#' @title Export GitHub issues as PDF Files
#' @description Exports specified GitHub issues as PDF files when given the URL of a GitHub repository and a numeric vector of GitHub issue numbers. This function will export the first 10 issues as a default.
#' @param repo_url (character) URL of the GitHub repository as a character string.
#' @param issue_nums (numeric) Numeric vector of the issue numbers to be exported. Default is issue #1 through #10.
#' @param export_folder (character) Name of the folder that will be created to contain the output PDF files. Default is "exported_issues".
#' @param cookies (character) Optional file path to the cookies to load into the Chrome session. This is only required when accessing GitHub repositories that require a login. See this link for more details:
#' @param quiet (logical) Whether to silence informative messages while issues are being exported. Default is FALSE.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Export GitHub issue #7000 and #7080 through #7089 for the public `dplyr` repository
#' issue_extract(repo_url = "",
#' issue_nums = c(7000, 7080:7089),
#' export_folder = "dplyr_issues")
#' }
issue_extract <- function(repo_url = NULL,
issue_nums = 1:10,
export_folder = NULL,
cookies = NULL,
quiet = FALSE) {
# Error out if no URL was provided
if (base::is.null(repo_url)) {
stop("URL not provided")
# Error out if the URL is not a GitHub URL
if (!stringr::str_detect(repo_url, "[Gg][Ii][Tt][Hh][Uu][Bb]")) {
stop("URL is not a valid GitHub repo URL")
# Error out if the vector of GitHub issue numbers is not a numeric vector
if (!base::is.vector(issue_nums) | !base::is.numeric(issue_nums)) {
stop("Vector of issue numbers is not a numeric vector")
# Error out if the vector of GitHub issue numbers contains decimal numbers
if (base::any(stringr::str_detect(issue_nums, "\\."))) {
stop("Vector of issue numbers cannot contain decimal numbers")
# If no export folder name is specified, default to "exported_issues"
if (base::is.null(export_folder) | length(export_folder) == 0) {
message("No export folder name specified. Will default to 'exported_issues'.")
export_folder <- "exported_issues"
# Warn user if the `quiet` argument is not logical and coerce to FALSE
if (!is.logical(quiet)){
warning("`quiet` is not a logical, coercing to FALSE")
quiet <- FALSE
# Create sub-folder for exported issues
dir.create(path = file.path(export_folder), showWarnings = F)
# Start new Chrome session
b <- chromote::ChromoteSession$new()
# Open interactive window
# If a file is provided for cookies...
if (!base::is.null(cookies)) {
# Error out if cookies are not saved as a .rds file
if (!stringr::str_detect(cookies, "\\.[Rr][Dd][Ss]")) {
# Close the browser tab/window
stop("Cookies need to be saved in the .rds extenstion")
# Otherwise read in cookies if the file has the correct extension
} else {
given_cookies <- base::readRDS(cookies)
# Error out if the file does not contain the actual components making up cookies
if (!base::isTRUE(stringr::str_detect(names(given_cookies), "cookies"))) {
# Close the browser tab/window
stop("Cookies need to contain a list element called 'cookies'")
} else {
# Otherwise set the cookies if the file has the correct components
b$Network$setCookies(cookies = given_cookies$cookies)
for (i in issue_nums) {
# If there's an extra slash at the end of the url, remove it just in case
repo_url <- stringr::str_replace(repo_url, "\\/$", "")
# Specify the url of interest
issue_url <- paste0(repo_url, "/issues/", i)
# NOTE: see the below link on how to load pages reliably
# Get the promise for the loadEventFired
p <- b$Page$loadEventFired(wait_ = FALSE)
# Navigate to the app that requires a login
b$Page$navigate(issue_url, wait_ = FALSE)
# Block until p resolves
# Get the navigation history so we can access the metadata
hist <- b$Page$getNavigationHistory()
# If the issue does not exist, skip this iteration
if (stringr::str_detect(hist$entries[[hist$currentIndex + 1]]$title, "Page not found")) {
# Else if the issue exists, export its pdf
} else {
# Create the pdf name from the webpage title
# Remove punctuation
title_1 <- stringr::str_replace_all(hist$entries[[hist$currentIndex + 1]]$title, "[:punct:]", "")
# Remove symbols
title_2 <- stringr::str_replace_all(title_1, "[:symbol:]", "")
# Extract only the necessary substring from the full title
title_3 <- stringr::str_extract(title_2, ".*(?=[:blank:]{2,3}(Issue|Pull))")
# Replace spaces with underscores
title_4 <- stringr::str_replace_all(title_3, "[:space:]{1,2}", "_")
# Issue number padding
if(nchar(i) < nchar(max(issue_nums))){
need_chars <- nchar(max(issue_nums)) - nchar(i)
num <- paste0(paste0(rep(x = "0", times = need_chars), collapse = ""), i)
} else { num <- as.character(i) }
# Grab the name of the repo
repo_name <- stringr::str_extract(repo_url, "([^\\/]+$)")
# Attach the issue number to the pdf name
pdf_name <-
paste0(repo_name, "_issue_", num, "_", title_4, ".pdf")
if (quiet == TRUE) {
# Export the GitHub issue webpage as a pdf
filename = file.path(export_folder, pdf_name),
display_header_footer = TRUE,
print_background = TRUE
} else {
message(paste("Exporting issue", i))
# Export the GitHub issue webpage as a pdf
filename = file.path(export_folder, pdf_name),
display_header_footer = TRUE,
print_background = TRUE
# Close the browser tab/window
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.