
## package 'secrdesign'
## utility.R
## 2022-10-23, 2022-12-04

.local <- new.env()
##.local$packageType <- "pre-release"
.local$packageType <- ""
.local$originCounter <- 1


# difference is significant only for large g0 
dfcast <- function (detectfn = 'HN', detectpar=list(g0 = 0.2, sigma = 25, 
    z = NULL, w = NULL), matchsigma = 1, warning = TRUE) {
    if (!(detectfn %in% 14:19) ) {
        lambda0 <- -log(1- detectpar$g0)
        cast <- function (sigma2) {
            if (detectfn == 0)
                (detectpar$g0 * exp(-0.5 * matchsigma^2)) - 
                (1 - exp(- (lambda0 * exp(-0.5 * (matchsigma*detectpar$sigma)^2 / sigma2^2)))) 
            else if (detectfn == 1)
                (detectpar$g0 * (1 - exp(-matchsigma^-detectpar$z))) - 
                (1 - exp(- (lambda0 * (1 - exp(- (matchsigma*detectpar$sigma/sigma2)^-detectpar$z))))) 
            else if (detectfn == 2)
                (detectpar$g0 * exp(-matchsigma)) - 
                (1 - exp(- (lambda0 * exp(- (matchsigma*detectpar$sigma) / sigma2)))) 
            else stop ("invalid detectfn for dfcast")
        detectpar <- list(lambda0 = lambda0, 
            sigma = uniroot(cast, interval=c(0, detectpar$sigma))$root, 
            z = detectpar$z,
            w = detectpar$w)
        detectfn <- detectfn + 14   ## HN -> HHN, HR -> HHR, EX -> HEX
        if (warning) {
            warning (call. = FALSE, "approximating detection function ",  
                paste0(" lambda0 = ", round(detectpar$lambda0,4), 
                    ", sigma = ", round(detectpar$sigma,1)))
    return(list(detectfn = detectfn, detectpar = detectpar)) 

defaultmodel <- function (CL, detectfn) {
    if (detectfn %in% c(0:8))
        model <- list(g0 = ~ 1, sigma = ~ 1)
    else if (detectfn %in% c(9))
        model <- list(b0 = ~ 1, b1 = ~ 1)
    else if (detectfn %in% c(10:11))
        model <- list(beta0 = ~ 1, beta1 = ~ 1)
    else ## detectfn %in% c(14:19))
        model <- list(lambda0 = ~ 1, sigma = ~ 1)
    if (!is.null(CL) && !CL) model <- c(list(D = ~1), model)

replacedefaults <- function (default, user) replace(default, names(user), user)


resetOriginCounter <- function () {
    .local$originCounter <- 1

incrementOriginCounter <- function (n) {
    # counter cycles through values 1:n
    .local$originCounter <- (.local$originCounter %% n) + 1

findarg <- function (object, name, item, default) {
    arg <- if (name %in% names(object))
        # look down one level in list
    if (is.null(arg)) default else arg

'outputtype<-' <- function (object, value) {
    clss <- getoutputclass(value)
    if (clss[1] == "list") warning("type does not correspond to known outputtype")
    class(object) <- clss
    object$outputtype <- value

expand.arg <- function (..., sublist = list()) {
    pushdown  <- function (lis) {
        for (i in names(sublist)) {
            lis[[i]] <- lis[sublist[[i]]]
            lis[sublist[[i]]] <- NULL
    inplist <- list(...)
    inplist$KEEP.OUT.ATTRS <- FALSE
    inplist$stringsAsFactors <- FALSE
    comb <- do.call(expand.grid, inplist)
    out <- lapply(split(comb,1:nrow(comb)), as.list)
    if (length(sublist) > 0) {
        out <- lapply(out, pushdown)
    attr(out, 'comb') <- comb

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secrdesign documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:01 a.m.