x2 - usr[1])/lheight + 0.5
} else {
linepad <- (x2 - usr[2])/lheight + 0.5
} else {
if(angle > 2) {
linepad <- (usr[2] - x1)/lheight + 0.5
} else {
linepad <- (usr[1] - x1)/lheight + 0.5
} else {
linepad = -0.5
mytext2 <- function(lab, side, line, at)
mtext(lab, side = side, line = line, at = at, col = col.lab,
cex = cex.lab*par("cex"), font = font.lab, las = 0)
## X
lines(c(x.min, x.max), c(z.min, z.min), col = col.axis, lty = lty.axis)
if(! {
mytext2(xlab, 1, line = (usr[3] - z.min)/lheight2 + 1.5, at = mean(x.range))
} else {
mytext2(xlab, 1, line = 1.5, at = mean(x.range))
## Y
lines(xx[1] + c(0, y.max * yx.f), c(z.min, y.max * yz.f + z.min),
col = col.axis, lty = lty.axis)
mytext2(ylab, if(angle.1) 2 else 4, line = linepad + 1, at = z.min + y.max * yz.f)
## Z
lines(xx[c(2,2)], c(z.min, z.max), col = col.axis, lty = lty.axis)
mytext2(zlab, if(angle.1) 4 else 2, line = linepad + 2, at = mean(z.range))
if(box) {
if(is.null(lty.hide)) lty.hide <- lty.axis
## X
temp <- yx.f * y.max
temp1 <- yz.f * y.max
lines(c(x.min + temp, x.max + temp),
c(z.min + temp1, z.min + temp1), col = col.axis, lty = lty.hide)
lines(c(x.min + temp, x.max + temp), c(temp1 + z.max, temp1 + z.max),
col = col.axis, lty = lty.axis)
## Y
temp <- c(0, y.max * yx.f)
temp1 <- c(0, y.max * yz.f)
lines(temp + xx[2], temp1 + z.min, col = col.axis, lty = lty.hide)
lines(temp + x.min, temp1 + z.max, col = col.axis, lty = lty.axis)
## Z
temp <- yx.f * y.max
temp1 <- yz.f * y.max
lines(c(temp + x.min, temp + x.min), c(z.min + temp1, z.max + temp1),
col = col.axis, lty = if(!angle.2) lty.hide else lty.axis)
lines(c(x.max + temp, x.max + temp), c(z.min + temp1, z.max + temp1),
col = col.axis, lty = if(angle.2) lty.hide else lty.axis)
### plot points
x <- dat$x + (dat$y * yx.f)
z <- dat$z + (dat$y * yz.f)
col <- as.character(dat$col)
if(type == "h") {
z2 <- dat$y * yz.f + z.min
segments(x, z, x, z2, col = col, cex = cex.symbols, lty = lty.hplot, ...)
points(x, z, type = "p", col = col, pch = dat$pch, bg = dat$bg, cex = cex.symbols, ...)
else points(x, z, type = type, col = col, pch = dat$pch, bg = dat$bg, cex = cex.symbols, ...)
### box-lines in front of points (overlay)
if(axis && box) {
lines(c(x.min, x.max), c(z.max, z.max),
col = col.axis, lty = lty.axis)
lines(c(0, y.max * yx.f) + x.max, c(0, y.max * yz.f) + z.max,
col = col.axis, lty = lty.axis)
lines(xx[c(1,1)], c(z.min, z.max), col = col.axis, lty = lty.axis)
# par(mem.par) # we MUST NOT set the margins back
### Return Function Object
ob <- ls() ## remove all unused objects from the result's enviroment:
rm(list = ob[!ob %in% c("angle", "mar", "usr", "x.scal", "y.scal", "z.scal", "yx.f",
"yz.f", "y.add", "z.min", "z.max", "x.min", "x.max", "y.max", "x.range.fix", "y.range.fix",
"xlabel", "ylabel", "zlabel", "x.prty", "y.prty", "z.prty", "mem.par")])
xyz.convert = function(x, y=NULL, z=NULL) {
xyz <- xyz.coords(x, y, z)
if(angle > 2) { ## switch y and x axis to ensure righthand oriented coord.
temp <- xyz$x; xyz$x <- xyz$y; xyz$y <- temp
y <- (xyz$y - y.add) / y.scal
return(list(x = xyz$x / x.scal + yx.f * y,
y = xyz$z / z.scal + yz.f * y))
points3d = function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, type = "p", ...) {
xyz <- xyz.coords(x, y, z)
if(angle > 2) { ## switch y and x axis to ensure righthand oriented coord.
temp <- xyz$x; xyz$x <- xyz$y; xyz$y <- temp
y2 <- (xyz$y - y.add) / y.scal
x <- xyz$x / x.scal + yx.f * y2
y <- xyz$z / z.scal + yz.f * y2
mem.par <- par(mar = mar, usr = usr)
if(type == "h") {
y2 <- z.min + yz.f * y2
segments(x, y, x, y2, ...)
points(x, y, type = "p", ...)
else points(x, y, type = type, ...)
