
## scoring helper functions

## add phantom alternatives, change ordinal questions
## into binary, cumulative probs
phOifp <- function(dat, ngrp, fcols, qtype){
  fdat <- vector("list", ngrp)
  ddat <- vector("list", ngrp)
  wtdat <- vector("list", ngrp)

  qinfo <- !is.null(qtype)

  if(qinfo) ifpdat <- vector("list", ngrp)
  for(i in 1:ngrp){
    fdat[[i]] <- dat[[i]][,fcols]

      ifpid <- dat[[i]]$qid
      ifpmatch <- match(ifpid, qtype$qid)
      ifpdat[[i]] <- cbind.data.frame(ifpid,
                                      squo = qtype$squo[ifpmatch],
                                      ord = qtype$ord[ifpmatch])

    ddat[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow(fdat[[i]]), ncol(fdat[[i]]))
                    as.numeric(dat[[i]][["outcome"]]))] <- 1

    wtdat[[i]] <- dat[[i]][["wt"]]

    if(any(qtype$ord == 1)){
      orddat <- expandOrd(fdat[[i]], ddat[[i]], ifpdat[[i]],

      fdat[[i]] <- orddat$fdat
      ddat[[i]] <- orddat$ddat
      ifpdat[[i]] <- orddat$ifpdat
      wtdat[[i]] <- orddat$wtdat
    fdat[[i]][is.na(fdat[[i]])] <- 0
    ddat[[i]][is.na(ddat[[i]])] <- 0

  list(fdat = fdat, ddat = ddat, ifpdat = ifpdat, wtdat = wtdat)

## expand out ordinal ifps into cumulatives
expandOrd <- function(fdat, ddat, ifpdat, wtdat){
  oifps <- which(ifpdat$ord == 1)

  cumfs <- t(apply(fdat[oifps,], 1, cumsum))
  cumds <- t(apply(ddat[oifps,], 1, cumsum))
  nalts <- apply(!is.na(fdat[oifps,]), 1, sum)

  M <- ncol(fdat)
  newifpid <- rep(ifpdat$ifpid[oifps], (nalts-1))
  neword <- rep(ifpdat$ord[oifps], (nalts-1))
  newsquo <- rep(ifpdat$squo[oifps], (nalts-1))
  newwts <- rep(wtdat[oifps] / (nalts-1), (nalts-1))
  for(i in 1:length(oifps)){
    cumfs[i, nalts[i]:M] <- NA
    cumds[i, nalts[i]:M] <- NA

  cumfvec <- as.numeric(t(cumfs))
  cumfvec <- as.numeric(na.omit(cumfvec))
  cumdvec <- as.numeric(t(cumds))
  cumdvec <- as.numeric(na.omit(cumdvec))

  ## first two cols are cumulative probs, the remaining are phantoms
  newf <- cbind(cumfvec, 1-cumfvec, matrix(NA, length(cumfvec), M-2))
  colnames(newf) <- names(fdat)
  newd <- cbind(cumdvec, 1-cumdvec, matrix(NA, length(cumdvec), M-2))
  colnames(newd) <- names(ddat)
  fdat <- rbind(fdat[-oifps,], newf)
  ddat <- rbind(ddat[-oifps,], newd)

  ifpdat <- rbind(ifpdat[-oifps,], cbind.data.frame(ifpid=newifpid,

  wtdat <- c(wtdat[-oifps], newwts)
  list(fdat = fdat, ddat = ddat, ifpdat = ifpdat, wtdat = wtdat)

setBins <- function(fdat, bin, roundto = .1, binstyle = 1){
  ## roundto: round to nearest what value?
  ## binstyle 1: smallest forecast is 1-(sum of rest)
  ##          2: round closest values first
  grp <- rep(1:length(fdat), sapply(fdat, nrow))
  fullf <- origf <- do.call("rbind", fdat)
    fullf <- round(fullf/roundto) * roundto
    fdiffs <- abs(fullf - origf)

