
Defines functions createNewID

Documented in createNewID

#' Creates new randomized IDs
#' This is useful if the record IDs consist, for example, of a geo identifier and the household line number.
#' This method can be used to create new, random IDs that cannot be reconstructed.
#' @param obj an \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}}-object
#' @param newID a character specifiying the desired variable name of the new ID
#' @param withinVar if not \code{NULL} a character vector specifying a variable (e.g an existing household ID) which
#' will be used when calculating the new IDs. If specified, the same IDs will be assigned to the same values of the given variable.
#' @return an \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}}-object with updated slot \code{origData}
#' @export
#' @rdname createNewID
createNewID <- function(obj, newID, withinVar) {
  createNewIDX(obj=obj, newID=newID, withinVar=withinVar)

setGeneric("createNewIDX", function(obj, newID, withinVar) {

setMethod(f="createNewIDX", signature=c("sdcMicroObj", "character", "characterOrNULL"),
definition=function(obj, newID, withinVar=NULL) {
  obj <- nextSdcObj(obj)
  tmpOrder <- xx <- NULL
  origData <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, "origData")
  cn <- colnames(origData)
  if (newID %in% cn) {
    stop("please specify a valid name for your new, randomized ID variable!\n")

  if (!is.null(withinVar) && !withinVar %in% cn) {
    stop("Variable specified in parameter 'withinVar' is not available in the original micro data!")

  if (!is.null(withinVar)) {
    # same value for newID for each value of withinVar
    vv <- data.table(origData[[withinVar]])
    setnames(vv, c(withinVar, "tmpOrder"))

    uu <- unique(vv, by=withinVar)
    setnames(uu, c(withinVar, newID))

    setkeyv(vv, withinVar)
    setkeyv(uu, withinVar)

    vv <- merge(vv, uu, all.x=TRUE)
    setkey(vv, tmpOrder)
    origData[[newID]] <- vv[[newID]]
  } else {
    # random ID
    origData[[newID]] <- sample(1:nrow(origData))
  obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="origData", input=list(origData))

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sdcMicro documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:24 a.m.