plane3d = function(Intercept, x.coef = NULL, y.coef = NULL,
lty = "dashed", = NULL, draw_lines = TRUE, draw_polygon = FALSE,
polygon_args = list(border = NA, col = rgb(0,0,0,0.2)),
if(!is.atomic(Intercept) && !is.null(coef(Intercept))){
Intercept <- coef(Intercept)
if(!("(Intercept)" %in% names(Intercept)))
Intercept <- c(0, Intercept)
if(is.null( <- lty
if(is.null(x.coef) && length(Intercept) == 3){
x.coef <- Intercept[if(angle > 2) 3 else 2]
y.coef <- Intercept[if(angle > 2) 2 else 3]
Intercept <- Intercept[1]
mem.par <- par(mar = mar, usr = usr)
x <- x.min:x.max
y <- 0:y.max
ltya <- c(, rep(lty, length(x)-2),
x.coef <- x.coef * x.scal
z1 <- (Intercept + x * x.coef + y.add * y.coef) / z.scal
z2 <- (Intercept + x * x.coef +
(y.max * y.scal + y.add) * y.coef) / z.scal
if(draw_polygon)"polygon", c(list(
c(x.min, x.min + y.max * yx.f, x.max + y.max * yx.f, x.max),
c(z1[1], z2[1] + yz.f * y.max, z2[length(z2)] + yz.f * y.max, z1[length(z1)])),
segments(x, z1, x + y.max * yx.f, z2 + yz.f * y.max, lty = ltya, ...)
ltya <- c(, rep(lty, length(y)-2),
y.coef <- (y * y.scal + y.add) * y.coef
z1 <- (Intercept + x.min * x.coef + y.coef) / z.scal
z2 <- (Intercept + x.max * x.coef + y.coef) / z.scal
segments(x.min + y * yx.f, z1 + y * yz.f,
x.max + y * yx.f, z2 + y * yz.f, lty = ltya, ...)
box3d = function(...){
mem.par <- par(mar = mar, usr = usr)
lines(c(x.min, x.max), c(z.max, z.max), ...)
lines(c(0, y.max * yx.f) + x.max, c(0, y.max * yz.f) + z.max, ...)
lines(c(0, y.max * yx.f) + x.min, c(0, y.max * yz.f) + z.max, ...)
lines(c(x.max, x.max), c(z.min, z.max), ...)
lines(c(x.min, x.min), c(z.min, z.max), ...)
lines(c(x.min, x.max), c(z.min, z.min), ...)
contour3d = function(f, x.count = 10, y.count = 10, type = "l", lty = "24",
x.resolution = 50, y.resolution = 50, ...) {
if(inherits(f, "lm")){
#orig.vars <- c(xlabel, ylabel, zlabel)
#orig.vars <- gsub(".*\\$", "", orig.vars)
vars <- all.vars(formula(f))
} else vars <- c("z", "x", "y")
#vars.ordering <- names(sort(sapply(vars, function(v) grep(v, orig.vars)))[1:2])
# x vor y in Formel!
for(x1 in seq(x.range.fix[1], x.range.fix[2], length = x.count)){
d <- data.frame(x1, seq(y.range.fix[1], y.range.fix[2], length = y.resolution))
names(d) <- vars[-1]
if(inherits(f, "lm")){
d[vars[1]] <- predict(f, newdata=d)
} else d[vars[1]] <- f(d[[1]], d[[2]])
xyz <- xyz.coords(d)
if(angle > 2) { ## switch y and x axis to ensure righthand oriented coord.
temp <- xyz$x; xyz$x <- xyz$y; xyz$y <- temp
y2 <- (xyz$y - y.add) / y.scal
x <- xyz$x / x.scal + yx.f * y2
y <- xyz$z / z.scal + yz.f * y2
mem.par <- par(mar = mar, usr = usr)
if(type == "h") {
y2 <- z.min + yz.f * y2
segments(x, y, x, y2, ...)
points(x, y, type = "p", ...)
else points(x, y, type = type, lty = lty, ...)
for(x2 in seq(y.range.fix[1], y.range.fix[2], length = y.count)){
d <- data.frame(seq(x.range.fix[1], x.range.fix[2], length = x.resolution), x2)
names(d) <- vars[-1]
if(inherits(f, "lm")){
d[vars[1]] <- predict(f, newdata=d)
} else d[vars[1]] <- f(d[[1]], d[[2]])
xyz <- xyz.coords(d)
if(angle > 2) { ## switch y and x axis to ensure righthand oriented coord.
temp <- xyz$x; xyz$x <- xyz$y; xyz$y <- temp
y2 <- (xyz$y - y.add) / y.scal
x <- xyz$x / x.scal + yx.f * y2
y <- xyz$z / z.scal + yz.f * y2
mem.par <- par(mar = mar, usr = usr)
if(type == "h") {
y2 <- z.min + yz.f * y2
segments(x, y, x, y2, ...)
points(x, y, type = "p", ...)
else points(x, y, type = type, lty = lty, ...)
par.mar = mem.par
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