    if(binstyle == 1){
      binfs <- t(apply(fullf, 1, function(x){
        if(sum(x, na.rm=TRUE) != 1){
          mv <- which(x == min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
          if(length(mv) > 1) mv <- sample(mv, 1)
          x[mv] <- 1 - sum(x[-mv], na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if(binstyle == 2){
      badsums <- which(apply(fullf, 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) != 1)
      maxdiff <- apply(fdiffs, 1, function(x){
        ## which.max only returns first entry, we need all
        tmax <- which(x == max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
        if(length(tmax) > 1) tmax <- sample(tmax, 1)
      for(i in badsums){
        fullf[i,maxdiff[i]] <- 1 - sum(fullf[i,-maxdiff[i]], na.rm=TRUE)
      binfs <- fullf
  } else {
    binfs <- fullf
  ## separate out fs by system
  binfs <- split.data.frame(binfs, grp)


## shuffle forecast alternatives separately for
##  status quo ifps (all shuffled identically)
##  ordinal ifps (all shuffled identically)
##  unordered ifps (each shuffled differently)
## Note if !shuff, then we just organize data for
## calcDecomp()
shuffle <- function(fdat, ddat, ifpdat, shuff = TRUE){
  nalt <- ncol(fdat[[1]])
  nsystem <- length(fdat)

    sqshuf <- sample(1:nalt, nalt)
    oshuf <- sample(1:(nalt-1), 1) # keep the cumulative probs together
    remalts <- (1:nalt)[-c(oshuf, (oshuf+1))]
    oshuf <- c(oshuf, (oshuf+1), remalts)
  } else {
    sqshuf <- 1:nalt
    oshuf <- 1:nalt

  for(i in 1:nsystem){
    if(any(ifpdat[[i]][['squo']] == 1 & ifpdat[[i]][['ord']] ==1)) stop("IFPs cannot be coded as both 'status quo' and 'ordinal'.")

    unifp <- unique(ifpdat[[i]][['ifpid']][ifpdat[[i]][['squo']] != 1 & ifpdat[[i]][['ord']] != 1])
    ## a single shuffle for squo questions, and for ordinal questions
    ## (ensuring ordinal cumulative probs stay together)
    fdat[[i]][ifpdat$squo == 1,] <- fdat[[i]][ifpdat$squo == 1, sqshuf]
    fdat[[i]][ifpdat$ord == 1, oshuf] <- fdat[[i]][ifpdat$ord == 1,]
    ddat[[i]][ifpdat$squo == 1,] <- ddat[[i]][ifpdat$squo == 1, sqshuf]
    ddat[[i]][ifpdat$ord == 1, oshuf] <- ddat[[i]][ifpdat$ord == 1, ]

  tmpshuf <- 1:nalt
  if(length(unifp) > 0){
    for(j in 1:length(unifp)){
      if(shuff) tmpshuf <- sample(1:nalt, nalt)
      for(i in 1:nsystem){
        tmprows <- ifpdat[[i]][['ifpid']] == unifp[j]
        fdat[[i]][tmprows,1:nalt] <- fdat[[i]][tmprows,tmpshuf]
        ddat[[i]][tmprows,1:nalt] <- ddat[[i]][tmprows,tmpshuf]

  ## define new bins based on shuffled rows (without
  ## rounding/transforming any forecasts)
  fullf <- do.call("rbind", fdat)
  newbins <- paste0(fullf[,1], fullf[,2])
  if(ncol(fullf) > 2){
    for(i in 3:ncol(fullf)){
      newbins <- paste0(newbins, fullf[,i])
  newbins <- as.numeric(factor(newbins))
  nbin <- max(newbins)
  newbins <- split(newbins, rep(1:nsystem, each=nrow(fullf)/nsystem))
  list(fdat=fdat, ddat=ddat, newbins=newbins, nbin=nbin)

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scoring documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:29 p.m.